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March 07, 1917 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1917-03-07

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Merchandise Accumulates in Ports
and Inland Points Due to Ac-
tivity of Divers
Statistics Show Increase in Commerce
with China; Decrease in
Indian Trade
The foreign trade of the United
States has been seriously affected dur-
ing the past month by the Germa
submarine blockade.
American shipping has been confined
to port; good ready for export hav
been piled up at the seaboards and
at inland points; food prices, alread3
high, have been forced beyond th
reach of the poor, causing food riots
in some of our larger cities.
Cotton has, perhaps, been more seri-
ously affected by this restriction that
any other product. Many hundreds 01
thousands of dollars worth of cotto
goods are either delayed or held u
,awaiting some action which will re-
lieve the foreign shipping situation.
It is probable that, from a purely
business standpoint, war or militar3
preparation for war will bring aboul
extraordinary business activity. For
this reason too much weight should
not be given to the new British im-
port prohibitions. It is not likely thai
these will seriously affect America
export trade. Our exports of luxuries
so far as England is concerned, ma
be completely cut off,, but they do not
play a very important part in ou
trade. The English government will
continue to buy here for the army, and
private importers will be allowed tC
order from us as cargo space and
civilian demand warrant. Special
licenses may be granted by the board
of trade for the importation of suc
goods as the country really needs.
Hides and Leather Above Normal
Our exports of hides and leather
have been far above normal for the
past two years, owing to the increased
demand for the European nations. The
armies not only use up leather much
more rapidly than a civilian popula-
tion, but the civilian population of
Europe can ill afford to pua on the
tanning processes that they formerly
had: Italy and Russia were the heav-
iest buyers of our footwear, although
England imported more of our raw
leather than any other country.
England is finding it necessary to
supplement her domestic wool clip
with imported wool. This supple-
mentary wool must come largely from
Australia and India, but owing to the
U-boat menace this is practically im-
possible. This offers the United States
the opportunity of developing a wool-
en trade with England.
Our development of trade relations
with the Philippines during the past
two years has been remarkable. Two
years ago the share of the United
States in Philippine trade was almost
negligible. Now, however, 44 per cent
of the exports of the islands come to
this country, while more than 53 per
cent of the imports of the islands came
from the United States.
Indian Trade Suffers
Our trade with India has suffered a
considerable reduction in volume,
partly by the restrictions imposed by
the British India government, and
partly owing to the difficulty of mak-
ing settlements.
The final figures of our trade with
China during 1916 show very satis-
factory increases both in exports and
imports. Both the financial and po-
litical situations in China have been
rapidly changing for the better. The
result is that the Chinese government
is now in a particularly strong situa-
tion. It is all the more gratifying, be-

cause the prospects of increasing our
commerce and investing American
money in railroads and other indus-
trial enterprises seem to be maturing.
On the whole the reports for the
past year are extremely satisfactori
and we have reason to feel optimistic
toward our foreign trade.
The freshman and sophomore teams
will play the first big interclass game
of the women's basketball season at 5
o'clock this afternoon. The junior and
senior substitutes will provide a cur-
tain-raiser at 4 o'clock.
Eva Herzberg, '19, and Hazel- Platt,
'20, yesterday announced their lineups
as follows:
1919-Forwards, Phyllis Eggleston,
Lucille Duff; centers, Doris MacDon-
ald, Eva Herzberg; guards, Ethel
Glauz, Elizabeth MacCormack.
1920-Forwards, Agnes Kennedy,
Myrtle Bahm; centers, Elsie Erley,
Edna Daskam; guards, Florence But-
ler, Hazel Platt.

Assign Various
Causes For Hi Co
Colgate Professor Sees Roots of Evil
in Extravagance and
Hamilton, N. Y., Mar. 6.-That the
causes of the 48 per cent increase in
prices of commodities are more num-
erous than is generally supposed, is
the opinion of Prof. E. W. Goodhu
of Colgate university,
According to a statement made by
Professor Goodhue, ther are two in-
creases in prices, one genral and one
local. The local increase is the one
which is most felt and it is due to
three causes, submarine warfare,
greed of speculators, and limitation of
railroad facilities.
The general rise in prices is due
to increased export demand, extrav-
agance of the people, and higher wages
which raises the buying power of the
average laborer. The great surplus
in gold now being held by American
banks also makes financial conditions
unfavorable to a lower cost of liv-
Editor, The Michigan Daily:
Whereas, we, the students, are of a
very benevolent nature, and wish to
preserve art for art's sake, and
Whereas, this world war has brought
on conditions which were heretofore
considered impossible:
Therefore, we, the students, wish to
express our deep sympathy for the
much abused Majestic theater, and
hereby endorse the unselfish spirit and
the charitable action for the benefit of
actors who would otherwise be rele-
gated to our poorhouses. All contribu-
tions will be accepted.
A. C. MARTENS, '17.
Help of Undergraduates Enlisted in
Gathering of Material
for Book
In order to keep in touch with all
former students of the Univeristy,
whether graduates or not, an effort is
being made to enlist the help of the
present students to form a directory
which shall report changes of ad-
dress, marriages, deaths, or public
honors conferred upon persons once
enrolled in the University.
For this purpose, blanks have been
printed, and may be had of Mr. H. L.
Senseman, office of the general alum-
ni catalogue, in Memorial hall.
Inquiries concerning former stu-
dents, it is said, are coming constant-
ly from school and business officials
who are seeking employees, from
alumni associations, fraternities, so-
rorities, and for directory and organ-
ization purposes.
Advanced students of the Univer-
sity School of Music will appear in a;
public recital tomorrow afternoon at
4:15 o'clock in Frieze auditorium.
The following program will be giv-
Minuette Al'Antico........Seaboeck
Edith Jernberg,

