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April 24, 1917 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1917-04-24

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Lundgren Expects to Play All-Campus
Team Tomorrow Afternoon
If Possible

(Michigan Could
Use Him Handily



No Game Held Yesterday But Coach
Will Return to Regular WeekC
Day Routine Today
Two games are this week's possi-
bilities along baseball lines, one to-
morrow and the other Saturday.
Tomorrow's battle, if held, will more
than likely be with the All-campus
team that gave the Varsity such a rub
last Saturday afternoon, when Captain
Brandell's teammates were barely able
to nose out their opponents after play-
ing overtime. Bran himself contributeda
largely to that score by clouting outi
two triples and a single, and scoringc
three runs.
Freshmen Rounding Into Shape c
If plans work out as expected, Sat-t
urday may see the Varsity clash with.
Coach Dale Maltby's yearlings. Thei
freshmen are working out regularlyt
and are getting into good shape rap-l
idly and should soon be able to give
the camp of Lundgren an interesting
tussle. Whether this game will be
staged or not is still under the hats1
of the gentlemen in authority on the]
question. Both coaches are anxious
to see their respective proteges get to-,
gether as soon as possible. The date
depends upon the ability of the All-
fresh to round into form.
The coach let his men off without a
scrub game yesterday for the first time
since vacation. Infield practice, bat-
ting, catching fungoes and practicing
sliding into the sacks kept the team
busy. Quite a little time was devoted
to showing the men how to hook into
a base when the guardian has the ball
Parks Has Sore Arm
There will probably be a prelimin-
ary game this afternoon in prepara-
tion for the first of the two regular
games to come. The Varsity pitchers
mr e seemingly in good shape, with the
possible exception of Parks. The
sophomore has had a slight soreness
in his hurling arm for a couple of
days. Shorty Miller, Glenn Lush,
Saunders, Ohlmacher and Gariepy
work nearly every day and for the
most part keep those who have de-
signs on the season's high batting
average somewhat worried. Parks has
dring the past week been made chair-
man of the opposition twirling staff
when games were being played, as-
sisted by Lush and Ohlmacher, but
Verne has done by far the bulk of the
The coach will probably work the
majority of his pitchers sometime dur-
ing the coming contests, as it is still
a little early to expect any one to go
nine full innings. Noneof the hurlers
have gone more than three innings at
any time during the season except in
Saturday's game.

Bo Wilson, ex'17, recently cleared
the bar at 12 feet 6 inches while pole
vaulting for the Los Angeles A. C. in
the Southern California A. A. U. meet.
Wilson holds the present Michigan
record for this event, at 12 feet, a
mark he made in Waterman gym while
a sophomore. He has been out of
school for the past two years on the
Pacific coast.




TO PIT '20i


Philadelphia, April 23.-Withdraw-
als of teams because of war activities
will not affect materially the success
of the annual relay carnival this week
at the University of Pennsylvania, ac-
cording to the latest information from
the Quaker seat of learning.
At the present time Harvard, Mich-
igan, and Cornell are the onlycolleges
that have sent definite word that they
have withdrawn their teams, but it is
considered probable that several oth-
ers will be absent, because the teams
have been broken up by enlistment of
the members or the ban placed on ath-
letics by the faculties.
In some of the championship events
this will work for the good of the
meet, as the management was troubled
at one time over the likelihood that
heats would have to be run for some
of these important races. Some other
teams are likely to drop out of events
for which they have been named be-
cause the performances of the men
fail to attain the necessary standard,
but, in any case, there will be plenty
of competition in the title races.
The Pennsylvania authorities state
that definite, information has been re-
ceived that at least eight teams will
start for the mile championship, which
will carry with it possession of the
Murphy memorial cup, in competition
for the first time. There will be six
teams in the two-mile championship,
four in the four-mile, and especially
good entries for the medley relays on
Friday. The school events have not
been affected, and most of the class
relays have been well filled.
Swimming Proves Popular for Stu-
dents at Madison School
Madison, Wis., April 23.-More than
500 men participated in minor sports
at the University of Wisconsin during
the first semester of this year.
Nearly a quarter of the men in the
freshman class have taken part in
minor sports. In the teams and classes
of rowing, swimming, tennis, boxing,
wrestling, and fencing last semester
there was a total of 558 men.
Swimming attracted more than 200
men. About three-fourths of this num-
ber were freshmen enrolled in swim-
ming classes. Seventeen freshmen
won places on the freshmen swimming
squad. The varsity swimming squad
was composed of 20 men from upper
classes. Rowing attracted about 150
men, half of them sophomores. Al-
though only 10 men won positions or
varsity tennis teams, about 80 tool
an active part. More than 60 of them
were enrolled in classes.
Sixty men studied boxing with soph-
omores leading in number. Wrest-
ling classes and the varsity squad
numbered about 50 men, 11 of whom
t represented the university in inter
collegiate wrestling. Only two me
were on the varsity fencing squad.
Exactly 205 men participated i
class and intercollegiate basketball
1 and 252 in intramural, tournament
basketball on fraternity, company
class, and college teams.
Have those rooms redecorated foi
your May Festival guests. Phone 237
C. H. Major & Co.-Adv.

