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March 29, 1917 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1917-03-29

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Editor, The Michigan Daily:
A misunderstanding seems to have
arisen regarding the right of women
to vote upon the question of military
training at Michigan. Th is is due,
very likely, to a misconception of the
purpose of the vote, which is not as
might be thought, to settle definitely
the issue of whether or not we have
such training but is merely a method
of getting on record an expression of
campus opinion on the subject. This
record is to be placed before the Re-
gents and through the method of tab-
ulation which is to be used, it will be
perfectly possible for the Regents to
give such weight to certain classes of
votes as these classes merit. Each
vote will .be signed by the voter and
be arranged according to department
and class. The women's votes will be
kept separate from those of the men.
In view of this and of the fact
that everyone including the women,
will have an extremely important part
to play in what now saems to be an
inevitable crisis, an expression of op-
inion from the entire campus is de-
1). W. SESSIONS, '17L.
Editor, The Michigan Daily:
This morning the student body bal-
lots upon a question that affects, only,
freshmen and sophomores. It is a
question which has been hastily and
one-sidedly presented to all.
I wish to state that 1 am not in fav-
or of a compulsory military training
system, unless it be desired by the
majority of those who are affected by
it. At the present time, we are fac-
ing a crisis and it is for that reason
and only that reason, that the question
is now before us. The students who
are to take' this training, are to take
it for no other expressed purpose than
to be ready to go to the front if war
demands it. If this is not true, why
is the question being considered? It
would sound rather foolish for one to
say that the untrained would be ask-
ed to go before those who have had
training. And public opinion demands
that the trained should go.
Now I ask why those who would not
be affected by this ruling should be
allowed to say whether we, as fresh-
men or sophomores, wish to put our-
selves in such a position? It may be

necessary for us to do so within the
next two years. Are they dealing with
us fairly? And, if it is true that the
present situation demands it, why will
the freshmen and sophomores of the
enginieering and literary colleges
nake so much better soldiers than all
the freshmen, all the juniors, and
all the seniors, saying nothing of the
Tl# freshmen know little of the
question, and, as Mr. Winchell said
in the columns of Tuesday's Daily:
"A meeting which gives only one side
of the question is of no value in help-
ing those who are undecided to make
up their minds." Why are not both
sides of the question presented to us
and without the noise? Noise does
not siiiy patriotism.
G. W. FRANCIS, '20E.
Editor, The Michigan Daily:
1, as a freshman engineer deem the
vote which is to be taken today regard-
ing compulsory military training as
unfair to the underclassmen of the
engineering and literary departments.
All students of the University are per-
mitted to vote on the subject, although
it is to have an effect upon a few.
Why should not the freshman and
sophomore architects, dents, and
pharnies be considered in the matter?
Are they not as capable of getting
into a uniform and carrying a nine-
teen pound gun as anybody else?
And furthermore, why should they
be permitted to vote upon a problem
that does not concern them? Or why
should the upperclassmen and women
of all other departments be permitted
to vote on the matter? If war orders
No. 49 says that underclassmen only
shall drill, let the underclassmen de-
cide. for themselves.
If they have brains enough to learn
military orders they have brains
enough and patriotism enough to de-
cide for themselves concerning com-
pulsory military training.
If the Regents adopt war orders
No. 49 and war is declared within the
next few months, the freshmen and
sophomores will probably be called
upon according to the Dick military
law. This law states that the war de-
partnent may summon anybody for
duty that they feel fit.;
The war department naturally will
call those that have had some military
training first. I am very much in
favor of military training but am
against the idea of forcing it upon the
few by everybody. It is the duty of
every American citizen to perform his
duty and not to cast it off onto the
shoulders of someone else.
A. M., '20E.
Editor, The Michigan Daily:
When a boy in Germany or France
reaches the age at which an American