Fifth Air and Variations .... Dancla
Reade Pierce
Tendre Aveu ................. Schuett
Ruth Morris 3

Editor, The Michigan Daily:
A serious perusal of Dr. Hardikar's
article in your issue for March 3,
1917, on the causes of India's famines
leads inevitably to one of two con-
clusions. Either the writer has inten
tionally suppressed numerous relevant
facts, which I should be reluctant to
believe, or he is not sufliciently in-
formed to instruct the students of the
University of Michigan on India's his-
tory and problems.
He ignores the fact that there were
devastating famines as well as ruth-
less exploitation of the people by na-
tive princes and tax-farmers before
the advent of the British. He over-
looks the abolition of all trade-monop-
oly a century ago and the British
achievements in building 33,000 miles
of railroad, and irrigating more than
16000,00Q acres of land. Nor does he
tell us that, at the eve of the Great
War, India was more prosperous than
at any time in her history, with in-
dustries developing, wages rising,
wealth increasing, and laborers in
;reat demand.
Famines Lamentably Frequent
Famines have been lamentably fre-
quent, even in recent years, but they
have been due largely to causes about
which Dr. Hardikar is mysteriously
silent,-to the defective rainfall and
the great congestion of population in
certain areas. Citation from author-
itative documents like the report of
the Famine Commission of 1901, would
show what the government has done
to cope with the situation, since thc
Orissa famine of 1866, concerted ef-
forts have been applied on humane
and scientific principles aside from re-
mission of revenue and charitable
funds. Nearly $30,000,000 was spent in,
1873-4, $40,000,000 in 1876-8, -$25,000,-
000 in 1896-7, and $30,000,000 in 1899-
1900 for intelligent measures of re-
Valuable lessons were learned from
sad experience, commissions of in-
quiry, have been appointed, a special
famine insurance fund has been estab-
lished. The happy result of all this
has been that when the present war
broke out, the problem was well in
hand. As a physician, Dr. Hardikar
is probably aware that attempts to
deal with the plague have been less
successful, because, "it was often
found impossible to employ preventi-
tive measures recommended by sci-
ence, owing to the panic of the native
population, and their unconquerable
opposition to isolation, hospitals
house-to-house visitations, segraga-
tion camps, and inocculation."
Writings Create Difficulties
Some of these difficulties, it is griev-
ous to state, were fomented by the "in-
cendiary writings of the vernacular
press." May I add in conclusion two
quotations to supplement those which
Dr. Hardikar has treated us? One is
from the London Weekly Times, De-
cember 22, 1913. "Hlow the administra-
tion of the famine relief has been re-
duced to a highly organized system
which is being constantly improved,
and the fine railway system, which
we have created, enables food to be
transported to stricken areas that was
formerly impossible. Famines will in-
evitably afflict the people of India,
but the loss and suffering have been
infinitely mitigated, and what remains
is mainly due to inherited habits, and
customs which, for a time at least, will
continue to militate against the
promptitude and completion of the re-
lief measures."

The second is from the late Ad-
miral Mahon, written nearly three
months after the opening of the war:
"The testimony of the uprightness and
efficiency of her (Great Britian's) im-
perial rule, given by the strong adher-
ants and support of India and domin-
ions, is a glory exceeding that of
pitched battle and overwhelming vic-
The British have been guilty of
much thmat is blameworthy in their
Indian administration, which is not
concealed in their own histories, but
it would be only politic as well as fair
for a professed opponent of the British
regime to recognize its remarkable
Physicoloical Apparatus Has Arrived
Apparatus for the phsiological dark
room, adjacent to the new science
building conservatory, is on hand and
ready for installation. The room will
be provided with shelves and two
moist boxes. These boxes will pro-
vide moisture and the temperature will
be so regulated that botanical experi-
ments can be carried on, to determine
the effect of normal conditions on
plants minus the light.
Use the advertising columns of The
Michigan Daily in order to reach the
best of AnnArbor's buyers.




