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October 14, 1916 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1916-10-14

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ONEDAY SEDRVICElIR PHONE 699-W 1114 S. University Ave.

Fight for Pledge Sweets Less Than
in Rival House!Irish 'Taters Now
Chicago Fraternities Start Brawl !lay Replace 1Green" Xi m .
Over Freshman from Crop Shortage Becomes
Perry, Iowa. Worse
At last some little relief is offered.
The University of Chicago baseball those who are trying to figure out ways
team's captain with the president of and means of escaping the high cost of
the senior class, and dignitaries from living. It is a very simp[. remedy and
all of the 18 campus fraternities re- will help decrease the ofst o On of
cently found Alpha Delta Phi fratern- the great table staples. Buy sweet po-
ity chapter in Chicago guilty of at- tatoes and use them in place of the
tordinary Irish variety-
tempting to steal a freshman out of Sweet potatoes have always been
the house of the Delta Tau Delta fra- reckoned as a comparative luxury, but,
ternity and take his pledge pin away owing to a great shortage in the potato
from him. Those present said that no crop, which government reports esti-
blows were struck, but that preven- mate at about 59,000,000 bushels, the
tive measures were taken. price of the ordinary potato is soar-
It all started out in Perry, Ia., last ing way above that of its more succul-
summer. "Spike" Shull, captain of ent relative, the sweet potato, and you

In view of the increasing high prices
and growing industrial and financial
activity, Bradstreet has published aI
special bulletin dealing with the pres-
ent conditions. A condensed report of
Bradstlreet's bulletin follows:
"Quick time" continues the march-
ing order in practically every field of
industry and commerce, with new and
higher levels being attained to the
tune of soaring prices because of su-
per-abundant prosperity in the face
of short crops or straitened supplies
of raw materials. The cry is that
there are not enough cars to haul
commodities, that there is not enough
labor to hasten production, and that
there are not enough goods to supply
insistent demands.
Wants, apparently, are insatiable,
current demands being not only for
present needs, but also for winter, for
the holidays and for next spring. Con-
sequently current reports merely ac-
centuate those regarding past activity,
and it is evident that jobbing trade,
mail order business, and distribution
by retail dealers is of record propor-
tions. Retail trade at the east here-
tofore held back by the epidemic of
infantile paralysis has been greatly
stimulated by the belated reopening of:
schools, and advances in cotton goods,
which conceded inability to fill all
needs, have made it imperative for
some manufacturers to notify buyers
that their orders will have to be re-
Steel mills are taking business with
the understanding that deliveries are
to be made at their convenience, pig
iron is in heavy demand for export,
prices continue to mount upward, and
those who postponed buying are now
confronted with the certainty that
quotations, instead of receding, will
go even higher. Shortage of labor is
keeping down production, although la-
bor troubles are being quickly settled
"or fear of losing hands and wages are
at record levels.
Collections are good all over the
Gountry, ol accounts are being liqui-
diated, and, thanks to high prices for
farm products, country remittances are
exceptionally prompt, those from cot-
ton and grain growing regions being
noteworthy. Late crop reports, par-
tieularly as regards corn and cotton,
are better than anticipated, movements
of all crops are heavy, and the south
is waxing fat on high prices for its
chief staple as well as the by-products
thereof. Newly-planted winter wheat
is in good condition, and as producers
have apparently made up their minds
that the European war is to continue
for some time to come, areas devoted
to the new crop will in all probability
undergo considerable expansion. Spec-
ulation in general seems to be ram-
pant, money is easy, and the spurt
in rates usually witnessed at crop
moving time is out of the question,
funds being in plethoric supply, which
factor, aside from the influence of the
federal reserve system, keeps rates
close to the minimum.
Bank clearings, influenced by high
prices for commodities and activity in
speculative channels, by settlement for
wages and goods sold, and by heavy
dividend payments, result in a total of
over $6,162,000,000 for the week, sur-

passing any previous record, the show-
ing for the country outside of New
York being relatively as good as that
displayed by the metropolis.
And now it is "Red" Donnelly who
has given up his berth on the Varsity
track team for a lucrative position in
Last spring it was "Al" Robinson
who quit school to become a married
man and a playground director in the
same city, and now another track man
leaves us.
Donnelly is now physical director for
the Solvay Soda Ash company. He
ran a mile in competition with Notre
Dame in 4:30 and was clipped at
4:27 2-5 in a trial run at Waterman
gymnasium last year. His best time
for the two-mile run was 9:58.
Donnelly will not be back in the
University this year, although he now1
expects to return next fall.

