AN -A-
VOL. XXVIIL No. 134.
_ __
WANTS $3,000,000,000 FOR"
Comptroller of Currency Goes to New
York to Confer with Money
By Robert J. Bender
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
Washington, April 5.-The stagger-
ing sum of $3,500,000,000 is to be
raised at once to finance America's
entrance into the great war.
This sum was asked of congress
this afternoon by Secretary of the
Treasury McAdoo. Nearly $3,000,000,-
000 will be used exclusively for an
army of approximately 2,000,000 men,
and slightly more than $400,000,000
will be used for the navy, while $100,-
000,000 will be used for security and
national defense.
Expect Bond Issues
- The money is expected to last only
one year. The federal reserve board
will be behind all the financing. It
will be raised by bond issues, prob-
ably two. The first will be approxi-
mately $2,000,000,000. Late this after-
noon Comptroller of the Currency
Williams left for New York to confer
with the nation's money barons to get
them in the fullest co-operation with
the government financiers. Members
of the house ways and means commit-
tee at once began to discuss means of
raising revenue. He said:
Graduated Private Tax
"We must have a new graduated
private tax, a higher income tax, and
double the. present taxes on whiskey
and beer, before we resort to taxing
necessities or imposing a stamp tax.
This war will be fought for the next
generation as well as this, and we
ought not bear all the expense.
"We must issue bonds. The ap-
propriation asked for is four times
the size of the national debt. I have
no doubt we shall need all of it, and
I shall be surprised if we do nottneed
more soon."
The last hundred million asked
wouldbe expended directly by the
president. It would be immediately
available, and would remain available
until Dc. 31. McAdoo's letter of
transmittal, a sample of all the let-
ters that accompanied the request for
the huge appropriation, follows:
McAdoos Letter
"The Speaker of the House of Rep-
"Sir-I have the honor to transmit
herewith for the consideration of con-
gress an estimate of appropriation for
national security and defense, and for
each and every purpose connected
therewith to be expended at the dis-
cretion of the president, and to be im-
mediately available, and to remain
available until Dec. 31, 1917; $100,-
000,000. Respectfully,
(Signed) "W. C. McADO."
"I do not believe that there is a per-
son in this room who will be alive
when the international war, if we en-
ter, into it, terminates," said Rev.
Lloyd C. Douglas before the members
of the Ann Arbor Civic association at
the annual banquet of the organiza-
tion held Wednesday night in the city
Y.M.C.A. "Every century has its pro-
blem and the problem of the 20th cen-
tury is the reconstruction of our so-
cial order. This problem will be
solved before the war ends. I also do
not believe that the German citizens
in the United States should .be asked
to enlist to fight their brethren across
the sea."
Union Dances Continue in Vacation
Union dances will be continued dur-
ing the spring recess.
Chaperones for the dance tomorrow
night will be Mr. and Mrs. Louis P
Jocelyn. The men serving on the com-
mittee are: Chester W. Clark, '18,
chairman; Cecil Andrews, '18, Carlos
Spiess, '20, and John Sadtler, '19E. A
few tickets are still available.
30,000 Ready to
Serve Under " T. R '
Roosevelt Would Not Lead Men to the
Front Before They Were
Thoroughly Seasoned
New York, April 5.- Theodore
Roosevelt, prospective commander of
a division of American troops, already
ha's listed 30,000 applicants for serv-
ice under him, according to Lieut. J.
W. Mahoney of the New York national
Mahoney quoted Roosevelt as say-
ing he would "lead his boys" right up
to the battle field, but that he did not
intend they should go into the action
until fully seasoned.
According to Mahoney, the Roosevelt
division will consist of a brigade each
of infantry, cavalry, and artillery, a
battalion of engineers, transport train,
and aviation corps.
"Idealism," "Pragmatism," and "Ex-
perience and the Physical
World," Subjects
Convening for its seventeenth an-
nual meeting, the Western Philo-
sophical association holds sessions to-
day and tomorrow in room A Memorial
The first session begins at 10 o'clock
this morning when Prof. E. H. Hol-
lands of the University of Kansas
opens the symposium with a discus-
sion of idealism. Prof. R. W. Sellars
of the University of Michigan, repre-
senting idealism, Is the next speaker.
Prof. A. W. Moore of the University
of Chicago and Prof. B. H. Bode of
the University of Illinois will talk on
pragmatism. Prof. E. S. Ames of the
University of Chicago follows with a
dissertation on "Experience and the
Physical World."
A dinner will be given to the as-
sociation at 6:30 o'clock this evening
at the l(lchigan Union. The members
-"ill .eA adjokrn to Memorial hall
where Prof. G. H. Mead of the Uni-
versity of Chicago, president of the
a'sociation, will deliver his address,
"The Instinct of Hostility."
