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October 13, 1916 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1916-10-13

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Shovels and Wagons Provided by Au-
thorities; Moving Pictures to
Be Taken of Event.
Friday, October 13, is Angell Me-
morial day. Today the first opera-
tions on the new Michigan Union
building, named in honor of the noted
educator, will be commenced when
the site is ploughed to loosen up the
dirt for the excavators' shoves. That
every student in the University may
have a chance to honor Michigan's
grandest man, authorities have ar-
ranged tomorrow morning for every-
one connected with the University an
opporunity to throw a spade full of
dirt from the Union site.
Between the hours of 9 and 9:30
o'lock, lines of fours will be formed
extending from South University av-
enue down to State street. The-col-
umns will march to the new Union
site and each man will throw a shovelr
full of dirt into awaiting wagons.
Members of the senior class will be
appointed to keep order and as each
'mian throws his shovefull of drt he
will pass the shovel into the hands
of the man back of him and march out
to make room for the incoming stu-
Moving pictures will be taken of
the event by E. H. Speare, the photog-
rapher who is taking pictures of Ann
Arbor for a municipal movie. These
pictures will be shown throughout the
country as evidence of the remem-
brance of Michigan's students for
President Angell.
A large number of wagons and
shovels have been provided for the
event by the Union authorities in or-
der that there may be no confusion.
F. L. Keeler Outlines Educator's Life
to Assist Teachers.
All the public schools and colleges
of the state will today observe Angell
day in memory of the late President
Emeritus Tames Burrill Angell, Michi-
gan's greatest educator, by fitting and
appropriate exercises.
Vier pthe direction of Fred L.
er, superintendent of public in-
struction, a bulletin has been pre-
pared which contains short sketches of
Dr. Angell's life, many campus scenes
and an outline to assist teachers in
preparing their programs. These
pamphlets have been distributed
throughout the schools of the state.
At the Ann Arbor high school classes
will assemble in the school auditorium
and Dr. Angell's memoirs as well as
various articles written by prominent
men of the country will be read.
Several members of the faculty also
have appointments in various cities of
the state to give Angell memorial day

lfervlin Tomlin, '17, Elected President
for Coming Year.-
Officers for the ensuing year were
elected at a meeting of the Prescott
club yesterday. The following were
chosen: President, M. E. Tomlin, '17;
vice president, Mary Dunlap, '18;
treasurer, W. S. Reveno, '17; secretary,
C. G. Fuss, '19, and publicity, Lawrence
Heustis, '17.
Dr. A. B. Stevens, secretary of the
College of Pharmacy, outlined the pur-
pose of the club and President Tomlin
appointed the committees for the com-
ing year.
During the year the club plans to
have several speakers from the dif-
ferent scientific departments of the
university give addresses and .also
nr mn*fm n r m f' mora

Wilson Indulges
in Personalities


"0" Hear Hughes
Speak at Pikeville


President Assails Hughes for
Time in Indianapolis


(By Robert J. Bender, United Press
Staff Corespondent.)
Indianapolis, Oct. 12. -Assailing
Charles E. Hughes personally for the
first time in the campaign, President
Wilson today said, "any man who re-
vives sectionalism in this country is
unworthy of thetconfidence of the na-
tion." The great crowd cheered loud
for several minutes.
"I didn't come here to talk politics,
as you well know," the president said
during a plea for good roads, "but I
must say this," and he spoke of the
sectionalism issue raised by his po-
litical opponent. "The man who raises
this cry of sectionalism," he said,
"supports his own provincialism, his
own ignorance. It is the depth of anti-
patriotic feeling." The president said
that co-operation is absolutely neces-
sary for the new nationalism of Amer-
"With one body pulling one way and
another pulling another, we cannot do
anything for the world. The United
States must be ready with a united
force. We can no longer play with
the elements of our force. We have
got to combine the efforts of our in-
dustry under expert leadership, along
the new lines of a new age. I want
to see universal co-operation."
Again, however, the president
launched into politics, saying, "politics
as a means of running for office is
comtemptible. A man once told me
that most politicians talk through their
hats. Talking through hats should be
a dead issue. Politics should be fea-
tured by this slogan, 'put up or shut
up'." The crowd rose to its feet and
cheered for four minutes.,
At a luncheon given in his honor by
Governor and Mrs. Ralston, the non-
partisian atmosphere which the presi-
dent has tried to throw about all his
recent trips was strongly apparent.
Late News B1riefs
Rio de Janiero, Brazil, Oct. 12.-
German business interests here have
been officially advised that submarines
will sink no ships between North and
South American ports, it was reported
here today.
Paris, Oct. 12.-Greece has accepted
all the conditions imposed by the
Allies, including the disarmament of
fortresses, the internment of the Greek
fleet, and the use of the railroads and
canals by the Allies.
Washington, Oct. 12.-Two million
dollars damage was done by the hur-
ricane in the Danish west indies Tues-1
day, American Consul Payne cabled
the state department today. Two-thirds
of the population need food and
clothing, and the other third needs1
shelter, he said.
London, Oct. 12.-A British cavalry1
brigade cleared the country around
Seres of Bulgarian troops, but found'
the city itself strongly defended by'
the Bulgars. There was no infantry
activity on the Somme front.
Chicago, Oct. 12.-Buda Godman,
Homer French, and James Christian,'
wanted in connection with the alleged
blackmailing of E. R. West, Chicago
and New York coffee importer, today
waived extradition before United
States Commissioner Mark Foote.7
They will be taken to New York im-i
mediately for trial.
Eight Hundred Former Boy Scouts Or-I
ganize League in New York.
New York, Oct. 12.-Eight hundred;

