1- [CH DAILY M G. H. Wild Co. Leading Merchant Tailors State St. IK-ULE L.EAS ecial this week only. ss this opportunity, if rchsain g. You you cant no afford to are thinking of .- -.. ,. -6- REMEMBER IT'S ALLMENDINGER MUSIC SHOP 1692 122 B. LIBERTY ST Ul .. .. mwmmmmmmmftIR mmmm .- N1IVRS TY TEXT BOOKS r" - DRAWING INSTRVMENTS SVPPLIES OF ALL KINDS 0 Slater Book Shop a' )ETROIT UNITED LINES en Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson run on E;astern time, one hour faster al time. it Limited and Express Cars-8 : so a. hourly to 7:10 p. in.,.9:[o p. in. nazoo Limited Cars- :48 a. in. and wo hours to 6:48 p. in.; to Lansing, m5. on Express Cars-( Local stops west of bor)- :48 a. m. and every two hours Cars Eastbound-5:3s a. In, 6:40 a. S a. in. and every two hours to 7:05 p. 5 p. m., 9:05 p. M., 10:50 p. in. to ti only, 9:2o a. mn., 9:5o a. in., 2:05 P. Sp.im., 11:45 p. .n., 1:r0a. in.,1:20 ToeSaline, change at Ypsilanti. Cars Westbound-6:os a. n., 7:550 a. '0 p. M.. 12:20 a. m. armors & Mechanics Bank rers the Best in Modern Banking ECURITY - - . EFFICII NY ent and Pleasant Quarters. You Will sed With Our Service. Two Offices 5S: Main St. 1 30 S. State :St. %WRITFR8 of all makes o or Rent. 1aning & airing. TYPEWRITING & [OGRAPHING. CUPPLUES 0. DMorr111 We Offer You SECURITY - - SERVICE - - LOCATION Official newspaper at the University of MTichiigan. Published every morning except Monday during the university year. Entered at the post-office at Ann Arbor as second-class matter. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building. Sub- scriptions: by carrier, $i.o0; by mail, $3-oo. Want ad. stations: Quarry's; Students' Sup- ply Store; The Delta, cor. State and Packard. Phones: Business, 960; Editorial, 2414. Communications not to exceed 300 words in length, or notices of events will be pub- lished in The Daily if left at the office in the Ann Arbor Press Bldg., or iA the notice box in the west corridor of the general library, where the notices are collected at 7:30 o'clock each evening. John C. B. Parker..........tManaging Editor Clarence T. Fishleigh.. Business Manager Conrad N. Church ..............News Editor Lee E. Joslyn ............... .City Editor H-arold A. Fitzgerald........ports Editor Harold C. L. Jackson......Telegraph Editor Verne E. Burnett...........Associate Editor Golda Ginsburg.............Women's Editor Carleton W. Reade.........Statistical Editor J. E. Campbell... Assistant Business Manager C. Philip Emery..Assistant Business Manager Albert E. Horne.. Assistant Business Manager Roscoe R. Rau....Assistant Business Manager Fred M. Sutter... Assistant Business Manager Night Editors L. S. Thompson.I A. Baumgarth L. W. Nieter J. L. Stadeker Reporters B. A. Swaney C. W. Neumann WV. R. Atlas C. C. Andrews E. L. Zeigler H. C. Garrison Allen Schoenfield C. M. Jickling Marian Wilson D. S. Rood Business Staff Bernard Wohl J. E. Robinson Paul E. Cholette Harry R. Louis E. 'Reed Hunt Harold J. Lance Earl F. Gansehow Walter R. Payne Harold Makinson SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1916. Night Editor-J. L. Stadeker DEAN HINSDALE'S ADDRESS, Dean Hinsdale's address at Convoca- tion yesterday afternoon proved to be more a plain, commonsense, interest- ing talk than an oration couched in lofty phrases. He spoke right to the students, and not for a Moment were his words above their heads. His ad- dress concerned intimately the great majority of his listeners. His words were advice and counsel, not given patronizingly or dictatorially, but as man to man, to persons whose careers are in the making. "Personal Econ- omies" was the title of the dean's talk. Personal economies in money, time, and health were those stressed. It was a broad, forceful