THE MICHIGAN DAILY lP-U. S.' FEELING CEMENTED ___. -BY PLOT Closer Friendship Than Ever Between Two Nations Result of Teuton Machinations ORIENTALS RENDER EFFECTUAL AID TO ARMIES OF ENTENTE Sell Munitions to Russia Amounting to $150,000,000; Capture Kiao-Chau Crowd Laughed Morrie Glared Petey Shivered The truth will out. Seymour Sim-! ons spilled the beans, and diminutive Pete Emerman is the goat.I The Bache Review has recently said that Germany in attempting to stir up1 trouble between Japan and the UnitedE States failed sadly and that her futile attempt will only serve to cement re- lations between our country and Jap-' an. The Reveiw further states that on account of this affair much interest has been aroused in this country with, regard to Japan's part in the European war and surprising reports have been revealed indicating the great aid which she has lent to the entente powers. Not only has Japan deprived Germany of Kiao-Chau, a powerful fortress and important naval base in the Far East, but she has also rendered effectual service in the way of providing mun- itions and war equipment. During the last two years Japan has sold munitions to Russia alone amounting to $150,000,000, besides tak- ing over millions of dollars worth of Russian bonds. To help finance Eng- land and France, Japan bought $30,- 000,000 of railroad bonds from France and over $70,000,000 worth of English bonds. Also she supplied both England and France with a great quantity of war material. Two great government arsenals in Japan and thousands of private fac- tories are kept busy constantly man- ufacturing all kinds of ammunition for the Allied armies. Japan has also deposited the greater part of her gold abroad in the Bank of England. SISTER SUSIE is NOW SEWING YELLOW TROU' FOR SOLDIERS Some of the swains upon the cam, pus, who have visions of spending these first balmy days of spring in strolling down the boulevard, may be disappointed when a feminine voice over the phone remarks that she is busy sewing shirts for soldiers. In thiscase, the soldiers are the stalwart Scythian bodyguard of King Thoas, who makes his appearance at the Classical club's presentation of "Iphi- genia Among the Taurians", on March 29. Every feminine memberof. the club is busy getting ready the cos- tumes for the play. In default of fashion plates of the fifth century B. C., the busy seams- tresses have resorted to ancient vase- paintings, sculptures, and the like. The barbarian soldiers in the play will wear yellow trousers and green coats and the Greek tunics of the chorus will be varied in color. In this way, novel scenic effects. will be gained. "DO YOU WANT TO WRITE TO A PRISONERT CALL AT THE "1" It all happened during the Band Bounce. Pete had sung the first of Simons' songs. and had gotten away good. He was feeling happy, and when the second song was received with still more applause he was over- flowing with joy. Then he came out in a three-cornered hat and military coat and began to sing "We've Got Military Training Now." Every line had a punch and the faces in the audi- ence were decorated with grins. Final- ly Pete came to the end of the song where the lines ran: "Shh-, don't speak it any louder- Morrie Dunne's afraid of powder." As he sang these lines his eyes roamed over the part of the audience nearest the stage, and lo! and behold, Maurie Dunne sat there-right in the front row. It must be remembered that Pete weighs only about 112 pounds, so when he saw Maurie looking on he almost fell through the floor. He could hardly walk. off the stage, It may have been noticed that Pete refused to come out and acknowledge the- applause. The reason is easily explained. Pete had gotten Simons into a room with him, locked the door, ,nd crawled under the table. And whenever anyone spoke above a whis- per he shivered. Pete sneaked out of the building about 12 o'clock that night. OFFER MANY COURSES IN FINE ARTS AND ORATORY IN SUMMER WILL HOLD MEETING WAR A9ND PEACE TOPIC FOR [STAT [[TCHERS OF RET WELLS' SPEECH ANN ARBOR SCENE OF EDUCA- TALK GIVEN BEFORE MICHIGAN TIONAL INSTITUTE, MARCH BRANCH OF WOMEN'S 27, 28, AND 29 PEACE PARTY A short ternm state institute for the The problem of war and peace was superintendents, principals, and sup- the subject of a talk given Monday rvisors of the Michigan schools will by the Rev. John Mason Wells, pastor e of the Baptist church of this city, and iunder