Steve Farrell has decided to hold
the first relay of the spring series
Saturday afternoon just before the
baseball contest. The time for the in-
ception of the outdoor track season is
set at 2:45 o'clock.
Farrell is going to run Huntington,
Fontanna, Hardell,- and Scofield
against the choicest he can find in
freshmen ranks. Butler, Hunt, Forb-
es, and Bergazin look like the best
bets to set the Varsity the fastest sort
of a pace.
Nothing but indoor dope can be had
on either team, since none of the men
have been clocked in competition since
the men started working on Ferry
field. It must be said that the yearl-
ings don't suffer in comparison when
mentioned in the same breath with
the best Michigan could boast of for
intercollegiate competition.
Bergazin as Fourth Man
Butler and Forbes look like quarter
milers who can make Fontanna or any
other Varsity man sweat to stay on
the same field with them. Hunt isn't
so much slower that he would be lost
in the distance. Bergazin is a new
man at the 440, as he has been regard-
ed as a sprinter until recently. Far-
rell things well enough of his ability
to place him on the team, which
should be saying considerable.
Steve clocked Hap Hardell the other
day making the distance in 52 2-5 sec-
onds, the fastest any Varsity man has
travelled this spring. The other Var-
sity men are working hard for the
race, as they realize that they are up
against a stiff proposition.
Scofield Regains Condition
Scofield seems to have regained all
the speed he lost when he had the!
recent trouble with a bad leg. Up

Naltby Reduces
All-fresh Squad
Coach MakesSlash in Preparation for
Initial Clash with Varsity Team
Due Wednesday or Thursday
After much mental tribulation and
figurative gnashing of teeth, Dale
Maltby, All-fresh coach, has at last
succeeded in narrowing down competi-
tion somewhat, reducing what was be-
fore a cumbersome crowd to a more
or less unified nine. With a Varsity
game looming up before the boys,
practice has been growing more and
more strenuous, for at present it
seems that this will be their only
sources of competition. Wednesday or
Thursday is the day designated for
the first scrap with the big boys, and
Dale has prepared a tentative line-up
in preparation.
In the box, Maltby will place either
Ruzicka or impress a Varsity hurler,
placing Genebach or Starrett at the re-
ceiving line. At first, Gilmartin will
figure, being one of the most promis-
ing initial sackers in years. Nip Free-
man or Wimble will hold down third,
and either Wimble of Van Boven will
do the statuesque stunt around third
base. Knode, the marvel outfielder
will place at left field, Cohn or Klee
at center, and Weadock or Gene-
bach at right field.
Coach Maltby is expecting big things
of these boys, and they should give
their big brothers a good scrap for
the bacon. Should the ankle of the
redoubtable Van Cleff round back into
shape by Thursday, Dale's worries
will be over.
Philadelphia, April 23.-Both Har-
vard and Brown universities will be
represented at the Pennsylvania re-
lay races, to be held on Franklin field,
April 27 and 28, it was announced to-

Two more athletes have been added1
to the roster of those lost to the
University realm of sport on account
of war.
Burt Larson, who played short stop,
on the reserve team of the baseball
squad will go with the medical corps1
as a first lieutenant. Jimmy Hayes,
one of O. S. Westerman's most prom-i
ising welterweights, and rated by thatf
instructor as the best boxer of thatt
division in the University, has enlistedf
in the 4th regiment of the United
States cavalry. He leaves today forf
Columbus, Ohio.
This brings the squad of ex-VarsityG
huskies who have become involved inc
some branch of army service or train-
ing up considerably. Others who havei
deserted sports for the big fight are
Captain Pat Smith of the Varsity foot-I
ball team, Phil Raymond, Hildner, and
Loucks of Yost's squad, Morrie Dunne
of Coach Lundgren's veterans, and1
George Schuster from Coach Farrell's
Rumors are current that they may
have more company from out the ranks
of former athletes, though just who1
are contemplating departure does noti
as yet appear.
War Will Save Harvard $50,000
Cambridge, Mass., April 23.-The
bugle call that summoned the nation
to war has served to save the Harvard
athletic association $50,000, which
may be invested in government bonds
or given to the country's resources in
some other way. The abandonment of
athletics saved Harvard a big expendi-
ture in cash this spring, with only lit-
tle prospects ordinarily of getting one-
third of the amount returned.
Darcy Enlists in Aviation Reserve
Memphis, Tenn., April 23.-Les Dar-
cy, Australian middleweight champion,
today enlisted in the United States
army aviation reserve corps at Mem-
phis without any strings tied to his
enlistment. He stood a good physical
examination, being found perfect at
160 pounds. This followed an an-
nouncement that Darcy would enlist
if he could get a furlough to make
two fights.
New Clause In Colgate Contracts
New York, April 23.-A feature of
the contracts for next fall's Syracuse-
Colgate football game is a clause
which provides that Colgate shall not
use players who have been iembers
'of other college teams.
There is opportunity in The Michi-
gan Daily Ads. Read them.

