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March 13, 1917 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1917-03-13

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I. *fr 4a





Prof. R. M. Wenley Says Michigan
Astronomers Are Among
President Tappan Starts Project
Wlle Making Inaugural
America leads the
world in practical
astronomy, and Mich-
igan students may
well feel proud that
the United tates has
been influenced large-
ly by the work done in teaching and
experimenting at the University of
Prof. Robert M. Wenley of the
philosophy department said Saturday
in discussing the position of the Uni-
versity of Michigan in the develop-
ment of astronomy: "Owing to the
construction of the great telescopes
owned by California, Chicago, Har-
vard, and Pittsburg universities, and
by the Carnegie foundation, the United
States has taken a leading part in the
development of modern astronomy. It
is interesting to notice that, thanks to
the labors of Brunnow, Watson, and
Harrington, there has arisen what
may be called an Ann Arbor school of
astronomers. The Great Lick observa-
tory is at present in charge of one
of their number."
Dr. Henry P. Tappan, the first pres-
ident of the University of Michigan,
was the man who started the project
for the University Observatory. In the
year 1852, while making his inaugural.
address, President Tappan appealed to
the people to support his intention of
making the University one worthy of
the name. At the close of his address,
Mr. Henry N. Walker, a prominent citi-
zen of Detroit, came up to President
Tappan and inquired how he could be
of service to the University. The pres-
ident, suggested that Mr. Walker raise
funds in Detroit for the establishment
of an astronomical observatory. Mr.
Walker at once started work and the
final total amounted to $15,000, of
which amount he subscribed $4,000.
The observatory was called Detroit
Observatory because of the generosity
of the citizens of that city which made
it possible.
Order Telescope
The first telescope was ordered from
Mr. Henry Fritz, of New York, at a
cost of $6,000. It was to be 12 inches
in aperture. At that time there were
only two larger refractors in the
world. These were 15 Inches, and were
in the possession of the Imperial Rus-
sian Observatory, at Pulkowa, and at
Harvard. The first telescope for the
Observatory was the initial one to be
constructed entirely in the United
In March, 1853, the Observatory
building was started. Four acres were
purchased as a site at a cost of $100
per acre.
Dr. Brnnow First Director
At this time President Tappan was
in Europe, mainly in the interests of
the University Observatory. While in
Berlin he made the acquaintance of
Dr. Francis Brunnow, a brilliant young
astronomer, whom he persuaded to
accept the position of director of the
Observatory. Dr. Brunnow remained
in Ann Arbor for five years, during
which time he contributed greatly to

the reputation of the Observatory by
his various articles on the minor
planets. In 1859, Dr. Brunnow left
the Observatory and in 1863 Prof.
James C. Watson became director.
'Soon after he became director he com-
menced the preparation of a series of
charts of the stars situated near the
ecliptic. This eventually led to the
discovery of 22 minor planets. During
the time he held the position of di-
rector Professor Watson went on sev-
eral expeditions, notably to Sicily in
1870, to Wyoming in 1878, and to China
in 1874, on the transit of Venus ex-
Succeeds Dr. Watson
After the resignation of Dr. Watson
in 1879 the position of director. was
filled by Prof. Mark Harrington, Prof.
Asaph Hall filled the position of di-
rector from 1892 to 1905. In 1905
Prof. W. J. Hussey, who had for nine
and a half years been an astronomer in
(Continued on Page Six.)

TO Take Wireless
On Tape Machine
University Engineer Working on De-
vice to Receive Aerial Mes-
sages on Ribbon
Mr. Porter H. Evans of the electrical
engineering department is working
upon a device, invented by Ray E.
Hall of Portland, Ore., which enables
wireless signals to be taken upon a
tape machine similar to the way tele-
graph messages are now taken.
Because of the delicate construction
of the present wireless outfits a cur-
rent large enough to cause a buzz in
a small receiver is as large as can be
handled. This current is not large
enough to run a automatic receiving
machine. The apparatus Mr. Evans is
working upon is to use the small cur-
rent to control a larger one which in
turn will run the receiving machine.
Former Editor of Gargoyle and The
Daily Back to Give
Lee A. White, '10, formerly head of
the journalism department of the Uni-
versity of Washington, will give a
series of six lectures on the technical
side of newspaper editing as a sup-
plement to course 32 in journalism.
Mr. White is at present secretary
to the editors of the Detroit News.
While in college he was editor of The
Michigan Daily, '10-'11, and founder
of the Wolverine and Gargoyle. He
was also on the faculty of the Uni-
versity during the last summer ses-
Lectures by Mr. White will alter-
nate each week with those of Mr. Ly-
man Bryson, who is giving the course.
The exact date when Mr. White will
speak will be announced later.
Officials Say Amateur Stations Cause
More Unrest Than Bomb
Washington, March 12.-Every ama-
teur wireless station in the United
States will be dismantled by order of
the president if war comes, according
to authoritative announcements here
today. This would be one of the first
moves to protect military and naval
Officials admitted reports of hidden
wireless stations are causing them
much more unrest than the serious
matter of bomb plots. Federal search
for these stations has been redoubled
not only in the United States, but in
Mexico and Central America.
The harm that could be done this
government and the aid that could be
afforded an enemy through these wire-
less stations, officials say, is obvious.
German Spy Whereabouts Mystery
Los Angeles, March 12.-The where-
abouts of.Alfred Fritzen, German spy
suspect, is still a mystery today, fol-
lowing his sudden removal from jail
Sunday by a secret service operative.
Whether Fritzen is on his way to New
York where he is under federal in-
dictment in connection with the Wel-
land canal plot or whether he has
been taken to Santiago or Elsimore in
the hope of gaining further informa-

