THE MICHIGAN DAILY h7M)AY, 1I~RIDAY, Laster April 8th Prepare Now your selection from our vast assortment of distinctive weaves and colorful blends. G. H. ding Merchant Tailors Wild Company STATE STREET *OWN Rackets e & THL1EE :es from $1.75 to $3.75 DAYS TIME ALL WORK GUARANTEED Fhe Slaterk Shap hone 430 338 S. State St. Bicy cle Switzers' Hardware IaBs Rackets Bicycle Repairing Key Fitting Razor Blade Sharpening Official newspaper at the University of MieI11 1 I I i i l l i l l i i liilllllilfl 6 1 111 {1 1i ill tili flill iltl311 11 lii{I11 f!!fl{Ifll1111 lAmen1PricarirFlags r . .e. "OLD GLORY" can be had rI all sizes e1t W A = UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORES Main Street State Street .IlI11111111111111111111111Ili{!I111111{{11 I I I 1111 11111111111111llII 111IlitiI l i 11lii! II17- Base Ball Goods DAI ai Mowers 310 State Only Hardware Near Campus _ __ ANNOUNCEMENT SAM BURCHFIELD & co, Gives you the best Tailoring service to be obtained anywhere in the coun- try, coupled with a wonderful line of Woolens. 106 E. Huron Street Opposite Court House SAM BURCHFIELD & CO. t OFFER AID TO NATION RELIGIOUS WORKERS AND STU- DENT PASTORS DESIRE TO CON- TINUE RELATIONS Editor, The Michigan Daily: The course of events of the past few days has brought the University and all those interested in its wel- fare face to face with a serious respon- sibility. A state of war exists; stu- dents have been called upon to serve their country, and Michigan's response has been worthy of her. We, student pastors and religious workers, who have been trying to serve the religious interests of the University and to associate ourselves and our work with the student body, feel that in this time of national crisis, that relationship should be sustained. We therefore offer ourselves for what- ever service within our power that the country and the University may call upon usto render. ROY W. HAMILTON, Presbyterian Student Pastor. CYRIL B. HARRIS, Chaplain to Episcopal Students. N. C. FETTER JR., General Secretary Y. M. C. A. A. W. SLATEN, Director Baptist Guild. HOWARD L. HAAG, Methodist Student Assistant. My diamonds are fine quality and reasonably priced. J. L. Chapman, Jeweler. 113 Main St.-Adv. wed-eod nasium. All men with military exper- ience report to L. F. Dieterich or M. D. Anderson. Sunday night luncheon, Delta Cafe, 50c.-Adv. Sanitary Dry Cleaning Co. 514 E. WILLIAM ST. Suits Made to Measure $15 and up We Offer You SECURITY- -SERVICE- -LOCATION Resources $.3,80o,ooo Ann Arbor Savin sBafk Incorporated 1869 Main Of fice-- Northwest corner Main and iu-roan Branch Office- - 707 North University Ave. The Farners & Mechanic 8an e e:i y . . , EF aiLNCY melaa Wh Our Sormce. wo Oihces 101-105 S. Main St. :: 330 E Stale St. LDLTIT UNITED LI NES L~ween Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson Cars run on t astern time, one hour faster than local time. Detroit Limited and Expres Cars--7 s a. mn., 8r:o :a4n. and nouyly to 7:10 P. in., 9:10 lalaazoo Limited Cars-- :5 a. ,r. and every two boors to 6:48 P. in.: to Lansing, 5:48 P. r,!, Ja :kson Express Cars -t oca] stoes west of Ann br--§4 a. in. andl every two hours Local Cars Eastbound-5 :35a.xat, 6:40 a .n., 7:05 a. m. and every two hours to 7:05 p. pn. m:5p ., 9:05 P. Ill.,10 :50 P. in. tn Ypsila i only, ;:o a. i., g;,« a. n., 2:05 P n., 6:os r. m., z :45 .o a ., :2t .i.~~~i in t ~~xchange at.l pilaui. Westbound . a Mn.,7 7:So a I2 r :20 a. 31 Twenty-two remarkable photo- graphs of the Greek Play. Come in and see them. 71 E. VNIVERSITY Alarm Clocks Siy1.REN$1.00 up Fountain Pens- Waterman and Conklin Phone 2225 Rubber Bathing Caps 40c & 50c at BANNER LOANED BY DR. LOUIS P. BROUGHT BACK TO PARADERS HALL NOT YET P S UEY -25c, AFTER 2-'30c Rice (plain) At all times Editor, The Michigan Daily: On Monday night during the parade some young gentleman asked the loan of our silk flag, promising to return it. May I ask you to request the return of same? LOUIS P. .HALL, 1530 Hill street. COSMOPOLITAN CLUB TAKES IN 1S AT LANE HALL INITIATION Lane hall was the scene of the in- itiation of 18 studentsinto the Cos- mopolitan club last night. In addition to the initiation plans were completed for the spring trip which the club members will make shortly. The new members are: R. Alcayaga, E. Guzman, '17, T. C. Chen, grad., S. Yamashita, grad., N. Fukase, spec., G. C. Lubke, '19, J. M. Dongos, '19, P. C. Yang, '17, W.