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October 12, 1916 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1916-10-12

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Declares Present Prosperity of Work-
ingmen "Built on
(By Perry Arnold, United Press Staff
Clarksburg, W. Va., Oct. 11.-Can-
didate Hughes today made a curt de-
niel of charges made by Norman Hap-
good that there Is an understanding
between himself and German propa-
gandists. He did not mention the
charges specifically nor refer to Hap-
good by name.
"I have no understanding, no agree-
ments, no intrigues, with anybody,"
Hughes said, "but I stand for the in-
terests of the United States and the
protection of American lives, Ameri-
can property and American commerce
throughout the world." Hughes
preached a sermon on prosperity. He
deplored the present "unhealthy" con-
dition, declaring that the hopes of
workingmen are "built on sand."
Switching to criticism of the admin
istration's Mexican policy, Hughes
"I desire tm see our peace main-
tained. We can do that. Our friends
talk about their policy, particularly in
Mexico, as though it were a policy of.
peace. It has not been a policy of
peace. It has been a policy of de-
struction of the lives and property of
American citizens because of the with-
drawal of protection to which they
were entitled.
"Thte seizure of Vera Cruz, the slay-
ing of hundreds of Mexicans, our own
men falling in battle,-was that peace?
The demand that we should have a
personal conflict wjth a personal ruler
whom we would not recognize-was
that peace?"
Hapgood Explains Charge
New York, Oct. 11.-Norman Hap-
good, who yesterday charged that Can-
didate Hughes had entered into an
agreement with German propagandists,
said he had received his information
from a "western senator," today made
known that his informant was Kent
Victor Keller, a state senator from
Former Daily Editor to Work For
Eastern Publication
Lee A White, for the past two years
assistant professor of journalism in
the University of Washington, and act-
ing head of the department of journ-
alism in that institution, has resigned
his professorship to enter the field of
editorial work for an eastern publica-
Professor White is a Michigan grad-
uate. He was managing editor of
The Michigan Daily in 1910, the year
that he took his A. B. degree, and
was lead of the Gargoyle's editorial
staff the following year., when he re-
ceived his master's degree. He taught
the courses in journalism in the rhet-

oric department in the University of
Michigan during the last summer ses-
Professor White has not allowed the
exact nature of his new work to be
made public.
Symphony Orchestra Tryouts Friday
Tryouts for the University Sym-
phony Orchestra will be held at the
School of Music tomorrow evening at
7:00 o'clock. Candidates should bring
their instruments and some music
with which they are familiar, as sight-
reading is not among the principal re-
quirements. Only violinists who are
J-Homeop Nominations Unanimous
The first class nominations for of-
ficers was held by the junior homeop
class yesterday afternoon. The fol-
lowing nominations were all unani-
mous: President, J. Spaacke; vice

Answers To Note
Awaited By U. S.
England, Russia, France and Japan
Warned Against Sinking
Washington, Oct. 11.-The United
States is expecting an early reply from
Great Britain, Russia., France, and
Japan, who have been told that they
must accept responsibility if one of
their warships sinks a United States
submarine by mistake. The activities
of the German U-53 have transformed
what might have been merely an
academic question into a serious in-
ternational issue.
The position; of the United States
was made known to the four powers
in a memorandum delivered more than
a month ago, but only made public to-
day. It was in answer to a memor-
andum to all neutrals by the allied
governments following the visit here
of the merchant submarine Deutsch-
land, and the activities of German sub-
marines in Scandinavian waters.
Paris, Oct. 11.-Owing to the fact
that the new French liner La Fayette
which sailed Sunday for New York is
now approaching the zone of recent
German submarine activities off the
American coast, local agents made
public this afternoon a report received
by wireless which said all was well.
The La Fayette is carrying 334 pas-
sengers and a large amount of mail.
Toledo, Oct. 11.-A three per cent
quarterly dividend on common stock
of the Willys-Overland company was
declared at armeeting of the executive
committee here today.
Grand Rapids, Oct. 11.-After more
than. a week's search for Miss Lela
Hartson, Portage school teacher who
disappeared October 1 while on her
way to visit her mother in Memphis,
authorities found the young woman
this morning in a Grand Rapids hos-
pital suffering from nervous break-
down. It is thought she boarded the
train while ill. She had taught in the
Portage school five weeks.
Paris, Oct. 11.-The Anglo-French
armies have taken 2,216 prisoners
since October 1, it was officially an-
nounced today.
Berlin, via Wireless to Sayville, Oct.
11.-The Italians launched a general
attack against Austrian positions south
of Goritz Monday after an eight-day
bombardment. This enemy's "might"
attack was repulsed at every point,
Vienna declared, the Italians suffering
the heaviest losses.

