N4 LIAII A .CT DIFFICULTIES IN KMN BiG CROPS 10,000 MORE CARS NEEDED AVOID BAD EMBAR. GOES TO One of the most important problems for the near future is how to move the crop in case it should be material- ly, or at all, larger than last year's. If this matter of how to move the crop when we get it, is ignored the earnest effort to increase food supply may be wasted and millions of tons of valuable produce will rot on the farms. It has been estimated that if the crop were 10 per cent larger, the railroads would be unable to handle it. Transportation of general busi- ness would have to be shut off in order to bring the crops to market. One hundred thousand more cars will be urgently needed to avoid em- barrassing embargoes. The railroads are not in position to order these cars now, and if they are not at once put in hand, they will not be ready for harvest service. As the food campaign has become properly a government measure, the solution of the car shortage problem might well be taken up by the govern- ment. Constructing 1,000 Ships This method has been adopted in that other important department of transportation-the ship building in- dustry. The United States shipping board is energetically at work having 1,000 wooden ships constructed under ness. It would produce notso much. inflation, as it would legitimate ex- tension of ,activity. To inflate is to fill up with air or gas, and the process continued distends the containing ma- terial until it blows up or bursts. A thing filled up with solid matter is not so liable to disruption and there is nothing in business so solid as the buying and selling of material things on a basis of profit. This is what is to happen with the proceeds of the government loans. They are to be used to buy things in this country for use, and it is presumable that nearly the whole amount will be so spent here. War Intensified by Our Entrance The effect of the great war in rais- ing prices and inducing scarcity in one product after another, will be in- tensified now by reason of our en- trance. The Dry Goods Economist speaks of complaints from retailers as to the poor quality'of some of the woolen and worsted fabrics employed, and says this is a condition to which manufacturers, distributors and con- sumers alike must reconcile them- selves, and adds: "Indeed, it is im- possible to see how the manufacturers of clothing for men as well as for women who have prided themselves on using only ' all-wool fabrics can possibly avoid the use of fabrics which contain cotton. Time and again we have referred to the shortage of the supply of wool throughout the world, and with the government's demand for woolen cloths for uniforms, it i^ clear that there will not be enough to go round. With the continuance of the war this condition will undoubt- edly be intensified." LASCHOOL TURNS OUT 178 FOR__DAILY DRILLS PILA TO EXCUSEi '- T lkNM (T0U11$E FROM ONE FINAL EXA lrl ION A number far surpassing expecta- tions enrolled in the new courses in military drill that were started yester- day afternoon in the Law school. The plan was to form two companies but at least three and possibly four will now have to be arranged. One hun- dred and seventy-eight men had sign- ed the enrollment cards last night and more are expected to do so today. It has been decided that all who take this course will be excu'sed from taking the final examination in one of their other courses. As planned now the companies will drill two hours every day except Saturday and Sun- day from now until June 8. The first bugle call will be at 3:15 o'clock for the men to gather in front of the Law school. Five minutes later the roll will be taken. As soon as this is completed the companies will march to Ferry field, where they will drill for two hours and then march back to the Law building. Absence from drill will count the same as absence from a class. A competitive examination will be held next Saturday morning from 8 to 10 o'elock in room D of the Law build- ing for the purpose of choosing; the officers below the rank of captajn for the remainder of the year. The exam- ination will cover infantry drill regu- lations through the school of the com- pany. Written work will count half and actual drill work the other half in determining the final grade of each man trying for an oficership. All those who wish to take the examina- tion will hand in a written statement to that effect at the secretary's office not later than Friday noon, stating the position desired and the. amount of experience