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March 12, 1917 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1917-03-12

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MONDAY, MARCH 12, 1917

Everything for Easter
Order Now
Ntember of Florists' Telegraph Delivery Service
Phone 294 213 E. Liberty St.
Pity the Poor Freshmen; They
Are Always the Goats-in Fiction

"What are you wearing that tag
for?" asked a freshman of a sophomore
in one of the fraternity houses, early
last week.
"What's the big idea? are you fel-
lows launching a silent campaign
against co-education at Michigan, or
do -you oppose entering the Confer-
ence ?~
"No, nothing like that," answered
the second year man. "A new sopho-
more secret society has been organ-
ized and the green tags signify that
we have been elected to membership."
"Oh,-is that it?" gasped the open
mouthed freshman.
Later in the same day the two met
again, together with a third man whc
also wore one of the rectangular shaped

"I certainly appreciate the honor
that you have conferred upon me," re-
plied the hope-to-be-soon second year
"Hand me over that pledge, will
you, Tom," said the spokesman turn-
ing to his comrade in arms.
"Just sign this, please," he said to
the freshman having placed a folded
piece of paper before him (the fresh-
With alacrity the hope-to-be-soon
second year man complied with the
request, placing his cognomen on the
specified line.
"Now that you are one of our sacred
order," continued the sophomore,
"perhaps you would like to see what
the pledge contains."
Slowly and fearfully the freshman
unfolded the paper. Before his eyes
appeared the following words,--
"I am a 'fool,' and as such promise
upon my word of honor that when it
shall become my time to leave this
earthly domain, I will purchase a
through ticket to 'Fools' Paradise.' "
(Continued from Page 1)
It takes up the co-education question,
but it does not stop with that. The
faculty versus student turmoil comes
in for attention. In short, "Fools'
Paradise" deplores the presence of
factions at Michigan, and makes a plea
for broad-mindedness and democracy,
the spirit upon which our university
was founded.
Because Tontagini, chief of a tribe
of Indians which contributed land for
the original founding of the Univer-
sity, appears before the King of Fools
and tells him to send Folly to earth
so that the folk at Michigan may 1
brought face to face with their own
folly, we see the King himself setting
forth, carrying the Melody of Folly
and confusion to earth. It is not until
Dick's guardian, an alumnus who ha:
been out in the world and has sight
through his experience, accidently dis-
covers the mirror of broad-minded-
ness, hidden away out of sight in the
new Michigan Union building, that
students and faculty are finally able
to see the spirit which has been lead-
ing them and that Michigan is releas-
ed from its state of being a "Fools'
Such is the purport of "Fools' Para-
dise." Intermingled with the action
of the allegorical plot, the love theme
holds sway, a would-be athlete, and
colored house-porters disport before
the view, along with a typical hard-
shelled minister and the characters
familiar in our everyday campus life.

Poster the Work of
R. Bachman, '20
Ta let 1ed Freshman of the Gargoyle
Staff Draws Poster for
A pleading figure of a girl, a
haughty boy, and back of them the
gigantic allegorical spirit of folly;
these are the elements which made
the 1917 Michigan Union opera poster
unique in a long. series of drawings
representing the best effort of cam-
pus artists.
In describing the way in which he
came to draw this poster, Reed Bach-
man, tae artist, a freshman in the
literary college said: "I had no special
idea at first. They read the synopsis
to me. Then I drew the picture from
one that I once drew in high school
for an ad. The original one represent-
ed the picture of Pan."
On being asked if he had the idea
of Bottom wearing the ass's head in
"A Mid Summer Night's Dream" in
mind he said, "No."
Bachman since his entrance in the
literary college has drawn several
front covers for the Gargoyle. Dur-
ing his high school days he worked
on high school magazines and for
several years did advertising work in
Toledo, his home town. He had no
special training in drawing, but in-
tends to take up work in an art scho
after graduation. This will probably
be his life work.
The advertising poster which is used
for the Opera is not the real poster.
This only shows the figure of Folly in
the background and is drawn in two
colors. The real poster will be used
on the cover of the program and will
form the background for one of the
scenes in the Opera.
The poster is in nine colors and
features the co-ed question in a
unique way. It probably has more
local color in it than any one of the
preceding opera posters.
rlichigan Sisters
of Eve Out-Eaved
Nine years ago Michigan Sisters of
Eve suffered their first blow when the
Mimes of the Michigan Union pre-
sented "Michigenda," the first opera.
Harold Patterson at that time proved
to the world that coquetry was not an
inherent quality in woman but might
easily be acquired and exploited by
One year later Burleigh Jacobs ap-
peared in the leading female role i'
"Culture." Again M. S. of E. suffered
a blow to pride and prestige for this
time it was plainly shown that flirting
is an art in which man is an extreme-
ly adept pupil.
Durward Grinstead made M. S. of E.
forget all Theda Bara aspirations they
may have had when he appeared in
"All That Glitters." What type of girl
might then retain her place of dis-
tinction and revive the hopes of the
Sisterhood, you ask? The answer is,
the demure, ordinary co-ed. Crash.
(Hopes falling.) Ted Wurster has ad-


