THE MICHIGAN DAILY G. H. Wild Co. Leading Merchant Tailors State St. En ineering Tools vim Clocks Smoking Sets Study Lamps Mazda8. Lamps- Razors Padlocks witzer' s Hardware Only Hardware near Campus 310 STATE UNIVEIRSITY TEX T BOOKSNew Iand DRAWING INSTX'UMENTS SVPPLIES OF ALL KINDS e Slater Book Shop ". Et-: >odyear Wingfoot Rubber Heels ave your nervous energy by preventing the jars and ats caused by pounding hard heels on hard pavement. rice attached 50c. We recommend Neolin Soles--wear etter that leather, water proof, flexible, noiseless. Fa ous Shoe R ai c ring Co. 1 5. State St. We Call For and Deliver PHONE 807 i DETROIT UNITED LIKES ween Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson s run on Fastern time, one hour faster local time. troit Limited and Express Cars-8 :1o a. Ad hourly to 7:10 p. in., 9:10 p. in. lamaoo Limited Cars-8:48 a. in. and two hours to 6:48 p. 1n.; to Lansing, p. i. kson Express Cars.-(Local stops west of Arbor)-.9:48 a. in. and every two hours 48 p. m. al Cars Eastbound-5:35 a. in, 6:4o a. :05 a. m. and every two hours to 7:05 P. S:o p. in., 9:05 p. m., 10:50 p. in. to anti only, 9:2o a. in., 9:50 a. mn., 2:05 p. :o5 p. i., 11:45,1:o a. M,, 1:20 To Saline, change at Ypsilanti. cal Cars Westboud-6:os a. in., 7:50,1a. 0:20 p. M.. 12:2o a. m. Farmers & Mechanics Bank Offers the Best in Modern Banking SECURITY - - - EFFICIENCY nient and PleasantQuarters. You Will eased With Our Service. Two Offices 05 S. Main St. : 330 S. State St. PPEWRI TERS of all makes ae or Rent. Oleaning & pairing. TYPEWRIT ING & NEOGRAPHING. SUPPLIES O.D9Morri11 We Offer You SECURITY - - SERVICE - -LOCATION Resources $3,800,000 Ann Arbor Savings Bank Incorporated 1869 Main Office-- Northwest Corner Main and Huron Branch Office- - 707 North University Ave. IMODER0HOSHOP Ofiilnewspaper at the University of Michigan. Published every morning except Monday during the university year. Entered at the post-office at Ann Arbor as second-class matter. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building. Sub- scriptions: by carrier, $2go; by mail,,$300. Want ad. stations: Quarry's; Students' Sup- ply Store; The Delta, or. State and Packard Phones: Business, 96o; Editorial, 2414. Communications not to exceed 300 words in length, or notices of events will be pub- lished in The Daily if left at the office in the Ann Arbor Press Bldg., or in the notice box in the west corridor of the general library, where the notices are collected at 7:30 o'clock each evening. Tohn C. B. ParlEer..........Managing Editor Clarence T. Fishleigh.....Business Manager Conrad N. Church.............News Editor Lee E. Josyn..................City Editor Harold A. Fitzgerald.........Sprts Editor Harold C. L. Jackson . T...elegraph Editor Verne E. Burnett...........Associate Editor Golda Ginsburg.............Women's Editor Carleton W. Rcade........ Statistical Editor J. E. Campbell....Assistant Business Manager C. Philip Emery.. Assistant Business Manager Albert E. hlome. .Assistant Business Manager Roscoe R. Raun.. Assistant Business Manager Fred M. Sutter... Assistant Business Manager Night Editors L. S. Thompson E. A. Baumgarth L,. W. Niter J. L. Stadeker Reporters- A. Swaney C. W. Neumann W.R Atlas C. C. Andrews E. L. Zeigler H. C.- Garson Allen Schoenfield C. M. tickling Marian Wilson,.D S. Rood Business Staff Bernard Wohl J. E. Robinson PaulE." Cholette Harry R. Louis E. Reed Hunt Harold J. Lance Earl F. Ganschow Walter R. Payne Harold Makinson FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1916. Night Editor-tarry M. Carey THE FOURTH ANNUAL CONVOCA- TION For one hour each year we may as- semble together. At Convocation the one opportunity is afforded for a joint meeting of the regents, the members of the different faculties and the stu- dents. All three groups are loyal, and devoted to the University, but this is the only time during the whole year that they may assemble as a unit to show fealty to the Alma Mater. This afternoon has been set aside by the president for the fourth annual Convocation exercises, and an excel- lent program has been arranged. Dean Wilbert B. Hinsdale will give the ad- dress, and from his reputation as a speaker we know the hour will prove only too short. No student is compelled to attend the exercises, but every one should feel it his or her duty to comply with President Hutchins' request to be pres- ent in Hill auditorium this afternoon. W~omen Wyvern, Senior society, Mortar- board, the Symphonic league, and up- perclass residents of Martha Cook building and Newberry residence will present a series of "stunts" in Sarah Caswell Angell hall, Saturday night, immediately following the Y. W. C. A. banquet in Barbour gymnasium. The occasion is Freshman Night, and all freshmen girls are entitled to com- plimentary tickets, obtainable at New- berry residence. Upperclass girls se- cure theirs at a table in the library not later than 3 o'clock Friday. Today is Tag day for the Women's athletic department. Girls interested in athletics will show their spirit by wearing a tag and signing a member- ship blank. All members of the League are eligible to membership in the de- partment at no added cost. Glee