Meoid Series Alu I be Ein 'd by
Tonight if Weather Permits
All the sets in the preliminary round
of the tennis tournament have been
played off and the majority of the first
round contests have been put away.
Manager Steketee announced yester-
day that the second round matches
must be played off by tonight, the
weather permitting. The second round
games are those in the third column
of the score sheet in the intramural
club house.
The following are the survivors of
the prelimhinary round: C. V. Hicks,
L. G. Hulbert, A. K. Strouse, N. A. Hoe-
feld, L. J. Thorsh, H. J. Hamer, Earl
Wiener, L. A. Abel, E. Pettyjohn, F.
E. Davis, P. E. Sutton, J. P. Hart, P.
Steketee, W. B. Davidson, G. N. Earle,
S. L. Mooney, H. L. Popp, M. Gold-
berg, E. Safarik, B. Bade, F. C.
Froemke, L. Egbert, J. I. McClintock,
L. D. Hiett, R. Swanson, E. S. Chip-
man, II. Kelsey, D. C. Mittelsdorf, Sam
Kaufman, F. E. McKee, S. H. Eaton,
S. Shartel, H. J. Bair, H. B. Lewis, H.
R. Adams, C. Parmerlee, G.GC. Codd, E.
Steketee, L. McArthur, R. Kerr, H.
Bartz, A. Goorin, A. K. Berkowitz, B.
W. Donaldson, N. F. Shambaugh, L. E.
Waterbury, W. W. Dawley, J. W. Codd,
G. W. Hulbert, W. R. Baimstein, C. H.
Hsia, R. T. McDonald, L. S. Hecht, J.
C. Post, H. Palmer, S. Wilson, H. P.
Simons, H. R. Hanson, H. Easley, C.
C. Wolcott, S. J. Miller, G. H. Morton,
J. V. Tracy.
Monday afternoon the membership
committee of the Classical club will
meet for the purpose of considering
applications for membership. Any stu-
dent who is enrolled in a course in
either the Latin or Greek departments
is eligible to apply. A volunteer com-
mittee of the club is visiting the vari-
ous freshman sections in these depart-
ments to give information in regard to
the aims and activities of the organ-
ization and to confer with those who
may desire to join.
Each instructor in Latin and Greek
has been provided with an application
blank and it is urged that students in
advanced courses who wish to become
members sign one of these forms be-
fore Monday noon. Information re-
garding the club may be had from any
of the instructors.
Several surveying parties will par-
ticipate in the exposures of the camp-
us and interiors of the buildings which
will be taken this morning as a part of
the municipal movies. The engineer-
ing shops and chemistry laboratories
will play an important part in today's
section of the film, as scenes of the
students at work are to be snapped
This afternoon a reception will be
staged at Martha Cook building as an
act in the development of the plot
Later in the day interesting features
of the Mt. Union-Michigan game will
be taken. This will just about com-
plete the work of the photographer
as nearly everthing around the Uni-
versity has been worked into the film
in some way and all that remains to
be done is to fill in a few details.
Brotherton Weds Dorothy Bastian
One of the weddings which took
place early in the fall was that of
Wilbur Brotherton, '16, and Dorothy
Bastian, '17. The groom is a member
of Zeta Psi, and the bride of Kappa

Alpha Theta. Mr. Brotherton is now
an assistant in the Botany department.
The ceremony took place in Evanston,
Ill., the home of the bride.
Our alarm clocks are good clocks.
Chapman, Jeweler, 113 South Main

