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March 24, 1917 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1917-03-24

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c eA.R t l t t atty



VOL. XXVIL No. 123.



Dress Suits and Evening Gowns
Plentiful; Matinee This
By B. M.
Pressagented by two previous shows
"Fools' Paradise" opened the third
chapter of the tenth volume of Michi-
gan Union operas and ended it last
night with success before the most
critical of all audiences--society
There was an undertone on the
campus yesterday that though the
play was exceptionally good, there
were weak spots in it. This was true.
None of the songs developed into hits1
such as last year's "Men of the Maize1
and Blue," and then at times the act-
ing on the part of the chorus was a
little ragged.
But like Gwendolyn when she says,
"we do not care for those perfect and
studious boys," neither would we want
an opera that was perfect. What it1
lacked in finish and professionalism,
"Fools' Paradise" made up with its
youth, and swing and vigor. Like the3
oil wells on Hiram's farm, the play
is rich in material. Black-sweatered
Tubby, was a joy to all; Daisy, "ex-
co-eded" the best of the fussing fair
ones; Hiram, "20-ed," in realistice
froshly mannerisms; while Myrtle Mc-
Govern, well, anyone who did not like
her acting should "Tell It to a Tele-
Second Surpasses First
The second act surpassed' the first1
in smoothness and uniqueness, everye
number being encored many times.
Rollicking "Winter Belles" got away1
again in the lead, with the six Hawai-
ian imitators of Ruth St. Denis bring-
ing thunderous applause. Never be-
fore a Friday night audience saw such
remarkable opera customs and every
change brought fresh acclamations of
surprise and approval from many
daintily gowned women and men in
the conventional black and white.
Gets Three Encores
C. A. Zanelli, '17E, did not appear]
in the first act as Pietro, the street
singer, in the "Neapolitan song, but
took two part in the second act, and
was called back for three encores.
As for "Bores, Bores, Bores" there
were none of them in last night's pro-
duction. "In Spite of All" "Fools'
Paradise" proved a success. "Wed-;
pesday night was the first time, Thurs-
day the second, and tonight must be1
the proverbial third time and out,";
remarked one of the theatergoers
after the performance, "and yet to-;
morrow at 2:15 o'clock is the special
With "King Ratime Ruling the
World" the satisfied assembly left the
Whitney theater regretting only, as
did Hiram, the frosh, that all was
over so soon.
Major Palmer Entertains in San Diego
San Diego, Cal., March 23.-Major.
Frederick W. Palmer, '94M, of the Un-
ited States army, recently entertained
with a luncheon at his home in San

Diego, Cal., in honor of his young
daughter, Marie Alice, who was born
March 14, 1917. Among the guests
were Dr. J. J. Goodyear and Mrs.
Goodyear of Ann Arbor, who are
spending the winter in San Diego.
After his graduation from the Medical
school in 1894, Major Palmer was
house surgeon at the University hos-
pital for Lwo years.
Compulsory Military Training Urged
Des Moines, Ia., March 23.-Com-
pulsory military trainingn the United
States was urged upon congresa i. a
resolution passed by the state senate
today. The resolution declared:
"The inevitable conflict between de-;
mocracy and despotism has arrived at;
the supreme test, and we are virtually
at war with a foreign power."
It urges compulsory military train-,
ing "that the constitutional govern-
ment bought by the blood of our fore-

German Retreat
"Play for Time"

