fie Largest Assortment of fine woolens in the city is here for your inspection. We think you'll agree that never have you seen classier fabrics. Tailored in our in- imitable style in a suit to your measure, they will make you as smartly dressed as any man in town. G.H. Leading Merchant Tailors Wild Company STATE STREET .. Lee's Slotted Throat TENNIS RACKETS The Slater Book Shop Phone 430 336 S. State St. STOP AT EUTIrLE'S 338S . STATE for sodas and lunches GEORGE BISCHOFF FLORIST hoice Cut Flowers and Plants ) Chapin St. Ann Arbor, Mich. PHONE 809 M Special Sale of Cosmetics and Switches Special Ten Day Weave BEAUTY SHOP Miss Mabel Rowe Shampooing, Manicuring, Massaging and Chiropody Phone 2402 503 First National Bank Bldg FIRST NATL BANK OF ANN ARBOR, MICH, Capital $xoo,ooo Surplus and Profit $65,ooo DIRECTORS Wirt Cornwell Geo. W. Patterson S. W. Clarkson Fred Schmid E. WaldoM.Abbott Harry M. Hawley Harrison Soule D. B. Sutton D. Kinnie /, After Your Class OR ANY TIME, DROP INTO THE Fountain of Youth And enjoy one of our Horlick's Originals or try one of our Delicious Sundaes We Offer You SECURITY - - SERVICE - -LOCATION Resources $3,800,000 Ann Arbor Savings Bank Incorporated 1869 Main Office-- Northwest Corner Main and Huron Branch Offiee-- 707 North University Ave. he Farmers & Mechanics Bank offers the Best in Modern Banking SEOURITY - - EFFICIENCY >nvenient and Pleasant Quarters. You Will e Pleased With Our Service. Two Offices 11-105 S. Main St. - 330 8. State St. oet a typewriter from 0. D. MORRILL $E2 South State Street * will furnish you an instruction ook free of oharge. You will be i pist before you know it. There is opportunity in The Michi- an Daily Ada. Read tnem. DETROIT UNITED LINES Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson Cars run on Eastern time, one hour faster than local time. Detroit Liintea and ;xpress Cars-7:35 a. m., 8:xo a. m. and hourly to 7:1o p. m., 9:10 p. Mn. Kalamazoo Limited Cars-8:48 a. a, and every two hours to 6:48 p. m.; to Lansing, 8:48 P. rn. Jackson Express Cars-(Local stops west of Ann Arbor)-9:48 a. m. and every two hours to 7-:48 p. in, Local Cars Eastbound- :35 a. m, 6:40 a tn., 7:o$ a. m. and. every two hours to 7:05 p. i.n, 8:o p. In., 9:o p. In., 10:50 p. M. to Ypsilanti only, 9:20 a. iM., 9:50 a. M., 2:05 p rn., 6:05 P. M., 11-45 p. m., 1:10 a. nt., 1:2c a. mn. To Saliine cniange at Ypsilanti. Local Cars Wstbound-6.o a. in., :50 a. M.1,.20 p.i.. 12-2. a. In. Twenty-two remarkable photo- graphs of the Greek Play. Come in and see them. 7Mi E. UNIVERSITY MlOP off a few minutes and eat some of GEORGE'S SVEY WAI KING LOO 314 S. State St. Phone 1244-M For results advertise in The MichI- gan Daily. ily Midiga aily Official newspaper at the University of Mi.-gan. Published every morning except Mnday during the university year. Entered at the post-office at Ann Arbor as secondclass 'matter. offices: Ann Arbor Press Building. Sub- scriptions: by carrier $250; by mail, $3.o0 Want ad. stations: .uarry's; Students' Sup Vr Store; The Delta, cor. State and Packard. Phones: Business, 960; Editorial, 2414. Communications not to exceed 30 words in length, or notices of events will be pub- lished in The Daily, at the discretion of the Editor, if left at the office in the Ann Arbor Press Bldg., or in the notice box in the west corridor of the general library, where the notices are collected at 7:30 o'clock each evening.- John C. B. Parker.........Managing Editor Clarence T. Fishleigh......Business Manage Conrad N. Church..............News Editor Lee E. Joslyn..................City Editor Harold A. Fitzgerald.........Sports Editor Harold C. L. Jackson....Tei raph Editor Marian Wilson... ..........Women's Editor Leonard W. Nieter....Ass't Telegraph Editor DeForrest S. Rood..........Exchange Editor 1. E. Campbell...Assistant Business Manager C. Philip Emery..Assistant Business Manager Albert E. Horne..Assistant Business Manager Roscoe R. Rau...Assistant Business Manager Night Editors C. M. Jickling H1. M. Carey B. A. Swaney J. L. Stadeker L. S. Thompson E. L. Zeigler Reporters C. S. Clark James Shermerhorn, Jr. R. H. Fricken G. 0. Broph D. H. Cruttenden Mildred C. Mighell Annetta L. Wood F. A. Taber T. F. McAllister Allan Shoenfield C. C. Andrews R. T. McDonaIl K. L. Wehmeyr Eugene Given P. W. Gordon ,Ielmuth Maag E. L. Rice C. in,. Goldsten Business Staff Paul E. Cholette Harry R. Louis Harold Makinson Earl . Ganshow Harold R. Smith Seymour B. Wilson Walter R. Payne Bernard Wohl THURSDAY, MAY , 137. Night Editor--D. A. Swaney STILL WORK TO BE DONE The Univeristy of Michigan hasI not suspended.I In all this furor and excitement incident to the war, there are many, students abroad on the campus who1 seem to be laboring under the de- lusion that the serious part of the1 year's scholastic activities is over,l even though the doors have not been officially closed. Those who continue' to entertain this notion are going to be surprised and disappointed next June unless they change their tactics soon. Class room work is just as neces- sary now as it has ever been. To- date there are no professors who have gone on record with the statement that everyone in their courses will receive a passing grade in June, irrespective of the quality of their