,.J6 Aprl 8th Prepare Now your selection from our vast assortment of distinctive weaves and colorful blends. G.H. Merchant Tailors Wild Company STATE STREET h Grade TOOLS for WOOD and FORGE SHOPS H. L. WITZER CO* VARE 301 State St. SPORTING GOODS ioice Seleclionof Place Cards and Dance Programs le SlatrBo ShoSa-p .450 336 S. State St. ANNOUNCEMENT SAM BURCHFIELD & CO. Gives you the best Tailoring service to be obtained anywhere in the coun- try, coupled with a wonderful line of Woolens. E. Huron Street Opposite Court House SAM BURCHFI.LD & CO. -A We Offer You IITY - - SERVICE - - LOCATION ,ounces $3,800,000 Arbor Savings Bask Incorporated 1869 ffice-- - rest Corner Main and Uturon Office-- 7North University Ave. ners & Mechnics Dank the Best in Modern Banking RITY - - - EFFICIENCY and Pleasant Quarters. You Will Vith Our Service. Two Offices Main St. : : 330 S. State St. P LA i N SEY- 25C AFTER 2-30c DETROIT UNITED LINES 'Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson Cars run on astern time, one hour faster than local time. Detroit Limited and Express Cars-7 :35 a. in., 8 : o a. m. and hourly to 7:1o p. in., 9:10 p. m. Kalamazoo Limited Cars-4:48 a. m and every two hours to 6:48 p. m.; to Lansing, 8:41 p. . Jackson.Express Cars--(Local stops west of Ann Arbor)-9:48 a. m. and every two hours to 7-:48 p. In. Local Cars Eastbound-:35 a. m, 6:40 a (a., 7:05 a. m. and every two hours to 7:05 p. in., S :os p. in., 9:o5 p. mn., ro:so p. mn. to Ypsilanti only, 9:2pa. i., 9:50 a. in.0 2.5 p in2., 6:05 p.i., 11 :45 P. in., r : Lo a. in., i :2t; a. m. To Saline, change atYXpsilanti. Local Cars Westbound--6:o a. m., 7:50 a. In., 10:20 p. M.. 2:70 a. !M. i Takes Pictures) makes Prints ad Enlarge- 713 E. VNIVERSITY Alarm Clocks t $1.00 up Fountain Pens- Waterman and Conklin U. of M. Jewelry Schlanderer & Seyfried MODERNBARBRSHOP 332 State St A Particular Place for Particular People. FRANK Cs BOLIGH, Prop, Prof. James B. Edmonds will speak before a principals' meeting in Hol- land tomorrow. Official newspaper at the University of Mi".tgan. Published every morning except M .nday during the university year. Entered at the post-office at Ann Arbor as second-class matter. Oft~e: An Arbor Press Building. Sub- scriptions: by carrier $.5; by mail, $ .0. Want ad. stations: 6uarrys; Students' top ply Stre; The Delta, co. State and Packard. Phones: Business, 6; Editorial, 2414. Communications not to exceed 3s0 words in length, or notices of events will be pub- ished in The Daily, at the discretion of the Editor, if left at the office in the Ann Arbor Press Bldg., or in the notice box in the west corridor of the general library, where the notices are collected at 7:30 oclock eah evening. John C. B. Parker..........Managing Editor Clarece T. Fishleigh......Business Manager Conrad N. Church..............News Editor Lee E. Joslyn...................City Editor Harold A. Fitzgerald..........Sports Editor Harold C. L.Jackson...rTelegraph ditor Marian Wilson ... .........Women's Editor Carleton W. Rnd........StatiEtiel rditr J. E. Cam pbell.. .Assistant Business Manager C. Philip Emery. .Assistant Business Manager Albert 9. Horne.. Assistant Business Manager Roscoe R. Rau. . .Assistant Business Manager Fred M. Sutter...Assistant Business Manager Night Editors C. M. Tickling d H. M. Carey B.: A. Swaney L. W. Nieter L. S. Thompson E. J. Zeigler Reporters H. C. Garrison James Schermerhorn C. S. Clark D. S. Rood R. H. Fricken G. O. Brohy D. H. Cruttenden Mildred C. Mighel K. L. Wehtmeyer J.P. Hart Annetta L. Wood F. A. Taber T. F. McAllister Allan Shoenfield C. C. Andrews R. T. McDonald C. L. Goldstein Business Staff Paul E. CholettetHarry R. Louis Harold Makinson Earl F. Ganschow Walter R. Payne Jackson W. Smart Harold R. Smith Seymour B. Wilson Bernard Wohl FRIDAY, MARCH 16, 1917. Night Editor-Denman Cruttenden COMMUNICATIONS IN THE DAILY Communications are to be welcom- ed in any newspaper, especially in a University publication. It is through intelligent communications that real campus sentiment can chrystallize in- to shape. The Michigan Daily wel- comes letters from its readers either for publication or not. We are glad to print a reasonable number of com- munications in every