British Military Experts See
to Ihisband Resources
Big Retreat


London, March 23.-The British
military experts today say a play for
time is the reason behind the German
retirement on the western front. It
is an attempt to husband her resources
of men in the hope of deferring an
allied offensive.
In the meantime, Germany hopes her
submarines will bring the entente to
starvation. According to the British
military experts, Germany's leaders
have forseen the necessity of com-
batting very soon an offensive of un-
precedented power from the entente.
The German militarist machine is
coldly caculating the necessity of sav-
ing as many men as possible for the
manning of Germany's industries after
the war, realizing the German nation
will be hard put to compete in the
fierce commercial war which will fol-
low peace.
Withdrawal and devastation of the
land intervening between the allied
line and the new Hindenburg line
means that the allies, before they can
start their grand offensive, must re-
build everything. They must fight
over a desert. In the meantime Ger-
many hopes her submarines will ac-
complish the economic defeat of the
Washington, March 23.-Limits of
the dangerous area have apparently
been extended to include practically
all European waters, according to a
message from Ambassador Page at
London late today.
Rotterdam, March 23.-The Holland
government this afternoon announced
a refusal of Germany's offer of com-
pensation for the seven Dutch ships
recently sunk by submarines.
Berlin, March 23-The raider Moewe
brought 493 prisoners into port ac-
cording to announcement here today.
A Berlin dispatch received by wire-
less yesterday announced the arrival
of the Moewe at her home port, but
made no mention of prisioners aboard
Boston, March 23. - The British
steamship Transport arriving here to-
day brought a story of having been inl
Anchangel, Russia, when two muni-
tion steamers from New York blew up,
supposedly the result of a German
Paris, March 23.-A French dread
naught has been torpedoed and sunk]
in the Mediterranean, it was announc-
ed today.
New York, March 23.- A definite
split in the Socialist party, coming
out of the question of America's en-
trance in the war was forecast this
afternoon when 11 men heretofore
prominent in Socialist circles issued
a manifesto supporting President Wil-
son's course against Germany, even
to the point of war. Charles Edward
Russell, writer and Socialist leader,
was one of the signers.
Terra Haute, March 23.-At least
one life was lost in a tornado today
which struck Carlysle, Indiana, a min-
ing town in Knox county. A call for
physicians was received at Carlysle
from a school seven miles south, say-
ing a school house had been wrecked.
and several injured.
New York, March 23.-Only faulty
construction of bombs manufactured
by Charles von Kleist and placed on
allied food ships saved hundreds of
vessels from destruction, Detective
Barth testified today in the trial of
six alleged bomb plotters. Barth said
he had been assigned to the case in
January, 1915, and had worked con-

tinuously to, get evidence for a year
and a half.
Columbus, 0., March 23.-Formulas
and mathematical solutions are not
always to be relied upon in the heat-
ing game, according to the opinion
expressed by Prof. John R. Allen, head
of the mechanical engineering depart-
ment of the University of Michigan,
in his address on "Heat and Heat
Transmission" here yesterday. .

Drastic Spy Bill and Plan for Classi-
tying Skilled Labor to Come
Before Next Session
Report of Sinking of Healton Con-
firmed; Believe 21 Persons
By Robert L. Bender.
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
Washington, March 23.-The cabinet
today fairly bristled with war pre-
parations. Plans for classifying all
skilled labor in order that it may be
placed in the country's plants where
war materials are being prepared was
one of the measures outlined by Sec-
retary Wilson.
Attorney-General Gregory has pre-
pared and will introduce immediately
on congress convening, drastic spy
bills. As soon as a state of war is of-
ficially declared, such a state being
now admitted by most officials, meas-
ures for rapidly placing the coun-
try on a complete war footing will be
in full swing.
Background of War Message
President Wilson's forthcoming war
message to the extra session of con-
gress April 2, was discussed by the
cabinet during the long session. While
details of the message have not been
worked out, the broad background
laid today indicates that this nation
is about to enter aggressively into a
vigorous defense against Germany's
war act.
The tentative course of procedure
has already been indicated, including
the advancement of large sums of
money to the entente allies with which
more actively to prosecute the war.
The first state department advices
confirming reports of 21 persons
drowned in the torpedoing of the Am-
erican tank steamer Healton came late
this afternoon from Vice-councel
Krogh at Rotterdam. The message
"American tank steamer Healton
from Bayonne, New Jersey, owned by
Standard Oil company, New York, en-
route Philadelphia to Rotterdam,
commanded by Charles Christopher,
American citizen, carrying 6,000 tons
petroleum, having 41 officers and crew
aboard, reported torpedoed and sunk
without warning by German submar-
ine at 8:15 on the evening of March
21, 25 miles from Perschelling. The
captain and 19 men brought safely to
Ymuiden. One died of exposure in
life boat. Twenty reported drowned,
boats capsizing."
The Hague, March 23.- American
survivors of the American steamer
Ilealton arriving here today said they
expected Germany will deny sinking
of the tanker since none aboard the
American vessel saw the U-boat that
sunk her.