A Suggestion From the President.
It is only for the exercises of Convocation that the regents of the
university, the members of the different faculties, and the students of
all of the schools and colleges are called together. This celebrations is in-
tended to emphasize the solidarity of the university-to make prom-
inent the sentiment that whatever our school or college, we are first, last,
and all the time loyal to the university. To get together for brief exercises
once each year is quite worth while.
But in order that the celebration may be a complete success, the
Auditorium must be filled. I trust, therefore, that all the schools and col-
leges will be represented by a large attendance. 'Let every student feel
that it is his duty to be present. The exercises will be brief and of a
character to interest.
H. B. HUTCHINS, President.



Kenyon Gets Action in Scene of
Newberry Resi-

Union to Give Another Reception to
Yearling Class Tuesday.
More cider for the freshmen!
The Union has arranged for an-
other and larger reception of the class
of 1920 to take place )ext Tuesday
evening. The primary purpose of the
affair will be to get the first year men
acquainted with one another. The
yearlings are not only extended an in-
vitation but are promised all the cider
they can drink, plenty of smokes and
a treat to some of the best musical
talent on the campus.
The freshmen are requested to go
directly to the Union building where
a committee will take charge of them
and see that they enjoy the evening.
The only requirement for admis-
sion is that every freshman wear his
yearling cap.
The University Y. M. C. A. meet-
ings which were to have been held
each evening of this week at the
Methodist church, have been indefi-
nitely postponed. Dr. Rice, the De-
troit clergyman who has been con-
ducting the services in the interests
of the University Y. M. C. A., .has
turned his attention for the time be-
ing to more pressing matters. It is
quite likely that the meetings will be
continued this winter..
A. B. Peck Succeeds Clark, Resigned
Mr. A. B. Peck has been appoint-
ed assistant in petrography to suc-
ceed Mr. R. W. Clark, who resigned
to work in oil geology for the Cosdon
Oil ndi Gias Co. In Oklahnma.

"Now for the afternoon tea scene.
We'll require about 15 ladies. Come
on down, you girls up there." "Oh,
no. Never."
These remarks were exchanged be-
tween Prof. H. A. Kenyon and the
women of the Newberry Residence
yesterday morning, during the film-
ing of the preliminary scenes for the
municipal movie. The place was the
south porch of the residence. Tables
and chairs, from the dining room, and
a loaf of bread or so from the kitchen,
furnished the props.
When the call for supes came, the
owners of the heads disappeared from
the windows above and arranged them-
selves about the tables to engage in
earnest movie conversation. Miss Mir-
iam Hubbard, grad, as the hostess,
being seated in the foreground. The
photographer took the scene.
"Let's have .a dance, ladies," said
Prof. Kenyon, issuing from within the
residence where a Victrola began to
play. The porch was cleared and in
a moment 15 couples were whirling
around to the tune of "Varsity," while
E. H. Speare, the photographer,
eagerly took a few yards of pictures.
Miss Hubbard was filmed next en-
tering the new science building where
a realistic touch was added when a
freshman rapidly overtook her and
preceded her into the building, care-
fully closing the door in Miss Hub-
bard's face.
Then a scene was taken of Mr. St.
Clair operating the model carving ma-
chine in the quarters of the naval
tank, the props being a borrowed cap
and suit case. In the new science
building a whole class was requisi-
tioned and a pantomime quiz filmed.
By noon most of the campus scenes
had been taken.
Some of the scenes of every Michi-
gan football game were secured in
the afternoon at the Carroll-Michigan
game. Coach Yost was snapped be-
tween the halves giving his usual lec-
ture to the players.
This afternoon it is planned to do
the canoeing and river scenes and also
the Michigan Central depot, while the
Convocation exercises tomorrow will
be snapped, and Saturday morning the
engineering shops will be photo-
There are 155 scenes to be taken al-
together and 56,000 exposures are nec-
essary for the entire film which is to
be equal in length to the ordinary
three-reel feature.
Mr.. Speare wishes it to be an-
nounced that he is the only photog-
rapher connected with the taking of
the pictures and that Prof. Kenyon is
the sole director. No local photog-
rapher has anything to do with the
John M. Zane, '84, will deliver the
third lecture of a series on the "His-
tory of Attaint of Jury," in room C
law building, at 4:00 o'clock this after-
noon. The first of these lectures was
delivered Tuesday afternoon and the
second was delivered yesterday after-
noon at 2:00 o'clock. Mr. Zane, in
these lectures, traces the developmen
of the modern procedure of re-trial and

