The Largest Assortment ne woolens in the city is here for your inspection. We think you'll e that never have you seen classier fabrics. Tailored in our in= able style in a suit to your measure, they will make you as smartly sed as any man in town. G. H. Wild Company ding Merchant Tailosr STATE STREET Lee's Slotted Throat TENNIS RACKETS Official newspaper at the University of Mir:gan. Pubished every morning except Mjnday during the university year. Entered at the post-office at Ann Arbor as second-class matter. Offies: An Arbor Press Building. Sub- scriptions: by carrier $.5o; by mail, $3.o. Want ad. stations: : uarry's; Students' Sup- ily Store; The Delta, cor. State and Packard. bones: Business, o6o; Editorial, 2414. DON'T I BORROW MONEY to finish the term IN GOD'S OUT OF DOOR. ca t Yoar Reareatoon O ft o TEONIVEISBASEBALL1G OLF =~Oxar stock is complete anid - a - a, UNIVEDRSITY BOOKSTORES lie Slater Book /Shop e430 336 S. State St. STOP AT U TTLES 338 S. STATE >r sodas and lunches EORGE BISCHOFF/ q LORIST ce Cut Flowers and Plants hapin St. Ann Arbor, Mich- PHIONE~ 809 M Special Sale of Cosmetics and Switches Special Ten Day Weave BEAUTY SHOP Miss Mabel Rowe Shampooing, Manicuring, Massaging and Chiropody Phone 2402 503 First National Bank Bldg FIRST NATL. BANK OF ANN ARBOR, MICH. Capital $soo,ooo Surplus and Profit $65,000 DIRECTORS Wirt..Cornwell Geo. W. Patterso S.. W. Clarkon Fred Schmid Waldo M.Abbott on Harry M. Hawley Harrison Soule D. B. Sutton &, D. Kinnie After Your Class )R ANY TIME. DROP INTO THE ountainof Youth And enjoy one of our Horlick's Originals ortry one of our Delicious Sundaes We Offer You IRITY - - SERVICE- -LOCATION Resources $3,8oo,ooo arbor Savings Bank Incorporated 1869, rthwest Corner Main and Huron ch Office- 707 North University Ave. ariers & Mechanics Bank 'ers the Best in Modern Banking CURITY - -EFFICIENCY ent and Pleasant Quarters. You Will ad With Our Service.. Two Offices S. Main St. : 330 S. State St. typewriter from D. MORRILL 822 South $tat. Street I furnish you "an instruction -s of charge. You will be.a 3efore you know it. live, progressive, up-to-date ad- g use The Michigan Daily. DE'TROIT UNITED LINES Between Detroit, Ann Arbor. and Jackson Cars run on lEastern time, one hour faster than local time. Detroit Limnea ana lixpress scars-7:35 a. n., 8:io a. m. and hourly to 7:10 p. m., 9:10 Kalamazoo Limited Cars-S:48 a. m and every two hours to 6:48 p. m.; to Lansing, 8:4 a1: Jackson Express Cars-(Local stops west of Ana Arbor)-9:48 a. m. and every two hours to 7148 V. m. Local Cars Eastbound-5:35 a. m., 6:40 a i., 7*5 a. m. and every two hours to 7: o5p Mn., I ms P. iM., 9:05 p. in., 10:50 P. in. tc Ypsilanti only, 9:20 a. m.,.9:5o a. m., 2:05 p rm., 6:oj P.'Im., 11:45 P. in., 1:10, 1:2t a. m. To Saline, change at Ypsilanti. Local Cars Westbound-6:o a. m., 750 a in., 1o:va p. m.. 12:2# a. m. Swi Twenty-two remarkable photo- graphs of the Greek Play. Come in and see them. 713 E. VNIVERS1TY C]op off a few minutes and eat some of 0ISO RIIC~SS WAN KING LOO 314 S. state St. Phone 1244-M There is opportunity in The Michi- gan Daily Ads Read them. Communications not to exceed 3o wards in length, or notices of events will be pub- lished in The Daily, at the discretion of the Editor, if left at the office in the Ann Arbor Press Bldg., or in the notice box in the west corridor of the general library, where the notices are collected at 7 :30 o'clock each evening. John C. B. Parker.........Managing Editor Clarence T. Fishleigh......Business Manager Conrad N. Church..............News Editor Lee E. Joslyn...................City Editor Harold A. Fitzgerald..........Sports Editor Harold C. L, Jackson..... Telegraph Editor Marian Wils'on... ..........Women's Editor [.eonard W. Nieter.... Ass't Telegraph Editor I)eForrest S. Rood..........Exchange Editor J. E. Campbell...Assistant Business Manager C. Philip Emery..Assistant Business Manager Albert E. Horne...Assistant Business Manager Roscoe R. Rau...Assistant Business Manager Night Editors C. M. Tickling Et . M. Carey B. A. Swaney J. L. Stadeker L. S. Thompson E._L. Zeigler Reporters C. S. Clark James Scherm 'rh n, Jr. t.H. Fricken G. . Broph . H. Cruttenden Mildred C. Mighell Annetta 1,. Wood F. A. Taber T. F. McAllister Allan Soenfied C. C. Andrews R. T. MlcDonald K. L Wchinyer Eugene Given p. W. Gordon Ielmuth Maag 1. L. Rice C. L. Goldstein Business Staff Paul E. Cholette Harry R. Louis Harold Makinson Earl F. Ganschow THrold R. Smth Seymour 1. Wilson Water R. Payne Bernard WohI TUESDAY, MAY 1, 1917. Night Editor-J. L. Stadeker HOLDING TO NORMAL ORDER It has been suggested that the senior Swing Out exercises be dispensed with this spring on account of the war. This raises the question as to whether we ought to allow the regular program of University events to be ripped to pieces on the general plea of war preparations. Wherever a regularly scheduled event interferes with military work we believe that it should be cancelled. An indescriminate slashing off the cal- endar of traditional ceremonies or events, however, would surely' harm rather than help the University's pre- paredness program. The war has caused disorganization in the univer- sities on a large scale. Hundreds of men have resigned from college, and from those who remain there is the constant cry, "I simply can't get down to study." This set of conditions is