1 IG OUR EXHIIBI T ;prIng and Summer Sui ng nerican and Foreign Sources in Artistic and .,tr iking Designs YOUR INSPECTION III 'NI.:a G. H. it Tailors Wild Company STATE STREET THE MICHIC Ofhcialnew vspape)r at the University of Mi.ga.PublrIshed every morning except Mi 'day during the university year. i;trred at the post-office at Anni Arbor as Ffc"n-u Class rma tter, ., ",,AiortsrPress Building. Sb 5~'~:'mnSub- carrier, 2.5o; by mail, $ .oo. Wan ad sttios:Quarry's; Students' 1up- ply Store,; The Delta, cor. State and Packard. Phtones BPu iness, 960; Editorial, 2414. Communications not to exceed 300 words in length, or notices of ev'ents will be pub- lisihed in The Daily, at the discretion of the Editor, if left at the office n the Ann Arbor Press Bldgit., or in the notice box in the west criorof the general lilrary, where the notic-es are collected at 7c30 o'clock each JohC(. Ii. Parker........Managing Editor Tiiec I. Pishleigh......,. Business Manager Co,-ad N. 13clii ..n.............News Editor ,e1 I. Joslyn..................City Editor 31irl A. Fitzgerald.. ....Sports Editor iHa old C. L. Jackson...Telegraph Editor 'dnran Wilson.........Women's Editor ,.arleto W. Reade...,.....Statistical Editor Students interested in Spring or Summer Vacation Work may file their applications with the "Y" Employ- ment secretary now. Office open from 3 to 6 p. m. daily. Vzdiverslly New iid Secozidh md le Slater Bo '0 STOP AT 338 S. STATE sodas and lunches [)RUE ISCII()FF OCut Flowes and Plants pin St.. Ann Arbour, Mich. PHONE 809 M - _ -rack Candidates Will find the proper equipment- a at WAHRV'S UNIVERKSITY SOKTI E H' tho gltless tallier is like a D bla _ , :__ .L r ige. lHe makes aod noise but w.- er .bits th' targe4t. 'When you stop to think, it'sj little wonder that VELYVRT is so good. ]Every bit of it has been naturally aged for two years, L acV _s. Rowe City Laundry 4906 Detroit 5St FIRT NAIL, BANK OF; ANN ARBOR, MICH, Capit"al( ,TIooo 'S1;-plnsad ProHit $65,000~ Wit Coruwvell aldMD, Abbott Geo. W. Patte*5rson Harry 3 .,Hawly S. . Cmksn HrrionSotn,. Fred SchmdDkB1Sto T < ). Kini owmMmummo.wo Carry a Large Assortm-ent of an~ie s (i J1. ;. Campbell. .Assiptant Business Manager C. Philip Eery. .Assistant Business Manager Alhert I;. Ihore. ,Assistant Business Manager l,'o-coc R. Rau... Assistant Business Manager i'red M. Sutter. - .Assistant Business Manager Night Editors J ,.. Siadecker E. L. Zeigler C . .JicklingT H. M. Carey i3. A . Swaney L. W. Nieter ?. S. Th;ompson E. A., Baumgarth 11. . Garis~ Reprter 3I. . Garis^ Repoters C. L. Roeser C. S. Clark D. S. Rood R. II. Fricken G. 0. Brophy 11. 1. Millar F. A. Taber DI If. Cruttenden Mildred C. Mighell K. I,. Wehmeyer J .Hr Annsetta L. Woold. art T, F. McAllister Allan Shoenfield Business Staff Bernar WohIJ. E. Robinson Paul I. Cholette Harry R. Louis 1- l.ro' l Ia!:i;n, (n Earl F. Ganschow W'aiter R. Payne Jackson W. Smart ;HIaroldl R. Sith Symiour B. Wilson '1':II!URS AY, MTARCHI 1, 1917. Nigt Eitr--T.S chermnerhorn, Jr. Nens~Ltf 11 try-ou(ts meet ait m c~ci fod'ay in reportorial Wve can Satisfy YourTat A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE YOU The F ountain of Youth State Street C or. Libe.rty I We Offer You Y - - SERVICE - - LOCAIN soulrces $3, 800,000 arbor Savings Bank Incorporated 1869 orner Main and Huron 07 North University Ave.j mars& Medhaics Bank the Best in Modern Banking IRITY . - EFFICIENCY and Pieasant Quarters. You Will With Our Service. Two offices Main St.: 330 S. Sta St. SUGAR BWLI Car ru onPater tieone hour fa-ster Detroitl. .im te'd and] TSpre,.ss Cars---p:.;5 a. In.,S 8:1o a in , nd hourly t Do j?.o . Iin., 0.10 K alamaroo Limied Cars -R 8 a. iad every two h ourns t 3648p.o:toLnng 131p . t. Jack-s On Expess C7: -(ocal toswetof to 7 :48-° p. :n. o, o p.1' 1, 0 . rgii. , in:5C Ip . in t an. (': ?1p. ent, Cix atp. in : .t. LocalCrsWsond-6oa n,:oa rn,, !eo p.g r- ro . n. TakesPictres C 13 NVE T 'The Ui6ersy o Cicg MEfi in aditin to re ;: nt HO workci te a also instrc- err _ tion by correspondence. i Extension aLdectures Prof. C. 0. Davis will speak on' "Adolescence anti its, Educational Sug- gestions" in: Bad; Axe tomorrow night. "A Rom an Country Gentleman" is, the subj ect of a le ctiure to be given tomorrow n righin "Greenville by Prof. Albert R. Cri ttendI-on. Prof'. J. S. Ree: ves will lecture to-1 mor row night in St. Johns on "The Uitedl States anda Mexico," Y.. W. C. A. ELECTION TO BiE HIELD IN LIBRARY CORRIDOR Association Members Who Have Paid Dues Eligible to Vote on Candidates Today The annual election of officers for the University Y. W. C. A. takes place from 8 to 12 o'clock and from 1 to :5 o'clock today. Tables will be in the library corridor, and all members of the association who have paid their dues are eligible to vote in this elec- tion. The nominees for 1917-18 are as :follows: President, Helen Bourke, '18. and Mildred Mighell, '18; vice-presi- dent, Hazel Beckwith, '19, and Ruth 'Ely, '19; secretary, Pansy Blake, '18. and Constance Winchell, '18; treas- urer, Emily Loman, '19, and Emily .Mack, '19. The officers elected to day will be :installed early this month. ,-DEAN EFFINGIER IS ATTENDING EDUCATION ASSOCIATION MEET Dean John R. Effinger, of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, is at present attending the meeting of the National Educational associa- tion being held in Kansas City, Mo. Dean Effinger will return to Ann Ar- nor, Monday, March 6. Mayor Killed in Bank Robbery Battle Colliston, La., Feb. 28.-Mayor H. Td. lVaugii was killed in a battle with bandits who robbed the bank o' C61-1 .Iis'ntoday. One of the bandits was -wounded and is under arrest., The amount taken is estimated at between five thousand and 10 thousand dollars. The captured bandit is being taken to I'voorehouse Parish Jail. A mob isk :forming and lynching is feared. 5 A 109''S. Main St. SPECIAL SUNDAES LIGHT LUNCHES )ur candies are made in our own sanitary shop. typewriter from D. MOiRRILL 322 South State Street furnish you an instruction e of charge,, You will be a efore you know it. WL~omen T ICNI-OFF TONIGHT It is somte'inle s erroneously assert- eti by the lpessimistic ones that col- l