-S. Chang, '17, L. Itzkavich, '20, F. L. Mourglier, '20, F. D. Reider, '18, S. I. B. DeVilliers, '20, S. Hirschfi, '19, C. Malan, H. A. Johnson, '17, K. Ritscher, spec., K. D. Bond, '20, and Clarence L. Roeser, '19.' LAW STUDENTS COMPLETE PLANS AND NAME COMPANY OFFICERS At a meeting of law students last, night for further organizatiodn of their military companies, Prof. HoW - . Wilgus, who has charge of the work, madethe following appointments of company captains: Company A, seniors, T. F. McDonald; Company B, juniors,'F.ES:MKremer; Company C, freshmen, E. M. Hudson. These appointments were made upon the basis of previous military training ad upon the ability these men have shown in handling drill squads dur- ing the time the law men have been drilling. Each of the three companies decided to hold drills every day during vaca- tion. BUSRAR CAMPAIGN TO START IMMEDIATELY AFTER VACATION Campus in Brief Mr. A. D. Tinker spoke to the Ann Arbor Bird club on "Early Migrants" at the regular meeting of the club last night in room 355 Natural Science building. Extrarehearsals are being held by the University Choral union in prep- aration for the annual May Festival, May 2, 3, 4, and 5. Regular meetings will be held during vacation for those members remaining in Ann Arbor, and all members are expected to be pres- ent April 17 at the first (ehearsal after the recess. During spring recess the "Y" em- ployment bureau will place special emphasis on the securing of vacation jobs. Men calling at the employment office during regular hours this week- end will have a good chance of secur- ing a steady job for vacation. Nearly 50 students representing the combined classes of Professors R. D. T. Hollister and T. C. Trueblood, in Shakespearian reading, last night pro-' duced "Hamlet" to the large audience that gathered for the recital in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. Mr. Odra 0. Patton of Muncie, Ind., appeared as soloist at the Symphony orchestra concert in Hill auditorium Wednesday afternoon, and acquitted himself with credit. He possesses a tenor voice of beautiful quality, which he uses admirably. S. A. Roter has been chosen captain of the architects who organized for voluntary drilling. The architects will begin regular drilling immedi- ately after vacation. About 60 men are in the company. Bertha M. Robinson, '18, has re- turned to the University from her home in Detroit after a weeks' absence on account of the death of her father. One hundred two out of 110 junior and senior chemical engineers have presented a document to Prof. H. A. White reading as follows: "We, the undersigned, members of the upper classes in the chemical engineering department, wish to express ourselves as being willing to offer our services along our professional lines to the national government in case of neces- sity." Dean Victor C. Vaughan of the Med- ical school, will leave for Washington tomorrow morning where he has been appointed by Secretary of War New- ton Baker, to act on a committee at- tending to the medical affairs of the country. The date of his return is un- certain. 1* * 1* * ,* * * * * * * * * QJUARRY DRUG CO'S. Prescription Store Cor. Sate & N. University Majestlec-V aideyillle. Arcade- me. Petrova in "The Secret of Eve," and Drew Comedy. Orpheum - Vivian Martin in "The Wax Model," and Para- mount Comedy. Rae- Clara Kimball Young in "Trilby," and "Lonesome Luke" Comed'y. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * AT TH E TH EA TERS AT THE GARRICK "Pierrot the Prodigal" which was first presented in this country in 1892 has been produced by Winthrop Ames and comes to the Garrick theater, De- troit, the week-of April 8. The part of Pierrot is played by Miss Marjorie Patterson, who began her stage career in Paris. .