boy enters college, he is forced to
enlist in the army. Three, four, or
five of the best years of his life are
spent in acquiring military training.
When his term of service is over, he
enters civil life unprepared to take
up any business or trade.
The American boy is burdened with
no such system as this. He goes to
college or enters a business or learns
a trade and by the time his German
or French cousin is just starting on
his life work, the fortunate son of
America is already far on his way.
The advantages of this system to
the individual are manifest but its
disadvantages to the military strength
of the country are even more plain.
If, therefore, his country is not to be
left wholly defenseless, it is a matter
of individual responsibility to the
young American to see that he ac-
quires the training which his govern-
ment does not force him to sacrifice
several years of his youth to gain.
It is said that every human advan-
tage must be paid for. America has
never been inflicted with obnoxious
systems of compulsory military train-
ing, but the lack of them imust be paid
for in some way. Two ways of re-
muneration lie open; first, a state of
complete unpreparedness and its at-
tendant unnecessary losses of lives in
case of war, and second, the sacrifice
of a part of our young men's time in
a modified system of compulsory mili-
tary training.
H.T. G.
Editor, The Michigan Daily:
Today, on the campus, the body of
men which is interested in bringing
compulsory military training to Michi-
gan is going to foist upon the shoul-
ders of their fellow students a most
militaristic propaganda. This body of
men has by various means possessed
itself of even the one organ of free
speech left the student, The Michigan
Daily. It is quite impossible to gain
utterance through its columns for a
pacific article unless that article is
adorned at the end by a biting and
wholly superfluous note from the
In view of this fact, let every stu-
dent who is in any way opposed to
the introduction of military training
into the curriculum of our University
present himself at the proper place
tomorrow and there proclaim himself
as being unalterably opposed to mili-
How many of our faculty and promi-
nent men would shoulde- a rifle and
light in the trenches. I leave the
question for them to answer if oo
casion demands their presence there.
This great question is one to be de-
cided not by the faculty and student
body as such, but acting together as
citizens of the United States. The

question goes far outside the petty
one of University policy.
Since we must get togetner and an-
swer their demands once for all, let
our answer be such a one that never
again shall we be troubled by the
ravings of a crowd of war-mad
fanatics. Only by a united effort can
this be done. Now, altogether fel-
lows. Let our slogan be, war is hell.
Let those who want war go to war.
Editor, The Michigan Daily:
The pleasing (?) vein of satire
which appeared in yesterday's Daily,
titled "0 p p o s e s Preparedness,'
should draw out several replies. When
Mr. Average Reader sits down to look
over an article, he at least has the
right to assume that the writer knows
whereof he speaks. Such apparently
was not the case when Mr. M. James
Gilmartin, '18, prepared his half-col-
umn of sarcastic asininity.
The motives and ideals of "elderly
deans and doctors of medicine" and
so forth were freely maligned by the
inferences contained in the third
paragraph. One could easily bring
out the facts pertaining to the actual
services which certain of these elderly
gentlemen have rendered their coun-
try in times past, and just to what ex-
tent they are now offering themselves
to the common good. A citation of
these facts would no doubt be justi-
fied by the enlightenment resulting
in Mr. Gilmartin's case, but at the
same time the intelligence of Michi-
gan's men would be insulted. Suf-
fice it to say that the past record and
present intentions of our deans and
doctors and so forth will reflect no
discredit on the institution.
One thing more. Out of the jumble
of rhetorical diction presented yes-
terday one is able to gather the fact
that this satirist would have all war
ended by the triumph of intellect over
force. Let him peruse his own ar-
ticle for misspelled words and hope-
lessly joined phrases, then ask himself
if intellect such as this will go far
toward compensating for lack of pre-
paredness against force. It is to be
hoped that this man's classmates will
exhibit sufficient pride "in themselves
to settle the issue in a fitting manner.
Instructor Electrical Engineering.
Editor, The Michigan Daily:
In behalf of the freshmen and sopho-
mores of the University, in behalf of
all other students who do not counte-
nance the infliction of compulsory
military training upon half of the male
student body, and in behalf of all
those who still hold to the ideal of
democracy, I protest against the pres-
ent state of politics at Michigan. Upon
the decision of all is determined


whether or not the freshmen andr
sophomores of the literary and engi-
neering schools will be compelled to
study military tactics and do military
Is this consistent with the princi-t
ple of democracy for which our cam-f
pus is so justly proud?
Are the women to vote military
training upon the men? Is it justicet
that one sex should govern the other?1
We are not discussing the virtuesE
of military training but the problemE
of justice. Compulsory training mayc
be a good thing, but the principle of
the imposition of such a system upon
those who do not want it is wrong.
University students should at least in

a measure be qualified to know
own needs.
I cannot believe that our ov

thusiastic military men have viewed
the problem In the proper light, but I
feel sure that with a little reflection
on the part of those voting, this com-
pulsory propaganda will fail. The
spirit of the Michigan man should be
the spirit of the volunteer. Let us
have faith in the present student gen-
eration that they will meet the pres-
ent crisis without being compelled by
others but to voluntarily offer their
services to their country and their

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