issue. They are never withheld from publication be- cause they do not coincide with The Daily's views or editorial policy, the only restriction being that they con- tain no palpable mis-statements of fact. The identity of the author must in every case be known to The Daily. If The Daily printed every com- munication which it receives, how- ever, there would be no room for news, so some limit is necessary. When a number of letters are receiv- ed with the same general theme, but one or two are generally printed. It is believed by many that the columns of The Daily are taken up too largely with long communications, excluding news which might have proved of in- terest to the campus. Because of this fact, The Daily will in the future refuse to publish com- munications that contain more than 300, words, except in unusual situa- tions when it seems impossible to cover the subject in that number of words. This decision has been reach- ed in order that The Daily may best serve its readers, and not in any at- empt to cut down free discussion by readers in its own columns. With communications made shorter therec will be space to print more communi- cations, and The Daily will better serve as a forum for the general ex- pression of opinion at Michigan. Some H. C. O. L. victim ventures that if potatoes were only smaller, they would make good settings for' rings. A freshman history student told his quiz master that Mary Pickford was the fifth wife of Henry VIII. He must' have been dreaming of "Hazardous Helen" or the "Perils of Pauline." Wonder if this campaign for back- yard gardens wasn't stirred up by the garden tool manufacturing interests? March came in like a lion, but con-1 ditions are ideal for its exit as a submarine. MORE CHINESE TO COE 31CIHAN IS FAVORED BY ORI- ENTAL STUDENTS; MANY MORE WILL ENROLL. Editor, The Michigan Daily: "he University of Michigan is wide- ly known among students in China. The recognition of the friendship and respect for Dr. James B. Angell is one reason; the strong courses, such as engineering, economics, medicine and forestry offered by the University,the other. But there is still a third rea- son, namely, the hospitality of the townspeople, special care and treat- ment by professors, and sympathetic get-togethers of fellow students in the University. The Chinese government, however, since the European war broke out, has not sent as many students to this country as she used to because she is too busily engaged in other affairs. Within the last four years the number of graduated students returning to China has been greater than the num- ber of new students coming to this country, consequently, the number of Chinese students at Michigan, as at most of the other universities, grad- ually has been falling off. But, accord- ing to late news, more students will be sent here next June and a large number will come to Michigan. C. H. HSIA, '17. :MORE THAN 500 READ DAILY IN ALUMNI MEMORIAL HALL Since the beginning of construction of the Library, the number of people using the reading room in Alumni 'Memorial hall has greatly increased. At the beginning of the school year fewer than 300 students visited this department in a day, while now more than 500 take advantage of its papers, periodicals, and magazines each day. At present the reading room sub- scribes to 30 daily papers, which rep- resent all sections of the country. The committee in charge of subscrip- tions hopes to have at least one pa- per from every state in the Union within the near future, and as the de- mand for various newspapers in- creases they will be added to the list now on the tables. Besides the daily, papers, the reading room is supplied with 48 magazines of all kinds. The hall is open daily from 8 o'clock in the morning until 10 o'clock in the evening. FORMER ASSISTANT PASTOR SPEAKS TO CATHOLIC CLUB Rev. Mr. E. J. Taylor, '93L, of Laignsburg, Mich., gave the third of the Catholic Students' club lectures before the club last Wednesday night in the Knights of Columbus club rooms. His subject was "Dogma." The Rev. Taylor formerly lived in Ann Arbor ,and was for some time assist- ant pastor of this parish. The speaker for next Wednesday evening will be the Rev. David L. Dillon of