Someone to carry,
'away $3,000 ink
cash-genuine off?
fer-no expense to
you -call at once
'; ai particula.rs.
Eberbach & Son Cp
200-204 E. ibety St
(Continued from Page Three.)
torious Crimson, is at last to come
true. At Princeton, the Tigers will
grapple with the husky Tufts eleven,
conquerors of Harvard. The Medford
bunch will undoubtedly find the going
>much rockier today than it did last
week, for the Princetonians, with a
veteran eleven, look as strong as any
team in the east.
L The other "big league" teams will
probably not be worried to a great
extent by their opponents of today..
Yale meets Lehigh at New Haven,
Harvard bucks North Carolina at Cam-
bridge, and Cornell takes on Williams
at Ithaca. One aggregation that will
have its hands full is the Navy, which
tackles the fast-going University of
Pittsburg eleven at Annapolis: On
past performances the Middies are in
'or a bad afternoon.
In the west, all the conference
teams will be found in action. Wis-
consin and Ohio State oght to find
their opponents, South Dakota State
and Oberlin, fairly easy, but Purdue
may strike a snag when it meets Wa-
bash. Minnesota, looming up as a
dangerous contender for the confer-
ence championship, will have no trou
ble in disposing of North Dakota. Iowa
is the one conference team that faces.
breakers ahead in this afternoon's con-
tests. The Hawkeyes take on "Bill"'
McAlmon's fighting Grinnellites, who
conie heralded as the best gridiron
crew seen at Grinnell in years. Their-
'57-0 massacre of Simpson last Satur-
day does not serve to brand their
boasts as idle chatter.
The committee for Saturday's Union.
dance has been announced as follows:-
Allen Livingston, chairman, '18E; T.
Alan Livingston, '18E, chairman; T.
Saylor, '19. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Mar-
steller will act as chaperones.
The tickets for Saturday's dat
were sold a few minutes after they
were put on sale at the Union Thrs-
day. Fully 125 men stood in line out-
side the Union office waiting to secure

Bread and Wheat Prices Go Higher
Washington, Oct. 13.-Of 210 lrands
of bread that retailed for five cents
for a 15-ounce loaf on May 15, only 14
remained at that price Sept. 15, the
bureau of labor statistics announces.
Wheat increased 34 per cent; flour, 37

Sp eve' a ortu rday
Bitter Sweet Chocolates
109 S. Main
A Box of Preketee's Makes a Happy Home.

Alpha Delts went back home without $1.60 to $2.00 a bushel, according o
their man. quality, will go higher before the wint-
er is out, is certain, and ere long the
COLLEGE STUDENTS VISIT NEW humble "spud" may figure, along wvith
YORK'S SOCIAL SETTLEMENTS the terrapin and lobster, exclusively
in the menus of the more opulent mem-
College students from all parts of bers of society.
the country visited the settlements If the sweet potato does become a
and industrial communities of New substitute for the ordinary variety, it
York and Brooklyn this summer. The will only be resuming its rightful
investigations were made in connec- place, so to speak. Long beforo the
tion with a course in social welfare potato was introduced in Ireland by Sir
given under the supervision of Richard Walter Raleigh, about 1586, the sweet
H. Edwards, social service secretary potato was common enough to have
of the Y. M. C. A. earned the appellation of "common po-
This is the first time that a scien- tato."
tific investigation has been made As far as food value is concerned, the
by college students of the social sweet potato is about equal to the or-
and industrial conditions of New dinary variety. The greater percent
York city. Trips of inspection of each variety is composed of starch,
were made to the Bush term- which is necessary, the dietitians tell
inal in Brooklyn, where two hun- us, to a well balanced ration.
dred and seventy-six manufacturers,
are located and where the working ENGINEEIIS TO HOLD ANNUAL
population equals that usually found ELECTION NEXT WEDNESDAY
in a city of 250,000 inhabitiants. The
work also included first hand obser- The senior engineers will hold their
vation of the shirt waist makers strike. annual election next Wednesday aft-
ernoon at 2:30 o'clock, in a room' to
GROVER DE BUTTS AND M'KEE be announced in Tuesday's Daily.
WILL ENTERTAIN FRESHMEN Last Wednesday evening the class
___--_ held its nominating meeting under
Frank Grover, '18; Dean DeButts, Lawrence leustis as presiding officer.
'18E, and Waldo McKee, '18, will fur- The following men were named to run
nish the entertainment at the fresh- for office next week: for president, 11
man smoker to be held at the Michi- A. Taylor, A. E. ecker; vice-presi-
gan Union Tuesday night. Grover will dent, R. L. McNamec, C. W. Reade;
render a vocal solo, DeButts will play secretary, L. Crandall, S. Emerick;
the piano and McKee will play the t'reasurer, J. Pollock, B. Stenberg;
saxophone. track manager, H. L. Carroll, W. Gernt;
The freshmen smoker is open to all -baseball manager, R. it. Baker, D.
freshmen on the campus and is for Gardrer; basket ball manager, H.
the purpose of getting the 1920 class Whittingham, R. F. Kohr; oratorical
acquainted with each other. Cider, delegate, R. Rose, C. Skinner. R1. J.
"eats" and cigarets will be provided Dendero was elected football manager'
by the committee in charge, to till the vacancy caused by the ab-
sence of Manager-elect Clark who is
Leave your film at Sugden's. now on the Mexican border.



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