THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, APRIL 20~ th~e Largest Assortment II fine wtioolens in the city is here for your inspection. We thinky you'll ree that never have you seen classier fabrics. Tailored in our in- itablo style in a suit to your measure, they will make you as smartly essed as any man in town. II G. H. Wild Company jading Merchant Tailors STATE STREET Plattsburg Manual Moss's Manual Infantry Drill Regulations hone 43033S.Sat Official news"pape)r at the L -n ersity of Mi,:i:gan. 1Puil;shed e(ery niorning except M )nday during ;the Clivert Sity ye ar. F;itrd tthepofce at Anti Arbor as ieeoud-clas taatttr scri~io~ : y -rr;er $2.50,; bY mIl, $3.p'' tpl , prys l-rr :y elta, t ' ~ate and=1 car Phn:k6 Bsi LS', 5 900; EC rditortal, 241., a sa not to exceed 30o words tleng,, or notices of events will be pub- ':hdin The Daily, at the discretion e the b ditor, if left at the office in the Ann Arbor res. Blidg., or in the notice box in the west c" aodr of the general library, where the oucsare olleeted at 7;30o o'clock each; i a.I C1t C hsv ..eet o ',& 01o Albet li~ne.AssitnT Business MTlanagel Bicycles Switfzers' Hardware- Rackets 11.y ~ ~ Repair:g HarBId C. ?f. Night Editors ii:. 21. ( aror 1=:. Zlcioc .r Base Ball Goods ,n Mowers 310Sae Only I rwre Near C -Dmpus ' sue.. .,:: +h s a: ,_ "" xia' '. _ . t ANNOUNCEMZENT SAM BURHFLL & Co Gives you the best Tailoring service to be obtained anywhere in the coun- try, coupled with a wonderful line of Worolens. 06 E. Huron Street Opposite Court House SAMC BURCHFIELD & CO. a.........._. We Offer You MCRITY - - SERVICE -- LOCATION Resources$3,80() ,000 knn Arbor Savings Banlk Incorp orated 1869 ai Office-~ Northwest Corner Main Iund Huron anch Office- 7? o^\crth University Ave. Fanners& ehaics Ba0 Offers the Best in Moder r Banking SECURITY -". -EFFICIENCY -nt an laat -aters. You Will sasod With Our Service. Two Offices fly S. Main St. : 330 S.State St. a typewriter from D. 0MHRI 4LL 322 South State Stot will furnish YOU 31 a%, i#Jtaction free of charge. You will be a A before you know it. IPLAI N OP SQY- 0 FRIED RICE, (plain), At All Times Everyday have Fresh Home- :ade Hot Rolls served here-2 olls and Butter-5c. Open 11 A. MW to I A. 1. higan Inn 611 E. Liberty 'relephoue 448_R Car:. l oi, n Fastern ctsirs one !your faster Detroit k rLnrec te ntia p ss Car-S--7%S; a. !It., 8:; o a. i.and huryto 7:10to3. nM., 9:10 p. it. KalamnazoLimited C Xrs-_.4E ii. ILan every two hours to 6 :48 P.a; to., anIn: Jac! son Express cars . l.-., : vlsps. i L,,rai' Car>s Eastboundl7 r° _ a. !An, 6:40 a . n, 7:o, a..u ad veyt. _ hors to 7 :05 P. ii., ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 10'E,0np n~I .a1., 'lol. ~g~iat i rdy g oa. nt ,co a. m.,at 2:05 p i, : .n., IT :45 P. ' tI ; 1s0Oa. s7.., Tx:2C a. in lo aline. change a' Yrsiiani i. Twenty-t orearabephoto- graphs of the Greek Flay. Comne in and see them-i. ~ Alarm Clucks~ n anard Conklin MODEN BABERSHO 332 State St. for Particular Peopqle. FRANK C0BLICH, Propo, CONTEST EX.TENDED fEdilerrls 31.1y B Il inded in Up to May 14 The dlate for the final submittal of ditorials for the editorial contest, con- ducted by Pi Delta Epsilon, upperclass honorary journalistic fraternity, has beten postponed froriiArili 21 to May 15. Numerous editorials have been sbiltted already, but it is thought a mlore representative group will be secured by the extension of the time hlmi. The editorials must decal with some phase of University life and be not more than 500 words in length. Thte w'nning editorial will receive a $10 prize and will he published in The Daily. For further particulars, those inter- ested, can call the Contest Editor, phone 131. R'egular tassemWly at Armory, Satur- day ight.-Adv'. 19-20 Try a Michigan Daily Want-Ad. . .. ,.aTI . 1'. (. r : , Reporters S. 5 iCtark3fate > c-.Sit-ic t ;t n, Tr. R I. 11 Frkn G.0. Broph ). 1i Crmtendene Mildred C. Mighell I l~ \emeer J. P. Hart .\atrti a I.\ ud FRA. Taber 3. I' cA istr Alan Shoenfid C. C. N l_.x.reu ., R. '. Mel )on';ld G. L. C~otdslklf .p --."