1V"111 I 11\.sti i - O'. <<.~ Now is the time for Calkins Drug KODAKS and KODAKINUi We have a complete line of Eastman Kodaks and Supplies. Let us do your finishing. Dev. 15c, Prints 3c to Sc. Cordovans We have just received 91 S I 6 ,47 The Right Spring Overcoat -doesn 't "grow on every bush" We've plucked a few for the fasti- dious-for the man who wants U F / a' ti l, ~ I' .1 8 o 324 So. State For 30 Years the Best Co. another shipment ii ________________ COSMOPOLITANS IN 4-DAY VACATION TRIP INTELLIGENCE BUREAU GETS QUICK RETURNS of WAHR 'S Shoe Stores Main. St,. Scat St. 0 KATSUIZUMI ADDRESSES OF REPRESENTATIVES LANSING HOUSE REPLIES AT NAIRE TO UNION Q COME IN AT R. 4UESTION- ATE OF b Warmth lvithout hueight Style with staying qualities $15 to $35 Lindenschmitt, Apfel or 1123 So. Univ. Ave. f this popular shoe in BLACK and TAN. Special Agency Nettleton shoes The Stein-BloebCo. 1914 What about that New Suit for Spring We have some beauties at $20,$22.50 and $25 made to' your measure by the Royal Tailors of Chieago. Drop in and look them over whether it be a New or Staple Pattern we have it. Campus Bootery 308 S. State St. Opposite Huston's Bostonian and Florsheim Shoes (NEW SPRING STYLES) Forty-seven members of the Cos- mopolitan club took the four-day spring vacation tour to the cities of Grand Rapids, Jackson, Battle Creek, and Lansing. Only a few hours were spent at Jackson, the club going from there to Grand Rspids where the boys were met by the Association of Commerce and taken in autos to the Clipper Belt Lacing company and the municipal filtering plant. The evening was spent in giving a program of native music and acts at the Fountain Street Baptist church. Members of the La- dies' Literary club entertained the boys over night, giving many of the men their first glimpse of truly rep- i esentative American life. On Wednesday the club visited the Grand Rapids Bread company, and later were taken into the gypsum mines of the Alabastine company. Lunch was served at the Association of Commerce rooms to the two Michi- gan organizations, the Michigan Union opera cast and the Cosmopolitan club. In the afternoon the Berky and Gay Furniture company was inspected. Thursday was spent in Lansing. In the morning the party was conducted through the Reo Motor Car company. In the afternoon all shook hands with Governor Sleeper in the Capitol. The legislature adjourned for a short time to allow the club to appear on the floor of the house. S. Katsuizumi, '17, addressed thedhouse as spokesman. Later in the day the Michigan Agri- cultural college campus was visited. An elaborate breakfast was served at the Battle Creek Sanitarium Friday, and lunch by the Postum Cereal com- pany, the club members arriving in Ann Arbor late the same night. Prob. J. A. C. Hildner of the Ger- man department was the faculty rep- resentative, while 0. T. Kreuser, '17, had general charge of the trip and or- ganization. COLLECTION OF GEOLOGICAL SPECIMENS NOW CLASSIFIED Petrified Fish and Sea Mammals to Be on Display in Natural Science Museum Hundreds of geological specimens are now properly labeled and on dis- play in the geological museum on the second floor in the Natural Science building. The last glass case is now being in- stalled. It is to be filled with speci- mens, including petrified fish, logs, sponges, bodies of numerous mammals now extinct, and horse hoofs, showing the. stages of development from the three toes to the one toe stage. Sev- eral jawbones, from extinct animals, of an apparently powerful speci, are on display. An interesting collection is a num- ber of different types of elephant heads mounted, which represent dis- tinc't species of the elephant family. Urge Loyality Upon Colored People Washington, April 16.-Colored peo- ple throughout the country are being urged by the leaders of their race to stand firmly by the United States. A call was issued today by the Colored Patriots' Common Defense and Gener- al Welfare league urging all racial hostility or partisanship be subord- inated to "true. unfaltering, and un- swering loyalty, patriotism, and alleg- iance ." Use the advertismg coumns of The Michigan Daily in order to reach th( best of AnnArbor's buyers. 11,000 PER DAY Michigan is willing to do her share and is well prepared to give assistance to the government, judging from the answers already received from the 45,- 000 questionnaries sent out to the stu- dents and alumni of the University by the intelligence bureau organized by the Michigan Uuion shortly before va- cation. Replies are now coming in at the rate of nearly 1,000 a day, and of these 3,500 have already been indexed and filed. Valuable information has been received from the alumni. Some have had experience since leaving college which should be of immediate use to the government such as making munitions, engineering of all sorts, and intensive farming. Many have offered their professional services in establishing base hospitals and caring for the sick. Automobiles, motorcycles, wireless outfits, surgical instruments, rifles and shot guns, and even farms have been offered to the, government. The number of answers from paci- fists and those opposed to the plan has and thus opposed to the plan has been small, considering the number of questionnaries sent out. MICHIGAN MEN ENLIST IN AL AMERICAN WARS Filtered Drinking Water Breakfast as you like it STATE STREET LUNCH, Open 6:00 A. M. till