he has had in former mil- itary drill. All classes in the Law school will be dismissed at 2:45 o'clock this after- noon and a meeting for all s udents will be held at this time in room 11 for the purpose of e:plaining the pro- p)osed military courses. I' :, Y *k Majestic -- Shirley Masonj "The Law of the North." Arcade--Theda Bara in "The T ger woman." Orpheum - Robert Harron "The Bad Boy:" Triangle con edy, "The Telephone Belle. llae-Carlyle Blackwell a Gail Kane in "On Dangero Ground." AT THE THEATER TODAY 1s * * in * * Ti- * * * in * In- * ", * * nd us * * * Forestry Exhibit to We Realistic Students Will Present Model Lumber Camp with Horses and Machinery Those visiting the forest division of the Natural Science exhibit this week' will find it an experience similar to a trip through a real forest camp. A typical lumber camp is set up in the building, where machines are in op- eration for timber testing. Horses 11so will be packed, using the famo"i "diamond hitch." In the forestry roms on the second floor of the Natural Science building will be the redwood exhibit, with pic- tures illustrating the methods of rais- ing and caring for forests. Souveniers and guide books will be handed out here. On the third floor will be among (ther things, ;ietures, tools, and mod- els for forest protection and improve- ments. showing the methods of pro- tecting forests from fire, insects, and diseases. Methods of logging and logging tools will be on display and numerous speci- mens showing the extent of the mod- ern use of wood will also be shown. f-Lit Class Will SHold'Jamboree Dank of Commere' Proffers Positions Wants Juniors and Seniors to Begin Work at Close of Pres- ent Semester The National Bank of Commerce, New York City, has filed an applica- tion with the economics department for the services of three students to begin work at the close of the present semester. Selections will be made with- in the next few days. The opportun- ity is limited to members of the senior and junior classes. In accordance with its efficiency plan, the bank has recently established a school at New York for the purpose of training college men to assume re- sponsible positions in their bank. The men will be rotated through all of the different departments and assigned positions best suited to their individual qualifications. A salary of $75 per month will be paid during the period of training. Now Women Can Knit Real Yarn Practice Classes to be Given; Money Still Needed to Buy Ma- terial Yarn for the outfits which the wo- men of the University are planning to knit for the naval reserves has at last arrived and the girls will no longer be forced to take their knitting lessons on pieces of string and other unsatis- factory substitutes for the genuine ar- ticle. Miss Alice Evans, physical director for women, who heads the movement, will be at her office in Barbour gym- nasium this morning and at 4 o'clock this afternoon tb make arrangements with the group heads for yarn and needles., Those who have no time for knit- ting can still aid in the work by do- nating money to be used in the pur- chase of material. Lack of skill should be no deterrent, since opportunities to learn the old-fashioned accomplish- ment are many. Dean Myra B. Jordan SAYS WE ARE "GREAT BA IST NATION GOING MAD" "More than 30,000,000 people in the United States are in poverty," said Dr. Scott Nearing in his lecture on "Social Religion," Sunday morning, to an audience of about 800 that crowded the First Baptist church. Dr. Nearing compared the teach- ings of Christ with our present social and economic system, showing the dis- crepancy between Christianity as it is taught and as it is practiced, stating that we have abandoned Christ to fol- low Barrabas, the criminal who was freed by Pilate in preference to Christ. "We are a great Barrabist nation going mad," he declared, and as an instance of it he pointed to our entry into the European conflict. "We have nothing against the German people. Very few of us have ever come in con- tact with a German citizen. Yet we are about to engage in a tremendous slaughter, of them." RESERVE OFFICERS TO BE TAUGHT INTERNATIONAL LAW Washington, April 30. - Reserve army officers in training camps this summer will be taught rules of war and international law by members of the American Society of International law. The society consists of professors of international law in colleges and uni- versities, or authorities on diplomatic subjects. JOHN RANI)ALL DUNN WILL TALK ON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE announced later. Another class is co ducted from 9 to 12 o'clock on SatL day mornings in Barbour gymnasi parlors. CROWDS HEARDNEAING FLA Y CHRISIAN NATI k .