Arthur A. Schupp, General Chair-
mnan of "Fools' Paradise."
ded the finishing touches in "Fools'
In 10 Union operas practically every
type of woman has been impersonated
with at least a fair degree of success.
Sometimes it has been the good for-
tune of the producer to find talent in
the student ranks, men who were by
nature fitted to assume the character-
istics of a woman, and who could wear
woman's garb without showing signs
of physical distress.
In the majority of cases, however,
it has been necessary for the producer
to develop actors for the leading fe-
male roles. Hours and days have been
spent in breaking down the man's
stride to the woman's walk. Some
men are even considered graceful in
the execution of locomotion, but just
let these sameamen be hobbled with
feminine coats and petticoats and then
be judged for grace. The producer
must witness and perfect all the "im-
perfections" of the male. Harsh vocal
tones must all be modified both in
speech and song.
Restraint is impressed on the female
impersonator to such an extent that
his nerves approach a state of col-
lapse. He weakens slowly but surely
until the hour before the initial rising
of the curtain when all the force of
manhood forsakes him and he natural-
ly fallsinto the ways of woman.
(Continued from Page 1)
whom he has completed some eminent-
ly successful songs for New York's
Winter Garden. The opening chorus
for the second act as well as the jing-
ling melodies of "Little Frog in a Big
Puddle," "Tell a Telephone," "I Don'
Wan' No War," and "Bandana Land,"
are the gratifying results of his labor.
Chester S. Lawton, '18E, with his
opening chorus for the first act, and his
single other contribution, an "Evening
Song," has won high praise from those
in charge of the score. His "Evening
Song" will serve to feature the quartet
of Zanelli, Carlson, Keena, and Hardy,
and is a work of exceptional beauty and
clarity. It is a college song, but said
to differ radically from the usual rol-
licking type. Only the well-loved
"Heidelberg" may compare with it.
About 20 songs. in all, with their
varying shades of melody willhelp
the "Fools' Paradise" to surpass its
predecessors. Due possibly to the
recent campus agitation for a genuine
Michigan opera, which would depart
from the hackneyed conventionality of
former years, the author of the book
and lyrics is said to have bent every
effort to achieve a satisfactory result,
and in this he has been assisted by the
three writers of the score.

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Baseball Equipment


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Ann Arbor - - Detroit

,arry Carlson, "retouched," as
I"fontagini," the Spirit of Michigan.
tags. Confidently approaching the un-
simspicious verdant, one of them
spoke these colemn words, "After due
deliberation our society has decided
to, extend an invitation to you to take
part in our sacred counsels."
Overwhelmed by the suddenness of
the thing, the poor "frosh" could only
mttter a few words of thanks.
"You understand, of course," con-
tinued the all important second year
man, "that the necessary qualification
for membership is not what you have
already accomplished at Michigan, but
what we expect you to accomplish i'
the future."

Busy Bee
Is considered an All- Campus
To the Old Grad it brings
pleasant memories.
It gives many happy hours
to the Upper Classman, who
constantly uses its service.
Here, the Freshman first
meets his friends.
Busy Bee was conceived
and originated by a Univer-
sity of Michigan student.
It is managed and operated
by University Men.
It welcomes all MAichigan
all the time and is
Straight United States.
:iI1 1 1 1 1 1111111111i111111111 1111111111111111 lii 111illil11111 il III t illitllt11 U I I l ll iF

Drinking Water


Breakfast as you like it


Glen M. Coulter, President of the
Michigan Union.


6:00 A. M. till midnight

The Hutzel Shop announces its

Spring Opening

Tuesday and Wednesday

Special 25 c Dinner
11:30 A. M. till 1:30 P. M.
Special 25c Supper
5:30 to 7:00 P. M.

Suit Coats

Afternoon Frocks
Silk Underclothes


Street Dresses
Top Coats
Silk Sweaters

What you want
When you want it
A s you want it




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