Golf Club Plans
To Hold Tourne:
At the spring meeting of the ofl
cials of the University of Michiga
Golf association, new directors wei
elected and plans for the season'
tourney were discussed. Director
elected were: E. B. Palmer, '17, H. M
Birmingham, '17, W. V. Casgrain, '1
C. S. Scribner, '18E, and J. L. Beer
The club is supervised by Prof. I
A. Kenyon of the engineering colleg
and is under the immediate control o
E. B. Palmer, '17, president.
It has been announced by the d
rectors that membership is limited bi
at present men may join by applyin
to Professor Kenyon and paying thi
fee of $8.50.
There will be a tournament shortl
for members and numerals will 1
awarded to the winner and runner-u
as usual. The directors will meet an
draw up the details of this tourney a
well as elect a president for the ensu
ing year some time during the wee.
Coach Stagg to Give Football Cours
Chicago, April 23,-Coach A.
Stagg of the Chicago university foo
ball team has been obtained, accord
ing to an announcement from Wash
ington State college, to teach footba
during the coming summer session a
W. S. C. This plan of teaching foo
ball strategy and coaching has bee
in vogue at Columbia university at
Dartmouth for several summers.

to the time of his injury, Le looked day
like Michigan's best bet at the 440 dis- Because of the discontinuance of
tance, and provided he is back in athletic activities at Harvard, doubt
shape should give all hands some was expressed as to whether the Crim-
trouble in beating the time he hangs son colors would be seen at the relays,
up. while Brown had a previous agree-
Interest in track, which flagged for ment with Amherst for a dual meet
a short time after the suspension of and was not expected here. Amherst,
athletics by the Regents, has again however, has cancelled the meet.
picked up. About 25 men were out Harvard's entries include Meanix in
yesterday. the quarter-mile hurdle and Ryan in
Next week Farrell expects to put the 100-yard dash. Brown will send a
on another set-to between the two relay team and in addition will be rep-
mile relay teams of the Varsity and resented in the 100-yard dash by White
the 1920 men. and Mullane.
A. A. U. SUSPENDS ACTIVITIES Fresh Lit Baseball Team Practices
IF WILSON CALLS VOLUNTEERS All try-outs for the fresh lit base-
ball team are requested to report south
New York, April 23.-Without wait- of the Ferry field clubhouse this aft-
ing for a vote of the board of directors ernoon at 3:30 o'clock for the first
the Amateur Athletic association con- practice Qf the season and the organ-
siders itself bound by the resolutions izing of the team.

15 cent

adopted at the conference of amateur
athletic organizations held here, and
if the president should issue a call for
volunteers it will immediately sus-
pend all championships except those
whose arrangements have been al-
ready started.
Pending the determination of the
nation's army policy, the A. A. U. and
the Metropolitan association will hold
the national wrestling championships
and the junior and senior cross coun-
try title runs ofthe Metropolitan as-


In Sport
or Study, T
hm0 Nork or Play
O night oil", or after a stiff lame. A treat l
S at any time. encouriiie 8ubstitution~
0 CA f~Z~ i~0~L CDL C> i i~D~L
ad E-Q[~]OC)DI~ QQG()O




Interclass baseball will start the last
of this week, although all entries are
not yet in and the time expired yes-
terday noon. Other interclass com-
petition, such as track meets, may not
be arranged by the intramural depart-
ment because the drillers on Ferry
field have crowded out the athletes.
A full list of entries for the frater-
nity outdoor indoor baseball is in, and
a schedule may be started the last of
the week. Entries for the boarding
louse league are not coming in fast,
but managers of these teams have un-
til tomorrow night to sign up.
Atlanta, Ga., April 23.-Eight col-
leges, composing the southern athletic
conference, will maintain their ath-
letic schedules, at least until the war
department makes a specific demand
on the colleges for service. This was
announced here today following a
conference meeting. The schools rep-
resented were Georgia Tech, Univer-
sity of ,eorgia, Alabama, Auburn
Sewanee, Mercer, South Carolina, and
Mississippi A. and M.

-Cleveland, April 23.-Johnny Kil-
bane will probably retire from the
ring after his go with Freddie Welshl
in New York May 1. He said today?
he is considering yielding to the pleas
of his parents to quit the ring.
Cleveland friends of the feather-
weight title holder have a hunch that
he will whirl himself into the light-
weight championship when he fightsa
Welsh, and gain the distinction of be-
ing the only boxer who has held world
titles of two classes. He will leave
Tuesday or Wednesday for New York.
For live, progressive, up-to-date ad
vertising use The Michigan Daily.


v srLSUs


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