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March 13, 1917 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1917-03-13

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i A i" 1111 % 1 AA til71 \ LL-1111 1 -

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,n Mortimer E. Cooley of the eng-
ng college, will entertain Maj.
George W. Goethals when he
3 here to speak tomorrow night
I auditorium on "The Construe-
Features of the Panama Canal,"
rated with moving pictures and
pticon slides. On Wednesday
oon General Goethals will be in-
I into Tau Beta Pi as an honor-
iember along with the 11 mem-
of the junior engineering class
will include the spring initiates.
.eral Goethals has been making
rous addresses in the East on
is phases of the canal, and last
spoke at Cornell university at
cation hour, at which time all
rsity exercises were suspended.
isit to Ann Arbor is the result of
sonal invitation extended him by
ratorical association. General
als will also address the Detroit
eering society some time in April
sir annual banquet.
ch interest has been manifested
ghout the engineering profession
arby towns and cities. Requests
ats have come from Toledo, De-
Jackson, Battle Creek, and num-
other cities. Tickets are on sale
ahr's' bookstore.
InterCOrleg fate
asas: The university senate has
: a rule requiring seniors to re-
for commencement week, unless
ed by the dean. Heretofore large
ers of seniors have not waited
eive their diplomas.
sas: A number of faculty men
ed bringing William Jennings
i here for this year's commence-
address because of his extreme
st views.
raska: Sigma Gamma Epsilon,
g, geology, and metallurgy fra-
y, held installation services for
r chapter here in a natural cave.
nesota: A course of eight lee-
on public health will be given to
mnior class soon.
consin: The Wisconsin humor-
ublication, Awk, has suspended
ation because of financial dif-
es after a brief but sad career.
anagement is responsible for the
'ard: The Harvard endowment
committee reports that the fund
idly growing. A nation-wide ap-
vill be made to university alumni.
cols: The state is contemplating
rchase of a large tract of ground
camping ground and rifle range
.e Illinois cadets.
,ago: The enrollment in the
sity unit of the United States
'e officers' training corps has
d 202. .,





Arcade-Norma Talmadge in
"Panthea." Also Christie com-
Orpheum--Lilliam Gish in "The
House Built Upon Sand."
Rae-Ethel Clayton and Charles
Blackwell in "The Madness of
Helen"; sixth episode 'Pearl
of the Army."
* , * , , * , , , * , ,



Union Foundation
Nearly Completed


Edmund Eysler, who wrote the mu-
sic for "The Blue Paradise" which
comes to the Whitney theater Wed-
nesday, March 14, has established him-
self in a line with the writers Qf light
opera beginning with Offenbach and
ending with Sullivan.
The book is by Leo Stein, author of
"The Merry Widow." In libretto and
score "The Blue Paradise" offers a
model for present day writers.-
In the cast of nearly 100 persons,
which the Shuberts are sending here,
are Paul Nicholson, Miss Norton, Rob-
ert Lee Allen, Gypsy Daly, Charles
Bowers, Juliette Lange, Gustav Baci,
Charles Derickson.
"The Blue Paradise" brings with it
its own symphony orchestra and spe-
cial scenery.


Chinese Students Stop Coming to
Michigan After Dr. Angell 's Death


The death of President-Emeritus
James B. Angell a year ago is said by
many to be affecting the number of
Chinese students in the University of
Michigan. Michigan, at present, has
about 35 Chinese students. One year
before Dr. Angell's death, she had
more than 60, the largest number in
attendance at any college in the
It is a known fact that Dr. Angell's
presence here served to draw to the
University many Chinese students
who would otherwise have attended
eastern universities. Dr. Angell's
service as the American ambassador
to China won him the friendship and
respect of the entire Chinese people;
so much so, that the Chinese govern-
ment has officially recognized its
friendship for Dr. Angell by donating
to the University several Chinese col-
The friendly attitude of the Chinese
government was reflected in the at-

titude of the large number of Chinese
students sent here annually by their
government in accordance with the
treaty made with the United States at
the close of the Boxer uprising. The
majority of the newly emigrated stu-
dents professed a preference for Mich-
igan and not a little persuasion was
sometimes used, it is said, to prevent
too large a number from congregating
here to the exclusion of other colleges.
Michigan has therefore been known
for the large number of Chinese stu-
dents it attracted. Now, however,
there is said to be a falling off. Chinese
students are said to be joining the
eastern colleges in as large a propor-
tion as they were wont once to join
This movement to eastern colleges,
however, is expected by the Chinese
now at Michigan, to have a reaction.
Michigan, they say, is too firmly con-
nected in the Chinese, with liberal-
ness, and sympathy, to allow it so soon
to be forgotten.