Many Excellent Artists to Appear on
Friday Afternoon's
Final details of the Convocation pro-'
gram have been announced by Prof.
Albert A. Stanley, of the School of
Music, who has charge of this part of
the Convocation exercises. The pro-
gram follows:
Organ Prelude ........Earl V. Moore
Invocation ...Rev. Leonard A. Barrett
Solo, "Prepare Ye the Way"
- (Scott) ......... Theodore Harrison
Address, "Personal Economics"
........ Dean Wilbert B. Hinsdale
The Yellow and the Blue......
. .................... The Audience
Postlude ..............Earl V. Moore
The Convocation exercises will be
followed in the evening by the annual
reception for the new members of the
faculty and their wives. It will be,
held in Barbour gymnasium and will
be attended by the regents, the presi-
dent, and the members of the faculty.
The time of the reception has been set
for 8:00 o'clock.
Declares War Bill
Has Draft Clause
Allan L. Benson, Socialist, Denounces
Hay-Chamberlain Army
Portland, Ore., Oct. 11.-A telegram
denouncing the Hay-Chamberlain army
reorganization bill as containing a
draft clause was sent to President Wil-
son today by Allan L. Benson, Social-
ist candidate for president, who is
here on a campaign tour. The text of
the message was approved by a mass
meeting which he addressed last night.
The telegram requested that the Presi-
dent set forth "your reasons for hav-
ing signed a bill which gives the
president powerin time of war to draft
American citizens into the army."
"These citizens of Portland," the
telegram continues, "are unable to
understand why the power to draft
American citizens into the army should
now have been given to the president
in such manner that it will remain
one of the president's powers until
such time as the law be repealed."
Benson's telegram declared that the
audiences he had addressed "at first
received with incredulity my state-
mnt that you had signed a bill con-
taining a draft clause."
Fifteen Highest Men in Senior Law
Class Chosen as Associate
With the 15 highest men of this
year's senior law class as associate
editors, the first issue of the Michi-
gan Law Review will be published No-
vember 5, under the direction of Prof.
Evans Holbrook. These men were
selected after the June examinations
on a basis of scholarship, being the
15 leaders of the class.
Following are the newly chosen as-
sociate editors, all senior laws: T. E.
Atkinson, G. C. Classe, H. J. Connine,
L. F. Dahling, S. D. Frankel, H. G.
Gault, R. E. Gleason, H. R. Hewitt,
E. B. Houseman, N. B. Kelly, H. S.
Kirk, M. C. Mason, W. L. Owen, W.
H. Sanford, and D. F. Smith. Advance

t announcement of the contents of the
first number of the Review will be
mada November 1.

Arme. Homer Gives
Concert Tonight
Famed Singer Appears at Hill Audi-
torium in Only Concert
of Fall.
Madame Louise Homer, well-known
American contralto of the Metropoli-
tan Opera company, will present the
first concert of the pre-festival series
tonight in Hill auditorium at 8:00
o'clock. This will be me. Homer's
only appearance upon the concert
stage this fall, her time being com-
pletely taken up by her operatic work
in New York. She will present the
following program:
(a) "My Heart Ever Faithful," Bach;
(b) "Dem Unendlichen," Schubert;1
(c) "0 wie Lieblich," Schumann; (d)
"Von ewiger Liebe," Brahms; (e)
"Botschaft," Brahms.
(a) "Sing to Me, Sing," (b) "Sheepa
and Lambs," (c) "Cuddle Doon (Mss.),"f
(d) "The Song of the Shirt," Sidney
"Mon coeur s'ouvre a ta voix," from
Samson et Dalila, Saint-Saens.
(a) "Ballad of Trees and the Mas-
ter," Chadwick; (b) "On the Seashorel
of Endless Worlds," Carpenter; (c)r
"Dont Ceare," (d) "The Song of the1
Woods," (e)} "The Next Market Day,"r
(f) "Ballynure Ballad," Old Irish. a
Mrs. Edwin N. Lapham at the piano.a
District Where Four Patrolmen andG
Eight Strikers Died
Bayonne, N. J., Oct. 11.-Police with
Winchesters and automatics today pa-f
trolled the Hook district near the great
Standard Oil company's plant where(
four patrolmen and eight strikers
were killed yesterday during a riot.
Police and strikers alike attempted tos
draw picket lines today.
Six thousand strikers were out to-
day, leaders reported, and they pre-
dicted heavy additions to their ranksr
before night. George B. Hennessy,
superintendent of the Standard Oil
plant, announced the plant would re-
main closed until the men were will-
ing to come back to work at their old
Work is already well under way one
the official Students' Directory which,
since the lists of members of the dif-
ferent fraternities, societies, and clubs
about the campus are nearly all in,1
ought to be on the campus by Fri-
day, October 27.
The new directory will be some-1
what larger than former issues and1
will be bound with a stiff cover. A1
greater circulation has been worked
up this year than has been obtained'
before. Much careful work is beingI
done on the present edition to make
it absolutely accurate.
The officers of the Students' Direc-
tory for this year are Phillip War-
riner,'17, and Franklin P. Randall, '17.
Those Wishing to Write Music for
1917 Opera Get Together Today.