--- - high pressure. The ships are designed to provide for Great Britain and her allies, an unending supply of tonnage by which they can draw from this country at a minimum of cost the supplies necessary to feed and care for their armies. This is the way to meet most ef- fectively this pressing need. The emergency is a real one which con- gress can in this way deal with in a business way and with important re- sults. It may be concluded that one of the large influences weighing upon the mind of business has been pretty well dissipated-namely, uncertainty as to, effects of the $7,000,000,00'O govern- ment loan. The provisions of the bond bill make it possible for the sec- retary of the treasury to redeposit amounts withdrawn by and from banks to pay for the bonds-both theI amounts of the banks' own subscrip- tions, as well as the money withdrawn by depositors for the same purpose. No Reserve Required What is very, perhaps equally, im- portant also, no reserve is required to be kept against these government de- posits; otherwise if the 18 per cent' reserve were enforced, nearly one- fifth of the amount of the loan so I 11 11ntercolfegf ate Illinois: Cast and chorus have been selected for the Union opera of the University of Illinois and work will continue daily for the next three weeks. Sixteen "girls" and 10 men will be in the chorus. Kansas: It has been impossible for the University of Kansas to secure an army officer to drill the military corps, so the work will proceed under the direction of civilians skilled in drill- ing. The regularity of military class work has been established after the weeding out of "adventurers." Oregon: A census of the women of the university is to be taken to ascer- tain their capabilities in case of war need. Three hundred girls have vol- unteered services. gives lessons at Barbour gymnasium at 3 o'clock on Tuesday afternoons, and will also teach a class at New- berry hall, the time for which will be John Randall Dunn will deliver a lecture on Christian Science at 8 o'clock this evening in University Hall. The speaker is connected with the mother 'church in Boston, Mass. The lecture is open to the public, no admission being charged. taken would be locked up, which would produce dangerous, and prob- ably fatal, stringency in the money market. All this establishes a mini- mum of disturbance as far ds the im- mediate money market at the time of payments is concerned. The effect of so large an offering of 3% per cent bonds of the highest world safety and tax-exempt, upon the market for other high-class bonds, is a matter of surmise, but to some extent the operation has been dis- counted by lower price levels in this character of bond. It would be na- tural that in times like these, conserv- ative individuals and estates should choose such a rockbound haven for funds as is afforded by this great gov- ernment issue. Urge Small Investors Every investor, even the smallest, would naturally want some propor- tion of his funds in such a security as this, and it would be a healthful out- come if millions of people who have never before attempted investment, could be led to lay a foundation by taking on some amount, however small, of these primest securities. The issue upon an installment plan extend- ing payments over eighteen months, which we suggested in the Review last week and which is receiving consider- ation at Washington, would do much to increase this army of small begin- ners. Every citizen should use his influence to add to the army from among the ranks of friends, neighbors or employees. The effect of the loan, with proceeds. redeposited, cannot, it would seem, but be stimulating to all kinds of bus- Pennsylvania: The proceeds of tihe huge Masque held at the University of Pennsylvania will be turned over to the base hospital unit recently organ- ized. Almost the entire sum of $50,- 000 has been raised by private sub- scription to equip the unit and the balance will be made up by this do- nation. Iowa: Law students who leave for government service will be given full credit in their courses at the univer- sity as a result of recent action by the law faculty. Students who are deficient will be allowed to take an examination to raise their marks. Wisconsin: Journalistic students have offered their services as journal- ists to Secretary Baker. Eight