talk, with enough1 of the sympathetic, human element in it to level the learned professor to the plane of the illiterate student. This is the kind of address that may best be enjoyed by regents, faculty, and students in conclave together. This is the sort of talk that best serves to draw the three factors into one solid unit. It is this type of ad- dress that we hope Convocation ora- tors will adopt in the future. ARE, YOU THIS D. Dicker, M. Murdock, F. Beach, R. Kerr, E. Stahl. C. Benner, W. Tippy, D. Decker, all have mailheld at the °Y" office. Kindly call for it. -Book" anid S~appliom Nomatter what your course. _ Ma azinz s arxd PN0oes No matter.what your taste. - Sportimg Goods No matter what your game. S UNIVER.SITY BOOKST ORES V T H' thoughtless talker is like a blank cartridge. He makes a loud niebut never hits th' target. 4When you stop to think, it's little wonder that VELVET is II so good. Every bit o.f it has been naturally aged for twoyears, N. Resources $3,8oo,ooo ~ womnen Annual Y. W. C. A. banquet will take place at 6:00 o'clock this evening in Barbour gymnasium. All notices for this column must be signed and left in the box in the read- ing room of the Library by 1:00 o'clock of the day preceding their appearance. Glee club tryouts will be held Mon- day afternoon from 4:30 to 6:00 o'clock, in room 7, School of Music. Mandolin club tryouts will be held Monday from 5:00 to 6:00 o'clock in the parlors of the gymnasium. The increased enrollment, due to the fact that sophomores as well as fresh- men are required to take gymnasium work, and that many upper class girls have elected the work, has made nec- essary the addition of 200 lorkers to those already installed. House of Representatives of the Wo- men's league will meet this morning in Barbour gymnasium. STUDENTS IN NEED OF WORK SHOULD APPLY AT Y. X. C. A. Ann Arbor Savings Bank Incorporated a869 Main Office-- Northwest Corner Main and Huron Branch Office- - 707 North University Ave. GEORGE BISCHIOFF FLORIST Choice Cut Flowess and Plants 220 Ch pin St. Ann Arbor, Mich. PHONE 809 M STOP AT TUTTLE"S 338 S. STATE for sodas and lunches pI I THE FOUNTAIN of YOUTH will give you a light lneh that gratifies and satisfies. State Street Corner of Liberty 3. State 582-x7 w AlT Odd jobs await the coming of many students, who are desirous of find- ing work to do in their spare mo- ments, at the Y. M. C. A. employment office. About two-thirds of the applicants for jobs who left their names at the employment office and have not yet succeeded in finding work, failed to leave a schedule of their hours in school, thereby making it impossible for the men in the office to provide them with jobs. These men should go to the employment office at once and fill out the application cards accord- ing to the specifications of the em- ployment staff. 1'& (Mrs. Pearl) FLAN DERS OR Ph one 294 213 E. Liberty St. )ur Salesmen Are Out ________________________________a Buy of them and get a $35.00 suit or Overcoat at $21.50 and up The Cordovan nterco1egi te Cornell: The failure of the student body of Cornell University to pat- ronize the 1916 musical festival has resulted in the abandonment of the plans for next spring's festival. Iowa: The state college has introduc- ed an innovation in the program of football games by having their Var- sity quartet sing between halves and quarters. I Takes Pictures b DeveopsFilms 8{fmakes Prints and Enlarge- 713 E. UnViVs-sty ve them your order for a Sheep Coat at .50 or a pinch back Sheep Coat at $17.50 THE ARBOR HOUSE 720 So. State St. Private dining roots or tables available to clubs or goups. $4.50 per week Phone 7994-j We have just received a beauti- ful model in a Cordovan Shoe. Vanderbilt:I rollment School of The university has an en- of 165 students in its Medicine. We can use one more salesman rRAO NARK ' HO. HAGEN &JE DELE 217 S. Ashley St. Phone 700-M t" ' t" t : " , , " t e .