club try-outs will be held Mon- day afternoon from 4:30 to 6 o'clock, in room 7, at the School of Music. Mandolin club try-outs will be held on the same day, from 5 to 6 o'clock, in the parlors of the gymnasium. Girls playing mandolin, guitar, banjo, and traps are urged to come out. All junior girls wishing to write scenarios for the Junior Girls' play are requested to be present at a meet- ing to be held at 4 o'clock, Monday afternoon, October 16, in Barbour gym- nasium. Girls who are interested in writing musical lyrics are also urged to come. Prof. J. R. Brumm, of the rhetoric department, will be present to give advice and suggestions. Anita Kelley, '17. and Margaret Reynolds, '17, president of the Wo- men's league, were elected members of the committee which will meet with a committee from the student council throughout the year. The results of the medical examin- ations held this year have been very satisfactory, the number of girls able to do the regular gymnasium work being a large proportion of the total. The freshmen have also been unusu- ally careful about keeping their ap- pointments for medical examinationis, thus faciliating the work of the de- partment. Campus in Brief Owing to illness from a severe cold, Prof. J. C. Knowlton of the law school was unable to meet his classes yes- terday. He has no classes today, but is planning to be back to work Mon- day. The forestry department of the uni- versity has just received some speci- mens of polished typical plants from the Philippie Islands. They will be on exhibition in the forestry rooms in the natural science building. Mr. R. W. Clark, instructor in petro- graphy, has been given a leave of ab- sence for one year to take a position as field geologist with the Cosden Oil and Gas company in the northern part of Oklahoma. His place will be taken by Mr. A. B. Peck, assistant in the mineralogy department last year. The Michigan Anti-Tuberculosis as- sociation has removed its head- quarters from room 121 of the medical building to rooms 435 and 438 in the natural science building. Miss Carol F. Walton, secretary, on behalf of the association, wishes to thank the geol- ogy department of the university for allowing the association to use these two rooms. A small collection of minerals have been presented to the mineralogy de- partment of the university by Dr. -lugo Fruend, of Detroit. They are now on exhibition in the minerology rooms on the second floor of the nat- ural science building. On account of the concert by Mme. Homer which occurred last night, the first meeting of the Geological Sem- inary was postponed until Thursday evening, Oct. 19. It will be held at 7 o'clock in room G-436 of the natural science building. Discussions of this seminary are informal, and students of geology who are interested are wel- comed as visitors, whether they have selected the course or not. The sub- ject of the first meeting will be the work and the personality of a num- ber of American geologists. Dr. A. M. Barrett, of this city, has deposited with the University a mag- nificent specimen of a crinoid, which he got on his trip to the West Indies] over 20 years ago. This will be a valuable addition to the collection of the geology department. Intetcozrcgtate Texas: The senior laws of the Uni- versity of Texas decided at a recent class meeting to wear Daniel Web- ster collars and black string ties each Tuesday and Thursday as a class insignia this year., The amend- ment that all should raise a mustache was defeated only after an earnest plea from the lady members of the class. Oklahoma: The Mary E. Brewer Mem- orial association, of Muskogee, is raising a fund of $2,000 to be kept as a memorial and loaned to needy seniors. Wisconsin: More than a thousand stu- dents were in Main hall at the Un- iversity of Wisconsin the forepart of the week when the $25,000 fire was discovered. Only a few received slight injuries. The dome was com- pletely destroyed. Illinois: The Council of 'Administra- tion at the University of Illinois, expelled a sophomore yesterday for hazing. Iowa: All persons entering the foot- ball field now at the University of Iowa have to be identified. Specta- tors are welcomed but spies are giv- en special attention. Nevada: A uight school for law stu- dents has been established at the University of Nevada. Reno will probably be able to furnish plenty of material. Iowa: The women rooters of the University of Iowa have issued a call for a feminine cheer leader to direct their energies at the Satur- day's football game between Iowa and Grinnell college. Oregon: The University of Oregon has a mother a'nd her daughter in the 1918 class. Washington: Orson Bennett Johnson, professor-emeritus of zoology at the University of Washington, re- cently presented to the University his entire entonological collection. It is said to be a complete and valu- ablercollection. It is the result of over 40 years work. Purdue: The enrollment of Purdue University has now reached a total of 2,101 students, an encrease of 24 over last year. Daily Errs in Thursday's Edition The Daily wishes to correct an error which appeared in yesterday's edition. The Students' Directory is to