Resolutions upon the death of Prof.
Jerome C. Knowlton of the Law school
have been drawn up by the commit-
tee of law professors apponted for
that purpose by President Harry B.
Hutchins. The committee consists of
Dean Henry M. Bates, chairman; Prof.
T. A. Bogle, and Prof. J. H. Drake.
The resolutions follow:
"Jerome Cyril Knowlton, Marshall
professor of law, died Tuesday, Dec.
12, 1916, after a brief illness. He
had met his classes as usual on Fri-
day and was present at the faculty
luncheon and meeting which he had
enlivened with his characteristic
humor; and on Tuesday he was dead;
thus his life and his long and faith-
ful service were brought to a close to-
gether. He had served the University
continuously since 1885 and at the
time of his death was the oldest mem-
ber of the Law school faculty in point
of service. It is interesting to reflect
that the lives and active service of
Judge Cooley and Professor Knowlton
spanned the entire existence of the
Law school, covering the period from
1859 to the present time.
Born in 1850
"Mr. Knowlton was born at Canton,
Mich., Dec. 14, 1850, the son of Ernest
John and Roxana A. (Potter) Knowl-
ton, of New England ancestory. His
preliminary education was obtained in
the district schools, the Michigan
State Normal school, and the Ann Ar-
bor high school. He entered the Uni-
versity of Michigan in the fall of 1871
and was graduated with the degree of
bachelor of arts in 1875, and with the
degree of bachelor of laws in 1&78.
After graduation Mr. Knowlton began
the practice of law at Ann Arbor and
soon became a member of the firm of
Sawyer and Knowlton. At the bar his
remarkable analytical power and the
precision of his mental processes rap-
idly put him in the front rank. During
his period of practice lie served as
postmaster of Ann Arbor from 1882
to 1885.
"In 1885 Mr. Knowlton was made as-
sistant professor of law in the Uni-
versity and in 1889 he was appointed
Marshall professor of law, a chair
which he occupied continuously until
his death. Mr. Knowlton was elected
acting dean of the Law school in 1890
and dean in 1891, serving in the latter
capacity until the fall of 1895.
"While Mr. Knowlton devoted his
energies to teaching rather than to
productive scholarship, his published
work is characterized by accuracy,
acumen, and legal insight. In 1887
he published an American annotated
edition of the work of Sir William
Anson on 'Principles of the English
Law of Contracts,' which has been re-
printed many times and which has
been used in law schools throughout
the English speaking world. He also
edited and published a casebook in
criminal law in 1902, and contributed
articles to the Michigan Law review
and other legal periodicals. It was in
the subject of contracts, a basic topic
in the English common law, in which
he did his most effective work.
Personality Secret of His Power
"No bare recital of the facts in Mr.
Knowlton's life can even dimly portray
the man or indicate the genial and
kindly influence which he exercised
in this community and in this Univer-
sity and upon thousands of students
who passed through the Law school
during his long period of service. The
secret of this power is to be found in
his remarkably clear, lucid mind and
in a personality of rare attractiveness
and of distinctive individuality. Mr.
Knowlton's charm, his effectiveness,
and the vivid impression he made upon
all proceed from qualities which per-

haps defy successful analysis. One
had to know the man and to have ex-
perienced the qualities of his person-
ality to understand at all the extent
of his influence and the flavor which
characterized all that he did and said.
His judgment of others was character-
ized by a remarkable combination of
critical keenness and kindliness of
spirit. These qualities, a wholesome
common sense, and an abiding spirit
of justice enabled him to hold his in-
fluence not only in University circles,
but with the business and professional
men of this community to a degree at-
tained perhaps by no one else. To the
end he was the confidential and
trusted adviser of many men prom-
inent in our University and civic life.
Remembered Longest as Teacher
"But it is as a teacher that Mr.
Knowlton deserves to and will be re-
membered longest. Thousands of stu-
dents had received his instruction at
a period in their lives when vivid and
lasting impressions were formed. All
of these men many have become in-
fluential in state legislatures, in con-
gress, and upon the bench, and thus
have brought to the service of the
community, the state, and nation his
ideas and ideals. It goes without say-
ing that the qualities which had en-
deared him tothousands of students
had brought him the affectionate re-
gard of his colleagues, for he brought
into the faculty circle and to many of
us individually a clear vision, a 'sweet
reasonableness,' and a charitable
spirit-qualities which perhaps should
be cherished most zealously in the
critical atmosphere of academic life.
"HENRY M. BATES, Chairman."
* *
* *
* Mniestic-Vaudevlie. *
Arcade - Mabel Taliaferro in *
* "The Sonbeani." Also Christie *
* ctre.*
* -comedy.
* Orpheum - $liadys Iiulette in *
* "Her New York." Also Flor- *
* ence Rose Fashions. *
* ____
*~ lae- Ormi Fawley in "Where
Love Leads." Also Lonesome *
* Luke comedy. *
The scenes of the "Blue .Paradise"
which comes to the Whitney theater
Wednesday, March 14, are laid in the
famous old Blue Paradise inn, on the
outskirts of Vienna.
Produced by the Shuberts, the scenic
and 'musical effects of the show are