demoralizing to all university affairs, and affects the military work just as much as other courses. Needless cancellation of regular events, such as the abolishing of Swing Out this year, will only add to the disorganization by emphasizing the abnormal state of affairs. By such action the purpose at which it aims, that of increasing the military ef- ficiency of the University, will be de- feated. WELCOME TO THE MAIZE AND The Illini congratulates the Regents of the University of Michigan on their action taken yesterday in voting to have the Wolverines return to the Western Intercollegiate conference. The I lini congratulates those alumni and under- graduates of the University of Michi- gan who have worked so faithfully and with such success to bring about this result. We have great respect for the ath- letic teams which have been developed at Ann Arbor, and we feel that with their competition added to the al- ready keen competition wthin the "ig Nine, western athletics will come nearer to assuming the place they deserve in the intercollegiate w orld Michigan will add prestige to th con- ference, and the proverbial suprem- acy of the East will tend to become a thing of the past. We welcome the return of Michigan, and regard the action taken yesterday as one of the most significant events in the history of athletics in the Mid- dle West. We look forward to the day when wars shall be no more, when athletic schedules will go on unin- terrupted, when the Orange and the Blue will clash with the Maize and Blue, and when the Big Nine. shall become the Big Ten. We believe that Michigan will never regret her return to the fold, and we hope that every school in the conference will give her the hearty welcome she deserves. The future looks bright for athletics in the West.-The Daily Illini. Conscription has solved many a problem of what to do next year. Have you received your final invita- tion to attend the training camp? No, we haven't either. The mayor of Chicago, in catering as he believes to German-American sympathies seems to have demonstrat- ed perfectly how a person may get "in Dutch." otlomen Girls' Glee club will rehearse at 5 o'clock today. Members are request- ed to turn in tickets and money for Saturday's Arcade performance. Classes in home nursing begin today at the city Y. W. C. A. Wyvern meets at 8 o'clock tonight at the Alpha Phi house. First round matches in tennis tournaemnt must be played off by to- morrow night. War relief work will be carried on from 3 to 6 o'clock this afternoon in Barbour gymnasium. A large shipment of yarn has been received and the girls who are plan- ning to knit for the naval reserves can get it at the director's office at the Barbour gymnasium this morning or at 4 o'clock this afternoon. War Strikes Minnesota Fraternities Minneapolis, April 28.-Fraternities at the University of Minnesota are hard hit by the war. Many have al- ready discontinued table, and all have at least a few men in the service. The Sigma Chi fraternity has 10 men out of 30 left, and the Betas have only seven out of 30. Jobs are plenti- ful at the "Y" Employment Office. Tel. 823 3-6 P. M. Daily noise but ne7CT Lits th ..r When you stop to think, jt's I tie wonder that V~in /7ET, sy g .Evr teii a U ~ been naturally czg.d wor two yetrs. t- - Flowers by Wire to All the World. EARN IT 100 Enrolled in Rome Nursing Courses More than 100 women have enrolled in the courses in home nursing and hygiene being given at the city Y. M. C. A. in charge of a Red Cross nurse. Only a few classes are still open, and these meet in the morning on Mon- day, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Registration may be made at Miss Evans' office in Barbour gymnasium. F LANDERS FOR FLOWERS PHONE 224 213 E. Liberty St. Member of Florists' Telegraph Delivery Service E * s0 -- k White oxfords are going to be worn more than ever this summer. There is nothing like them for use with white flannels and sport jackets. The young man who thinks of economy as well as style and comfort can well afford to look at our display of white canvass oxford--three fifty and up. Leather or rubber soles Wagner & Co. State Street-At Liberty Established 1848 -1 - - - -_ - t ttract ve Figure A corset is so personal-so much a part of one's very self fully selected and fitted by a skll fi tter, Redfern Models enhance figure beauty and correct. figure defects. You will appreciate the value of a Redfeirn Corset, and you will like the beauty of form and exquisite dain, tiness of the latest models, "On Your Toes" The winning team is on its toes every inning of the game. Strong bodies and keen brains battling for an opening. Nerve and endurance are required here as well as muscle, speed and skill. The most important food in developing these is Shred d heaNt This body-building whole wheat food has played no small part in winning victories on field and diamond and cinder track. It is the stuff that muscle is made of-it fits a man to play the game and derive the ut- most benefit and enjoyment from it. Easy to digest, delicious to eat, it furnishes the maximum of nutrition. Its flavor is always fresh and new. Try a bowl for lunch or supper; eat it regularly at breakfast. Served with milk or cream, or combined with fruit or berries. "There is health and strength in every Shred" Made only by The Shredded Wheat Company, Niagara Falls, N. Y. $3 up H For Sale by .