r 1917 Ch~Anw niUoISOCIETY BRAND SUI NOTICE and Top Coats for. Spring Senior Dents Get your Canes N OW Come in and sc; our n, w line of Spring Hats at Furnishings., We make Suits to yo-ur measure from $16.50 up NEXT TO OPHEUM from w Wadhams & Co. State Street Arcade Iwaists and skirts graceful and charming as the ordinary sort of waists and skirts almost never are- And very low in price. Hutzel 'S MAIN AND LIBERTY . Your Floral Needs== Are BEST SAISFIED By Us PHONE 115 Cut Flowers Flowering Plants FLOWERS FOR DECORATION Reign of Alexander II frore Revengeful Than Predecessor 's The preceding is the second of a with sense of duty, and Russian intel- series of articles on Russia, written lectuals full of knowledge, thoughts, by Samuel Barmak, '19, who comes and worthy aspirations. The fight from the province of Podolia, Russia. lasted for days. The demand for ex- Another article by him, dealing with ecutioners had grown to an unheard the present revolution, will appear in of extent. Suspects were being deport- Tuesday's Daily. ed without discretion to Siberia, the place where most of the best sons of More revengeful in its character Russia, such as Korolenko, Dostoyon- anl less contributory to the revolu- sky, and others lost their health and tionary movement, was the reign of lives. It was the second Reign of terrorism during the regihie of Alex- Terror. ander III, than it had ever been dur- Grants Constitution ing the rule of his predecessor, Alex- The struggle finally ceased. It was ander IL the perserverance of the revolution- The revolutionists and suspects ists rather than their physical might were being ruthlessly prosecutefi. that brought the desired results. Con- For the slightest offense of political cessions were obtained. The czar character the offender was punished granted a constitution on the ground severely. The anti-government move- of which the present Duma (elective ment appeared to have been suppress- legislative body) exists. ed, but it was not. It can never be sup- The court, however, seemed not to pressed without its causes being re- have yet abandoned the hope for an moved. The nation remained revolu- autocratic Russia. Instead of co-op- tionary. The aspirations and zeal of erating with the Duma, the czar and the people remained hidden in the his staff were hindering it in its ac- interior of their souls. They were tivities. The election system was so patiently waiting and quietly prepar- arranged that few liberals could be ing for the time, to act. elected. The result is that the Duma Nicholas II Follows Father consists chiefly of reactionaries, who Nicholas II, the present czar, has favor an autocratic government rather been pursuing the policy of his father. than a constitutional one. Petitions for a constitution brought Duma Opposed to Freedom no results. The sons of Russia have The Duma thus is practically oppos- too great a sense of duty and respon- ed to its own existence. The conser- sibility to coming generations to re- vatism of this body can be seen from main passive and allow evils to ex- the fact that some time ago a bill ist and develop. In 1905, when the was passed which prohibited freedom czar's forces were weakened by the of speech in the Duma. That means Japanese war, the revolutionary or- that the Duma, as a body, is opposed ganization resolved to avail itself of to its own freedom. The conser- the weakness of its opponent. vatism of the Duma in spite of the Students began to leave their class- radicalism of the major part of the es, workmen left their factories, and nation is indicative of the extent to together with all other citizens were which that body is dependent upon the One Beginning Tuesday, March 13 Electric Auto Heater--Keeps Your Engine War Costs very little to operate Washtenaw Electric Shop The shop,.Quality It its not Rig- t we make It Right Phone 273 200 East Washington St. vL'.- on] Fl In t s s