- Business Staff I'",zl E, ('leloc Hrry R. Louis Il ,.: id Wfkinson Earl R. Gancow Haol R.i SmiV ..itl Syntuti; ViiUNI Water R. Payne Buruad .Koh FTIDi)XY, APIL N2047. Night Edi~on---. S thermerhorn Jr. IM~LP MOBILIZE MICHIGAN'S 1iI(e 1.gcvts Katlie tecied iit ilfl-- portant that. the Un iver tsit y obtain, as co, o :f it'-fir ist se(ps owatr d p u~l~ eil nass an estimate o the resources and a lohlties of its aculty, alni. and student . To show the fdral ani state governments wat Micigan nien aged womecn are w~tilng and able to do ivt ase of need, and to oranize them in such a. wy that when the, demand for certain taents comes they may be directed zioo~:; the bet channels is a w.orthy desire. For this pll11poeOte intelligence bureau has ben established at the Union. Some forty- five thousand per- sonal index cards were sent ot early duiLg the spring vacaion, and are being returned at the rate of n~ari2 ao thousand a day. Of thesse, through the efforts cf'tte wmen of the Uni- vrit., bewee fie ndt.six touand have been recorded and (cros rfer- encecs prepared. But the success of the proe1. he eff icney with wich the Uni ersity will be able to serve the co untry, de- pendas to no small extent upon the work caried out by the bureau. The sooneIr te recording and inecri)ng is e-linpldet Ctl te wore uisful wl leto inhumriation. Acall has been issuedi by the Wo- tuen';s league and thne ichigan Uniot for saue more mcn and wxomen to al] Wn this worl. The men are asked tm give soire of their time during, the evening to auyiun~t the work hah^n carried on lby the women in the aft- ernoenl. The hel p of every petson who can possibly give time is needed. The cause is a worthy one. Battleships seem to be i better favorti this spring than canoes. Someone has suggested that con- gress bs lived up to its reputation of beint the gee~test deliberative body on earth. It is jpre.paredness of the bet kind to spade1 up the back-yard and plant a garden. With potatoes instead of grass roulu . on the fo~t lawns, "lease"' sgns will be miore 1)0 tibN or et- forcement. "Awic-aa has deditated herself with out htesit ation or resr e4 heart aind soul andc strength to the great- est o' ca ues, to which, stilninkited and fort ifed by her on-deship, we he re renew our fealty andl deot ion"--- F ormer P1 remer Asquith. WfIL J ('TINIF (CLASS iN lNi'i N 'IltN LIILA'I4NS Fulture activities of the Cosnopoli- tan club, now that the spring t rip is over, will consist manly in the meet- ings of the class it international rela- tions to be held1 every Thursday ove- in-a ng tathe;past. l'lxCi,onl 01 f- ficers fornyer will take place !In. the middle of' Mlay%, after which the sp1ringe banquet will be given. BALL TO FURNISH FUNDS FOR REDCROSS WORK SEI~~~~: V11, SL :p4'njJ 2" ~ 5 O Conunitters are )ow working hard to insure the suc'i ePa arJ$¢hk;a9l af1 Rd iy lei h 1iE111itltillt VNIVIriTY BOKSORE Cal off eae Oratorical IMeet IJUARRY DRUG CO'S. Prescription Store co r. State & N. University n . b er Bathing Caps i Tak your AmIateur FinishingC --- TO 40c & 50c l :ntt: r.(' of 1T. S. It ~m isos f Iq Lest LIve Letter Proyldes Basis A z i uin "Les MPattes' de Douche" of W~omen I The imp;ortance of unimportant ,ings is well illustrated in the plot of 'ictoiein Sardou's "Les Pattes de louche," the Frencht play to be pre- sented by the Cerele Francais next Tb nrsday evenilug, April' 26, in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. Because a scrap of paper, a love letter, does not reach its destination, tv o lovers are separated and a series of complications results, in which a inetitof wits between Prosper and Su-anne, the two leading characters lx the play, predominate. Lelandi Thomipson, '18, will play the role of Prosper, while the character of Suznnewill be taken by Margaret I~y,'18. Two other fundamental eharacters in the plot are Vanhove and Clarisse, taken by Jacob M. Brande, '18, and Mrs. A. C. Weaver, gradt. 3YN IN MILITARY INGIlNEE NING Owing to some slight misunder- standing - occasioned by an article on military training printed Thtursday mornintg, some members of the vaca- tion battalion of volunteers failed to report to their commands for drill yeste:rday afternoon. It should be em- phatsized that only those students tak-- Jng the course in elements of military engineering have been called back °oe the ranks of th-e vacation bat- talion into tihe departmental corps. All other volunteers are at liberty to continue their drills in their respective battalion companies at the time set it he schedule. T1he time set for the - aioutS company drills is, for Coin- I)ani A, diaily fronm 4:30 to 5: 15;(1ont- pat3, 4:30 to ,5:,30; Company C, 5:05, to- 5:50; Company D, 5:05 to 5:50 , and Company F, from 4:30 to :5:30 o'clock. E ai m neitOr-ders Thielzi hue ' Ams WasingonApril 19.--The war and - aydepartments today ech placed ii eergncyorder for 3,000O Lewis uhiachuine gulns. Because of' the entraLin-e of time Unit- edl St ates into the war, the annual in- terstte pec contest, Which was shed tiledtobe held i Ann Arbor on April 27, vlii not be held titis year. 