tion concerning his activities were
matters of much speculation.
Indiana Dean Suffers Stroke
Bloomington, Ind., March 12.-Judge
L. G. Hogat, 65, for 15 .years a dean
in Indiana university and Republican
candidate for governor in 1900, was+
stricken with paralysis today and his
death is expected.+

Two fraternities on State street, Chi
Psi and Sigma Chi are quarantined,
due to an epidemic of scarlet fever.
Phillips B. Preston, '17, at the Chi Psi,
was exposed to the disease while in
Detroit last week, where there are 900
cases reported. J. H. Adams, '18, at
the Sigma Chi, came down with the
fever Monday morning. About 20
members of both fraternities are now
locked up in their houses and will be
unable to leave until the end of the
Due to the increasing numbers of
cases of measles and scarlet fever,
the contagious hospital is overcrowded
and the students are forced to be kept
in isolated rooms at the fraternity. At
the Sigma Chi house, the supply of
nurses having given out, the boys have
been forced to wait on the patient con-
fined in his room.
John H. Wilson, '18, living at 1014
Cornwell place, came down with the
fever last Sunday and Mrs. W. Ely,
his landlady, has had to care for him
because of the lack of nurses. Philip
A. Hadsell, '17L, was discharged from
the contagious hospital Monday morn-
"Stay away from Detroit," said Dr.
Cummings of the University health
service, "because of the prevalence of
scarlet fever. There is a general
epidemic throughout the United States
with 900 cases in Detroit and 2,000 in
220 Americans on Board During Sec-
ond Successful Trip Through
Submarine Zone
New York, March 12.-Bringing 220
Americans, the White Star liner Adri-
atic steamed into New York harbor
this afternoon, having successfully
passed through the submarine zone
twice since the German order of in-
discriminate sinking. One hundred and
eight of the Americans were steerage
passengers. The ship was buffeted by
extremely rough weather. The pas-
sengers said they wore life belts con-
stantly until they became so uncom-
fortable they had to be removed.
Mrs. Vernon Castle, returning from
a visit from her husband, said Ver-
non had been decorated with the
Croix de Guerre by the French army
for bringing two German airmen be-
hind the French lines in November.
President Harry B. Hutchins.will be
the principal speaker at the fresh lit
assembly to be held at 4 o'clock to-
morrow afternoon in University hall.
Due to the illness of the director of
the 1920 Glee club, the yearling song-
sters will not be able to render the
selection of songs they have been
working on for their debut.
After the address by President
Hutchins,ta short business session will
be held at which time a president for

the class will be elected.
Elmer Grierson to Address Tryads*
Elmer Grierson, advertising man-
ager of the American Boy, will speak
to the Tryads and other students in-
terested in advertising tonight at 7:30
o'clock in room 162 Natural Science
building. His subject is to be "Mod-
emn Advertising Agencies." This is
one of the series of lectures which
are being given under the auspices of
the Tryads on advertising subjects by
men who have had practical experi-
ence in this work.

