L Ml(-HIUAN UAIL Y [ Ten Champions int 'I Tof Sports on G 51E-NG WILAhER _en champions, representing three INSTRUCTORS PASS ON hi anches of sport, were gathered to- ES 01" ELWIBLE gvth r at the same time on the Wat- STUiE:NTS ern gym loor last Saturday night uring the altercation between Michi- an I (cornril cinder-burners. list of those eligible for , :'' ot the0 r men were world's for membership in Phi banmipion track athletes, one of them is being printed, and will holding a world's record, five were to the instructors of the intercollegiate cinder-path champions. wh'ile one was at one time a member. Three Branches ym Floor Saturday 1rst. ion .ppa .I department for recommenda- ie latter part of this week. eniors and other students,, who )mpleted the necessary amount k to receive a diploma since t selections were made by the are eligible for nomination. t this year contains over 600 and will go to about 250 in- rs to be returned before the vacation. process by which members of iety are selected is somewhat ated. Not more than 10 per the graduating class can be and the number chosen is much less. Last year there it 35 elected out of a class of 0. The selections are based n grades and partly on recom- ons of the faculty who con- scholarship in the . broadest frst list is returned by the in- 's with distinguishing marlgs the names of those whom em likely material. These re- re tabulated by the member- rnmittee and about 100 of the romising are selected for the list, which is then made out. tructors give their recomnmen- from this list, and the com- tabulates the entire detailed hip record of the students' on . The committee then selects it list from these upon. the the two sets of data, scholar- d recommendations. niversity of Michigan chapter ,s annual meeting about the May when the final recomenda- the committee are submitted e society takes final action em. 0 YACIITSlIIEN TO AID SY IN MOATS AND CREWVS go, March 21.-Yachtsmen of met last evening at the Chi- rcht club to organize a naval y to assist the navy in secur- rer boats and crews. It was to form a squadron of big ffered- to the government by ans and to use.them in train- the navy. The government will guns and instructors in gun- d1 in the radio service. ~kum Elected Iowa m e Opt ity, Ia., March 21.---ohn Ken- n Lackum, Iowa's crack run- ard, has been electad captain [917-18 basketball team. H '2 points during the ait sca- king next to Capt. TDannick. I f a world's champion baseball team. o this catalogue of track and diamonI greatness were two all- ' 1 rican football men and one "al- Sit" of the same variety. ? . r'ig, who acted as a track judge, and Alma Richards, the Big ThU 1~A jumper, are'the two world's ,:OA reflerred to. They won ; r titles t the Olympic games in Iekhohm fiv years ago, Craig cap- - .rts in e 100 and 200-meter nv ,. and Richards placing first in hoe high jump, defeating George lrI(nE , who holds the world's record 2 Uct 7 inches. ('uiU was also intercollegiate 100 ad 221 d champion in 1911 and wiser of the furlong dash in 1910. De is holder of the world's record of 211 -5 seconds in the 220-yard dash. Hal Smith, last year's track cap-' ALLIES WILL CONTINUE TO HELP SWITZERLAND tamo, who also officiated as track judge, was intercollegiate champion in the 100-yard dash in 1915 and 1916, and was 220-yard champion in 1915.'Frank Foss and Verne Windnagle, both com- peting for Cornell, were winners of the intercollegiate title in the pole vault and mile run, respectively, last spring. Jimmie Craig, field judge, was all- American halfback in 1914 and in- tercollegiate champion in the 220-yard low hurdles two years before. Rosey Rowe, who held a watch on the run- ners, captured the two-mile at the in- tercollegiate meet in 1907, thereby es- tablishing himself as champion in that event. Carl Lundgren, guider of the Wol- verine destinies on the diamond, was a member of Frank Chance's world- champion Chicago Cubs baseball ma- chine in 1906, 1907, and 1908. He acted as timer at the meet Saturday. In the stands sat Johnny Maul- betsch, all-American halfback in 1915, who, with Jimmy Craig, completes the moleskin representation unless Gil- lies, who tossed the shot for the Cor- nellians, and who was mentioned by several critics last fall as all-Amer- ican material through his work at tackle for the Ithacans, is included. ACTION SHOWS FAILURE OF JlLOCKADE, IS REPORT FROM PARIS By W. S. Forrest (United Press Staff Correspondent.) Paris, March 21.- On authority of Denys Cochin, minister of blockade, the United Press is able today to an- nounce, as proof of the ineffective- ness of the German submarine block- ade, that the allies have agreed to continue the victualing of Switzer- land. Cochin has just returned from a study of the Swiss situation. He an- nounced that France has agreed to keep the wolf from the Swiss door. "Regarding the pretended subma- rine blockade," the minister said, "it: harms one out of every hundred ves- sels. Entry statistics of ours and al- lied countries prove this eloquently. Its most evident effect has been to: bring out anew the radical difference in the practice of the two groups of belligerents, a difference at which neutrals must immediately be struck." GRlOUN 1))S DEPAIITHENT PLANS WORK OF IMI'LOYIN l'CAMPUS * * * *S S* * * AT THE THEATERS * TODAY * lhitney-"Fools' Paradise." * Majestic-Vaudeville. * Arcade--Valeska Suratt in T'i'e * New York Peacock," and com- edy. Orpheum- Irene Fenwick