Mme. Alla Nazimova will appear a±
the Garrick theater, Detroit, for the
week beginning yesterday in Austin
Adam's American drama, " 'Ception'
Few plays this season have attract-
ed as much attention as this novel
dramatic work. The theme of the story
is the ignorance of Eve, the niece of
the keeper of the Conception Shoals
lighthouse. Blake the owner and skip-
per of the Driftwood, a yacht which
is stuck off the lighthouse is instru-
mental in affecting the education of
Eve in the mysteries of;life.
At the end of the play, Eve leaves
her uncle locked in the lighthouse and
makes her final farewell into the
waves below.

Concrete Poured for Final Wall Late
Last Week and Present Weath-
er Favors Work
Concrete was poured for the last
footings of the new Michigan Union
foundation late last week, a continu-
ous wall now surrounding the excava-
Work has progressed, on the whole,
satisfactorily though the contractors
have been held up several times by
inclement weather and shortage of
supplies. At present the contract is
about up to schedule time, and it is
expected that the fouhdation will be
completed at the specified date, April 1.
Forms have been made for the
series of columns which will support
the.floor and concrete will be poured
for them this week. A portion of the
floor will also be laid. Workmen are
now engaged in cleaning up the south-
east corner of the big hole preparatory
to beginning work upon the swimming
Gravel has been removed from sev-
eral squares of the sub-basement,
though a few hundred yards still re-
main at the west end of the basement
which is deeper tha'n the rest of the
excavation. More than 3,000 yards of
gravel has been derricked from the
hole and will remain upon the grounds
for grading and building purposes.
The concrete has proved entirely
satisfactory. In rem'oving a portion
of one of the piers yesterday it was
found that hard, flinty stones broke
and split before they loosened from
the cement. This is considered a
severe test when it is known that the
concrete will not set to its full ex-
tent until warm weather.
O You .engineers!
Here 's a New One
U. S. Marines Start Maddening Puzzle
and Entire City Asks for
Aid in Plight
Washington, March 12.-With a cry
for help that an entire city of 7,000
may be saved ftom total collapse and
its inhabitants safeguarded against
possible examination for insanity a
newspaperman, of Visalia, California,
has appealed to the United States,
marines to give him the answer to a
puzzle published in his paper, which
was started by them. After trying for
days the mayor and other officials, the
police and fire departments, and other
trigonometrical experts have failed to
solve it.
Here's the puzzle: There are three
houses' in a row with a gas plant, a
steam plant, and a water plant in the
rear of them, and the grand central idea
is to run a pipe line from each plant
to each house without crossing line
or going through a house.
Hereafter the citizens of Visalia who
bump into metaphysical or other per-
plexities will "Tell it to the marines."
iheostat Invenfe6 by Iowa Proessor
lowa City, Ia., March 12.-A fool-
proof and easily connected rheostat
has been devised by an Iowa professor
and put on the market. It is known
as the Dodge design rheostat, and
has been especially planned for con-
venience and utility.

"Decisions" was the subject of Dr.
Hugh Black of the Union Philological
seminary, who lectured last night at
the Presbyterian church. Dr. Black
emphasised the importance of making
decisions and acting accordingly.
"The man without decision," he said,
"is the victim and sprt of anything
that can command him. Lack of de-
cision is the ruin of all character.
"The college student especially is
inclined to hesitate and remain in
doubt. He comes to college confused
and leaves it still without decision,
because he does not attempt to as-
semble and assort his knowledge into
concrete form."
Touching on the European war, Dr.
Black observed that the Christian end
is not peace and neutrality in the face
of a moral issue. Belgium could have
secured peace and *thereby received
great pecuniary profit, but it would
have been at the price of dishonor.
Her decision to choose honor instead
of remainint indifferent, he declared,
will glorify her forever in the pages
of history.
Dr. Black has been secured to de-
liver the baccalaureate address here
June 24.
Dartmouth Votes on Military Training
Hanover, N. H., March 12.-In an ef-
fort to hang the cloak of Jingoism in
the closet and to hush the coo of the
doves as wbll, during the present in-
ternational crisis, the Dartmouth, daily
newspaper of Dartmouth college, is
preparing to learn the sentiment of the
campus by means of a straw vote.
A questionaire has already been sub-
mitted to the students and after a few
days consideration the questions will
be voted upon in a straw vote. Op-
portunity will thus be given to those
who wish to voice their sentiments in
the matter of military training, and
will also allow expression to the ad-
vocates of "let the people vote" plan.
Scions of Harvard Droop Shoulders
Cambridge, Mass., March 2.-Posture
examinations of 746 Harvard fresh-
men disclose the fact that over four-
fifths of them do not stand erect.
Four rules were followed in judging
those examined: Weight on the balls
of the feet, abdomen in, chest up, and
chin in. Those answering all four
requirements received A, 'those an-
swering to three received B, to two, C,
and to the rest D. The results showed
50 were in class A, 90 in class B, 413
in class C, and 187 in class D.
Plan to Get Moving Pictures of Birds
The executive committee of the Ann
Arbor Bird club has sent to the Na-
tional Association of Audubon societies
for information regarding moving pic-
ture films of birds and their habits
which the club hopes to secure for use
in -the city schools. As soon as the
first film is received it will be shown
in the schools of the city and the
first steps toward the organization of
a junior bird club will be taken.
There is opportunity in The Michi-
gan Daily Ads. Read them.