Up to last night more seats had
been sold for the respective perform-
ances of "Fools' Paradise" to be pre-
sented on March 21, 22, 23, 24, than
have ever been sold this early in the
history of any past opera. It was
found necessary to keep the Hill audi-
torium box office open an extra half
hour last night to satisfy the demands
of those holding the first 300 of the
600 slips distributed to participating
life members of the Union.
Friday Big Night
Friday night has been the biggest
drawing card so far, practically all of
the seats on the main floor having
been sold already. The Wednesday
night performance, which includes the
"one night come-back" celebration in
honor of the tenth anniversary of the
Mimes, is a close second, the majority
of the higher priced seats for this night
being gone. The Saturday matinee
has been the poorest seller so far, al-
though there still are many excellent
seats in the balcony for Wednesday
and Friday nights, as well as down
stairs for the Thursday and Saturday
night performances.-
Those holding slips numbering from
300 to 600 will get their seats today
in acordance with the schedule
printed on the back of their slips.
These men are urged to be at the Hill
auditorium box office slightly ahead
of their schedule time that they may
be lined up in the order in which
pheir slips are numbered. Those ar-
riving late' will be put at the end of
the line.
Yearly members of the Union will
procure their tickets on Wednesday
and Thursday, while the women will
get their tickets on Friday afternoon.
The general seat sale will open at the
Whitney theater box office on Satur-
day, March 17.
Rehearsal Saturday
The first combined rehearsal of the
cast -and chorus was held Saturday
evening, both acts running smoothly.
The chorus men are showing excep-
tionalcability, their dancing being of
excellent calibre with a finish that
augurs well for the final production.
The cast is daily running through the
play without a hitch, and from now on
the - polishing process will be given
the most attention.
Von Bernstorff Angry Over Treatment
of Party at Halifax
By Arthur Mann
Christiana, March 10, by Wireless
via Berlin, March 12.-Count von
Bernstorff will protest to the state
department the delay and methods of
examination which the former ambas-
sador's party encountered when the
Frederick VIII touched at Halifax.
British authorities refused to tele-
graph his protest, and censored a writ-
ten protest which was mailed to Doc-
tor Ritter, Swiss minister, for pre-
sentation to the state department.
Bernstorff and his embassy staff ex-
pect to entrain at Copenhagen for Ber-
lin, March 12.

Seamen Refused 75 Per Cent Bonus
New York, March 12.-P. A. S.
Franklin, president of the Interna-
tional Mercantile Marine, told a rep-
resentative of the International Union
of American today that the American
line will fight any effort of its em-
ployees to get a bonus of 75 per cent
of their wages for trips through the
submarine zone. The company, Frank-
lin stated, will pay a 50 per cent bonus
and will insure personal effects of the
seamen. The seamen will hold a meet-
ing Wednesday night to pass on the
offer, and a strike vote may be taken.
Zimmerschied Speaks to Alchemists
Mr. Z. W. Zimmerschied, '03, the re-
search director of the General Motors
company of Detroit, will speak, on
"Organization of Research Work in a
Large, Corporation" at 7:30 o'clock to-
night in room 165 Chemistry building.
The address will be given under the-
auspices of the Alchemists.

City Ruined, Hundreds Homeless, and
Millions Damage as Result
of Spring Storm
Newcastle, Ind., March 12.-With 24
dead, 36 seriously injured, and 200
familiesnhomeless, the search among
the ruins of Newcastle, which was
rampaged by a tornado early Monday
morning, continued today. It is be-
lieved that many other bodies will be
found as soon as some of the debris
is uncovered. Damage anfounting to
$2,000,000 was the latest estimate giv-
en out.
Three neighboring towns, Mount
Summit, Moreland, and New Lisbon,
also suffered in the sweep of the tor-
nado. At least three were found dead
at Mount Summit.
The storm at Newcastle swept
through the residential district and
the sections inhabited by the poorer
classes and factory workers. Three
companies of the Indiana national
guard have been organized into rescue
work corps, and are aiding in the
Newcastle has a population of about
15,000 and is often called "the city of
roses," because of its many green-
Not by means of high-handed im-
perialism, but because of her right
principle of colonial self-government,
adopted after the American revolution,
has England endeared to herself her
various dependencies, and gained their
hearty support in the present war, as-
serted Mr. S. K. Ratcliffe, eminent
English writer and publicist, in his
lecture on "The British Empire: Com-
monwealth or Dominion?" which was
held in the Economics building last
Traces India
Showing a masterly grasp of his
subject, the speaker outlined the
colonial policies of Great Britain from
1776 to the present time, passing over
the crown colonies, directed by the
home office ,and dwelling with par-
ticular emphasis on the Dominion of
Canada, and the Union of South Africa.
India's history, the speaker traced,
told of the work done by Warren
Hastings, the Marquis of Wellesley
and Lords Curzon and Morley, show-
ing how from a charter granted to the
East India company by Queen Eliza-
beth the whole va rritory had come
under the sway of e British crown.
Canada 'reroic
"The way in which both Canada and
India have come forward with offers
of money and service," said Mr. Rat-
cliffe, "have been a source of wonder
to the central powers. They have
termed it the 'magic of Englishry' and
ascribed it to England's having An-
glicized her colonies. But there is no
magic in the matter. It is rather be-
cause Great Britain has not tried to
mould the social and political thought
of her colonies into one fixed pattern,
but rather that she has allowed them
free rein. The conservative element
think we have gone far enough, too
far, in this. Butwe have not. We
must go yet farther.

