Y Y ILJ'41L~ 3 T7ie Largest Assortment ine woolens in the city is here for your inspection. We think you'll ee that never have you seen classier fabrics. Tailored in our in- table style in a suit to your measure, they will make you as smartly sed as any man in town. G. H. Wild Company ig Merchant Tailors STATE STREET Military Drill Books Plattsburg Manual Moss's Manual Infantry Drill Regulations h4 Slater Book cShop a.s 430 386 S. Stat. St STOP AT UTTLE'S 38 8S. STATE )r sodas and lunches EORGE BISCHIOFF ?LORIST c Cut Flowers and Plants hapin St. Ann Arbor, Mici- PRONE 809 M Special Sale of Cosmetics and Switche Special Ten Day Weave BEAUTY SHOP Miss Mabel Rowe Shampooing, Manicuring, Massaging and Chiropody Phone 2402 503 First National Bank Bidg FIRST NAIL BANK OF ANN ARBOR, MICH. Capital $xoo,ooo Surplus and Profit $65,ooo DIRECTORS Wirt Cornwel Geo. W. Patters( SW. Clarkai Fre Schmid Waldo M. Abbot on Harry M. Hawlej on Harrison Soule D. B. Sutton 8. D. Kinnie After Your Class :)R ANY TIME, DROP INTO THE ountainof Youth Aned enjoy one of our Horlick's Originals or try one of our Delicious Sundae# We Offer You 1 UIRITY - - SERVICE - - LOCATION Resources $3 ,800 ,00o in Arbor Savings Bank Incorporated 1869 ni Office-- rthwest Corner Main and Huron ich Office-- 707 North University Ave. 'armors & Mechanics Bank rfa the Best in Modern Banking OURITY " " " EFFICIENCY ent and Pleasant Quarters. You Will led With War Service. Two Offices S. Main St.: 330 S. State St. -typewriter from D. MORRILL 822 South Stat. Street I furnish you an instruction -so. oharge. You will be a eloreo you know it. is the right time to have any painting done. Phone 237. C. r & Co.-Adv-. DETROIT UJNITED LINES Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson Cars run on Eastern time, one hour faster, than local tine. Detroit Limitea an i Express Cars-7:35 a in., 8':zo a. m. and hourly to 7:1o p. in., 9:ro p. M. Kalamazoo Limited Cars-8 :48 a. mn and every two hours to 6:48 P. In.; to Lansing, 8:41 p. m. Jackson Express Car. - (Local stops west of Ann Arbor)-9 :48 a. mn. and every two hours to 748 p. m. Local Cars Eastbound-5 :35 a. mn,, 6:40 a. m,., r ms a. n. and every two hours to 7 :05 p. Mn., 8:05 p. n., 9:0S p. M-., 10:30 p. in. to Ypsilanti only. 9:20 a. Mn., 9:5o a. Mn., 2:05 p. a. mr. 'To Saline, change at Ypsilanti. Local Carsa.Westbound-6:.oS a. mn., :5o a. M., 1o:90 V. in.. 12:ae a. im. Swain Twenty-two remarkable photo- graphs of the Greek Play. Come in and see them. M 1C. VNIVECRSITY (CHOP off a few minutes and eat some of GEORGIC8SVE Y WAR KING LOA 314 S. State St. Phone' 1264-M Have your shoes full-soled in leath- er or Neolin. We specalse in this work. 0. G. Andres. 220 So. State. 18-6 r MiignInit#GOD'S 0I1IIIII Official newspaper at the University of =-N G D 8 0 Mi,,.agan. Published every morning except Mfaday during the university year. Gt You~r Re] Entered at the post-office at Ani Arbor asy M c.A second-class matter. Y.M-i ..' O0ees: Ann Arbor Press Building. Sub-Em oy etT NI B A riptionh: by carrier i~;by mail, s~o. TOfficeS isB A W ant d. stations: wuarp's; Students' up- tore; The Delta, cor. Stat and Pack rd. 0op en daily Pons: Business, 96; Editorial 244. between 2OiLr Stock Is inCommunications not to exceed gso words 3:00 and 6:00 =p rc inlednthe notices of events will be pub-Pr °d fihdinTeDalat the icetioh nn oreSaturday SEditor, i left a fi t the icrtin Arofrt Press Bldg., or in the notice box in the west 9:00 to 12:00_ corridor of the general ilirar, where the A notices are collected at 7 :e o'clock each evening. LANE HALL Carence