former U. S. Boy Scouts living on
the west side of this city have formed
an organization called the Junior Ma-
rine Scouts, for training in the duties
of U. S. marines. The organization is
in no way affiliated with the U. S. Boy
Scouts, and plans are under way to
make the body national in scope and
The Junior Marine Scouts have
taken up as their special plea to,-others
that the training they will receive on
land and sea is of greater benefit than

University Band to Furnish Music As-
sisted by Billy's Picked
Billy Sunday's meeting in Ann Ar-
bor, Mcnday, October 23, will, accord-
ing to plans, be in the form of a stu-
dent mass meeting. Not unmindful of
the cordial invitation tendered him
by representatives of the student body
sometime ago in Detroit, Mr. Sunday
has given instructions that seveal
features be added to his usual pro-
gram for the satisfaction of the stu-
dent delegation present at his meet-
The first instructions were given
out to Director Cody of the Sunday
musical staff and were to the effect
that Mr. Cody should secure the Uni-
versity band to furnish the music for
his Ann Arbor appearance and the ac-
companiment of his picked choir.
Further orders stated thatpart of the
usual list of hymns should be substi-
tuted by some of the most familar
Next a block of 2,000 seats was set
aside for the students desirous of
hearing the evangelist. In order to
obtain one of these seats it will be
necessary to exchange an athletic
coupon for one of the reserved tick-
ets. The block set apart, to be re-
served, is down front, directly in front
of the speaker's stand.
Enlistment Stations to Be Placed
Around Campus.
More than 75 men turned out at the
military training meeting at the Union
last night. "This means that the suc-
cess of the movement is assured,"
said a leader of the movement. Every
man present promised faithful obed-"
ience and attendance at the meetings.
The meeting originated from the de-
sire on the part of a number of stu-
dents to see that the enthusiasm dis-
played last year on the question of
military training be crystalized this
year into a definite and permanent or-
ganization. A committee will be ap-
pointed at once to undertake the dif-
ferent details of organization, and it is
hoped to secure an active participa-
tion in the work on the part of sev-
eral members of the faculty who are
known to be in sympathy with the
During the next few days enlist-
ment stations will be established about
the campus and enlistment blanks
handed out to those men who wish to
enter the organization. The Daily will
publish the locations of these stations.
Next Thursday night a drill will be
held, the place of the meeting to be
announced later. In the meantime
time those wishing to secure informa-
tion of the movement or to join the
organization can call L. M. Lyons,
'19M, at 2303-M, or N. H. Schermer,
'19E, at 993-J.
Twenty-Five Wounded in Clash Be-
tween Law and Standard Oil
Company Employees.
Bayonne, N. J., Oct. 12.-The second
fatalityof the strike ofthe Standard'
Oil company's employees occurred this
afternoon when Isadore Malipsky, 22,
a lawyer, was shot and instantly killed
when a fusilade of shots were ex-
changed between several hundred
strikers and nearly 300 armed de-
tectives, policemen and special guards.