Anyivay Champ Clark Has the
Courage of His Convictions
Washington, March 23.-Speaker Clark expects to be re-elected
one hour and 40 minutes after the house meets April 2, he confided
"How long will it take to organize the house?" he was asked.
"One hour and 40 minutes," he said. "Ten minutes for prayer,
then a role call of 40 minutes, nomination of candidates for the speak-
ership, 10 minutes, and role call on his election, 40 minutes."
"Who will be elected?"
"I will, with a one to five majority."

10-15 PER CEN I I



The municipal exhibit which will
open in the city hall next Monday
will be the first of its kind in Michi-
gan and one of the first in the coun-
try. It is expected that the exhibit,
which is given under the auspices of
the Ann Arbor Civic association and
city council, will be one of the most
complete given since the idea first
originated in Dayton about a year ago.
All of the departments of the city
and the public service corporations
will be represented by physical and
chart exhibits. The purpose of the
exhibit is to show the citizens by
means of charts and other exhibits
what is being done with the money
paid to the city in taxes and the plans
and methods of the different depart-
To Explain Switch Board
The telephone company will have a
switch board on the floor and its op-
eration will be explained and demon-
strated. The gas company will show
a miniature model of their plant while
the electric company will be repre-
sented by a general electric exhibit.
Specimens of the manual training
work in the city schools will be shown
and charts will explain the work of
the Library.
The Engineers' club of Ann Arbor
will put on a good roads show which
will include moving pictures, lantern
slides, charts, and models of the dif-
ferent types of roads. The street ex-
hibit will also contain models of the
different types of pavement along with
charts on their relative cost and dura-
bility. The exhibit of the park de-
partment will contain plans of the
future park system of Ann Arbor and
plans for beautifying the road be-
tween Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti.
To Show Health Charts
The city water department will
show everything of interest in their
department including pipe and meters.
The health department besides show-
ing charts will conduct laboratory
work in the analysis of water and
milk. The police and fire departments
will also be represented by charts and
physical exhibits while the contribu-
tion of the financial and other admin-
istrativehdepartments of the city will
be composed almost entirely of com-
parative charts.
One of the main features of the ex-
hibit will be the model of the pro-
posed Broadway steel bridge, the ap-
propriation for which will be voted
upon in April. This will be prepared
by students in municipal engineering
while many of the charts have been
prepared for the different city depart-
ments by students taking political
science courses in municipal admin-





Two hundred and twelve couples
were in attendance at the naval re-
serve ball at the Armory last night.
Music was furnished by a 15-piece mil-
itary band.
The hall presented a striking ap-
pearance with flags as the predominat-
ing element. The south end of the
hall was almost completely covered
by a great American flag, and flags of
various nations masked the remaining
three walls and hung from the cross
Ensign K. W. Heinrich, '17E, and
Lois Donaldson, '18, led the grand
march which started at 9:30 o'clock.
Representatives of the faculty, the
war department, and the Michigan na-
tional guard were guests of honor.
Owing to the death of Mrs. Ferris
early yesterday morning, ex-Governor
Woodbridge N. Ferris, who was to ad-
dress the eighth annual banquet of
the Ferris Institute club held at the
city Y. M. C. A. last evening, was un-
able to be present. The address of
the evening was given by Prof. R. A.
Banner of the Ferris institute. A set
of resolutions was drawn up and
passed at the banquet in honor of Mrs.
E. L. Shinnick, '17, was toastmaster.
Hector McCrimmon, '18L, gave the
address of welcome to the members
of the club and to the visitors. He
was followed by N. E. Pinney, '16, who
spoke upon the Ferris Institute club
as it appears to the outsider.
Mrs. Ferris was a teacher in Ferris
institute from the time it was founded
in 1884 until 1901, when she retired
from the teaching corps. She was
taken sick while upon the train to De-
troit to see a painting which was made
of the governor last December.
Twelve Cases of Scarlet Fever Among
Out-of-Town Patients
Twelve cases of scarlet fever among
out-of-town patients in the Homoeo-
pathic hospital, not previously an-

