'" ' "-
Captain Johnson Captures 14 Points
for Yearling Track Men
Against "Y"
Michigan's galaxy of freshman track
stars annexed their second victory of
the season last night when they ran
away with the Detroit Y. M. C. A.
speeders by a score of 64 to 22. The
Detroiters were able to cop off but
two first places, landing wins in the
mile and the pole vault.
Captain Karl Johnson was the large
noise for the yearlings, showing his
heels to all opponents in both the low
and high hurdles and tieing with Later
in the high jump at 5-feet 8 inches.
The cub leader set a gym record in
the high sticks when he sailed over
60 yards of the fences in 8 flat, 2-5 of
a second better than Kirkland, the
Notre Dame' star could do.
Clare Jacobs, former University of
Chicago pole vaulter, cleared the bar
at 11 feet. He took two tries at the
12-foot mark, which would have tied
the gym record held by Bo Wilson,
but failed to make the grade. Mc-
Donald, the "Y" miler, ran a strong
race and succeeded in lapping his op-
ponents. His time was 4 minutes and
362-5 seconds.
Probably the most spectacular race
of the meet was the half mile, in
which Schuster and Stoll ran neck and
neck all the way, the latter winning
out in the final sprint by a narrow
margin. Larson finished third with a
comfortable lead over the first De-
troit man.
The quarter was another hair-raiser,
Butler and Hunt cashing in within
a step of each other with Lombard
close up. The time was 53 2-5 seconds.
Forbes, the man who won this race
against Toledo, was unable to com-
pete on account of an attack of ton-
The youngsters scored a slam in the
dash and the relay was their's by 20
yards. Johnson did not enter the
sprint, Coach Farrell thinking it best
to save him for the high jump. Baker
won the shot put with a heave of 48
feet 11-2 inches.
The summaries:
50-yard dash--Cagney (M), first;
Cook (M), second; Bergazin (M),
third. Time-5 3-5 seconds.
60-yard high hurdles-Johnson (M),
first; Wyatt (Y), second; Williams
(Y), third. Time-8 seconds.
60-yard low hurdles-Johnson (M),
first; Babbitt (Y), second; Williams
(Y), third. Time-7 seconds.
440-yard dash-Butler (M), first;
Hunt (M), second; Lombard (M),
third. Time-53 2-5 seconds.
880-yard run-Stoll (M), first;
Schuster (M), second: Lrson (M),
third. Time-2 minutes 4 4-5 seconds.
Mile run-MacDonald (Y), first;
Read (M), second; Batty (M), third
Time-4 minutes 36 2-5 seconds.
Shot put-Baker (M), first; Curtis
(Y), second; Bartuska (M), third. Dis-
tance-48 feet 11-2 inches.
High jump-Johnson (M) and C.
Later (M), tied for first, 5 feet 8
inches; Scott (Y), third, 5 feet 7
Pole vault-Jacobs (Y), first, 11
feet; Cross, Robertson, McArthur, and
Westbrook (all of Michigan), tied for
second, 10 feet 6 inches.
Relay-Won by Michigan (Bergazin,
Wheeler, Butler, and Cagney), 1 min-
ute 17 seconds.
Try a Michigan Daily Want-Ad.
Contrary to expectations Coach
Lundgren failed to cut the squad yes-
terday. Current rumor indicated a
third slicing in the list of candidates
to be due after yesterday's workout,
but the coach decided to wait with the
result that the suspense went unre-
lieved. The mentor stated, however,
that he would probably reduce the
squad tomorrow.
It is probable that the pitchers will
suffer the most in this cut as there
are still 15 hurlers on the staff. The
infield will be less likely to lose a
heavy proportion than any other de-
partment as there are fewer men out
for the positions and competition is
therefore keener.
Fight for Catcher
The race for the backstop position
should begin to show signs of becom-
ing more definitely defined. There are
at present seven men on the catching
list and there is also wide room for
differing opinions as to relative merits.
The cut should eliminate enough men
to confine the race to fewer lanes.
According to the coach, another cut
after the one slated for tomorrow may
be expected before the southern trip.
Although there is nothing official to
back up the statement, yet if the cut
tomorrow is very extensive, indica-
tions would seem to say that the fol-
lowing subtraction will be the last be-
fore outdoor season opens and the
men eliminated then may be allowed
to come out when the squad goes down
to Ferry field.
Niemann Out
Billy Niemann's injury was found
to be a triple fracture when examined
under the X-ray. This may result in
his being out of the game for six
weeks, and unless he can get into
shape in less time that will exceed
the time prior to departure for the
southern trip. Reem, another Varsity
outfielder, is also temporarily on the
hospital list. According to reports,
Guy is suffering with an attack of
Eight Fast Amateur Bouts to Appear
on Program for Contest in
"I would put the amateur boxers of
the University of Michigan up against
boxers from any college or university
in the country," said 0. S. Wester-
man, boxing instructor, when speak-
ing of the showing that will be made
by the Boxing club In its first exhibi-
tion to be held Thursday night in the
Armory. "I never have seen such a
revival of boxing interest as there has
been in the past two weeks," continued
Mr. Westerman. "One afternoon there
were six pairs of boxers on the floor
at one time."