the of Mauchs before the University of Michigan 29,joint auspices branch of the Woman's Peace party, the state department of public instruc recently organized as a result of the tion and the department of educatioy visit of Mrs. Lucia Ames Mead to of the University of Michigan. Ann Arbor. Dr. Paul H. Hanus of Harvard un- Mbr. Wells touched upon the causes iversity, and Dr. Leonard P. Ayres of of war from many points of view, par- the Russell Sage foundation, New - a rmmn onso iw a- York City, huve been procured as ticularly from the economic. After spoakCthrspthe address a business meeting was speakers. t held at which the constitution of the In connection with the institute, the organization was adopted. The object Schoolmasters' club will hold a meet- of the society is to advocate the sub- ing here -on March 29, and there will stitution of law for war, to enliststhe also be a special institute for classical women of Michigan in arousing the teachers on March 27, 28, and 29. nation to respec: the sacredness of Prof. Ralph V. D. Magoffin of Johns a t Hopkins university, and Prof. Francis mote the attainment of that peace be- W. Kelsey of the local University, will tween nations which would make for be the lecturers -for the classical in- justice, and to co-operate with women stitute. .of other countries who are looking All meetings will be held in Sarah toward the same end. Caswell Angell hall and admission is All women on the campus who are free. in sympathy with the aims of the or- ganization are eligible for member- -. -41"TA 2.7 is Women Marry To Escape Working Wisconsin Professor Claims Husband. Catching More Worth-While Today Than Ever : AT THE THEATE * TODAY * * Iowa City, Iowa, March 13.-Women: seek the harbor of marriage as a hav- en from all work, and husband catch- ing is more worth while today than ever before, stated Prof. E. A. Ross of the University of Wisconsin, in a lee- ture here on "The Changing Social Position of Women.' The modern married woman has' only about one-fifth as much to do in the home. and statistics show that she has only about one-half as many chil- dren to look after as her grandmother had, he pointed out. She has so much time to spare that she has entered the field of politics as an additional source of interest over and above her bridge, clubs, and social meetings. It is only the wives of the very poor who have to get out and work, those whose husbands are even moderately well off have all the necessities of life already, made up for them at every neighborhood grocery, and are put to very little inconvenience in the pre- paring of food and taking care of the household. It is this easy existence, this shift- ing of the burden of providing a living on the husband, that, in the opinion of Professor Ross, is doing so much to increase marriages in the United States. Colgate Sociologists to Take Trip Hamilton, N. Y., March 13.-Sociol- ogy classes of Colgate university will travel through the East during spring vacation, on a tour of inspection of the different racial colonies in New York City. They will also visit other Whitney-"The Blue Paradise:' Majestic-Vaudeville. Arcade - William Farnum in "The Price of Silence," and Christie comedy. Orpheum-Frank Kteenan in "The Coward," and Triangl comedy. Rae-William Farnum and corn edy. *.** * * * * * * * 0 *, * SO * I' AT THE WHITNEY "The Blue Paradise," a Shubert pr duction which recently finished a ru of 52 weeks at the Casino theater, Ne York, will be at the Whitney theat tonight. The show has a Broadway cast nearly 100 persons, and brings its oR orchestra and special scenery. T3 scenes of the operetta are laid in a: around the city of Vienna in the hi toric old Blue Paradise cafe and the Ring hotel. One of the best knov song hits of the show is the "A Wiedersehen" waltz. Courses in fine arts and oratory will 'eceive special attention1 in 1917 sum- mer session with a large number of courses to be offered in oratory. Dur- ing the session Mr. R. K. Immel will give a public reading of "The Servant in the House." Courses in elocution, public speak- ing, Shakespearean reading, debating, Interpretive reading and oral English will be offered under Prof. R. D. T. Hollister and Instructors R. K. Im- mel and Louis Eich. Prof. H. R. Cross will offer a gen- eral introductory course in fine arts and the technique and criticism of sculpture. Dartmouth Strongly Against War H-anover, March 13.