THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, OC' L Y ND0O N calk-Over "Cordovans" FOR 'Men A Leader of Leaders 719 N. University I THE ONE PHOTOGRAPHER Who delivers the Goods and has been delivering them for 12 years right here among Michigan Students he a s NEW MANACEMENT I - - This perfect and sup Boot pictured is on most attractive Nev for Fall. Finest imported "H Deep, Rich Brown All sizes. Doff stett, Style No. 9 Walk- Over oot uine Shell Cordovan Price $8.oo 115 S. Mlain er-stylish ne of the m Models orsebide" Shade. er's Shop Kodaks an-d The following nominations have been made for the coming class elections, which will be held sometime during the coming week: Senior pharmics-President, George G'izaramteed .Amateur- Mat. GARRIG Wed. Sat DETROIT Week of Oct. 9 TEXT BOOKS and SUPPLIES FOR ALL COURSES Real Values in Second-Hand Books DRAWI NOTE BOOKS DR AW ING INSTR UM E NTS "Say, eows!" Fullback"-"Half back" "Quarterback" or Pinch Back? We Make Your Suit or Overcoat Any Style. $17.00 up- WARDS -118 E. Huron- Made- -to- Measure .1 CAMPUS EXCGLUSIV E DOOTERY AGENTS FOR BOSTONIAN 'AND FLOW SHOES $5.00 to $8.50. ROYAL TAILORS of CHIC AND INTERNATIONAL TAILORI OF CHICAGO SUITS AND OVERCO YOUR MEASURE $17.50 to $42.00 PERFEC 308 S. State St. Opposite Hustox SHEIM AGO ING CO. ATS T FIT GUARANTEED n Bros. WHA'S GOING 0 Today 00 o'clock-Senior pharmic class Lng, room 300 chemistry building. 30-All-Fresh vs. Michigan State tal, Ferry field. 30 o'clock-Band meets in front of 'ersity hall for Mt. Union game. 30 o'clock-Michigan vs. Mount n, Ferry field. 30 o'clock-Chess club meets, room B, natural science building. )0 o'clock-Upper Room Bible meets, 444, South State street. 30 o'clock - Craftsmen's club s, Masonic temple. 30 o'clock-Alpha Nu meets, room U-hall- Tomorrow 30 o'clock-Cercle Francais meets, le rooms. U-Notices idents who missed final examina- at the end of the last semester ; apply to Registrar A. G. Hall rding the making up of the finals he end of this week. Lss football managers and those ing to tryout for assistantsZips inter-college manager call Jau es TEUTONS CONTINUE TO HARSS__ROUMANIAS Berlin Reports Repulse of Allied At- tempts to Break Lines Along Somme. Berlin, Oct13.-Pursuit of the Rou- manian forces retreating from Trant- sylvania continues along practically the whole eatern front. Only along the Czik Szereda and the Gyimes pass route are the Roumanians offering stubborn resistance. Anglo-French attempts to break the German lines between the Ancre and the Somme, especially near Courcel- ette and near Sailly were repulsed. French troops continue to attack be- tween Fresnes and Mazancourt and around Chaulnes. The main part of Ablaincourt remains in German hands. Bucharest, Oct. 13.-Teutonic forces have been repulsed in the upper Uzul valley west of the Transylvanian fron- tier and also in the Bucses valley, it was officially announced today. Near Predeal the enemy was defeated and retreated toward Tomos. Finzel and William Revno; vice presi- dent, J. I. Millner and Lawrence At- kinson; secretary, John Cross and Harold Kenoga; treasurer, Harry Shultz; athletic manager, Lawrence Heustis and Leo Goss. Junior pharmis-President, R. A. Thomas and E. H. 'Wirth; vice presi- dent, H. B. McWilliams and A. M. Black; secretary, Mary Dunlap; treas- urer, J. L. Powers; athletic manager, N. S. Miller. Sophomore pharmies - President, William Kirschgessner and William McBill; vice president, R. B. Farst and E. W. Kratz; secretary, Rhea Bar- barin and J. L. Hayman; treasurer, H. L. VanGorden and J. F. Heim; ath- letic manager, G. G. Fuess and D. H. Shields. Senior medics-President, Walter Fort and Ralph Vincent; vice presi- dent, Henrietta Calhoun; secretary, Loren Shaffer; treasurer, Lyman Fer- guson. Fresh medics-President, W. D. Stimson and F. Moore; vice president, R. R. Green and J. L. Niechon; treas- urer, D. S. Kudner and S. A. McCutch- eon; secretary, S. Marcus and M. Ting; athletic manager, J. Haughey and Paul Ireland. Senior architects-President, Harold Young and J. L. Frantz; vice president, C. W. Atwood and W. H. Ingalls; sec- retary, R. S. Inganhoff and G. S. Un- derwood; treasurer, E. H. Trysell and E. M. Reed; athletic manager, F. G. Stearns. Senior dents-President, Ross Getty and Arthur Warrison; vice president, Henry Brunner and Harold Truesdale; secretary, Clarence Barron and Wal- ter Reason; treasurer, Jay Herrick and Edwin Guerrier; athletic manager, S E. Tutt and G. Teters. Senior homeops-President, C. C Wolcott and C. B. Mandeville; vice president, Edward Mead and J. A. Wil- liam Johnson; secretary and treas- urer, S. 