Fenton, Mich., who is a graduate of the '96 law class. His subject will be "Duties of a Catholic Alumnus in Public Life." GRADUATE FORESTER STOPS ON WAY FROM WASHINGTON F. M. Munns, '12, who has charge of the converse experiment station in Angeles national forest reserve in California, stopped in Ann Arbor Wed- nesday enroute to his home from a union of experiment managers at Washington, D. C. Mr. Munns has been interested in the control of floods in the forest re- serve of California for several years and made a special trip to the meet- ing in Washington where the princi- ple topic discussed was the control of floods. Collect Senior Engineer Class Dues Senior engineers are again remind- ed that their class dues must be paid{ before March 25 in order to have their names appear in the class roll in the commencement invitations and also in order to take part in any class ac- tivity: The dues may be paid to the treasurer, J. R. Pollock, or to W. C." Hansen, S. H. Emerick, W. F. Ger- hardt, L. W. Brunson, or A. H. Cohn. Dent Students Give Dance March 301 The students of the dental college, will hold their annual dancing partyl at the Packard academy on the even- ing of March 30. The dents have spent much time and will spare no expensel in making the dance this year a ban-t ner event. Use the advertising columns of TheI Michigan Daily in order to reach thei best of AnnArbor's buyers.C There is opportunity in The Michi- gan Daily Ads. Read them. Try a Michigan Daily Want-Ad. __ Our :Repairing Is Neatl* Done Sanitary Cleaning and Pressing Co. Phone 2225 Successors to F. L. Hall 514 E. WILLIAM ST. N. C. FETTER SPEAKS TO Y.W.C.A. Says Women Present a Finer Per- sonAility Than Men Rubber Bathing Caps 40c & 50c at QUARRY DRUG CO'S Prescription Store Cor. Sate & N. University - air ei rinultiiuis ilriisa inoiei n ti f niii 6niutinnn' Knights of the Racquet -Attention We have just received a shipment of more than 100 Tenas Rackets of the leading makes, including the SLOTTED TH .OAT W;ACKET _ a Cqme in and look them over -- WA K's a VNIVERSITY BOOKSTORES gggigggiiigitgtEg t tu u Eg tlfi 1 tstr i tti t ti1 11 111Ni~ll11 D AI 14 "The force of a true and fine per- (plain) At all times - NES Take your Amateur Finishing 25c a, good for home use 10c pks .open 11 a. m. to 1 a. M. an Inn 611 E. Liberty Telephone 948-R rpewriter from I MORRiL L 122 South State Street urnish you an instruction of charge. You will be a gre you know it. P off a few inutes and eat some of E'S SVEY sonality cannot be overestimated; it is the man and the woman who lead the world, not.the organization." In this statement Mr. N. C. Fetter sound- ed the keynote of his talk at the Y. W. C. A. vesper service yesterday aft- ernoon in Newberry hall. Mr. Fetter's topic was "The Silent Force." "Women today present a finer per- sonality than men," Mr. Fetter said in part. "The reason is that they have been more closely connected with the two institutions of the home and the church. The women of the present age are entering the fields of business and politics, and this is perfectly fitting and right, but they must be careful to retain their refinement of perso ality. If they do this, their contri- bution to the age wil be above any- thing that we can estimate." Before the talk, Evelyn W. Moore, '17, gave a violin solo. Announce- ment was made that the speaker at next week's vespers is to be Prof. William A. Frayer of the history de- partment. LOOPING-THE-LOOP IN SEA PLANE ASTONISHES OFFICERS' Pensacola, Fla., March 15.-By loop- ing-the-loop in a sea plane, Captai Francis T. Evans of the United States Marine Corps astonished officers of the aeronautical station here, who had considered the feat impossible. Captain Evans is the first American aviator to attempt it. Although looping-the-loop in an or- dinary aeroplane has outworn its novelty as a popular stunt, the heavy pontoons attached to the air and water flier hitherto have been a bar to simi- lar attempts with this type, of ma- chine. Captain Evans found it necessary to drive through the air at great speed before he could gain the inverse posi- tion. He then looped-the-loop twice before his descent. The machine was a Curtiss tractor. Uncensored Films Not for Princeton Princeton, N. J., March 15.