--In a straw vote .aken yesterday, it was learned that while Dartmouth strongly backed the armed neutrality measures of Pres- dent Wilson, an overwhelming vote of 593 to 162 showed that the greater majority felt the present situation did -ot warrant war, and that the presi dent ought not to declare it. The bal-' toting was in favor of optional nil- itary training. len iWeasons W ty Men Should Swear Berkeley, Cal., March 13.-Ten good reasons why every respectable think- ing college man should swear just asl often and as hard as he can are set1 forth in a circular addressed to E. M. C.? A. students here. These reason., are: 1. Because it would look so nice in print..t 2. Because it is such a conclusive proof of taste and good breeding. 3. Because it is just what a man s mother enjoys having her son do. 4. Because it is such a help to manhood and virtue in many ways. 5. Because it is such a good way' of increasing one's self respect. 6. Because it is such an elegant wVay of expressing one's thoughts. 7. lecuase it is positive evidence of acquaintance with good literature. 8. Because it furnishes such a good example and training for the boys. 9. Because it is such a sure way of making one's self agreeable to his friends. 10. Because it is such an infallible way of improving one's chances in the hereafter. The article ended with the state- ment, "Be a man." CAMPAIGN TO ADMIT WOMEN TO COLUMBIA LAW SCHOOL New York, March 13.-The Women's City club of New York City, backed by 40 judges and lawyers of that city, has started a campaign to secure the admission of women to the Columbia law school. Opposition to a co-educational law school exists among the faculty be- cause they fear that it would keep away a number of desirable students who are attracted to the Columbia school partly by the fact that women are not admitted. Many of the faculty have, however, expressed themselves as being in favor of the move. Women were admitted to the summer school law classes for the first time last year. Patronize Daily Advertisers. AT THE MAJESTIC Owing to the unusual demand fI seats for Max Bloom anddhis hors an extra matinee will be given duri the engagement of this comedia The show will open with a matin on Thursday at which the regular mi inee prices will prevail. AT THE ARCADE ship,' 3 . i points of interest for sociological pur- -poses, including night courts, peni- William Farnum will be seen tentiaries, hospitals, work houses, old the Arcade today in "The Price people's homes, and the like. Silence." In this picture Mr. Farn . appears in a role quite different fr Iowa State Continues Medical College his usual one of a hero in the wil A recent item published in The Daily In this picture he takes the part o to the effect that the Homoeopathic senator. The play deals with one medical college of Iowa State univer- the great social and economic prc sity has been discontinued was er- lems of the day. roneous, as the recent bill to abolish the school was defeated. . Try a Michigan Daily Want-Ad. It will pay you to see the magnificent Instruments offered at Grinnell Bros.' Great Co-operative Sale 116 South Main Street DISTI'NMGUISIES I)DSTRANGER PAYS 1DAILY STAFF A Clad in immaculate rmince CALL Albert F r the past year e raw ma- terials that enter int the construc- tion of A Beautiful New Mahogany Baby Grand Piano, Guaranteed at $460.00; after April 1 st, $500.00. In order to give the public an op- portunity of sav- ing $50.00 to $100 on the purchase of a Arrangements have been made by the social service committee of the University "Y" which will admit of letters being exchanged between stu- dents and the prisoners at Joliet, Co- lumbpis, and Jackson. The plan has been carried out in several institutions with gratifying success, according to the wardens of the prisons where it has been tried. Ali who are interested in the work are invited to communicate with the Y. M. C. A. officials in charge. Classical Club Will Meet Tomorrow The Classical club will hold a regu- lar meeting at 8 o'clock tomorrow evening in Memorialball. Prof. Camp- bell Bonner of the Greek department will address the gathering, at which the Sodalitas Latina of Ypsilanti will also be present. After the meeting an informal social will be held in the basement of Memorial hall. Professor Bonner's talk, which will concern the coming Greek play, prom- ises to be of special interest. The public is invited to attend. All active and associate members of the Classical club, who expect to at- tend, are requested to notify Ruth Kelsey, phone 114, before Thursday noon. Move State Street Wating Room The State street waiting room of the Detroit, Jackson, and Chicago Raaroad company has been trans- ferred from the Delta cafe to the Van Dorn pharmacy on the opposite cor- ner. Beginning immediately all cars will stop there. Jester Editor Is Asked to Resign New York, March 13.