Indiana 's Woi
Are Hard Wor

Bloomington, Ind., March 6.-A largE
percentage of the women students a
the University of Indiana ate .eithe:
partially or wholly earning their ex
penses, is the conclusion drawn froDr
figures compiled at that university.
Employment of various sorts is pos
sible, from pounding the keys on z
typewriter to caring for babes of ten
der age whose mothers are downtowi
shopping. Dress making, needlework
cooking, housekeeping, and office worl
are but some of the divers means em
ployed by ambitious girls at the uni
versity to get through with as 1.ttl<
outside aid as possible.
The university itself furnishes thel
with positions in the administratior
offices wherever possible.
A meeting of the Alpha Nu Debat
ing society will be held at 7:30 o'clocl
on Friday night of this week in th<
club rooms on the fourth floor of Uni
versity hall.
Warren H. Townsend, '18, will read
Rudyard Kipling's "Gunga Din" anc
James W. Riley's "Dot Leetle Poy o
Mein," while Harold A. Spiller, '19
is to talk on "Conscientious Objector;
in the War." Archie D. MacDonald
'19, will discuss "The Monroe Doctrin
Extended," and Reid S. Fulton, grad.
talks on "The Status and the Issue,
in the Great War." A general discus
sion of these subjects will follow the
Re hearsals- for the Greek play, "Ip
higenia in Tauris," which will be given
by members of the Classical club or
the night of March 29, are said to be
conducted with the greatest attentior
to ancient forms. The production wil
take Place in Hill auditorium, the pro
ceeds going to the American Red Cros:
Prof. Albert A. Stanley has compos
ed the music especially for the en
tertainnent, while Prof. herbert Alden
1(enyon has worked out the details ii
a manner which promises beauty air
harmony. -
Morgan Loses Stars at Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, Pa., March 6.-ThE
cast of the annual Mask and Wig clul
play of the University of Pennsylvania
has had several additions made to it
because of the veteran actors whc
were barred by the faculty. Director
Charles Morgan will have much new
material to work upon as a result but
at least, the principal of last. year'1
production will form the nucleus foi
the 1917 opera.

said to be up to the usual standards
het by them in their Broadway produc- i Lts Elect Prom Connmitteemer
tions. "The Blue Paradise" comes There will be an important meet-
here after a successful run of 52 ing of the sophomore lit class at 4
weeks at the Casino theater in New o'clock Friday, in room 101 economics
York. building. The election of four men to
represent the class on the Soph Pron
Patronize Daily Advertisers. committee will be held at that time.
r -ZIE) - - r-
1857-Dry Goods, Furniture and Women's Fashions -1917
Spring Suits for all Occasions-
Very Carmin
F These new models arceso fresh and unusual that every f~

Adoration .................
Danse Coquette ...........
Frank Panek


vnii it v wntn a to wi l l

Three Preludes .............. Chopin
Hussein Feisy
Ninth Concerto, A minor-......Beriot
Jerry Parre
La Fille aux Cheveux de lin ..Debussy
The Butterfly...............Grieg
Edith Staebler
The speakers who are to represent
the Adelphi house of representatives
in the annual All-campus debating so-
cieties' cup debate were selected at
last night's meeting of the Adelphi.
Henry F. Massnick, '18, Herman A.
Agushavitz, '19, and Morris Paris, '19,
were chosen for the three positions,
while Herbert Parzen, '19, was select-
ed as alternate.
The arming of our merchant marine
will be discussed at next Tuesday's
meeting of the society, while the fol-
lowing Tuesday the fresh team tryouts
will take place. The House has been
divided into two parties and the reg-
ular debates are being conducted un-
der that system, with Ralph M. Car-
son, '17, and Jacob M. Braude, '18, as
party leaders.



ing navy; reseda, ros
$20, $
J~I M 8

want to buy one at once for her Sprirg
wardrobe. Few things in the whole
store are more interesting than this com-
prehensive suit display.
Poiret twill, wool velour, gabardine
and serge are the leading materials for
fancy suits; which are made in full belt-
ed effects with smart collars, extra c( 1-
lars and detachable cuffs of faille silk or
Straight tailored suits are shown with
flat collars deep pointed cuffs and silk
Golfex jersey suits easily lead the
sports models.
All the unusual colors are here includ
e, mustard, Hague, black and checks.



'92 Law

Circuit Judee
Republican Candidate

25, $30, $40, to $65


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