"War speed" is the latest term to be
applied to the enterprise of the Ann
Arbor Press, as the result of an un-
precedented "war order" run, which
was completed lastnight. Seventy-
two hours after the order was re-
ceived, almost a quarter of a million
pieces were printed and delivered to
the Michigan Union.
Every Michigan graduate and under-
graduate has been mailed printed mat-
ter to be filled in and returned to the
Michigan Union branch of the war in-
telligence bureau, where the informa-
tion will be classified. Authentic data
regarding the services that Michigan
men can offer, if necessary, will thus
be furnished to the government.
The time made by the Press in this
emergency goes down as a "war
speed" record. A battery of four
presses were put to work on this job
and never stopped until the run had
been completed, 72 hours later.
With but one dissenting vote more
than 90 pre-medics met in the
amphitheater of the Medical build-
ing and drew up preliminary plans for
the organization of a voluntary mili-
tary training corps. The company
will begin drilling directly after spring
vacation under a similar system as
that used by the Medical school. Of-.
ficers will be elected from the stu/-
dents. Additional information may be
obtained from Kent Ruble, '18, at room
Z-239 Natural Science building, or
Robert McCandliss, '18, phone 1677-J.
St. John, New Brunswick, April 5.
-An armed British freighter which
has arrived in port, encountered a
German submarine on the trip over,
and after a brief fight sent the U-boat
to the bottom with all her crew. The
ship bears the marks of a shell, but
escaped serious damage. The engage-
ment took place about 90 miles out of
Queenstown, Ireland.
Marked enthusiasm has greeted the
proposed plan of concentrated military
training to be given hour hours daily
during the spring vacation.
The number of meh acceptable has
been increased from 80 to 125, and al-
though nearly the whole of this num-
ber have signified their willingness
to join the corps, there is room left for
a few more. Those who desire will
be given a last opportunity this morn-
ing to sign the lists in the offices of
Deans John R. Effinger and Henry M.
Bates, and in room 241 of the Engine-
ering building.
Captain Fowler of the United States
engineering corps will give instruc-
tion in close and extended order drill
Rifles will be furnished the men, and
the manual of arms tonight. The or-
ganization will enable Its members to
officer the various campus companies
when they return to training after va-
cation. .
The first meeting will be held at
1:30 o'clock tomorrow afternoon in
room 348 of the Engineering building.
The men are asked to bring tennis
shoes, and will drill in the gymnasium
in case of rain. Philip G. Bartelme of
the Athletic association, has arranged
to throw open Ferry field to the com-
nany, whenever the weather permits
outdoor drill. The drills will be held
during vacation from 1:45 to 5:45
o'clock each afternoon except Sunday.
No obligations to enlist are incur-
red by those signing to drill under
Captain Fowler.
Thousands of letters wiAl be mailed
today to the alumni of thie University
of Michigan by the Union in co-opera-
tion with the intercollegiate intel-
ligence bureau. I
Working for the past two days the
committeemen have sent out letters to
all the students and faculty. All
recipients of the questionnaires are
requested to give the information as
fully as possible and to mail the re-
turn cards immediately. The help of
all students who are willing to assist
today at the Union in the mailing will
be appreciated.
Corrects Mistake in Committee List
Through a mistake it was stated in
Wednesday's issue of The Daily that
Prof. Lewis Gram was a member of
the executive committee of the local
branch of the intercollegiate intel-
ligence bureau instead of Prof. Jesse
S. Reeves. Professor Gram is chief
of the military corps of the organiza-
To Give Third Performance of Play1
"Felicia Finesses," the Junior Girls'
play, will be given a third perform-
ance Thursday night, April 19, before
the faculty and the women of the Uni-:
versity, it was decided today at a spe-
cial meeting of the cast. Tickets will
be put on sale immediately after va-
cation and the proceeds will go to the
Red Cross.
Celebrate "Loyalty Day" at Kansas
Lawrence, Kans., April 5. -All
classes were dismissed at the Univer-
sity of Kansas this afternoon in or-
der that the students might join the
citizens of Lawrence in celebrating
"Loyalty Day." A parade, led by the
students and the university band, was
the feature of the afternoon.
Hold Masquerade for Belgian Relief
Champaign, 111., April 5.-A mas-
querade party is planned by the Y. W,-,
C. A. for the benefit of the student
fund for Belgian relief. Stunts by the
Y. M. C. A. and fortune tellers will
aid the entertainment. Prizes are to
be given for the best costumes.
Train to Make Cleveland Connections
G. A. Weller, assistant passenger
agent of the Ann Arbor railroad, .an-
nounces that the train leaving Ann
Arbor at 11:30 o'clock on the Ann
Arbor railroad will be certain to make-
connections with the Cleveland train
at Toledo at 1:45 today and the C., H.