The exhibition Thursday night will
be purely amateur in character, with
eight bouts scheduled, a bantamweight
match having been added since the
program was announced in The Daily.
Tickets are selling fast for the event.
Besides many student salesmen, there
are supplies of them at George Moe's
athletic goods store and at Cushing's
drug store.
There is opportunity in The Michi-
gan Daily Ads. Read them.
All-Fresh Coach
Chosen Yesterday
Dale Maltby ex-Varsity First Sacker,
to Act as Yearlings' Sponsor
This Year
Dale Maltby, '17E, was chosen last
night at a meeting of the Athletic as-
sociation to act as mentor for the
All-fresh baseball nine. Maltby held
the position of first baseman on the
1915 Varsity, and is an accurate and
snappy player as well as a first rate
The first year boys have an excep-
tionally stiff schedule this year and
some real competition is promised.
However, a number of prep school
stars have given the coach ample as-
surance that he will not lack material.
Prominent among the boys who will
give the freshmen's opponents some
hard battles are the two Cress boys,
Earl and Elmer, who managed to get
into the limelight through their ac-
tivity on the freshman football team of
last fall. Another boy of exceptional
caliber may be found in the person of
"Nip" Freeman, shortstop on Coach
Mitchell's Ypsi Normalites of Jast year.
Freeman was the only man who could
find the passes that Glen and Parks
handed the Ypsi aggregation last
spring, and has been commended by
Mitchell as the "best baseball player
ever turned out at the Normal."
The schedule will be printed again,
at a later date.
Announce Games,
for Southern T rip
Team Will Play Six Games on Road;
Will Return in Time to
Resume Classes
Three universities, 'with two games
apiece, will form the piece de resist-
ance of the Varsity on its annual
spring tour of the South, according to
the schedule agreed upon last night.
The games will be played off during
the spring recess, the squad returning
in time to be on hand when classes
are resumed.
The following are the schools which
will battle with Michigan at this time:
April 9 and 10-University of Geor-
gia, Athens, Ga.
April 11 and 12--University of the
South, Sewanee, Tenn.
April 13 and 14-Vanderbilt univer-
sity, Nashville, Tenn.
Try a Michigan Daily Want-Ad.
Marking up a team total of 2,596 last
night against Illinois, the Michigan
bowlers officially ended their season
as far as the western division is con-
The local bowlers recorded three
consistent totals featured by the high
score of Diederichs in the first two
games and the mark set by Loutit in
the third game. The team is anx-
iously awaiting the result of the
Champaign pinmen, as this will prac-
tically decide whether or not the Wol-
verines are first in the western half
of the tournament.
Word has been received from Cor-
nell stating that the Ithacan team has
been forbidden to enter the series.
This gives Michigan three games. It
is practically certain that the three
games bowled recently against Ober-
lin will also be annexed by default.
The remainder of the tournament
will consist of a championship match
between the respective champions of
the East and West which will prob-
ably be played off somewhere in the
The score against Illinois follows:
however, was the result of a misun- Il-asketballAMan
derstanding of the rules and Nowlen
was willing that the match contino
Davies then won in three minutes.
The heavies put up the liveliest fight
of the afternoon. Lewis and CraneI
went 10 minutes without a fall but
the judges gave the decision to Crane.
The lightweights, Whitlow and Bak
er, went 13 minutes without a decision.
Their match will be placed on the shelf
until next Wednesday.
In what was declared by all com-
petent critics to be the fatest game of
girls' basketball ever played on Bar-
bour gym floor, the seniors defeated
the juniors yesterday afternoon 30-17.
It was a hard-fought and clean-won
contest, remarkable for close, heady
team work.
The defense of the seniors was near-
ly impregnable and the guarding of
Olga Shinkman and Gertrude Steketee
was the despair of the junior forwards
Louise Irish was most often success-
ful in boosting the 1918 score. The
whirlwind senior forwards, Janet Mc-
Farlane and Mildred Crissey. had a
worthy opponent in Marie Macauluay,
the brilliant junior guard, whose quick
and savage defence prevented many a
basket for the last-year girls. Benlah
Smith also did some rattlin'g good
playing at jumping center.
The sophomore-freshman substitute
game at 2 o'clock resulted in an 18-13
victory for the sophs.