-The board in control of the Columbia Jester has asked the editor-in-chief of that pub- lication to resign immediately, accord- ing to the Columbia Spectator. Morris Ryskind, the editor involved, arraigned the president and other fac- ulty members in an editorial as un- American and severely criticised Presi- dent Butler's recent speech before the student body. No Women's Dormitorities for Kansas Lawrence, KaKnsas, March 13. -- Kansas will have no women's dormi- tories this year, the bill providing for them having been killed in the low- er house of the state legislature. Those behind the movement assert that they will try again next year, in the hope that persistent effort will eventually meet with success. U. of W. Journalists Take Oral Finals Seattle, March 13.-Seniors in the departments of journalism and chem- istry at the University of Washington will still take examinations as the re- sult of a decision reached by the fac- ulties of those departments. Oral quizzes will be substituted for written ones in the journalistic de- partment. Washington Women Self-Supporting Seattle, March 13.-One woman in every five at the University of Wasi- ington is totally self-supporting, ac- cording to a report made by the dean of women. One in every eight is part- ially self-supporting. Of the 1,610 girls enrolled in the university only 256 live in sorority houses. George Owen, '20, Leaves University George F. Owen, '20, of Detroit has been compelled to withdraw from the University on account of illness. He expects to return in the fall. ;oat, wearing a glossy high hat, jaunt- ily carrying a pair of kid gloves in his right hand, a distinguished visitor to The Daily office took his stand be- fore the N. E.'s desk. He cleared his throat after the fashion of a minister, plenipotentiary bound on business of state. "I am Railroad Jack," he said, "In June I will challenege anyone to give me the name of any person in history whose birth and death dates I can not name." Ah, Railroad Jack, but devoid of the old familiar cap, the flannel shirt, of all, in fact, save the expansive smile and the wonderful memory. Call again, Jack, but don't scare us to death. Thought you were a regent or worse still-a German ambassador. Art Association Holds Exhibit Soon An art exhibit which will consist of paintings owned by Ann Arbor peo- ple, and of paintings and etchings by Ann Arbor artists will be held some- time this week in Alumni Memorial hall, under the auspices of the Ann Arbor Art association. The time has not been definitely set, but it will be announced in The Daily as .soon as decided upon. No admission is to be charged to members of the association, but a small fee will be charged others. Minnesota Fresh Want Honor System Minneapolis, Minn., March 13.- Freshmen at the University of Minne- sota have voted by an overwhelming majority for the introduction of the honor system in examinations. A peti- tion is to be circulated by the first year men, and when sufficient signa- tures have been, obtained the request for the innovation will be laid before the authorities in charge. Prof. 0. C. Glaser to Speak on Science "The Supernationalization of Sci- ence" will be the subject of the talk to be given by Prof. Otto C. Glaser of the zoology department at 7 o'clock Thursday night, in room 301 Univer- sity Hall, before the members of the class in international relations. Pianos have greatly ad- vanced in price. And the manufac- turers that do not wish to cheapen their instruments have been forced to raise prices. Taking effect March 25th to April 1st. Player Piano we have purchas- ed a large num- ber of various makes and offer them in this sale at a very low figure, consistent with the quality. Piano or I Monthly M Payments A MosteiRemarkabe Bargain THE "AEOLIAN" PLAYER PIANO Manufactured by The Aeolian Co.-Bench, Drape, and Music Rolls. The Pioneers in Player Piano Construction. _