T. Fishleigh. Business Manager Telephone U=V RS T Conrad N. Church ............News Editor82 Hr od A. lFtzgerald.........Sports Editor Harold C. L. Jackson... Telerph dtor Marian Wilson... ........Women's Editor eLeonard W. Nieter... .Ass't Telegraph. Editor VIrTv eors .Ro..... xhneEio . E Cam bll.. .A austant Business Manager C.Philip 1 mery. .Assistant Business M anager __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ Albert E. Horne. .Assistant Business Manager Roscoe R. Rau..,..Assistant Business Manager C. M. ticklingNitEdos H. M. Carey' z lme -B. A. Swaney J. L. Stadeker a ' L. S. Thompson E. L. Zeigler ________________ H. C. Garrison .l-94 'o Reporters Msuswl eta 'lc o C. S. Clark James Schermerhorn, Jr masquesillgetahtococ o ttR. H. Fricken G. O. Bah;moro ngh at Newberry residence.MA T Ae m yD H. Cruttenden Mildred C. MgIl Mr. R. W. Cowden of the rhetoric de- A.L emyrJ . Tar partmentgood, ho Annetta L. Wood F. A TbH artmet will speak on "The One-ra T. F. McAllister Allan Shoenfield At Ac C.CPnrw R .M~nllay." ® give me a man th C.C nrw .T coadC. L. Goldstein Dean Myra B. Jordan will be unable slowly an' naturall Business Staff to give knitting lessons at Barbour Paul E. Cholette Harry R. Lousgynsum ths afternoon as an- HrlR.Sth.SmtnEalSyorFB.Wlool rlned oVEVTgtitgodWater R. Payne Bernard .Kohl Matches in the first round of the ten- ness that way-two years nis tournament are now posted at Bar- r natural ageing. our gymnasium and should be played --off by Wednesday, May 2. TUESDAY, APRIL 24, 1917. Practice for the hornpipe dance will be held at 5 o'clock this afternoon Night Editor-T. F. McAllister and tomorrow afternoon in BarbourF 1Ap gymnasium. The minuet will reearse O ]feeing of editorial staff and try. at 5 o'clock Thursday afternoon. O outs in editorial rooms this afternoon Girls' Glee club meets at 5 o'cloclj FL C at 5i o'clock. today. PHONE 294 War relief work will be carried on r NOW FOR A DEFINITE PLAN from 3 to 6 o'clock today in Barbour Member of Flo Attention! gymnasium. ° Major Charles W. Castle has ar Stylus meets at 7:30 o'clock to- Delver irived. To dispel uncertainty and es ih tteGmm h eahue tabishmiltar eficenc ou Maoi Y. W. C. A. cabinet meets at 4:15 Fo esb i f tblih mlitry ffiieny or Mjoro'clock Wednesday at Newberry hall. shas a tremendous task before him. He Geneva club meeting has been finds here a collection of individual changed from Thursday evening to 'units which he must weld Into a mat- Wednesday evening, and will be held time they will go on sale to the cam- '-a hl.Tento sa a n at the Alpha Chi Omega house as Pus. Chaperons are Mr. and Mrs. plwoelnto stwr and ed J. H. Cissel and Mr. and Mrs. . W. time is precious. __________ Boston. He will need all our support-and Senior Engineers Dance Next Friday more-he will need unquestioned Senior engineers will give a dance Do your shades need renewing? Call obedience; if he is to get the desired at the Armory next Friday night, with 237. C. H. Major & Co.-Adv. results quickly. music by Fisher's J-hop orchestra. We have eagerly awaited his ap- Until Wednesday, tickets will be sold Get your soes fixed at Paul's Place, pearance, for we want military train- to senior engineers only, after that e11 E. William St. btf ing. We have done the best we could __________________________________ to prepare ourselves against the day of his coming. We have had time to realize the enormity of the undertak- ing upon the threshold of which he stands. We pledge him our co-opera- tion. Co-operation means that we must be Iready for his orders and prove by the way we execute them that our