work. Hence, it behooves those who seem to be enjoy- ing a mid-semester vacation to awak- en from their dreams of a possible lieutenancy or free trip to Europe with expenses, and again become fam- iliar with the old text books and the interior decorations of the Library. TRYADS PLAN TOUR TO DETROIT TO VISIT MACK PRINTING PLANT For the purpose of obtaining a prac- tical idea of the workings of a print- ing and engraving plant, members of the Tryads and the advertising classes' conducted by Dr. W. D. Moriarty will go to Detroit Saturday to visit the plant of the Mack Printing companyl The trip was planned originally solely for the benefit of the two organ-I izations, but it has been decided to allow others to accompany if they1 communicate with Dr. Moriarty or G.1 L, Kesler, '17L, sometime before Sat- urday morning. The party will leave over the Michigan Central railroad at 7 o'clock. The tour of the plant will be com- pleted in the morning and a partyt has been formed to attend the Cleve- land-Detroit baseball game in the aft- ernooi. BANiERS DISCUSS PLANS HOWP TO INCREASE FOOl) SUPPLY Teu ton Submarine Proved a Whale Letter Tells Thrills of Ocean Travel and Precautions Used- Madison, Wis., May 2.-H. L. Gard- ner received a letter from his broth- er, Lloyd Gardner, who is in Paris, having left about a month ago to join the French ambulance corps. The letter tells in detail of the pre- cautions observed while crossing the ocean. Life boas drills were held reg- ularly and anyone leaving the port hole of his stateroom open dr striking a light on the deck after night fall was imprisoned. Great excitement occurred on the fifth day of the voyage, when one of the passengers thought he had sighted a periscope. The sailors trained their guns on the object, but on closer ob- servation the "periscope" proved to be the back of a whale. While waiting for orders, Gardner is working on ambulances which have been wrecked at the front. NARRATES AIR FIGHT Former Wisconsin Student Describes Thrilling Incidents Madison, Wis., May 2.--Horrible de- tails of the carnage on the French front, and thrilling incidents of the air battles raging above the front are contained in a letter from Ray Wil- liams, a former Wisconsin student now in the French ambulance service, to a former student friend. Williams tells of an air battle in which a French observation balloon was fired by a German plane. The observer cut loose his parachute. It retarded his fall so much that the burning bag enveloped him and roasted him to death. Another time Williams was march= ing along a road a few rods behind a group of 10 common soldiers. A German shell burst near the soldiers and all that was left to mark the spot was a heap of mangled flesh. "I am glad the good old U. S. A. has finally rebelled against the kaiser," he said, but hopes the time will never come when we send men there. "We read of the glories of war in histories, but they are histories of the past when man was against man, and not when men are cannon fodder and war is a battle of mechanical infernal ma- chines." Cost of Fuel May Revive Peat Industry Lansing, Mich., May 2.-High price of fuel is leading to consideration of a revival of the peat industry in Michi- gan, in which many Lansing people in- vested money several years ago and got no- return. Plants for drying and pressing peat for fuel were opened at Capac, Bancroft and Eaton Rapids, but somehow old world methods of drying the product of the peat bogs, of which there are hundreds of acres in the state, did not prove profitable and plants have been abandoned for years. Peat gives a clean, even heat, and if new methods of pressing and drying are more, economical may be- come a big source of Michigan's fuel supply. Merchants Aid Ambulance Corps Men Berkeley, Cal., May 2.-Merchants and organizations in Berkeley have been generous in their gifts of equip- ment to the 42 men who left for work in the French ambulance corps. A shoe company in the East fur- nished two pairs of shoes for each man and a number of the merchants sold supplies at cost. The seniors of one of the departments gave up their annual banquet and dance, donating s? i li l l il f ll l ll f ll lfili9i 9 [ E i 1 1 l4 l & .1 l6 li 1 l G i i 3 i9 i i 96 { i 9!i 'tl &1.4 l i ell ill nOrook is ov apl eteand Prices Right WAW lll1i11 tilli illi t l llli illt illllil l i lis a 3 aB °+ s! ¢1 46iti S9 v Ills it- ROUBLES and mosquitos are a lot alike. Neither one stays 'round a place. whar pipe smoke. VELVET is a good pipe smoke r , , r L A N DE R O R PHONE 294 213 E. Liberty St. Member of Florists' "elegraph Delivery Service Flowers by Wire to Al' the World. ''. t , z W, 1 C: The Lad's "Batting" Record was bad, says the note from Prexy to Papa whichreferred of course to the "bats" that de- stroy the body and break down the thinking machinery. The onlycureisback to the simple life and .!i ..rU , .. . , -+ . I iiiiiu .. NAVY DEPARTMENT PLANS ADDITION TO STATION To Acquire 417 Acres of Land Around Present Reserva- tion Chicago, May 2.-Another big in- crease in the Great Lakes naval train- ing station is forecast in orders re- ceived yesterday permitting estimates on the acquisition of 417 acres of land lying north, west, and south of the present reservation. The land may be acquired either by purchase or rental. A preliminary survey indicates that the large owners, among whom are Mrs. A. C. Gormally, Thomas Byrne, C. A. Newcomb, and M. N. Phillips, favor leasing or perhaps outright loan during the war. One citizen, owning 100 acres, has offered it gratis for the war with permission to cut down timber and demolish buildings. As $2,000 an acre has been given for some of this lan'd, purchase might require nearly $1,000,000. The navy depart- ment is endeavoring to get $500,000 for construction work alone. Another record was established for recruits received, the day's arrivals totaling 750. Of these 400 were the naval militia of Missouri, to be fol- lowed at the end of the week. by 600 from Minnesota. The navy department has authorized also the use of Culver Military acad- emy if it is needed, but is likely to confine the new space for training to the additional land at North Chicago and that in Grant park. Architects' plans for the Grant park camp are completed and work will be started before the end of the week. About the tract is to be erected a high picket fence. The camp can be ready for occupyancy 10 days after work is started. Another draft was sent East during the day, 400 strong, for immediate training on shipboard. iKansas Students to Use Wooden Guns Lawrence Kans., May 2.- Kansas students in training are going through the manual of arms with the aid of wooden guns. The new classes in in- dustrial training have undertaken the task of supplying their soldier breth- ren with the next best thing to ac- tual rifles. More Men Needed to Index Cards Although a large number of women are turning out every afternoon to work at the Union indexing the cards returned to the intercollegiate intelli- gence bureau, more men are needed for the work in the evenings. The1 cards are being returned at the rate of 200 a day.., Notebooks of the playground class are ready to be returned to the members at the director's office, Bar- hour gymnasium. Girls who have not time to knit can help by donating money for yarn and needles. All contributions should be given to Miss Alice Evans, Barbour gymnasium. Extension Lectures Prof. Daniel L. Rich will speak be- fore the Detroit Board of Commerce tomorrow night on "X-ray and Crystal Structure." Prof. C. K Eggert will speak on "Culture, Kultur, and the Twentieth Century" tomorrow night in the Luth- eran school hall of Detroit. T") M ET IX WA TON1TON, I. C. A special meeting o the National Association of State Universities, for the purpose of considering university problems connected with tthe present crisis, is to be held in Washington, May 4 and 5. President Harry 3. lutchins has delegated Dean M. E. Cooley of the College of Engineering, to represent the University at the meeting. [Pennmiyllanl .a Agdds to Preparations Phimdelphia, May 2.--- Lectures' in navigation, seamanship, ordnance, an( gunnery are to be given to those en-- rolled in Pennsylvania's naval course. The instruction is entirely outside of the military training now being giv- en. The drill now is controlled by Washington. The intended instruction will be purely a student activity anc those taking it are binding themselves in no way. The company has already been offered the use of 60-foot power yacht. Illinois Fraternities to farm Land Champaign, Ill., May 2.--Fraterni- ties may aid in relieving the present food crisis and also may net a large profit by a gardening plan suggested by the I)aily Illini. The idea is to secure grants of the use of municipal land from the city and have the members plant and care for the crop. Seed potatoes could be purchased by the organizations and work during the summer could be done by students attending summer school, many of whom will work for low wages. Shredded Wheat the food that puts you on your feet when everything else fails. A daily diet of Shredded Wheat means clear thinking and quick acting. It leaves the body strong and buoyant and the brain in condition to tackle the problems of study or play. It is on the training table of nearly every college and university in this country and Canada. Two Shredded Wheat Biscuits with milk or cream supply more real body- building nutriment than meat or eggs at one-fourth the cost. Made only by The Shredded Wheat Company, Niagara Falls, N. Y. Representatives of all banks of Washtenaw county will meet at 2 o'clock this afternoon in the Ann Arbor Civic association's rooms in the City hall, to discuss plans on how the bankers of the county can help the United States in her present move- ment to increase the food supply of the country. Invitations were sent out throughout the county the early part of the week. Mr. Carl F. :Braun, assistant cashier of the Ann Arbor Savings bank, who is a member from Washtenaw county of the agricultural committee of the Michigan Bankers' association, will be in charge of the meeting. The same sort of meetings are being held in oth- er counties of the state. Tampico Oil Men Call General Strike Galveston, Texas, May 2.-A general strike has been called among the oil' the amount it would have cost to the workers at Tampico, according to word corps. brought to an American port today by men aboard a tank steamer. Try a Michigan Daily Want A.