& D. train leaving at 2:02..
Lansing Denies
uller 's Charge
Secretary Refutes Statement of Addi-
tion to Zimmerman's Mexi-
can Note
Washington, April 5.-Secretary of
State Lansing this afternoon denied
Representative Miller's declaration in
the house that the Zimmerman plot
note contained information to the ef-
fect that Germany had arranged for
submarine and naval bases on the
Mexican coast, and that arrangements
had been made for German reservists
to attack the United States all along
the border. Lansing declared that
Miller's statement was without founda-
"Secretary Lansing apparently for
diplomatic reasons, denied the truth
of the statement," Miller said when
informed of Lansing's action.
Miller would not say, however,
whether this man is an official of the
administration, though Miller's posi-
tion on the foreign committee ap-
peared to give his statement added
Speaker Expresses Gratitude
America's Assistance
M. Gustave Lanson, professor of lit-
erature in the University of Paris and
one of the distinguished scholars of
Europe, gave an interesting lecture on
"The Characteristics of the French
Mind" in the Natural Science lecture
room yesterday afternoon.
The speaker first expressed his
country's gratitude for the aid given
by hundreds of men and women of
this nation to France. He stated that
France had realized at the beginning
of the war that America sympathized
with her. He then gave a searching
analysis of the character of the
French people, contrasting it with
that of other nations, and dealing with
the pcularities of his countrymen.
F. W. Hough, ex-'18E, has received an
appointment to the aeronautical corps
of the United States navy, having suc-
cessfully passed a competitive exam-
ination in Chicago, Ill. Before enter-
ing into actual service he will attend
the aviation school at Pensacola, Fla.,
and will be graduated at the end of
18 months with the rank of ensign.
Hou hCah s been absent from the' Uni-
vers y this year and has been em-
pl(yed .in Chicago, his home 'city.
Clothe 40 Minnesota Girls for $2.30
Minneapolis, Minn., April 5.-Fifty
girls of the University of Minnesota
have been .completely (?) -clothed at
the small expense-of $2.30, according
to the Minnesota Daily. This is not
,$2.30 apiece, but for the entire 50.
. f' dresses are made of raffia and
are pa'tt of the property of the uni-
versity opera, "Bother the Ladies,"
which is now being produced. They
will be worn in a Hula girls' chorus,
"Aloha, Look What You've Done"
hawkeye State to Be Nation's Larder
Iowa City, Ia., April 5.--The na-
tion's larder for the war will'be the
state of Iowa, which can offer greater
resources for feeding th.e nation than
any of her sister states, according to
the statement of Prof. C. W. Wassam
of the school of commerce of the Uni-
versity' of Iowa. Professor Wassam
points out that the farm crops of Iowa
in 1914 were valued at half a billion
dollars, and that they have reactd
even larger figures the last two years.
Kansans Vote to Paddle Freshmen
Lawrence, Kan., April 5.-By a vote
of 682 to 118 men of the University
of Kansas expressed themselves in
favor of the continuance of the pad-
dling method to force freshmen to ob-
serve the cap tradition. Even the
freshmen endorsed paddling, their vote
being 173 for and 57 against.
Prestcent Hutchins Back from Trip
President Harry B. Hutchins re-
turned yesterday afternoon from Lan-1
sing, where 'for the last two days he
has been conferring with members of
the statelegislature in the interest of
the University bills now pending in
that body.
Michigan Central
Going west: A. M.-12:55, 1:47,
5:34, 8:12, 8:20 (local),. 9:06
(Grand Rapids only), 9:17 (Wol-
verine). P. M.-1:17 (connections
for Grand Rapids and Chicago),
2:29, 5:25, 5:59 (Grand Rapids
only), 10:42.
Going east: A. M.-12:01, 5:37,
7:00, 9:35, 11:03. P. M.-2:39
(Detroit only), 2:45, 3:55, 5:00,
6:05, 8:38, 9:43, 11:14.
Ann Arbor
Going south: A. M.-7:00, 11:30,
11:35. P. M.-1:50, 5:33 (formerly
left at 7:23).
Going north: A. M.-7:10, 9:10,
11:58. P. M.-4:37.
Special parties under the aus-
pices of the Michigan Union will
leave over the Michigan Central
this afternoon at 1:16 for Chicago
and 2:45 for Buffalo.
The 11:30 train over the Ann
Arbor is a special train for stu-
dents designed to make connections
with early afternoon trains at To-
Senior engineers will start immed-
iately to prepar thesue±F £ r sA:-
vice in the army when they return
from spring vacation Fourteen weeks
ordinary work will be crowded into
the seven weeks emaining of the
Members of the.structural engineer-
ing class will get experience in build-
ing temporary bridges and the elec-
trical department in handling field
telephone, telegraph, and wireless
sets. Men in the transportation de-
partment will learn the rudiments o
buildiig mltery roads.