mem- bers of the senior class who for vari- ous reasons were unable to enlist, signed the offer. Minnesota: One hundred and fifty students have enlisted in the army or navy, according to the latest report. Besides this number, several hundred have left the university to work on farms. The marines draw more stu- dents than any other service. Yale: Students who have enrolled in the reserve officers' training corps and who are appointed captains or lieu- tenants, will be excused from parts of their courses. Military training may be substituted for any three-hour sub- ject. Columbia: A mass meeting will soon be held for the purpose of stimu- lating interest in farm work. Full credit will be given students who take up any' public work.1 Get your shoes fixed at Paul's Place. 611 E. William St. 6t FORESTERS RETURN FROM TRIP TO SOUTK CAROLINA INSPECTION ADE OF CONDITIONS ON BILTMORE ESTATE Prof. L. J. Young, with his delega- tion of forestry students, returned late Sunday night from a trip into South Carolina where the company studied the forest conditions on the famous Biltmore forest estate. The trip had a twofold purpose; first to study the great variety of trees on the Biltmore estate, growing on dif- ferent altitudes of the mountains, and, second, to visit the Pisgah national forest reserve where logging was studied. While in the forest region of North Carolina, the men took a trip through the Big Pisgah mountains and climbed Mt. Michell, the highest mountain peak east of the Rocky mountains. Professor Young stated yesterday that "the opinion of the boys is that the trip proved so beneficial that we hope to repeat it every year here- after." The following forestry stu- dents accompanied Professor Young on the trip: T. N. Southworth, '18, P. E. Alden, '18, S. R. Augspurger, '17, L. P. Brown, '17, E. W. Hartwell, '17, S. D. Anderson, '17, and V. C. Sheffield, grad. ZOOLOGICAL JOUV 'i N 1LUB1 TO HEAR RE POI'l' TiONIG lIT The regular meeting of the Zoolog- ical Journal club will be held at 7:15 o'clock tonight in room 231 Natural Science building. Reports will be given by Prof. Otto C. Glasser of the Zoological depart- ment, on physiology, and by Frederick M. Gaige, assistant in the museum, on zoogeography. Walter N. Koelz, grad., will give a review of Jacobi's book on "Mimikry- und Verwandte Erscheinung." Alfred G. Papworth, grad., will talk on ' Gy- rimdae of Washtenaw County." :)hite Flannels to Be Worn at Affair; Scene is Unon, May 29 After a number of years' hiberna- tion, the annual Junior Jamboree, of the J-lit class, will emerge from its hiding-place to the Union on May 29, and the committee is promising a class affair second only to the hop. Militarism will figure prominently in decorations and music, and a num- ber of feature dances will be on the program. White flannels will be the order of the day for all recruits. The tickets will be sold only to members of the J-lit class, and the number will probably be limited to 100 couples. The committee in charge of the dance is composed of B. C. Krause, Philip C. Pack and Frank W. Grover. Prineeton Alumni to Give Trucks Princeton, N. J., April 30.-Prince- ton alumni are planning to organize five motor truck companies for ser- vice with the new United States army. Similar units have been organized by Yale and Columbia. ",Sveets to the Sweet" AnnualI Bloomfield's Chocolates The Appreciated Kind, in Yellow and Blue (M. Box) Dainty Lunches Ice Cream Soda a doofielclj r A New Blouses in Pastel--Shades' Georgette and Crepe de Chene $5 and up But the varieties at $5 are especially good- Sand, pale green, gray, dawn pink, dull blues, and white-with touches of hand em- broidry-with delicate laces--and with charming lines that really belong to much higher-priced blouses. The tailored crepe de chine waists-just as serviceable as they are smart-may be had in pastel shades, too; peach, flesh and pale green. These have big pearl buttons effectively used-and are otherwise perfectly simple. SM1OCKS new ones every day-white with colored smocking and colored belts; green with white smocking, and rose with white. $2.50. NEW COLLARS of colored Georgette crepe, or of white with bits of contrasting color in borders or pipings-=$1 and up. t I, I e _ _ _. - - - - 7 Dancing 9 to 1 Admission $1.00 Friday, May 4th DANCE WIN)SOR lIES of crepe de chine come in a perfectly amazing array of colors-corn yellow, blues of various shades, tan, red, green, purple, primrose, pink; white-50c. S , At Armory Fisher's Varsity Sextette at y Bee F .4