- TODAY * * * * * * * * * * * 'I, * * * * 25J U. of M. Jewelry Schlanderer & Seyfried olony tea, good for home use lOc pks Will open 11 a. m. to I a. m. [ichigan Inn 611 E. Liberty Telephone 948-R et a typewriter from 0. D. MORRI L L 322 South State Street ® will furnish you an instruction ok free of charge. You will be a pist before you know it. $300.00 to college student ,or a full summer's work. For lull infor- mation write MODRN BARBER SHOP ' 332 State St. A Particular Place for Particular People. FRAN CBOLCHProp, AT THE MAJESTIC Cit News KIihadM Conover died suddenly at h h o hi sister. Mrs. F. M. ' othtFifth avenue, Wedneday ate:xro. Funeral ser- ices wil b held at her residence at 3 'clock this afternoon. The meetig of the Merchants' Cred- t -sociation to have been held last t wa son until next hurs- (my<< niht because of the absence fromh ti' e 0io so;e of its officers. THlE NATIONAL MAP 0, Indianapolis, Jina na WR~omen I 'ast off clothing, particularly shoes, i be used to advantage if brought Newberry hall before this noon. me 640-M and the articles will be led for. 11 classes in required sports will in April 17. lective baseball and tennis tourna-j . Crt, Ypsilanti contractor, wa elected to superintend the con- struction of the county infirmary, by tie building commi;.tte(e of the board of supervisors at a mneeting in the court house yesterday morning. anii fub h~eels Officers for Year Vtbel M. Po>w ers. '19, and Nelda S. : 'rngr, -er elected vice-pres- ic 4 a nd trea.surer of the Spanish cli '':4 ]~eetngheld yesterday. yStocker, '19, chairmn, May Saud1(s, 18, and Miabl Sanborn, '18, nappointed to serve on the social More workers are needed for Busrah. Canvassers .wishing to start work on the campaign after vacation are asked to report at Lane hall. One hundred and twenty-five men can be used. The committee in charge of the Busrah campaign also ask for 11 cap- tains for teams. Each captain will have 10 men under him. The work for the entire campaign will take only a few hours of the week. Craftsmen Give Play in Detroit "An Eighteenth Century Lodge" is. the title of a Masonic play to be pro- duced in Detroit tonight and tomorrow by 15 members of the Craftsmen club,: an organization of student Masons. The play will be given in the Masonic temple. The play gives an exact representa- tion of the proceedure of a Masonic lodge in England two centuries ago. The proceeds of the entertainment are to be used in furthering activities among the student Masons of the Uni-, versity. Tickets may be secured from P. E. Gibson, '17P. Are the colors on your shirts woven? We have a beautiful display of "woven color" shirts, patterned for young men, an d made of material that will last. Get your supply before the good patterns are gone, be- cause these shirts are right. $1.50 and up. Wagner & Company State Street-At Liberty Established 1848 Guy Voyer and ladies present a mu- sical comedy at the Majestic the lat- ter part of this week. Voyer is par- ticularly funny and kept last night's audience laughing at every appear- ance. The La Salle quartet won applause with a singing special1o, and the Sheriff's Posse in comedy antics drew several encores. The title of the farce, "It's Up to You, John Henry," amply fits the many difficult situations into which John Henry, and his side- kick "Bunch" get in and out of during ,the action of the piece. Shirts made to measure. G. H. Wild Co., Leading Merchant Tailors State St. Delta Cafe open during Spring vaca- tion.-adv. Safer Than has often been remarked when talking of K. N. & K. TRAVELERS' CHECKS Experienced Travelers Use Them Checks not countersigned may be replaced if lost. Convenient for the college man tray- Considering the protection afforded, eling individually or with his team, their cost is insignificant. Denominations of $10, $20, $50 and $100 at apremium of SOe. on one hundred dollars' worth. Get them from your local bznk or write for full particulars. Kiaut4LNGEWob& YKu RCT EQUITABLE BUILDING NEW YORK CITY Ii sts should be signed today. I arrangements for Spring va- Make arra board at Delta Cafe. Phone ion board -Adv. 817-.-Adv. ngements for Spring va- at Delta Cafe. Phone