and Owen Moore in "A Girl Like * That," and Bray cartoons. R iae - Ihuae. L'etrova in "Tihe B lack Butterfly"; also "The * Purple Mask." * * * * S * * * * * * * * * PLAN SPRING TRIP T1HROUGHI )VEST FOR STUDEMNT ENGIN'EERS Fewi Meni Signed to Visit Western 3Manufacturing Concerns on Annual E "*xedition Registration for the annual spring engineering trip has been slower this year than usual, due to the fact that the trip will be through the west rath- er than the east. Only 14 mechanical engineers and less than a dozen elec- trical and civil engineers have signed up for the trip. Prof. J. E. Emswiler, in charge of the expedition, says, "The trip through the west will be worth just as much to the mechanicals and electricals as the eastern trip, although the lack of great structures and bridges found in the east will make the trip a little less valuable to the civils." Letters have been sent to the con- cerns the engineers intend to visit asking permission to inspect the fac- tories and equipment and replies are expected this week. I AT THE MAJESTIC Prepare Estimates for Approval Board of Regents at Next Meeting of Harvrd 'Girls' iist Be Girls Th ci r'caI c nioEstablishes Rules rega;d;lng' Men in Feminine Roles Cambridge, Mass., March 21.-Bos- ton's ofcial cen or of theatricals has laid down rules of conduct that will compel HIa~rvard men playing feminine roles to observe the proprieties of the sex. Accordingly, members of the cast for the forthcoming production, "Bar- num Was Right," who have girls' parts will not appear in bare feet or legs. ( oe l Third in Attendance Gain Ithaca, N. Y., March 21.-Cornell ranks third among . American uni- versities for increase in students dur- i n the past 10 years. Pennsylvania heads the list with a gain of 5,442 stu- dens or 152 per cent gain. Columbia i- second with an increase of 3,441 s nts. Cornell's gain was 2,133 students or 60 per cent. Yale has lost 360 students since 1907. Pa . ('. 1. 3 i Uer to Speak Tonight Prof. Clarence L. Meader, of the latin departmu., will address the Cosmopolitan club at 7 o'clock tonight iti room 302 uivrsity hall. The sub- joct of the talk is "Evolution of Lan- guage in Its Interest and Aspects." 'se the abertising columns of Th- Michigan Daily in order to reach the nst of AnnArbor's buyers. The Lad's "Batting" Record Exhibit Antique Michigan Papers Qieer Happenings of Former Times I)escribed in Periodicals on Display in Library Several papers dealing with the Michigan of old are now being ex- hibited in the east corridor of the Li- brary. Probably the one which is attracting the most attention is a paper calling an indignation meeting of the citizens of Ann Arbor to protest against the expulsion by the faculty of all stu- dents joining secret societies. This proclamation is signed "Many Citi- zens," and is dated Dec. 20, 1849. A copy of the Michigan Palladium bearing the date, May, 1859, tells of the formation of a law department in the University. The course in this department was to take two years, of six months each, but the Palladium expresses the hope that the time will be reduced to one year for all students who have had any experience in a law office. Three professors had been secured at that time. A formal notice of a meeting of the board of regents to be held Feb. 14, 1840, is also on display. At the west end of the case is a collection of opera programs for- all shows up to the present year. There are two post- ers ,f productions which were given in 1857 and 1853. CONTINUE PLANS FOR NAVAL BALL ON FRIDAY AT ARMORY Despite the probabilityethat the naval militia may be called to Chi- cago at any time, preparations are still being made for the naval ball on Friday night. "The decorations for the ball will rival those of the J-hop," said Ken- neth W. Heinrich, '17E. "Over 100,000 yards of paper decorations will be used. The entire ceiling of the Arm- ory will be concealed by a lattice work, and the walls will be draped with the flags of the foreign powers friendly tothe United States. The feature of the party will be in the form of an illuminated Union Jack, which will cover a portion of the ceiling. During the last dance the floor lights will be extinguished and the flag will present the likeness of a star-lit sky. The field music corps will sound taps." Olivet Graduates to Hold Banquet Prof. Carl E. Pray, '92, of Ypsilanti will be toastmaster for the Olivet re- union banquet which will be held at 6 o'clock Thursday evening, March 29. The reunion is open to all former students and friends of Olivet who are now in the University, and alumni visiting Ann Arbor next week during the annual meeting of the School- masters' club. Choose Chaprones for Armory Dance Miss Miriam Gerlach, assistant and secretary of Dean Myra B. Jordan, and Miss Agnes E. Wells, social di- rector of Newberry residence, will chaperone the Regular Saturday night dance at the Armory. Prof. Dennison-to Be Buried Today Brief burial services for the remains of Prof. Walter Dennison will be held at 3 o'clock this afternoon in High- land cemetery chapel at Ypsilanti. Patronize Daily Advertisers. The evident app oach of spring has been the signal for increased activity on the part of the buildings and grounds departrnent regarding the plan for the beautift ation of the cam- pus and an estimate of the cost of this work is now being drawn up. The appropriation for this expense is expected to be Bono 'at the next meeting of the board of