The first meeting of song writers
for the 1917 Union opera will be held
at the Union headquarters at 4:15
o'clock this afternon. Earl V. Moore,
musical director, and Arthur Schupp,
general chairman of the Union opera,
will meet all those men who wish to
write music for next production.
A lack of lyrics is delaying the
preparation for the musical end of
the production, and the committees in
charge are anxious to see a big turn-
out of musical writers.
It is planned to give the opera a
much earlier start this year, and to
do this all the lyrics and lines must
be finished as soon as possible.

Serbians Engaged in Battle With Bul-
garians For Possession of
Tehueka Heights.
Berlin via wireless to Sayville, Oct.
11.-Bulgarian troops under General
von Kraft, after capturing the Red
Tower pass, have marched southward
and invaded Roumania from the north,
for the first time since the beginning
of the war, it was semi-officially an-
nounced today.
The first and second Roumanian
armies that invaded Transylvania have
been annihilated by the Austro-Ger-
mans who are sweeping the enemy
back upon their own frontier. The
northern army composed of Russians
and Roumanians has begun to waver,
and is retreating through the Georgeny
mountains beyond Parait.
General von Falkenhayn having an-
nihilated the second Roumanian at-
tack and rolled it up from west and
south, with an irresistable attack that
broke the enemy's position on the Sin-
ka river and threw the Roumanians
across the mountains of the Geister
woods into the Alt valley.
London, Oct. 11.-German artillery
was more active throughout Wednes-
day on a large part of the British
front, General Haig reported this aft-
ernoon. North of Neuville St. Vast,
the Germans exploded a small mine
causing no casualities. South of Hu-
luch British detachments carried out a
successful enterprise against the en-
emy's trenches.
Paris, Oct. 11.-South of theSo-er
me, where a successful blow yester-'
day carried the village of Bouvent and
brought the French noose tight around
Chaulnes, the French made further
progress last night in grenade opera-
tions. Most of the night was spent
in organizing the newly won posi-
London, Oct. 11.-Serbian troops are
engaged in fierce battles with the Bul-
garians for the possession of Tehueka
heights dominating the important town
of Monastir. An Athens dispatch to-
night reported that the Serbians cap-
tured the village of Schochivir and
then thrust on and attacked the
heights. Capture of this strong posi-
tion would be followed by the fall of
In Transylvania re-enforcements are
stiffening the resistance of the Rou-
manians. The fight in Dobrudj has
reached a deadlock.

To Give

Personal Account of Dr.
Angell's Life.

One of the most important meet-
ings to be held on Angell memorial
day will be that of the Michigan Agri-
cultural college in Lansing. The prin-
cipal address at this meeting will be
given by Professor R. M. Wenley, of
the philosophy department.
Professor Wenley wag one of Dr.
Angell's most intimate friends during
the latter years of Dr. Angell's life,
and for this reason will give an inti-
mate, personal account of the educa-
tor's life and work, talking more par-,
ticularly about the spirit of the man.
Professor Wenley has chosen as his
subject, "James B. Angell, the Man."
Schools Close to Honor Pres. Angell
In memory of the late President
Emeritus James B. Angell, Fred L.

Keeler, superintendent of public in-
Soph Lit Class Meeting Postponed struction of the state of Michigan, has
The soph lit class meeting, sched- designated that tomorrow be set aside
uled for this afternoon, has been post- as Angell day.
poned until Monday afternoon at 4:00 All the public schools and colleges
o'clock, in room 101 economics build- throughout the state are planning to
ing, owing to Dean Jordan's reception pay tribute to the memory of James
to the women of the university which Angell by some especially fitting ex-
will be held this afternoon. ercises.

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