asylvania: The personnel of the
or "Rip Van Winkle Jr." The
sity play which will be pre-
April 7 has been announced.
a: The law jubilee netted the
students' association over $156.
f this sum will be expended for
smoker and the balance will be
in a trust fund.
ceton: The Princeton chapter
Red Cross society is making
ations for anything that may be
ed of it in case of war, accord-
the statement of those in charge
: With 867 points out of 1,000
Iowa State college won second
in class C in the fourth inter-
ate rifle match.
vn: A plan for military train-
en to any male student of the
sity the second semester, has
pproved of by the faculty.
euse: The University of Penn-
a debating team will meet the
debating team here Monday
g to argue on the subject, "Re-
That the United States Should
Compulsory Military Training."

City News
The circuit court was adjourned
until this morning due to the absence
of Judge E. D. Kinne.
The Bar association will meet at 9.
o'clock this morning at the court
house to formulate plans for attend-
ing the funeral of- Frank Joslyn of
The election canvassers will meet
at 10 o'clock this morning to canvass
the returns of the primary election
which was held last week.
Justice of the Peace W. G. Doty is
confined to his home with a severe
attack of the grip. He was reported
to be improving yesterday afternoon.
Mrs. Alice V. E. Schneider, 1226,
Pontiac street, was seized with apo-
plexy Saturday night and died within
a few hours. Mrs. Schneider was 72
years old and had lived in Ann Arbor
many years. Funeral services will be
held at 1:30 o'clock this afternoon at
the late residence.

hibits. Invitations will be sent to
fathers and mothers through the
school children.
The gas franchise that was passed
by -the city council recently has been
accepted by the gas company.
The educational committee of the
Civic association will hold a meet-
ing at 7:30 o'clock Thursday evening.
Democratic caucuses will be held in
every ward polling place this even-
ing, at which time candidates for ald-
ermen, constables, and supervisors
will be selected to make the race at
the April election.
Miss Mary Hughes, North State
street, died Sunday morning at a lo-
cal hospital. Miss Hughes was 52
years old and had lived in Ann Arbor
many years. Funeral services will be
held at St. Thomas church at 9
o'clock this morning.
The county infirmary building com-
missioners met yesterday afternoon to
open bids for the new county infirm-
ary which will be built this year.

With James Grady starring in "'P1he
Toll-Bridge," this' comedy dramatic
sketch headlines the bill at the Ma-
jestic the first of this week.-
Harry Slatko's "Midnight Rollick-
ers" put on some sensationally fast
whirlwind dances with a "speedo" or-
chestra to furnish the music.
Irving Roth and Sam Roberts in
"The Wop and the Cop" present clever
jokes in an original way.
Pipifax and Penlo are comic panto-
mimists and do some clever falls and
jumps with Pipifax doing the double
somersault from the floor.
Rae aid Wyn sing several new
songs and present some rare spatter.
No Decision on Adamson Law
Washington, March 12.-Supreme
court decision on the Adamson eight-
hour law case again failed to ma-
terialize today.


There are 2,000 that can't.
There are 2,000 that won't.

II 0


9 O

1 440


But I have an habitual confidence,
in its most emphatic sense, that 1,000
Let me have your old shoes. Now
I can't find you but you can find me,
or I can find you if you will let me
know where you are.
You, my friend, that's willing
To say I will.
For Dr. Lovell isn't a bad old stunt.
With all his faults found still.

1857-Dry Goods, Furniture and Women's Fashions-1917

I C;



The date of the Municipal exhibit
to be given by the Ann Arbor Civic
association has been set for March 26
to 31. It will be held in the City hall
and be open to the public each after-
noon and evening. The schools and
different city concerns will give ex-

Evans Called Home by Mother's Death
Mr. Porter H. Evans, instructor in
the electrical engineering department,
has been called home to Erie, Pa., on
accotint of the death of his mother.





SixConcerts - - - - - - - May 2,3,4,5
$5.50 ($2.50 with Pre-Festival Cover Coupon)
Saturday, March 17, 8 A. M. Hill Auditorium


t o

Not all styles in every size,
nor all sizes in every style, but
a sufficient range of each to
practically insure the satisfac-
tion of every visitor. The leath-
ers and workmanship are of the
highest quality-vouched for by
. two famous American makers.
You can make no mistake in buy-
ing at once-one pair, two pairs
or several.
$4.00 to $5.00 patents and gun
metals, $3.45.



ing boot
at $5.95.




£Evc nt"

i i

to $5.00 calfs, kids and,
and $6.00 English walk-
s, $4.95.
to $8.00 fancy footwear
first Floor-Rear)





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