Twenty-five strikers were wounded.
The rioting began when 55 special
guards, 150 policemen and about 100
citizen deputies and firemen marched
to the Hook district to re-enforce the
police who had been on duty there for
nearly 36 hours. All were armed and
50 carried repeating rifles.
Dean Bates to Talk to Fresh Laws
Dean H. M. Bates of the law school
will deliver his address to fresh laws
in room C law building, at 4 o'clock
Monday afternoon. Dean Bates' talk
to the freshmen originally was sched-
uled for yesterday afternoon, but was
nostponed on account of the address

Railroad Officials Declare Deliberate
Attempt Was Made to Derail
Candidate's Train
(By Perry Arnold, United Press Staff
Louisa, Ky., Oct. 12.-Charles E.
Hughes put Pikeville, Pike county,
Kentucky, on the map today. No pres-
idential candidate ever before honor-
ed the village with his presence. The
Republican nominee spoke at the
courthouse square on Americanism in-
cidently paying his audience a deli-
cate compliment.
"I know the strength of character
and the resolution of purpose of the
good people of these mountains," he
said. "I do not expect there is a
place in America where I have had
greater desire to visit than in these
Kentucky mountains."
What railroad officials believe was
a deliberate attempt to derail the
special train on which Hughes was
travelling was discovered just before
the train left Paintsville this' after-
noon. One of the rails had been
smashed apparently with a sledge
hammer, trackmen said. A new rail
was put in place and the candidate
was delayed only for a few minutes.
Socialist Leader Charges French
Censors Keep People in Ignor-
ance of Fat.
Berlin, via Wireless to Sayville, L..
I., Oct. 12.-"The French censors are
keeping the French people in ignor-
ance of the fact that they can have
peace, with French and as well as
Belgium soil freed of Germans, with-
out shedding another drop of blood,"
Philip Scheidemann, Socialist leader
and supporter of Chancellor von Beth-
mann-Holweg, declared in a most im-
portant address at today's session of
the reichstag.
The meeting was marked by the an-
nouncement from National Liberal
Leader Bassemann that the main com-
mittee of the reichstag had reached no
conclusion in its discussion of the
question of reviving indiscriminae
warfare, but had agreed that there
should be no public discussion of the,
question in the reichstag. Schelde-
mann's speech created great interest.
"What is French will stay French;
what is Belgian will stay Belgian, and
what is German will stay German.
Th s the main basis upon which
ce will be constructed," he said,,
'but since Lloyd George and Premier
Briand preach war until the bitter
end, the chancellor is unable to talk
peace. The nations want peace. If
the contrary is said in any country
then it is an absolute swindle."
Freshmen Fai to Register for Physical
Exams; Must Be Done Soon.
As yet no definite date has been set
for the formal opening of the gym, but
on dope everything should be in readi-
ness about the .middle or last part of
So far scarcely two hundred fresh-
men have reported to Dr. May for
physical examinations. Those who
have not made arrangements for being
examined should do so at once by
stopping in the gym and making an
appointment with Dr. May or his as-'
sistants whereby they could be ex-
amined in the near future.

As in former years no one will be.
permitted to take gym work until they'
have successfully passed the physical
examination. It would be to the ad-'
vantage of all concerned if this was at-]
tended to at the earliest possible date
so that the classes can be arranged
and be ready to start by the time the
gym reaches completion.
On Friday evening in the First
Church of Christ parlors, a reception
is to be held for all Michigan students
and especially incoming freshmen.
There will be lots of entertainment
with rood eats. The affair is scheduled

* * * * * * * * * * * * *1


The occasion-Convocation.
The time-3.30 o'clock.
The place-Hill auditorium.
Principal speaker-Dean Wil-
bert B. Hinsdale.