'T e association in -carge oi' tileconl- tests wiat o1 tihe opinion thatt because or the ntatitre of the, orations, andi be- cause at this time nil delivery mnig-ht ln'ove embart-ssigbth1to the gov- erment amnd ime contestants, it wvould be adIvisable' not to. h old the contest !!,is ;year. A nimber of the unive s, e and col- inges in the central 1ra fsae h a ye not held thmeir loca cw ots;s be - cause of the late intern:Ational+ ;ituia- 1tie Six states are 'i~inuber'4s Y 1tl anti-a1tgroupl, and ad t11h- C. te st > !!Ahed, rel)1'seta:tives from I'dich- t.aOhio, Indiana.,lltn s, isconsini wvould have competed for fl,, Hrit to + _y' nt this group of'states inl thl naion al contesit i,-h was to ha iv e been hold in %,Lake(,1':olonk in M ay. .Inmes Schermnerhorn Jr., '18, was Michigan's represemintative, hinlg w'on the local and state contests with his oration, "'The Course of Empire." ESTABLISH BURZEAUS ukBacor, °s'2, Director of State Organizat ion, to Collect D)ata Local branches of the intercollegiate intelligence bureau have been estab- lished in a number of the colleges of the state during the last week by Frank Bacon, '02, state director of the organtization..' Those colleges where the organiza- tion has been started are: Hillsdale, Kalamazoo college, Michigan State Norm- nal (college, Western State Nor- mal-" college, antd Houghton College of Mines. Next week organizations will be established in Dope college, Adrian college and Alma college. The pr'ocedure is the same as was used here, the strident body, faculty. and alumni being first indexed, the in- ternal organization perfected, amid then a nietho,)d provided for getting the i'fori ation to the government. Bhiza~d uspeds usinless ill Colo. Den!ver, Colo., -April 19 - -With the heaviest snow,:' fall in years the whole woestern slope of the San Juan region of Colorado is today in the grip of a raginm blizzard. Mining operations and rural routes have been suspended. Railroad traffic is crippled and tele- phone and telegraph lines are down. Sow is still falling. For live, progressive, up-to-date ad vertising use The Michigan Daily. THE SOLDIER'S I believe in peace, but peace with homnor andl self-respect. I believe that war is a terrible thing that should be avoided, if possible, butt I also believe thmat there are things in this world worse than war; peace without honor and self-respect is one of them. I b~elieve in what the flag of my country stands for: Honor, justice, truth, liberty, humanity. 1 believe it is the duty of every American to uphold the flag and what it stands for, and I believe it the duty of every able-bodied American to pre- pare himself in a military way for this t'esponsibility. I believe in personal preparedness, by which I moan if I am ever needed to defend my sister, by mother, my home, and my country, I will be pre- pared to da so. I believe in national preparedness, by which I mean may country being prepared to- uphold what the flag stands for and to defend itself if, at- tacked. I believe that citizenship carries with it obligations as well as priv- ileges, and I believe that military service is one of the most important of these obligations. I believe in the benefits of militar'y training, I believe' that it strengthens the body, benefits the health, improves the mind, and teaches obedience, re- spect for law and order, patriotism, courtesy, honor, loyalty, manliness, thoroughness, system, cleanliness, or- ganization, and team work. In short, I believe in military training because it makes for efficiency and better citi- zen ship.-From American Defense. P.i!auliters of1 Revolution Close Poles Waishington, April 19.-Poles in the first ballots of the Daughters of the American Revolution for president- general were closed at 4 'o'clock de- spite 'the fact that numbers of the dlaughters had not voted up to this time. A choice is believed impossible in this ballot. - Try a Michiga n Daily Want-Ad. MR. E. A. FERISON, General Manager of The National Map Company, will be at the Allenel lhotel on Friday, April 20th, to interview college men desirous of an unusual proposi- tion for -summer work. Mini- mium earnings of $300.00 guar- anteed. SEE MR. PETERSON { .. r ry3+ t' " " x ' AgNmoh., I CREED A 10-mile walk has been planned r University women, to start from arbour gymnasium at 1 o'clock to- o-rrow afternoon. ED CROSS 'WO~MEN MAKE KITS FOR SAIL~ORS AND SOLDIERS Boys will not have to go buttonless5 the battle field, for the women of ie Red Cross -are making blue denim swing kits, containing buttons, pins, .ack and white thread, darning cot- n and needles, for' each man in the ival militia. Sewing bits of khaki e being made for the army. Two rsonal property bags of white duck out 18 inches square, are to be pro- ded for the militia men. Iet your shoes fixed at .Paul's Place, 1 E. William St. - tf Special discount to class baseball ;ams. Cushing's Pharmacy.-Adv.