appear October 27 rather than October 22 as was stated. #It#E E111LU 111 11111111|11111111111111 #1#11II1llillttltllll1111llllllll llll llll lll llllli Books and Supplies No matter what your course, Magazlines andl Novels, No matter what your taste. Sporting Goods No matter what your game. _ /i UNIVER SITY BOOKSTOIF S Have your photogra- phiC worK done by 334 S. STATE ST. HAVING INSTALLED MODE RN LENSE G1UINDING MAUHINERY. We are able to give you Prompt Service in GRINDING your Lenses ACCURATELY. STATE STREET JEWELERS / eeSlanTho Mzizane an or you- Cosmopolitan, Saturday Evening Post, Country Gentlemnan, LadiesHome Journal and any other MagaZines at SpeCial Student Rates for the school year. Jno.K. Slan 1003 E. Catoi P 42M A Particular Place for Particular People. FRANK O, BOLICH, Prop MM - 3c T S. State .582-~J' i . . ANNOUNCEMENT SAM BURCHFIELD & CO, Quarry's, Corner is the most easily reached and longest re- membered, because of its peculiar location, and the careful attention you re- ceive when you visit it. Try it. Quarry Drug Col' Prescription Store Corner N. University and S. State St. RECEPTION FOR '19 WOMEN Welcome Extended to Freshmen Girls in Barbour Gymnasium A hearty welcome was extended to the members of the Class of '19 at Dean Jordan's reception held in Bar- bour gymnasium yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock. The girls were received by Mrs. Jordan, Mrs. Hutchins, Miss Garlock, Dr. Pratt, Miss Wood, Miss Dawley. A short, but important class meet- ing was held at which Mrs. Jordan took the opportunity to tell the girls of their new obligations as members of the sophomore class. The year of ap- prenticeship has been served, Mrs Jor- dan pointed out, and the girls who as freshmen were assisted and watched over are now ready to participate in all campus activities, which were not open to them last year. Mrs. Jordan also reminded the girls of the Junior play which was to come from the sophomore class, as well as member- ship in the Comedy club, and social service work of different sorts. The class voted to leave the nomin- ation of the vice-president of the class to the social committee. The class elections are to be held at 4 o'clock Monday, in room 101, economics build- ing. Four new names were added to the committee to fill vacancies. They are as follows: Jenny Duemeling, Anna McMahon, Hope Keller, Olive Wiggins. December 9 was the date set for the annual' sophomore spread in honor of the freshmen. Unlucky Ball, Fisher's Sextet, at1 Armory. oct131 Gives you the best Tailoring service to be obtained anywhere in the couni- try, coupled with a wonderful line of Woolens. S I Takes Pictures. Develops Films makes Prints and Enlarge- 713 E.VrIvorofty Varsity ToggCry Shop FOR "FRESH", CAPS and FURNISHINCS 1107 So. University Avenue t06 E. Huron Street Opposite Court House SAM BURCHFIELD & CO. THE ARBOR HOUSE 720 So. State St. Private dining rooms or tables available to clubs or groups. $4 50 per week Phone 7994-J LIBRARIANS HOLD CONVENTION? Pass Resolution Showing Condition of State Library. Over 150 librarians of the state at- tended the librarians' convention h'ld at Lansing Wednesday evening. Mr. W. W: Bishop, chief librarian of the University, delivered an address on "Large Libraries and American Con- tributions to Architecture." The convention passed resolutions pointing out to congress the extremely dangerous conditions regarding pro- tection from fire at the state capitol library. The library has a collection of 200,000 volumes, many of which could not be replaced if lost. It has in its files thousands of newspapers pub- lished in Michigan as far back as the thirties and forties. The building is a firetrap in worse condition than the government library at Albany, N. Y., which was lost with all its contents in a fire four years ago. The convention is striving to awaken public interest so -that the library at Lansing will be adequately protected. Morning Practice Starts at Syracuse One football practice a day for the Syracuse Varsity is not thought enough by the coach so a morning practice has been started. vHOP off a fewv minutes and eat some of GEORGE'S aEY WAI KINNG1600 It S. State St. Phone 1244-M lymouth Round Table to Hold Social The recently organized Plymouth ound Table of the First Congrega- onal church announces a get-together )cial, to be held at the church this rening at 8 o'clock. All fresh- en and upperclassmen Congrega- onalists are urged to be there as well s all those of other denominations Girls' Employment Bureau Ready Soon Miss Miriam Gerlach, Dean Jordan's new secretary, is preparing an em- ployment bureau for girls which will be in. working order next week. It will have on file all girls desiring employ- ment and also a list of positions open as well as information concerning ways of getting into other kinds of work than thus offered. Dilly Sunday Cut is Lost by The Daily A cut of Billy Sunday was given to someone by a Daily reporter last Sat- urday to be delivered to the Wash- tenaw Dry Campaign 'committee. The cut has not yet reached the offices of the committee. Will the person who last had it in his possession kindly call up The Daily office at 2414?