The next big game is the "consola-
tion game" between the freshmen and
juniors at 5 o'clock Wednesday after-
noon. The substitute finals will occur
at 2 o'clock on the same day. Inter-
est now centers around the "cup game"
on Friday, March 16, when the upper
and under class champions battle for
the college title. The' dlass of '19 won
the laurels last year and are promising
a duplicate of the performance, but the
showing of the seniors in yesterday's
game has brought apprehension into
the sophomore camp.
Official entry blanks have placed 21
teams in the basketball interscholastic
which will be held March 22, 23, and
24 in Waterman gym. Interscholastic
expects the entries to exceed 36
fore they close Monday, as it soe
to be the usual thing to receive
large number of blanks at the la
moment whenever an athletic moot
Only one-third, of the fraternitt
and clubs have responded to the r
quests made that they entertain tl
visiting athletes. These will be giv(
first choice of the men whom thf
wish to take care of, while hous
that answer later will have their vi
itors apportioned to them. This a
lotment probably will be made by tJ
officials Tuesday, after all entri
are in.
Following are the official entri
thus far: Cadillac, Holland, Coldwate
Galesburg, Adrian, Benton Harbo
Bay City Western, Bay City Easter
Hart, Flint Central, Detroit Centre
two teams from Detroit Northwester
Iloyne City, Wayne, Fowlervill
ifuskegon, Cass City, Grand Rapi
I nion, Jackson, and Grayling.
Try a Michigan Daily Want-Ad.
1 2
Schoepfle ..........154 157
Wright ............144 159
Loutit............166 151
Diederichs .........208 204
Carlson ............180 186
Totals ...........852 857 887
Team average-2,596.
Six wrestling bouts completed yes-
terday's program, all of which were as
close as had been predicted by Man-
ager Reider.
In the welterweight class Crandell
threw Grey in less than a minute.
Planck, the runner-up in last year's
tournament pressed Hollands' should-
ers. to the mat after five minutes of
rather slow grappling. Planck who is
a middleweight, gives promise of re-
peating his performance of last year.
This is his second match, as he won
one last Wednesday.
The two lightest men in the tourna-
ment met in the third go and Howard
managed to throw Ross in less than
two minutes.
In the second welterweight bout
Westerman gave the decision to Now-
len over Savies because of a foul aft-
er a minute of grappling. The foul,
RI -
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Looks Prosperous"
Just what makes men say that
about others?
Not because they're over dress-
ed - not because they're shabby
It's because they're "neatly"
dressed and their clothes fit nicely.
Hart, Schaffner & Marx
clothes make every man
look proSS sous because
they're neap and made to
The Greatest Engineer of the Century
Coethals of Penali
Try some on at
Wednesday, the 14th
Hill Auditorium
Get Your Tickets at Wahr's
$1.00, 75c, 50c, 25c
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Southwest Corner Main and
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"It Pays to come dol/v to lvn
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Norma Talmadge, who reached the heights of filmdom with the Vitagraph and Triangle companies, will make her first appearance as a SelznickPictures star at THE
ARCADE Tomorrow and Tuesday, in an adaptation of the noted drama "PANTHEA" by Monkton Hoffe. This is the play in which Mne. Olga Petrova starred so successfully
on the American stage several seasons ago and which created a furore throughout Europe, being acclaimed one of the strongest dramas of the age. The following quotations
should indicate something of the triumph this feature is scoring in other cities:
"It may be gratifying for you to
know that "Panthea" with Norma Tal-
madge is doing tremendous business at
this theatre and is creating a great
deal of satisfaction. In my opinion
it is one of the most powerful drama-
tic stories I have seen in the last two
or three years, and if you keep on
making pictures like this you will set
a standard that will be hard to sur-
pass."-S. L. Rothapfel, Managing
Director, The Rialto, N. Y.
"Norma Talmadge springs to the
foremost rank of emotional dramatic
artists by her superb portrayal of the
title role."-"Zit"-N. Y. Evening Jour-
"Surpasses every expectation-will
hold an audience spellbound. A
smooth running, interesting and grip-
ping plot, well seasoned with dramatic
action, suspense and thrills, enacted
by a capable cast, and linked together
with the name of one of the brightest
of stars, makes this feature a strong
box office attraction."-Exhibitor's
Trade Review.
"Possesses the very ingredients °of
what is good in photoplays-photo-
graphic excellence, narrative continu-
ity, dramatic intensity and splendid
acting."-Chicago News.
"The biggest personal success any
screen artist has scored this season-
story never wavers in its intensity-
Miss Talmadge is absolutely thrilling."
-N. Y. American.
"Miss Talmadge scores on every
count-rises to great heights."-N. Y.
"A remarkable story of a beautiful
Russian political fugitive who, after
marrying a young Englishman, sacri-
ficed herself for his career. It has
been lavishly produced, the staging
being distinctly meritorious with very
effective lightings. The story has been
presented in such a distinctive atmos-
phere and with such an exceptional
cast of types that it is sure to please."
-Wid Gunning in "Wid's."
,L, x :f