1L71L > , STS OF TREASON:I * Issues Proclamation to In- * People of Penalties for Conspiracy * AT THE THEATERS TODAY Majestie-George M. Cohan "Broadway J nes-" also "Educational Review." in an ishington, April 16.-President on this afternoon issued a proc- tion through the state department in out what treason is and the Ity as provided by the constitu- the criminal code, and court de- nis. e constitution provides that trea- consists in levying war against United States or in adhering to enemies. The criminal code pro- the death penalty as the maxi- and not less than $10,000 fine as uinimum. The criminal code fur- says anyone concealing knowl- of treason is guilty of misprison eason. It further says that trea- consists of' conspiracy to over- v the government, levy war st it, oppose its authority, delay ition of any laws, or seizing any A States property. * * * * * * * * Arcade-Anita Stewart in 'The Girl Philippa. Orpheum - Wilfred Lucas in "Jim Bludso," also Triangle Comedy. Ra- E. K. Lincoln in "The World Against Him." * * * * * * * * * * * tied to its tail. She at once under- stood, and as she stooped to pick it up she burst into laughter and tears at the same time. "Mr. Belasco is so wonderful, so like a child," she said, as she proudly walked to her dressing room with her "circus horse," which has reposed on her dressing table ever since wherever she is playing. AT THE MAJESTIC George M. Cohan's first photoplay, "Broadway Jones," is now playing at the Majestic. Ever since the early days of moving pictures Mr. Cohan has been urged to go into this field, but it was only a short time ago that he consented. At the head of his own company, he produced the play writ- ten by himself which was conceded as his greatest stage hit, "Broadway Jones," and the success of the film version of this play is even greater than that of the original play. City These tickets may be secured at Bar- ringer's in the Nickel's arcade or at Brown's book store.f The executive committee of the Ann Arbor chapter of the Red Cross will hold a meeting at 5 o'clock today at the Ann Arbor Savings bank on South University avenue. In addition to the motorcycles, a touring car has been put into the service of the city police force to help enforce the city ordinance. The five provisions of the ordinance are con- cerned with speeding, no lights, bright lights, no license, and parking in re- stricted districts. To Speak on Advertising In Business J. Fred Woodruff, '08L, now with the Campbell-Ewald Advertising company of Detroit, will speak on the advertis- ing agency and the place it occupies in modern busineg at 7:30 o'clock to- night in room 162 of the Natural Science building. The meeting is un- der 'the auspices of the Tryads and is open to the public. News WILL INVESTIGATE ALLEGED senate ordered an investigation of the WAR SPECULATION ON FLAGS federal trade commission charges that I prices on American flan have jumped Washington, April 16.-The first al- 100 to 300 per cent sinieeAmerica got leged war speculation was brought of-. into the war. Senator Pomerene in- ficially to the front today when theItroduced the resolution. Between sets drink Coca-Cola. rX Welcome wherever it goes, for there' s nothing that com- pares to it as a thirst-quencher and for delicious refreshment. Demand the genuine by fulliname- nicknames encourage substitution. THE COCA-COLA Co. ATLANTA. GA. 23C, -i AT THE WHITNEY When Anne Meredith, who plays one of the principal roles in "Seven Chances," David Belasco's new com- edy success, which he is sending to the Whitney theater on Thursday, April 19, after its half-year run in New York, with the original Belasco the- AT THE ARCADE losion at Brass Works Injures Six hicago, April 16.-Federal author- s are investigating an explosion ch late today probably fatally in- d a half dozen employees of the erial Brass and Foundry company slightly injured scores of others. e than 1,000 girls employed in the ks were imperiled by the fire that owed. An apartment house ad- ing the factory was badly damaged. ee men and two women were taken he hospital and others may be in wrecked portion of the building. ater production and cast intact, was "The Girl Philipps," to be shown at a little girl she wanted to run away the Arcade today anid tomorrow, from with a circus and ride a large white the pen of Robert W. Chambers, is a horse bareback. tale of two hearts told in terms of That was the ambition of her girl- love, war, beauty, and adventure, hood, and on the way to Atlantic City, aglow with color and romance. It is where "Seven Chances" had its first 'set in an atmosphere of secret agents presentation, she was telling Mr. and society intrigue. Radiating the Belasco about it. Later, when Miss spirit of joy and naturalness, Anita Meredith reached the theater for a re- Stewart's characterization of "The hearsal before the opening, she was Girl PhiiipplVO reaches the highest told there was a horse with roses tied point of her dramatic achievements. to its tail waiting for her on the stage. The Phoebe Beal circle of the Con- Not comprehending, she walked to gregational King's Daughters has the center of the stage, and nearly taken tickets for "The Girl Philippa" tripped over a tiny toy horse, with a it the Arcade theater for the after- still tinier bunch of miniature roses noon and evening performance today. i We- Have En listed THE BEST TAILORS AVAILABLE TO CONSTRUCT OUR SUITS The Spring Drive flags (We Have Them) Flags IS NOW ON .. Get in Line STUDENTS' Face Towels............10c Athletic Towels ...........15c Iuck Towels............25c Bath Towels............50c LADIES' SUITS LADIES' WAISTS LADIES' CORSETS FLAG DAY IS HERE GET THEM WHIUE THEY LAST. Ch S NUNSING WEAR For Men and Women. Best on Earth. The only Dry Goods Store that has them. BEST DRY GO)DS Silk Hose ..................35c Silk Hose ..................50c Silk Hose ..................75c Silk Hose ..............$1.00 WITH ONE OF OUR NEW SPRING MODELS ROY P. HENRY NICKELS ARCADE TAILOR 111 S. MAIN STREET The Busy Store PHONE 502 U I' REMEMBER, APRIL 20th PRICES ADVANCE 100 PER CENT POSITIVELY HOW IS THAT FOR AN INVESTMENT? AVERY PARK SUBDIVISION,' H ARROUN'S WAYNE, MICHIGAN PL ANT MEANS TO WAYNE WHAT D IS TO HIGHLAND PARK, DETROIT Houses 4ft lrea dy at a Prernium Get Our Plan of Avery Park Subdivision where you can get a large lot with 40ft. frontage and larger from Builders at Acreage Prices plus improvements You can make 100 per cent. absolutely on your investment by May. Our prices advance 100 per cent. or more April 20th. We finance and build for you on very easy terms and agree to sell your lot at 100 per cent profit by the time improvements are in- Ross - Booth Construction Co., Home Builders, Phone Cherry 2154, 1307 Majestic Buildir g, Detroit, Mich, Write, phone or call for further information to our Ann Arbor representatives. Whaley Read Es tat Compiafy 310 FIRST- NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, PHONE 1821 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN