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- --
VOL. XXVII. No. 8.
Wire Fence Will Be Placed Arouid
Grounds Instead of Usual
Board Structure.
Late News Briefs
Cleveland, 0., Oct. 10.-W. J. Lee,
aresident of the Brotherhood of Rail-
oad Trainmen, today issued a call for
in. mesting here Thursday to organize
Wilson club. Ten thousand mem-
er s of the brotherhood are expected
wo act on the call of President Lee.
Nev York, Oct. 10.-The divine Sarah
Bernhardt returned to America today
'or still another goodbye. She ar-
'lve'd on the steamship Estagne, and
is usual monopolized 90 per cent of
:he attention. She was just a little
Dldear looking. She wanted that made
Violent Street Fighting Before Recap-
ture of Kronstadt by Teu-
ton Army.
Work on the new Michigan Union
building will start Tuesday, Oct. 17.
C. J. Snyder and Sons, who have the
contract for the excavating work, must
start work on or before that day in
order to fulfill the terms of their
It is expected that the work will
occupy 40 working days. During the
time the work on the Union building
is in progress it will be in full view
of all the students, a wire fence be-
ing placed around the operations in-
stead of the ordinary high board struc-
ture that is customarily erected.
After the excavation work is fin-
ished work on the basements and sub-
basements will be commenced. This
will occupy a longer time than the
excavating work, because of the dis-
tance below dirt level that the founda-
tions will be placed. The basements
will be made of concrete.
The trees around the Union grounds
have been all boxed in for the pur-
pose of protection. These boxes will
be left until the Union is finished.
There are a large number of trees and
shrubs around the grounds and whei
the Union is finished a lot of lan4. -
scape gardening will be saved by tht s
Boston, Oct. 10.-Secretary Edwin
L. Riley of the Boston Red Sox today
received a letter from President-J. J.
Lann:in of that club, now in Brooklyn,
statin g that "his services were no
longe~r required." The letter of dis-
.nissa 1 from the world series chain-
pions was like
sky, both to the
a bolt from a clear
fans and to Riley.
Cold Weather Not Likely to.
Work on New Library
U elayI
Structural foundations for thf new
wings of the library are now colnplet-
ed. This insures against all delay in
the completion of the new ly uilding
which might have been caused by the
sudden arrival of cold weath er. On
the west wing temporary scaffolds
and wood work are being raised, to
be used in the building which will
start soon.
The general library will be in oper-
ating order all through the construe-
tion of the new building owing to the
method adapted in the construction.
It was with this purpose in view that
work was started on the two wings
before any of the main building was
As soon as the two wings are com-
pleted the stacks will be moved into
them and the work started on the
main building. According to expecta-
tions both wings will be completed
in the early spring, and until that
time the reading room in the old build-
ing will be open as usual.
Washington, Oct. 10.-Assistant See-
retary of Labor Post today issued an
order to all immigrant stations on the
Atlantic and Gulf coasts to hold up
the, doportation of undesirable aliens
while the menace of submarine war-
fame continues.
Amsterdam, via London, Oct. 10.-
'The German reichstag will ask for an-
other war credit of 12,000,000,000
marks during the present session, ac-
cording to the Klonsche Volks Ze-
Miriam Hubbard and Rex St. Clair
Take Leads in Municipal
MovIe Plot
About a quarter after eight this
morning Miss Miriam E. Hubbard,
graduate, will walk out of the New-.
berry residence while a movie oper-
ator industriously turns the crank of
his machine. This will mark the tak-
ing of the first campus scene for the
municipal movie, which is being film-
ed under the auspicies of the Ann
Arbor Civic association.
Monday afternoon the University
senate met and expressed their appro-
bation of the plot of the drama, which
was previously accepted by the civic
association. Yesterday Prof. H. A.
Kenyon, of the French and Spanish de-
partments, who has charge of the pro-
duction, announced that the leads for
the drama have been assigned to Miss
Hubbard and J. R. St. Clair, '18E.
In addition to the scenes at the New-
berry residence, a number of views
will be taken during the day about
the campus, mostly exterior scenes of
the various buildings with the students
entering and leaving. All the public
schools of the city have already been
filmed, and yesterday the views for the
beginning of the story were taken at
the supposed location of Ann's Arbor,
the birthplace of the city. Boulevard,
automobile and river scenes were also
The picture when competed will be
3,000 feet long with the story equally
divided between the city and the Un-
iversity. The class rush, the M. A. C.
game, and Convocation day exercises,
both interior and exterior views, are
among the campus activities to be
"This is to be more than an ordinary
travelogue," said E. H. Speare, who
is taking the pictures, yesterday. "It
is to be in a class by itself. Each
great city has some industry for which
it is especially noted, as automobiles,
shipping, and the like. Ann Arbor's
specialty, if I may put it that way, is
the production of education. This is
to be shown in the picture."