Indian Self-Control
"After the war, many think, strong
organization will be imperative. But
this is not the case. Our invincible
entity lies in the slight bonds which
unite the colonies to the mother coun-
try. Germany's present strength was
not due to such organization, but to
thorough realization of the values of
knowledge, science, and purpose.
"Our policy ought to tend toward
complete self-control for India, allow-
ing at least one-third the official posts
to rest in the hands of natives. India
of the next generation will be very dif-
ferent from India of the past or pres-
ent. If we hold to the doctrine of
rigid empire, we shall have to bear
untold obligations."
Mr. Ratcliffe said that the war
would undoubtedly demand that a pro-
tective system be adopted at its close,
and that even those who have most
vocferously proclaimde for free trade
are gradually changing their views.




Bonar Law Announces General
Mande's Victory In House
of Commons
London, March 12.-Mosul is the
next objective of the British drive in
Mesopotamia. With the fall of Bag-
dad, it is expected that resistance to
the movement of General Maude's
force by the Turks will be greatly di-
minished. With Kut-el-Amara, Bag-.
dad, and Mosul in the hands of the
British, Germany's grasp on the Per-
sian gulf will be destroyed and her
dream of a Berlin to Bagdad railway
The capture of Bagdad was received
with great rejoicing here today. The
news is especially welcome at a time
when the food supply of England i
being cut off by the submarines and
the depressing effect of reports on the
Dardanelles front.
Announce Capture
Announcement of the capture of te
ancient city of the Caliphs was made
in the house of commons by Chancellor
of the Exchequer Bonar Law. He said
he understood that two-thirds of the
enemy's total of artillery had been
captured or had been thrown into th
Tigris by the retreating Turks. "Bag-
dad's fall is the sequel to a series of
brilliant performances," Bonar Law
asserted. "General Maude's troops
pursued the enemy 110 miles in. 10
days, thrice crossing the Tigris.
Dalia Proves Obstacle
"The Dalia river, which was tackled
on Wednesday, proved a formidable
obstacle," he continued. "The Turks;
strongly reinforced, resisted fiercely,
Maude withdrew his cavalry, bringing
up infantry instead. The safety of the
Turks in Mesopotamia is now im-
Picturesque Phase of War
Bagdad's capture was one of the
most picturesque phases of the wa.
The history of the city reaches. bacbot etm s ft ea cen ig f
to the times of the ancient kings 01
Babylon. In the time of the Caliph
Haroun al-Rashid, whose exploits have
been preserved in the "Arabian
Nights," Bagdad was in the prime of
its glory as the city of literature, ar
and religion. With the fall of the
Caliphs before the Turkish sultans the
glory of Bagdad declined.
Says Wilson's Mask Is Lifted in In
augural Speech ,
Berlin, March 12.-"Wilson ha
lifted the mask. The peace-loving
neutral declared himself England's
friend," declared the Vossische Zeitun
in bitter editorial comment today or
President Wilson's inaugural speech
It added: "The Grman governmeni
and people are of one spirit and will
Germany is not a debating society, but
a people of deeds"
University Infantry Meet Tonight
Due to the need of both commis-

sioned and non-commissioned officers
in the University infantry corps a
meeting will be held tonight at 7
o'clock in room G-217 Natural Science
building, opposite the east landing
where the local officers and faculty
men will be present to interest all men
who have had experience as officers.
Officers and non-commissioned of-
ficers and all those who have had train-
ing or who can act as non-commis-
sioned or commissioned officers are re-
quested to be present.
Sarah Bernhardt Ill With. Severe Cold
Springfield; Mass., March 12.-Sarah
Bernhardt, who was to have appeared
here today, is ill with a severe cold,
and was obliged to cancel her local
engagement. Mme. Bernhardt left
this afternoon for New York where
she will undergo treatment.

Forestry Club to Meet Tonight
The Forestry club will meet at 7:30
o'clock Wednesday in room 214 Natural
Science building. There will be sev-
eral speeches and a business meeting
to follow.
Navy Orders 16 Dirigible Balloons
Washington, March 12.-Contracts
were awarded by the nav: department
today for 16 dirigible baloons at a to-
tal cost of $649,250.

Rochambeau Can Clear from New York
Washington, March 12.-The French
liner Rochambeau, armed fore and aft,
can clear from the port of New York,
it was officially ruled today. This is
the first case in which the government
has been called to pass upon merchant
ships armed fore and aft.

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