=.,,, r =az.. _ 3 , . Y-. r ' 1 *t Y SHOES $7, $8, $ $9.50 NOTICE THE SATURDAY EVENING POST Ladies' Home Journal, $1.00 for the pool YEAR. 'Phone your order now. offlet's News stand, 110 E. Washing- n. 'Phone 364. oct3,4,5,6,7,8 Davis can shoe you, hat you, suit , shirt you to your taste-and to e Queen's. Davis at 119 Main. oct5,7,10,14 GIRLS, ATTENTION! For rainwater shampoos call at Mrs. University. 'Phone 696-W. oct3-15 R. Trojanowski, side entrance, 1110 Leave your film at the Delta. oct3 to 29 t I HOSPITAL NOTES i K. L. Wilkins is confined to the un- iversity hospital with the diphtheria. Dr. Cummings of the health service reports the case well in hand. Wm. F. Zingg, '18E, is a victim of the typhoid epidemic- Zingg contract- ed the disease at his home, Bay City, before he entered college this fall. H. H. Flemming, '17E, of South Orange, N. J., came to Ann Arbor with the infantile paralysis. The doctors re- port his case as progressing nicely. Prof. Brumm Speaks in Detroit One of the most important celebra- tions of Angell Day was held in De- This shoe is ideal and season- able with the wearing qualities of Cordovan. Made up in brown and black Yale: According to the report of the treasurer of Yale University, the school now has an endowment of $18,431,444.64. Of this $2,256,356.69 was received during the last fiscal year. Columbia: Enrollment this year ex. ceeds that of last year by 2,000 stu- dents. Pennsylvania: A "Rogues' Gallery", has been instituted in the scientific school this year. Before a student can register now he must have his picture taken and hand it in to be kept on file with his other credent- ials. The University of Iowa has distribut- ed 115 Whitney Carr scholarships this year to needy students of the university. E a c h scholarship amounts to $20. Brown: A course in Portuguese language and literature has been added to the curriculum of the un- iversity. Iowa: A $35,000 clubhouse is being built at the university to be used for ine entertainment of visiting teams. It will contain a tile swimming pool, trophy room, reception hall, dress- ing room, lockers, showers, and' bedrooms. "THE KEMPF ]MUSIC STUDIOS" Piano, voice, pipe organ. 312 South Division street. 'Phone 212-J. Leave orders for fine piano tuning. HOW NOW,_ FESTIVALERS? IT'S A GOOD THING THE ANN ARBOR MUSICAL POPULATION ISN'T PARTICULAR. Editor, The Michigan Daily: "Iron and steel are strong, so they are, Love such as our love is stronger by far. Iron and steel change shape when they're smit, Love such as ours, who'er can change it?" No friends, this doggerel did not emanate from the psychopathic ward; it did not flow from the pen of an illiterate freshman; it cannot be just- ly imputed to Laura Jean Libbey. It is the translation of the last stanza of the Brahms classic, 'Von Ewiger Liebe" offered by the University Musi- cal society in its program of the Homer concert. If this be art, give us Broadway, the Cherry Sisters, or the "Maj!" But why not appropriate a small fraction of the velvet from the 2.0 per cent raise in the price of seats (with music the one commodity which costs the producer less than usual) and proa cure the services of an editor with some sense of the fitness of things,.- Tom Lovell, for instance? . A T ,"0 *T'_TTLV TAT1 f"AT^V" c% c Wagner & Co "Clothe Young Men Complete" State Street-At head of Liberty Established 1848, terms right. Schae- ) South Main St. oct3tf troit yesterday, when Prof. John R. Brumm, of the rhetoric department, cards. gave an address at the Detroit Cen- t8 to 29 tral. High school.