determination is to profit by military instruction. With his first word we will drop our - pose of expectancy, snap to military alertness, and be ready for his com- mand: "Attention! " Chemically speaking, the supersat- urated solution of patriotism at Mich- igan can crystalize now that Major Castle affords the -necessary factor. How do you plant potatoes? How long will it take the popular music writers to set the "back-to-the-I farm" movement to a new set of notes? We are inclined to believe that a ' ) summer on the farm would do won- ders at bringing about an apprecia- tion of college life. How many feet of trench two feet Co lte o ~r ~ alc and a half wide and seven feet deep can you dig in a day? Our summer clothing which is now How many men will represent on display includes some mighty attrac- Michigan at Fort Sheridan? tive two-piece woven suits as well as REV. ERNEST TITTLE To GIVE the ever more popular sport coats. The FIFTH WESLEYAN ADDRESS heather colors are more prominent than ever and are the best we have found Rev. Ernest F. Tittle, pastor of the for this type of clothing being service- Broad Street Methodist Episcopal al swl stsy church of; Columbus, 0., will deiiver abea .el.stsy the fifth of the Wesleyan Guild lec- The white flannels are here too and tures of this semester, next Sunday are better tailored and more attractive night in the local Methodist Episcopal than ever. church. Remember, summer clothes are hard The Rev. Tittle preached for a num- t e n nodrt e h etsr ber of years at Delaware, 0., the seat t e n nodrt e h etsr of Ohio Wesleyan, where he made an vice do not wait too long. excellent record as a preacher in a student congregation. He is recog- "We Clothe Young Men Complete" nized as the most promising in Meth- odism among the young men of today. A year ago Rev. Tittle was called W agner'& Co. to the Broad street church in Colum-SaeSretA iet bus which is considered as the most StaeStabsed-A1848 rt important Methodist pulpit in the state 'of Ohio._________________________________ VT OF DOORS w eaf. taut tof ~E B A L L mGOL F comlplete and : Right BOOKSTORES iestN., wr in'patnr way be all right but tat's got his k , rnica' 1 OWERS 213 E. Liberty St. )rists' Telegraph ,y Service e to All the World. _ t - - ,' - "- , 111 : ,,. -_ .... . ...r _ ._ . .-- --- -..-_._...w._._ "Ol0d Struf"f" It is customary when advertising to college men to show a group of sturdy young savages battling their way to victory and teh state that this or that article of food or raiment made the victory possible. SheddedWhea certainly did not fill the above shells with these fine ap- pearing young gentlemen. It might have helped-we know ofnumerous cases where it has -but it did not do it alone. Y'oe might or might not like Shredded Wheat. Most people do like it. The best way to find out is to try for yourself. Y'ou may be sure of this : Shredded Wheat is actually what t is represented to be--an exceptionally nutritious food miade from the. whole wheat berry. It does feed the body, give strength to the muscles and help to keep the stomach andl digestive organs clean and in a healthy condition. ['hat is all. [he Shredded Wheat Co. Niagara. Falls, N. Y. Attractive Figure A corset i s sopersonal-so much a part cf eone's. very self -that it should 1U-nos;- houg~ht, fully sel 2ctf-d ? aiIteJ by a skillful fitter, PKedfern MA! :L'c figure beauty and correct f; .r defects. You will appreciate the value of a Redfern Corset, and you will like the beauty, of form and exquisite dain-. tiness of the latest models. AMost. ''t '.1 t C . $3 up For Sale by N