War Secretary Supports Timeliness of
"Knock-Out" Interview Be.
fore Critics.
(By Ed L. Keen, United Press Staff
London, Oct. 12. - Lloyd-George's
crushing rejoinder to Richard Holt,
one of his critics in commons yester-
day, received equal attention in the
newspapers today with Premier As-
quith's statement that there must be
no "precarious compromise, mas-
querading under the name of peace."
Holt criticised the war secretary's
recent statement on peace. He com-
plained that Lloyd-George used sport-
ing terms like the "knock-out" ex-
pression, that his statements were un-
compromising, that the war minister
was not the proper person to express
the government's viewson foreign pol-
Turning directly toward Holt, Lloyd-
George said, "What you really object
to is not the manner, but the text and
purport of this interview." Lloyd-
George added that he was simply
elaborating what the British and
French prime ministers had said, and
what the cabinet and military advisers
believed. He spoke with impressive
emphasis, and said he wished he were
at liberty to "tell the honorable mem-
bers how timely the interview was in
its appearance."
The London papers particularly em-
phasize Lloyd-George's declaration
that the interview was timely and es-
sential, and not merely a personal ex-
pression but the opinion of the cab-
inet and war committee 'and also of
England's allies.
"Between these words," said the
Daily Telegraph, referring to the time-
liness of the interview, "even the dull-
est imagination can read. Plainly the
interview was expressed in time to kill
an intended attempt at intervention,
and it succeeded. There is no need
to say where."
H. Kirk White's, '17, resignation
from the student council was received
by that body and accepted at their
second meeting last night.
Other business discussed at the
council's second meeting was that the
present junior and sophomore classes
must buy another tug-of-war rope to
be used in the spring contests. The
old rope used last year has become
unfit for use in another contest.
Another feature of the meeting was
when the student council debated the
question of whether or not the stu-
dent body understands their actions
and expressed the wish that any stu-
dent having ideas for' any improve-
ment in student life inform the coun-
cil of his idea or attend the next meet-
ing of the council.
The student council meets Thursday
evenings at 7:30 o'clock in room 105
N. W.
The women of Newberry Residence
held their first house meeting and re-

ception to new members on Wednes-
day evening at which the. following
officers were elected for the coming
year: Eileen Lamb, '18, vice president;
Hazel Giddings, '17, treasurer; house
representatives, Pearl Smith, 17; Mil-
dred Mighell, '18; Emily Powell, 19;
Allison Spense, '20; Aimee Renkes,

Entire Services Not to
More Than One


When the fourth annual Convocation
assembles in Hill auditorium this aft-
ernoon the only opportunity of the .
year will be given for regents, presi-
dent, faculty and students of the Uni-
versity to meet together to show a
spirit of solidarity and loyalness for
the University.
The convocation address wHI be de-
livered by Dean Wilbert B. Hinsdale,
of the Homeopathic Medical School,
and will be part of a program includ-D
ing musical numbers. The subject of
the dean's speech will be "Personal
Lengthy exercises will be dispensed
with and the entire Convocation will
not last for more than an hour. In
view of this, short space of timeal
lotted for the meeting, President Harry
B. Hutchins has expressed personally
the desire that every student in the
University be present to make the af-
fair a huge success.
Marching Formation.
The marching plans have been an-
nounced by Prof. L. M. Gram, who
is in charge of these arrangements, as
At 2:50 o'clock the band will as-
semble at the flag pole and begin to
play at 3 o'clock. It will play for 10
minutes and then march to the west
entrance of Hill auditorium, where it
will take its place at the head of the
The president, board of regents, and
Dean Hinsdale, the orator of the day,
will assemble in the president's rooms,
and will lead the faculty, which will
assemble in University hall.' They will
march west to State street, thence
north to the northwest corner of the
campus, thence east to Hill auditor-
ium, where they will enter the center
front door, and pass down the center
west aisle and onto the platform by
the west steps.
Graduate school students will as-
semble on opposite sides of the main
-walk in front of University hall, and
willifollow the faculty into Hill audi-
torium, where they will pass down
the east middle aisle and onto the
platform, taking seats in the rear of
the faculty. When all seats are oc-
cupied the overflow will take seats
in the front rows of the auditorium.
The regents, president, faculty and
graduate students will wear caps and
Seniors will assemble on the lawn
west of the law building, and will
wheel around the northwest corner of
the law building after the graduate
students have *followed the faculty.
The seniors will head for Hill aidi-
torium, crossing North University av-
enue at an angle, and will then di-
verge so that their various columns
will each reach one .door of the audi-
torium at the same time. They will
then pass down the aisles and take
seats In all five sections directly be-
hind those graduate students who may
be already seated.
Sophomores will assemble on the
lawn west of Mason hall, and will fol-
low the seniors, taking their places di-
rectly in the rear of the last year
Juniors will assemble on the pave-
ment of North University avenue west
of Thayer street and as soon as they
have a clear way will enter the audi-
torium, ascend the stairs, and take
seats in the first balcony.
Freshmen will assemble on the
pavement of North University avenue,.
east of Ingalls street. They will march
to a point where. they can see past
the southeast corner of the auditorium
and as soon as they see the seniors
entering the building will enter the
east entrance and ascend the stairs to
their seats in the second balcony.
In Case of Rain.

A sprinkle will not be considered a
rain. It must actually rain so hard
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