Jntlhe chemical engineering depart-
ment courses in munitions mnufac-
ture, and metallurgy as it relates to
the manufacture of war material have
been installed. Prof. A. E. White and
Mr. Clair Upthegrove of this depart-
ment, plan to enter munition factories
du-ring spring vacation and get prac-
tical experi'nce.,
In the senior-junior assembly yes-
terday morning students were urged
to refrain from enlisting in i antry
companies as their engineer ",bility
will make them more v aable in
specialized departments. Juniors were
advised to come back ne3xt year to
finish their courses.
The personnel of the faculty of the
new course in military engineering
and the departments of which they
have charge is as follows: Munitions,
Prof. A. E. White: field telephone, tel-
egraph, and wireless, Prof. J. C. Park-
er; automobile and aeroplane engines.
Prof. W. T. Fishleigh; sanitation,
Prof. W. C. Hoad; transportation,
Prof. H. E. Riggs; military stores and
drill, Prof. J. A. Bursley; structures,
Prof. L. M. Gram, and higliway con-
struction, Prof. J. J. Cox.
75 Senior Lits Fall to Pa Dues
About 75 senior lits hav4 failed to
pay their class dues up to, the pres-
ent time. The list of senior names has
been sent to the publisher for the pro-
grams, with the omission of those
seniors who have not paid their dues.
All those desiring to have their names
appear on the programs must send
their money to Harry Carlson before
April 17.
Chemical Engineers leave on Trip
The chemical engineers will'.: ave
this morning at 7:48 o'clock ou he
D. U. R. for Battle Creek and Kala-
mazoo, where they will inspect some
large' manufacturing plants. The trip
through the middle west originally
planned has been kbandoned,
"We Must Pass This Resolution Now
or Haul Down Our Flag
1'Washington, April 6 (1 a. m.)-
The debate over the resolution de-
claring a state of war between
the United States and Germany is
still progressing and it is prob-
able inat a decision will not be
reached for several hours.
By Carl D. Groat
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
Washington, April 5.-Reading what
le declared to be unpublished portions
of the Zimmerman letter seeking to
allign Mexico against the United
States, Representative Miller of Min-
nesota in the house this afternoon de-
clared the plot included the establish-
ment of submarine bases at Mexican
Miller is a member of the house for-
eign committee. His revelations of
the additional details of the Zimmer-
man plot came during the debate on
the war resolution. In addition to the
submarine base plan, he said that Ger-
imany planned to use reservists in an
aggressive move against the United
States along the Mexican border. The
reservists were to quit the United
States, go into Mexico, and then at-
tack the border with the Mexicans.
11ake Munitions in Mexico?
Aloreover, he declared that German
rcF.Crvists are now making munitions
ia Mexico, while, in the last few days,
ships have delivered munition cargoes
on the west coast of Mexico.
Villa, he stated, is surrounded by
Gerryan officers who have taken con-
trol of his band. Miller said Carranza,
too, is lominated by the Germans. He
declared tat a flood of German -.
is being pouii i nt-m Mxico at the
present time.
Miller solemnly pointed out that the
Mexican menace with its German tinge
is grave, and warned, "that we must
pass this resolution now or haul down
the flag forever."
Tfis revelation, startling the whole
house, came in the midst of several
pacifist speeches, and while Majority
Leader Kitchin was reported to be
making up his mind as to whether to
speak against the resolution.
There was no question late this aft-
ernoon about the ultimate outcome in
the house. It will vote probably
around 8 o'clock for war. The presi-
dent is expected to sign the resolution
as soon as it can be sent to him. The
unpublished portion of the Zimmer-
man note as revealed by Miller fol-
"Agreeable to the Mexican govern
ment, submarine bases will be estab-
lished at Mexican ports from which it
will be supplied arms, munitions, and
supplies. All reservists are ordered
into Mexico to arrange to attack along
the border."
Representative Goodwin of Arkan-
sas, speaking for the resolution, de-
clared that England, after the war, can
pay for any damage American prop-
erty may have suffered at her hands.
"Germany can never repay us for
the human lives the kaiser has taken,"
he said.
Kitchin Declares Against Bill
Majority Leader Kitchin in opening
spoke of the "insinuations of coward-
ice and disloyalty against those who
oppose the bill."
"Let me remind you," he continued,
"that it takes neither moral or phys-
ical courage to declare war for others
to fight." Applause from both sides
broke Kitchin's speech.
"I have come to the undoubted con-
clusion that I should vote against the
bill," he said. Even heavier applause
broke out.
le added: "I know I shall not only
be criticized, be denounced from one
end of the country to the other by a
yelping pack of defamers., I cannot
help it. This country is the last hope
of peace."