-As a result of the recent action taken by the "Village Improvement society," here, no Princeton students will be+ allowed to see any moving picture films, which have not passed the vil- lage board of censors, consisting of the mayor, the older aldermen, some deacons, and female members of the] morals association. It is expected that this will eliminate all moving pictures featuring love, romance, or adventure, and the shows will be con- fined to historical films and educa- tional slides. City News The sleet storm of Tuesday night caused about $100,000 damage to the telephone lines in the state, accord- ing to the local office. Ann Arbor was cut off from all points beyond Adrian but the line to Detroit was not disturbed. Earl Fingerle, manager of Huston Brothers' billiard hall, was released from the charge of employing minors in the bowling alley on his promise to see that it did not happen again. Mrs. Marie Peel, city probation officer', brought the charges against Fingerle. Roy B. Hiscock, nominated by the Republican party for the position of supervisor in the Second ward, has filed his withdrawal with the city clerk. Leo Phillipy, a boy burgular ar- rested by the Kalamazoo police for a series of thefts committed in that city, will be brpught to the University hospital for treatment. It is thought that his criminal aptitude is caused by cranial pressure on the brain. The home of C. W. Shetterly, cashier of the city water works, is quaran- tined for scarlet fever. In her investigatns during the past month, Mrs. Marie Peel, truant officer,' found six cases of children working in direct violation of the child labor laws. Miss Elizabeth Walsh, traffic clerk at the telephone exchange,' who was run down by an auto Sunday night, is able to be about her home. In yesterday's report of- the Dem- ocratic ward nominations the results in the Sixth and Seventh wards were omitted. They are as follows: Sixth ward- Alderman, C. R. Henderson; supervisor, G. T. Townley; constable, Carl Burg; seventh ward-Alderman, Arthur G. Hall; supervisor, H. G. Goulding, and constable, Henry Otto, Jr. Mrs. Elizabeth Bruegel, 75 years old, wife of Albert T. Bruegel, 506 South Fifth avenue, died Wednesday after- noon after a short illness. Having spent the past 68 years of her life in this city, she was one of its pioneers. Funeral services will be held at 2 o'clock this afternoon at the resi- I NINO LO MANY ALUMNAE EXPECTED AT . Phone 1244-M WOMEN'S LEAGUE LUNCHEON ension Lectures Albert A. Stanley will lecture Spirit of the Age Expressed c" tonight in Flint. J. A. C. Hildner will discuss sity Ideals of Education" to- i Mt. Clemens. American Revolution" is the of a lecture to be given by r. W. Florer in Marine City Aubrey Tealdi will lecture on Improvement" in Lowell to- Claude H. Van Tyne will speak in Fowlerville on "A Canoe from the Black Forest to thei Many of the alumnae are expected to be present at the third annual Women's league luncheon, at 12 o'clock, Saturday, March 31, in Bar- bour gymnasium, due to the fact that the Schoolmasters' convention will be held in Ann Arbor on that date. Rivalry among the women is being displayed to see which of the classes will turn out the largest number at the luncheon. Th, speakers will be selected from the student body, the alumnae and the faculty. This year tickets for the luncheon will be 50 cents for University wo- men and 75 cents for all others. Tick- ets are on sale now at Wahr's book- store. Greek Play Librettos Are on Sale Librettos for the Classical club's Greek play, "Iphigenia in Tauris," have arrived, and are now on sale in the basement of Alumni Memorial hall. The price is 25 cents. Students at Grinnell college to be meeting the "dancing squarely. seem evil" Alumnus Offers Employment in Japan Mr. A. V. Fenner, '06P, has left Ann Arbor and is on his way back to Tokio in Japan where he owns three large drug stores. Mr. Fenner has been away from the United States for sev- eral years and this trip is his first visit since he left. A position as drug clerk will be open by June in one of Mr. Fenner's stores for a Michigan graduate. Expenses to and from Japan and $1,800 a year will be of- fered on a three-year contract.