President Rae of Pennsylvania Line
Says: "Present Condition Men.
ace to Country"
Washington, March 23.-A genes
increase from 10 to 15 per cent in a
railroad freight rates to meet the i
creased cost of operation under t
Adamson law is asked by all the ra
roads of the country in a petition Ia
before the interstate commerce con
mission, the receipt of which annout
ed today.
It was stated that roads have oth
expenses besides the Adamson wa
increase, and that they want to g
themselves into shape to serve t
country efficiently in time of war. Ri
quest was made for a blanket i
crease to facilitate prompt actic
Presenting the case for the railroad
President Rae of the Pennsylvan
Pennsylvania President's Statemei
"We realize that the condition of t
railroads today presents a menace
the country, effecting directly the i
ternational situation. It is absolute
essential that the railroads shall be
splendid working order. Under t.
present condition of rates and reve
ues of the carriers we believe this
be impossible.
"Uppermost in our minds is that w
are facing a national emergency
which the railroads must be a mo
efficient arm to place at the dispos
of the country.
"Even apart from the national eme
gency the facts of the situation a
that we already are confronted wi
increased expenses, as well as the i
creasing difficulty of raising new ca
ital. An examination of the conditio
which the carriers are facing convin
es us that there will be a serious i
duction of the non-operating income
Urge Need of Increase
"We, therefore, deem it very e
sential that the situation should
clearly disclosed to the commissic
Under the existing international con
plications and existing industrial a
tivities the necessity and justice of i
questing rates is so clear and pres
ing for the benefit of the country as
whole, that we suggest that the coi
mission will realize the importance
having the railroads in a stronger fi
ancial position."
Junior Honorary Societies Have Dam
at Country Club After

Gives Illustrated Talk on
morrow Night

Spain To-



Prof. William L. Schurz of the his-
tory department will give an illus-
trated lecture on "Spain" before the
Unitarian Students' club at 6:30
o'clock tomorrow evening. The lec-
ture will be given in the parlors of
the Unitarian church at the corner of
State and Huron streets. Professor
Schurz has spent two years in Spain.
Evelyn Moore, '17, and W. B. Moore,
'18E, will give a violin and cello duet.
This will be the fourth in a series of
Sunday night talks being given by
the society. A farce comedy will be
given on March 31.
The sanding machine has been kept
busy on the new maple floor of the
Union dance hall with the result that
next week will see the reopening of
the building to student activities.
The Barristers, Vulcans, and Druids
will hold their B. V. D. party on Fri-
day, March 30, while on the follow-
ing night the first of the Union Sat-
urday dances since the destruction of
the clubhouse will be open to Union
members. Tickets for the latter will
be procurable Thursday afternoon at
the Union desk as formerly.

Open All Next Week 1 nounced, have caused the quarantin-
The exhibit will be open every aft- ing of the hospital until Monday. The
ernoon and evening during the next patients who came to Ann Arbor for
week and every effort will be made to other treatment have been moved to
give the people a comprehensive idea an unused home on North University
of what is being done in Ann Arbor. avenue and most of them have recov-
The city council has contributed $150 ered from mild attacks of the disease.
and the Ann Arbor Civic association a The Homoeopathic hospital will be
like amount for the affair. The com- fumigated thoroughly while under
mittee which has charge of the work quarantine to prevent the further
is composed of: Manley Osgood, chair- spread of the disease.
man; George Lutz, Albert FiegelI
John McGregor, Harry Douglas, -Her- U. S. War Dept. Seeks Information
bert Slauson, Ross Granger, Charles Nashville, Tenn., March 23.-A list
Kyer, Prof. Robert T. Crane of the of 34 questions is being submitted to
political science department, Dr. J. all Vanderbilt students and graduates
A. Wessinger, Ray Bassett, Lyman within the past five years to obtain in-
Flook, acting superintendent of build- formation that would be of benefit to
ings and grounds, and George Warner. the war department in time of need.

Members of the Sphinx, junior 1
honorary society, combined with th
Triangles, junior engineer honorar
society, at an opera party given las
night by the two clubs. Thirty-fiv
coupleg attended.
The party first attended the oper
at the Whitney theater then went I
the Country club, where a dance wa
held. Music was furnished by Fr(
neau's orchestra of Flint.
Detroit,. March 23.-Prof. John 4
Parker, head of the electrical eng
neering department of the Universit
of Michigan, spoke to the Detroit-An
Arbor section of the American Inst
tute of Electrical Engineers on "Dire(
Current Motors and Generators" z
8 o'clock last night at the Detroit Er
gineering society rooms.
This is the fifth of a series of roue
table talks on difficult problems whkc
confront the electrical engineer. Prc
B. F. Bailey will speak to the socie1
on "Alternating Current, Motor:
April 27 and Prof. H. H. Higbie wi
speak on "Alternating Current Tran
formers" May 25.

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