'J. Cady and Charles Maggio; athletic manager, H. F. Closz. Senior engineers-President, H. A. Taylor and A. E. Hecker; vice presi- dent, R. L. McNamee and C. W. Reade; secretary, L. R. Crandall and Stanley Emerick; football manager, R. J. Dondero. ALL MEN MAY BE SUBJECT TO MILITARY SERVICE IN BRITAIN London, Oct. 13.-The man power board has reached the conclusion, ac- cording to the Tines, that every young man in the country must be definitely placed in the national service. The Times says it is probable the board will recommend before long that all men under a certain age must be put at the disposal of the military authorities or of the ministry of mu- nitions. Lord Wimborne, lord lieutenant of Ireland, has informed the government that conscription in Ireland is neither feasible nor prudent at present, ac- cording to the Dublin political corre- spondent of the Daily News. The lord lieutenant's opinion has been con- curred in by Henry Edward Duke, chief secretary for Ireland, and the military authorities of Dublin. Lord Wimborne is said to have re- ported that the Irish Nationalists were loyal, but they claim that Ireland should be treated. on the basis of the colonies , in the matter of military service. University Chess Club Meets Tonight The first meeting of the University of Michigan Chess club will be held tonight'at 6:30 o'clock in room 173-B of the natural science building. All old members of the club are urged to be present and every student on the campus who is interested in the game of chess is invited. The club anticipates an active year and is anx- ious to have every one available out. ALONE AT LAST AR C AD E Shows at 3:oo; 6:30; 8:oo; 9:30 S oc Unless Otherwise Specified. Phone 296-M. Fri.-i3-Mabel Taliaferro in "The Dawn of Love"; Drew Comedy. 7 Swt.-14-Dorothy Bernard and Stuart iolnm-s in "Sins of Men"; Charlie Chaplin in"Tlie coun t,,, ise. Children's Matinee, 4:30, Vivian Mar- tin in "Old Dutch." Mon-16-Richard J. Jose in "Silver Threads Among the Gold"; Goldberg Cartoon. Orpheum Theatre latilees, 2:00-3:30; Evening, 6:45, a :5, 9:30. I Saturdays-Holidays continuous. I Phone 273 Satt14-Bessie Barriscale in "The Pay- nenit." Also Triangle Comedy, Fay Tinch~cr in "Skirts." Uve. 15C. Sun.-Mon.-15-i6-Vivian Martin in "The Stronger Love." Also Holmes Travels. Tues.-17- Mae Marsh in "The Marriage of Molly-O "Also'Triangle Comedy, Chas Murray in "The Feathered Nest" Eve. Ise. STUDENTS The Place to Buy HATS IS AT THEi Factory Hat Store 617 Packard St. Next to the Delta Corner State and Packard ASK ANYBODY We Have the Style AL 1 the While NA PSTI 3-7: 30 said 9 P. N1. NOW PLAYING 11 Repair Work Giver P.c.rc t Atteion Washtenaw Electri %op "'THE SHOP OF QUALITY" If it is not right, we make it right 200 E.WaShington St. TO THE HEADQUARTERS FOR Study lamps, shades, extension cords, heating de- vices and everything electricaL .Y.ayr.Y, . : uA ASSEMBLY AT ARMORY The first of a series of Saturday evening assemblies will be held T 0N I CGmH T Dancing from 9 to 12 - - 75c "IKE" FISHER'S Banjorine Saxaphone Sextet 2 I . QCSlA HA I t; m ATTRACTIVE GIRL ACT "THE F RE S H M~A N" EVERY STUDENT NECESSITY FRANK I USH TELLING STORIES ERGOTTI'S LILT IPUTIANS DARING MIDGET GYMNASTS MILLER & MULFORD COMEDIANS LEW FITZGIBBONS XLYO PHONEIST SUNDAY:--KOLB and DILL In "A MILLION FOR MARY" "BLACKMAILERS" 10 APPEAR Attempt Being Made to Take Accused East for Trial Chicago, Oct. 13.