Th e movie, when complete, will be
shown at a local theatre, October 26,
27 arid 28, and possibly, November 2,
3 and 4.
A lack of lyrics is delaying the pre-
paration of the musical side of the
1917 Union opera and a call has been
issued for more song writers. There
will be a meeting for all of those who
wish to try to write the music of the
opera at 4:15 o'clock tomorrow aft-
ernoon at the Union.
Berlin, Oct. 10.-Roumanian re-en-
forcements rushed up in an effort to
block the Austro-German drive in
Transylvania were halted and de-
feated south of Marienburg. The re-
capture of Kronstadt, the principal
city of Transylvania, was preceded by
violent street fighting, in which 1,175
Roumanian prisoners and 25 cannon
were captured.
The Roumanians everywhere are in
retreat. the army of General von Are
encountered only local resistance in
entering Harneiter and Goergeny
mountain. Capture of a Roumanian
island in the Danube near Sistov,
southwest of Rustchuck, was affected
by an Austrian flotilla assisted by Ger-
man and Austrian detachments. Three
officers, 155 men and six cannon were
captured. Teutons operating west of
Vulkan pass have captured Megrului
British Advance on Bulgars
Saloniki, Oct. 10.--British troops are
continuing their advance against the
Bulgars, and have occupied Kalendra1
and Homondos. It is reported that the
enemy has evacuated Topalova and is
falling back upon the hills northwest
of Seres. British artillery and patrol
parties have been active on the Doiran
Allies Gain in Macedonia
Berlin, Oct. 10.-The war office ad-
mitted this afternoon that the alliesj
have achieved small successes near
Scocivir in Macedonia. On the Rus-
sian front it was stated Prince Leo-
pold's forces stormed and captured the
village of Herbulerv. Strong Anglo-
French attacks north of the Somme
were repulsed.t
Republican Candidate Not to Analyze
Issue Raised by Submarine on
Atlantic Coast.
Philadelphia, Oct. 10. - Charles
Evans Hughes will make American
rights the main theme of his speeches
on this. the third of his stumping
tours, but it is not to be an analysis
of the issue raised by the submarin-
ing of sh:pping off the New England
Those close to the G. O. P. candidate
declare today he felt it a matter of
patriotism not by any word to em-
barass the president in any course
that he may adopt now but at the
same time he reserves the right when
the tenseness of the present moment
has relaxed, to present his position.l
Hughes expects to reiterate with
vigorous emphasis the necessity that
American rights on land and sea as
to lives, property, and commerce be
respected and enforced. He will referl
to the earlier days of the tension over1
the German U-boat war.t
Refreshed from the almost superhu-
man effort of his last campaign trip,
his voice clear, his gestures forceful,
and his arguments carefully arranged,
the former supreme court justice was
an fine trim today.
Dr. Rice Tells
"What would you be willing to do
if you were dead sure that nobody was
Such was the question discussed by
Doctor Rice at the Methodist church
last night. He declared that the real
test of a man's worth was not whether
he had refrained from certain acts be-
cause of the laws of society, but his
ability to keep from temptation when
there was not the slightest possibility
of his being found out.
Doctor Rice speaks under the
auspices of the student "Y" each night
during the remainder of the week,
commencing at 7:00 o'clock.
Union Defers
Friday Dance
The Michigan Union has called off
its special dance which would have
been given Friday night, out of regard
for Oct. 13, which has been set aside
as Angell Day in honor of the great
!1ichigan educator. One of the leading
campus honorary societies has also'
postponed a social event slated for
Friday. It is expected several other
organizations will follow the example
Union Smoker
For Freshmen
Of JIan's
Charged He, With Pollee Chief,
tected Saloonkeepars.
Team Captained by T. S. Cox, '17,
Leads Others With 55 Points;
To Work This Evening.
The second step in the Michigan
Union's fall membership campaign
was accomplished last evening when
a dinner was served to the captains
and 135 members of the various com-
mittees actively engaged in the work,
at the Union building. Directly fol-
lowing the dinner talks were given by
President Glenn M. Coulter, as toast-
master; Staats Abrams, '17E; Joseph
Meade, '17E, and Robert Collins, '17E.
