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October 12, 1916 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1916-10-12

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r ,


mntner Reaches Top
Which Produced Nation's
Leading Orators.


Walsh is the freshman, while Miss
Fritzi Fritz, is a good foil as the com-
edienne. They are assisted by six
attractive college girls.
Frank Bush will be on the bill.
Many other performers less talented
resort to eccentric make-up, but Bush
does not require other than his own
native ability to make hisyarns most
The rest of the bill is especially at-


The second installment of Gloria's
Romance with Billie Burke, which will
be shown at the Arcade today, is en-
titled "Caught by the Seminoles." In
trying to find her way back to her
hotel while lost in the everglades she
arrives at the dwelling of a poor white
family. Gloria's absence having been
discovered, her father and brother,
with a number of others, begin a,

search for the runaway. A large re-
ward is offered for her recovery. Dr.
Royce (Henry Kolker) who admires
Gloria, and Richard Freneau (David
Powell) a young broker hoping to se-
cure the reward, join the searchers.
Gloria at the hut of the poor white
family exchanges her torn dress for
the outfit of a boy. The young son of
the family offers to act as guide to
her hotel. On the way they quarrel
and he misleads her and then leaves

her, and she wanders into a camp of
Seminole Indians. Freneau arrives
at the Indian camp just as the young
chieftain is insisting on marrying
Gloria. Freneau, a coward, is frighten-
ed away and Gloria faints. Just
then Doctor Royce arrives from
another direction and attacks the
Indian. During the fight Freneau re-
turns and carries the fainting girl
away. Dr. Royce follows their trail
and arrives in time to hear Freneau

praised for his rescue of the girl,
which Freneau calmly accepts, Gloria
not knowing to whom it is justly due.
The photography and the settings
of this installment are unusually
pleasing. The events of the story are
interesting and the suspense is well
managed. But the main attraction, and
it is a powerful one, is due to the mag-
netism of the leading lady. The close-
ups are effectively used and a number
of them are of exceptional beauty.

lam, Jennings Bryan, who is to
in Ann Arbor Oct. 22 under the
as of the Washtenaw dry cam-
is the foremost exponent of the
>f oratory which produced the
st speakers of the past age,
gave Wendell Phillips his clear-
knd Henry Ward Beecher his
,Professor Trueblood, head~of
atory department, who is like-
gr4duate of this style of speak-
as a student with the great com-
in Illinois college in 1878, un-
of. S. S. Hamill, whose methods
hing are directly related to the
r of the school, Prof. Rush.
great speakers of today are all
of the new system, which sub-
d business directness for the
y eloquence of the seventeenth
y. From Prof. Rush came
r and Murdock. Barker gave to
untry Wendell Phillips, who is
ey the oratory department as the
le of the best type of public
g. Barker likewise produced
, who in turn educated Henry
Beecber in that style of oratory
was responsible for his rise to
ghest position in the American
. Kurdoch's pupils were Hamill
rver. The former taught Bryan,
Trueblood and Prof. Fulton, the
ro of whom wrote the book used
nentary public speaking courses
a university. Carver gave Bev-
his knowledge of speaking,
Blishop Hughes and Dr. C. E.
,on, declared by Prof. Trueblood
the greatest pulpit orators to-
re also exponents of the teach-
Prof. Murdoch.
tor LaFollette studied- under
N urdoch, while Profs. Trueblood
ilton left Illinois college to take
al work under the same man,
.ng their instruction when their
r was 80 years of age. Presi-
Vilson is one of Prof. Fulton's
an was a senior in Illinois col-
hen Prof. Trueblood entered to
pecial work under Hamill, and
in that year that Bryan won his
'atoricol contest, although he had
d every one since his first year.
s not destined to become great
away, for he lost the state con-
) the man who later won the
tate contest.
interesting sidelight is thrown
ran's work and the constancy of
eals by Prof. Trueblood, who
that Bryan's first successful
, made his senior year in col-
as been the basis for a grat
f his work since. The oration
lled "Justice," and Bryan him-
eclares that his best congres-
speech contained verbatim ex-
from this speech, the most suc-
parts, those best received, be-
ose taken from his first prize
speech which first made Bryan
s and won him the Democratic
tion for president, was the
of Gold" speech delivered in
.icago convention. Though re-
as a new speech, it was one
Bryan had given many times be-
id which contained ideas from
:ech, "Justice."
Trueblood, declares Bryan's
slies in the earnestness of his
y, and the perfect committing
speeches, °which enables him to
is attention from the words in
,ech to the speaking of them.



Arcade-Lioniel Barrymore In,
the Quitter" and Billie Burke
"Gloria's Romance," second
Lapter "Caught by the Sem-

. M

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The Beltsac: You men like to get away from clothes that make you
take life so seriously. There is an easy feeling about the Beltsac that will lift years from
your shoulders. See how well it looks on the younger men. There are many travesties on
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Specialty of Fractional Sizes and the Foreward Model, originated by this House CHICAGO Get our Book, Styles for Men, fromyour dealer or send your name tous
° " ' I l~ llll l~ lllI'll ll lllillllli~ lll'I hI ill~ 'II'l' J il lll~ l''I i'' '' I' IIIII I'hl !I II!I i~ llli~ iIY I!1111!I;'lllll1li lilllllll111111llllllll11 llll1 lll llllllli

Orpheum - Marguerite
in "Little Lady Eileen."
Bray cartoons.


* * * * * A # *# *7 *#

On Sale
by the





Main St.

iere is plenty to amuse in the bill
ling at the Majestic tonight. Music,
g, comedy and acrobatics offer a
ed entertainment.
he bill is headed by V. Chandler
th's minature musical comedy,
e Freshman." It is a college act
concerns the adventures of a con-
ed "frosh" and his meciless initia-

_. .._. LI'(i!;

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