regents. The north side of the camnpua is the chief problem of the department at prescint. Preparatory to the work of this spring a mall was constructed between the Chemistry and Natural Science buildings last summer and fall and practically complete: I. 1 few trees near the south end have bee"n removed and a line of stones have been placed along the edge of the drive at this point. The holes caused by the excavation of the trees are now being filled and the ground graded so that the grass may get an early start. Between the Chemistry and Natural Science buildings a number of shrubs will be planted to relieve the vacancy at this spot. Shrubs will also be placed in the campus lawns along the North University front as far as the Chemistry building. With the 1 ill auditorium just across the street these Heading the show which opens at the Majestic tonight is the Bison City Four, a comedy quartet. Rawson and Clare will appear in a little playlet entitled "Yesterdays." The Dudley Trio have an athletic act on the program. The Three Lyres are singers who render a num- ber of song hits, and the Oxford Trio play a game of basketball on bicycles. Students Accept Positions in Schools Alice Swayze, grad., has accepted a position for the coming year in the English department of the Bessemer, Mich., high school and Marie Corn- well, '17, will teach in the French de- partment of the Grosse Point, Mich., high school. There will be a meeting of the Ann Arbor branch of the Collegiate Alum- nae, Saturday, March 24th, at 3 o'clock at the Kappa Alpha Theta House, 1414 Washtenaw Ave. The meeting will be conducted by the Child Welfare Com- mittee. Mr. Floyd Starr, the founder and head of the Starr Commonwealth for Boys, has been secured as speaker. His unusual success in his chosen field of work, and bis ,excellence as' a speaker are well known. Plans for "Baby Week" will also be discussed briefly.-Adv. 21-2-3-4 Try The Daily for service. - I, --' P fir, % , 3 Oft 1 5r47; was. bad, says the note from Prexy to Papa -whichreferred of course to the "bats" that de- stroy the body and break down the thinking machinery. The onlycureisback to the simple life and ;_,. .. . / v a Opera News Opera Pictures Opera Posters See them on our Opera Bulletin improvements will make this corner of the campus one of the most beauti- ful spots in the city. Yale: Industrial work conducted by the under graduate Y. M. C. A. committee at Yale has met with ex- cellent results. Noon-day concerts, exhibition wrestling matches, and health talks for the benefit of men employed in factories are among the activities of the club. Wisconsin: 'With tie experience of their first year in college 18 freshmen women of the University of Wisconsin are prm ring articles entitled "What I Should Like to Tell Next Year's Freshman Class."' Washington: Professors E. 0. Eastwood and G. A. Bisset, naval con- structors for the United States gov- ernment, have suggested a plan where- by mechanical engineering students at the University of Washington may work during the summer at the navy yards at Bremerto. An insight into! Oaval architecture as well as a salary offer, an exceptional inducement to those students following that line of work. Utah: A course for the study of the scientific standardization of color in which color is represented by a mathematical equation is being of- feredmthis semester by the art de- partment. Syracuse: The first annual ban quet of the Syracuse University Alumni association of central New York was held here Friday evening. More than 160 graduates attended the banquet. :.i 3 ; ' s I'G j' ' 6 , i . h , ,(,I( 'fl '. I EASE at the Wheel In the journey of life there are many short turns, and unless you have self-control you're likely to get into trouble. . And as it is in life so it is in an automobile. You must have your controls simple, and close at hand. Place yourself at the wheel of a Marmon 34. You will see at once that to shift your gears you don't have to shift your position. You will find ignition and lighting convenient neighbors and the emergency brake ready for instant use. This hand-brake enables you to control your car, com- fortably and expeditiously, without lifting your foot from the accelerator. It's an ever- ready, every -day brake, emergency or no emergency. The Marmon is as easy to manage as a kodak is to snap. It starts without a jump and it stops without a jar. It re- sponds to the wheel's slight- est hint, and, regardless of speed,holds snugto the road. This spells economy in maintenance and efficiency in operation. And it gives t6 the hand at the wheel that assured sense of perfect con- trol which makes driving not a strain but a relaxation; not a task but a pleasure. S hredded Wha the food that puts you on your feet when .everything else fails. A daily diet of Shredded Wtleat means clear thinking a id quick acting. It leaves the body strong and buoyant and the brain in condition to tackle the problems of study or play. It is on the training table of nearly every college and university in this country and Canada. Two Shredded Wheat Biscuits with milk or cream supply more real body- building nutriment than meat or eggs at one-fourth the cost. Made only by The Shredded Wheat Company, Niagara Falls, N. Y. NORDYKE & MARMON COMPANY Established 1851 : INDIANAPOLIS KEGULAR-, ASS E BLY AT ARMORY "Ike" Fisher will personally conduct the orchestra MILITARY BALL DECORATIONS DANCING 9 to 1 SATURDAY NIGHT ADMISSION 75c