midnight Special 25 c Dinner 11:30 A. M. till 1:30 P. M. Special 25c Supper 5:30 to 7:00 P. M. What you want When you want it As you want it Pasteurized Milk Suits and lop Coats ----Nkmm For Spring Young Men, when looking around for Keeping your Suits and Overcoats in perfect condition Cedar Moth Proof Bag not only protect against moths and other insects, but clothes are kept absolutely clean and shapely A variety of sizes at 75c up THE EBERBACH & SON CO. 200-204 E. LIBERTY STREET Perfectly Sanitary Inspection Invited your new Fitform I t LIST11OF LIEN. STUDENTS AND FACULTY ENTERING CIVIL WAR ON RECORD SPRING SUIT D MARK TRADE A Real Pipe fo. College Men These are two of the 24 popular shapes in which you can get the Stratford 75c and up W D C Hand Made $1.00 and up Each a fine pipe, with sterling silver ring and vulcanite bit. Leading dealers in town carry a full as- sortment. Select your favorite style. WM. DEMUTH & Co. New York Enlistment of Michigan men in the present war will not mark the first time that the sons of the University have gone out to fight. Sice the establishment of the University it has been represented in all the wars that the United States has undertaken. During the Mexican war, although the University had been in existence less than a decade, it furnishedrep- resentatives to join the nation's forces. The number was small, but the brevity of that struggle was re- sponsible, and not any unwillingness on the part of the Michigan men to en- list. The Civil war saw large numbers of University men in the ranks of the army and navy. The compilation of the lists of men from the University enlisting in the Civil war was first undertaken in the year 1863, by David H. Lovejoy, '62. His class started a roll of honor con- taining about 200 names. More com- plete lists were published by the Re- gents during the progress of the war. The latest list, which is now on re- cord in Alumni Memorial hall, contains the total of 2,402, exclusive of those fighting for the South. In 1862, the men of the University formed a regiment which served till the close of the war. It was known as the Twentieth Michigan Volunteer In- fantry, and fought from Sept. 1, 1862, to the end of the war in 1865. In the Spanish-American war, 426 Michigan students joined the United States forces. Burlington head Asks Men to Aid Chicago, April 16.-President Hale of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy railroad has written a letter to each of the 50,000 employees of the sys- tem -asking them to give their whole attention to supporting the govern- ment through their present labors and by such individual efforts as they may deem necessary outside their work. For results advertise in The Michi- gan Daily. WHEN YOU THINK OF PUR- CHASING A NEW, COM- FORTABLE SPRING SUIT REMEMBE R THAT MARQUARDT MAKES THESE LIGHT, AT- TRACTIVE GARMENTS WITH A DEGREE OF CARE AND SKILL THAT KEEPS THEM LOOKING NEW AND STYLISH ALL SUMMER. 516 E. William St. or TOP COATS come direct to CORBETT'S 116 E. Liberty. THE SUGAR BOWL 109 S. Main St. Here you will fin4 the. Young Men's Clothing you have been looking for. SPECIAL SUNDAES LIGHT LUNCHES Our candies are made in our own sanitary shop. THE STORE OF QUALITY ,I Rent a good Eastman Kodak, 10c a day -Fresh Eastman Films -open every evening to 9. Lyndon's Kodak Shop, 719 N. University Ave. After hours drop films through tube at the Genuine French Briar door.-Adv. Sat TOM CORBETT 116 E. Liberty St TIiie Young en 's Shop" Shirts made to measure, G. H. Wik Co., Leading Merchant Tailors. Stat St. Try a Michigan Daily Want Ad Try a Michigan Daily Want-Ad. Try The Daily for service. For fine Watch Repairing, J. L. Chapman, Jeweler,,113 Main St.-Adv. Get your shoes fixed at Paul's Place, 611 E. -William' St. 6tt FORB SALE FOR SALE -- Small Victrola, two months old, at reasonable price. Cash, reason for selling will leave town with naval militia. Call 1422-M. 17 FOR SALE-Four good May Festival tickets. Main floor. Call 2033, after 6 o'clock P. M. 17-18 LOST-Will finder of Sigma Delta Chi badge with initials, E. C. L. J. on. back, please call 2245-J? WANTED WANTED-Work wanted. I want to be your chauffer on your next long drive-college graduate, clean hab- its, careful driver, much cross-coun- try driving experience. Phone 1815- M. Paul Edwards. WANTED-If you are in need of any- thing, The Michigan Daily's Class- fled department can help you get it. MISCELLANEOUS PRIVATE BOARD-$5.00 weekly. 410 Church St. Phone 450-R. 4-22-in. Try The Daily for service. #. "": " ." 'A M ill[I(IIIIEpIl fI111Ii[ffilI lfll!lfff1lliiflI|lIIEIIIIEIII|fI!fl1|lllllf111111li lf[IIII|fIIIp[II|[l[[IH]f S afer Than Currency to Carry- has often been remarked when talking of K. N. & K. TRAVELERS' CHECKS Experienced Travelers Use Them Checks not countersigned may be replaced if lost. Convenient for the college man trav- considering the protection afforded, eling individually or with his team. their cost is insignificant. Denominations of $10, $20, $50 and $100 at a premium of 50c. on one hundred dollars' worth. Get them from your local bank or write for full particulars. Kiautl *Nad ob&bKulpe EQUITABLE BUILDING NEW YORK CITY Do You Know' THAT GRINNELL BROS. CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON ANYTHING In the Realm of Music ! ASK TO SEE THE NEW "RECORD LITE" FOR VICTROLAS III Pihone 1707 116 SO. MAIN ST. Try our Record Approial Service Phone 1707 IN p '.1