In his talk Meade stated that at the
beginning of the present campaign, 65
per cent of the male student body
were in some capacity connected with
the Union. For the benefit of the com-
peting committeemen a chart has been
prepared by A. H. Cohen, '17E, which
shows at a glance the leading teams
and sub-committeemen in the contest.
Last evening efforts on the part of
the contestants met with even greater
success than was anticipated, about
165 names being added to the list of
Union members, both in the capacity
of life and yearly memberships. Ac-
cording to the last reports of the even-
ing's work the team captained by T.
S. Cox, '17, was leading with 55 points,
with that of C. W. Brainard, '18M,
second with 43, and Bernard Stenberg,
'17E, third with 42 points. Among
the individual sub-committeemen J. G.
Gabriel, '18, stands first with 17 points
with Roy Gault, '19, second, and T.
Atkins third with 16 and 15 points
respectively. The work on the cam-
paign will be resumed again by the
committees this evening.
The sale of seats for the pre-festival
series of concerts has been unusually
heavy this year, but there are still a
few good seats in blocks "A" and "B"
to be had. All seats in block "C" go
on sale this morning at 8:00 o'clock.
Tickets for single concerts go on sale
today at 1:00 o'clock. The seat sale is
-conducted in the box-office at Hill
iichigau and Other College Students'
Drawings To Be Exhibited
The first meeting of the Architectur-
al society was held at 4:30 o'clock yes-
terday afterhoon in the Engineering
building. The work of last year will
be taken up immediately and carried
forward together with several new fea-
tures. The principle event being an
architectural exhibit in which the
work of all the leading schools of
architecture as well as that of the
University of Michigan will be dis-
played. The exact date has not been
decided upon but will occur latter in
the year.
Election of officers and directors
constituted the principle business of
the meeting. The officers elected are
as follows:
President, G. S. Underwood, '17A;
vice-president, R. B. Frantz, '17A; sec-
retary, J. Pielmeyer, '17A; and treasur-
er, C. W. Attwood, '17A. Directors:
G. S. Underwood, '17A; R. B. Frantz,
'17A; J. Pielmeyer, '17A; E. H. Try-
sell, '17A; P. O. Davis, '18A; and J.
D. Kenyon, '18A.
Artists Make Initial Appearance at
Hill Auditorium Today
This afternoon at 4:15 o'clock the
first faculty concert will be given in
Hill auditorium, when the following
artists will appear: Albert Lock-
wood, pianist; Mr. and Mrs. S. P.
Lockwood, violinists; A. J. Whitmire,
viola player; Lee N. Parker, 'cellist;
and Kenneth Westerman, tenor. The
program includes a group of piano
numbers, a group of songs and a
quartet for violins, viola and cello.
1,500 Students Leave Burning Main
Hall Without Confusion.
Madison, Wis., Oct. 10.-Damage to
the amount of $25,000 was inflicted on
the main hall at the University of Wis-
consin today. Fifteen hundred stu-
dents were in the building when the
fire started, but all got out safely
without panic or confusion. One hun-
dred male students assisted the fire-
men. The hall was built in 1857 and
its value was largely historical. The
legislature of Wisconsin now meeting
in special session, will appropriate
money for a new building.
Wear your freshman cap.
This is the only ticket of admission
required at the Michigan Union fresh-
man smoker to be held next Tuesday
The purpose of this smoker, explain-
ed President Glenn Coulter yesterday,
is to get the freshmen of all classes
on the campus better acquainted.
There will be no speaking, but a gen-
eral entertainment of musical numbers
and vaudeville will be given by cam-
pus stars.
One does not have to be a Union
member to come to the smoker and
all freshmen are cordially invited.
Cider, "smokes," and. "eats" will be
provided by the committee.
earth of Fires;
Firemen Worried
Not a fire has broken out in Ann
Arbor in three weeks and local fire-
men are getting uneasy. Last Satur-
day an alarm was turned in from
Washtenaw avenue which promised te
relieve the tension but it proved to
be a false alarm.
Fires conie in bunches, according to
the local firemen, and hence they are
looking forward to a busy week when
the cold snap sets in. Since at this
time of. the year the periods of cold
weather are only temporary, land-
ladies have a habit of making a fire of
paper and other light materials. A
strong draft, a burning piece of paper
and a shingle roof do the rest.