-Six alleged mem- bers of the "million dollar blackmail syndicate" are to appear before Com- missioner Foote for the final hearing, in which the government seeks to re- move them to New York and Phila- delphia for trial. That five of the accused .will waive examination and consent to go east was the intimation yesterday of their counsel, Charles E. Erbstein. Only Jimmy Christian will fight, it was said. Until yesterday it was believed that Buda Godman, accused of being the "lure" in the swindle which cost E. R. West $15,000, would also resist re- moval, but upon advice of Attorney Erbstein she is said to have changed her mind. Those who will appear before Com- missioner Foote today are Edward FOR SALE Dress Suit with Tuxedo and Two Vests Absolutely New-Never Worn Address 1439 David Whitney Bldg., Detroit Donohue, Henry Russell, Homer French, Helen Evers, James Christian and Buda Godman. French and Christian are named in two complaints, one made by Mrs. Regina Klipper of Philadelphia and the other by E. R. West of Highland Park. The West case will be heard in New York and the other in Phila- delphia. Special Prosecutor John Knox of the attorney general's office is in Chicago in charge of the prose- cution. The arrival of several Phladelphia INSIDALE EMPHASIZES ECONOMIES AT ANNUAL CONVOCATION EXERCISES (Continued from Page One.) ancestors of a physically perfect pos- terity. Students are liable to think that a breakdown in health often fol- lows a period of excessive study. But very few cases of this sort have been found, so there should be little cause witnesses in Chicago yesterday was . for worry on that score. At least study admitted by Hinton G. Clabaugh, but will not hurt you if you take care he refused to reveal their identity. The of your body. witnesses are here to identify the a^- "Honor is the oby thing that cau- cused "blackmailer" and to testify in the event that they contest the govern- ment's action in removing them from Chicago. CHEMISTRY CLASS TO VISIT ,NN ARBOR CITY GAS PLANT Members of the class in organs c chemical technology, under the direk - not be economized, but it can be lost or sold. A man is the only true judge of his own character. The life of Dr. Angell is one that was full of high ideals that should furnish inspiration to you as students. The ideal student is not necessarily the one who passes through the halls of the University only to issue forth with a knowledge of books and a high standing in schol- t, '16, at 1855. Webster Society Elects Officers Webster society elected the follow - PACKARD ACADEMY ing officers from the senior law clay s cing classes every Monday and last night: president, J P. Clark; day evening at 7:00 o'clock. vice-president, Oliver Phillips; secre- e lesons by appointment. Chil- tary, Randolph Gordon; treasurer, J. class every Friday afternoon at A. Tolonen; critic, L. W. Lisle; parlia- ck. 1tf mentarian, A. S. Loveland; sergeant- at-arms, G. C. Claasen. 600 for expert typewriting. U-Notice is will block a hat to fit any Nominations for the officers of the nd guarantee the hat for a year. junior literary class will be held next at 119 Main. oct5,7,10,14 Wednesday afternoon, October 18, at tion of Prof. A. H. White, of the chem- arship, but is the one who at the ical engineering departmelit, will visasame time has learned to live up to the golden rule and to husband his health, the Ann Arbor city gas plant this a 'wealth, and time." ternoon. The men will nieet in fror t Following the address by Dean Hins- of the office of the plant at 1:15 dale the whole body of students and o'clock and will be ready to leave in faculty rose to sing "The Yellow and plenty of time to reach Ferry field the Blue." After the song Convocation before the game starts. was closed by the benediction. Alarm clocks, $1.00 up. Chapman, 0. G. Andres for shoe -repairing. 222 Jeweler, 113 South Main St. tues-eod S. State. 'Phone 1718-J. tues-eod lox prints at Sugden's. 4 o'clock, in room 101 economics oct3-29 building. on Minneapolis Chice l l iaa~aaatttaa taaaeaaataaaataaaaaaaaaaa-Ia ago Milwaukee Detroit Yrl- At the ONLY STUDENTS SUPPLY STORE You will find all you want. Try a Conklin or Waterman fountan pen, We are offering a wonderful selec- tion of Neckware-just arrived. See Schaeberle & Son, 110 outb Main street, for Ukeleles, Martin Gui- tars Mandolins and all Musical Instru- ments. oct3tf REMEMBER--We develop your films for 10c. Let us load your kodak. Phone 1160-R 111 1 So. University Opposite Eng, Arch, T 606 I .