Y. W.C.A.Holds
Vesper Serviees
"Take time to think," advised Dean
Jordan in her talk at the Y. W. C. A.
vesper service yesterday. "Our grand-
mothers were as busy as we are, but
they took time each day for medita-
tion. All your bustling activity is of
no use unless you withdraw every lit-
tle while and think out the things
that really mean life to you. . Open
your windows and widen your horizon,
so that countless little petty things do
not overwhelm you. Take time to be-
come what you want to be."
A solo by Miss Alice Lloyd preceded
Dean Jordan's talk. It is aimed to
make the weekly vesper services, of
which yesterday's was the first this
year, a time for quiet meditation, with
talks and music of an inspirational
character. The second in the series
will be held Thursday, Oct. 19, at
which time Professor Henderson will
Rates to England Raised
New York, Oct. 10.-Marine insur-
ance rates from American to English
ports today jumped 1 to 2 per cent in
consequence of the German submarine
Lansing and Gerard Confer With Col.
House Prior to Secretary's
Call on Wilson.
New York, Oct. 10.-The Greek
steamer Patris arriving from Piraeus
today reported she was stopped yes-
terday by a submarine. Whether she
encountered one or two submersibles,
her commander did not know. A can-
non shot across the Patris' bow at
6:00 o'clock yesterday morning
brought her- to a halt 220 miles off
Sandy Hook.
The submarine sighted the Patris
by aid of a search light and then dis-
appeared. At 4:00 o'clock yesterday
afternoon 60 miles off Sandy Hook the
Patris again sighted a submarine
which made no effort to stop her.-
Peril European Communication
Washington, Oct. 10.-Possibility
that German submarines operating off
American coasts may cut the Atlantic
cables, crippling communication with
Europe, or sowing mines in trans-
Atlantic steamship lanes; brought a
new menace into consideration by the
state department officials today.
Naval officials admitted this possi-
bility had been considered as among
the issues that might arise, but they
declared they had no direct informa-
tion that Germany contemplated such
mneasures. What action the United
States could take if the Atlantc cables
were cut is a matter of doubt.
When British forces destroyed the'
German cables at the beginning of the
war, cutting off communication be-
tween the United Statesand Germany,
no action was taken by the United
States. What diplomatic position the
United States would take if the re-
maining Atlantic cables were cut is
problematical, however, since these
cables extend both to belligerent and
neutral countries.
Conference in New York
New York, Oct. 10.-Secretary of
State Lansing and Ambassador Gerard
conferred this afternoon with Colonel
E. M. House, confidant of President
Wilson, just before Lansing departed
for Long Branch to see the President.
The secretary of state said today that
there is "nothing significant" in his
appearance in New York on the day
Ambassador Gerard arrived from Ber-
lin. The secretary left for Shadow
Lawn at 5 o'clock to discuss the U-
boat situation with President Wilson.
U. S. Disagrees With Allies
Washington, Oct. 10.-Acting Secre-
tary of State Polk today said the
United States answer to the memor-
andum recently sent by the allied
powers to all neutral governments
concerning the admission of belliger-
ent submarines to neutral ports, does
not in the least acquiesce wVth the
allies' views. He decined to discuss.
the United States' position further.
Declares Former Justice Agreed With
New York, Oct. 10.-Charles E.
Hughes' remarks on British mail seiz-
ures at Philadelphia last night are a
result of an agreement between
Hughes and German-American propa-
gandists, according to a statement is-
sued this afternoon by Norman Hap-
"The information came to me from
the editor of one of the most powerful
German publications in this country,"
Hapgood said. "I can prove my good
faith by documentary evidence."
Phief Librarian Speaks in Lansing
Mr. W. W. Bishop, chief librarian
of the University, will deliver an ad-
dress this evening before the state
librarians' convention in Lansing. Mr.
Bishop and a number of the staff are
attending the convention which will
last until Friday.
Chicago, Oct.. 10.-Detectives from
the state attornEty's office raided the
city hall here -ate today, seized files
from the offices of Police Chief Healey
and served sub;penas on Healey, Mayor
Thompson, Cnarles Fitzmorris, the
mayor's private secretary, and on Wil-
liam Luthardt, Healey's secretary, to
appear before the grand jury.
The raid was in connection with an
investigation. State's Attorney Hoyne
is conducting on charges that the
mayor and .chief of police are pro-
tecting saloonkeepers who keep their
saloons open on Sunday.
Last chance will be given at a meet-
ing at the Union tomorrow night for
students to show interest in military
training . Unless enough students
turn out to'the meeting and signify a
willingness to work, nothing more will
be done toward organizing a drill com-
pany. In case enough interest is
shown, drill will start immediately on
Ferry field, and will be continued in