GAN DAILY SHOWS BEST FORM OF YEA ta 'I VARSITY DOWNS SCRUS IBY REGULAR"FIGHT" Weimann and Boyd Both Back on Lineup; Niemann Given Rest For Day SCORE EXHIBITS 25-0 COUNTI "Mrnlie" and Sparks Go For Big Gains and Touchdowns; Peach Gets Counter With "Tad" Weimann and Boyd back in the lineup in yesterday's scrim- mage, the Michigan Varsity displayed just about the best brand of football that they have shown this year. The regulars conquered the seconds 25 to 0. The team as a whole exhibited more aggressiveness, more "fight" and more real life than has been shown in either of the scheduled games or in any of the practice jousts of the season thus far. Captain John F. Maulbetsch re- sembled the demon "German bullet" of yore and the rooters smiled. He ploughed over, through and around the -scrubs in much the same fashion that he did against a well-known Crimson eleven in the Harvard stadium on a memorable Saturday of two years back. The line opened better holes, and held in better fashion. Sparks played the same dashing game that he did against Case. Thememory of that 60-yard run against Case seemed to linger and he raced around the ends for long gains repeatedly. Sparks scored the first touchdown after a long forward pass had carried Ythe ball up to the '6-yard line. The second touchdown was contributed by Peach. The Varsity had their oppon- ents with their backs to the wall and they punted. "Tad" Weimann plunged through and blocked the kiclk, and Peach picked it up and scrammbled over the line. A third touchdown was narrowly averted when the Varsity fumbled on the 5-yard line, Loucks recovering. The scrubs punted immediately and Sparks raced all the way back to the 20-yard line. "Maulie" was the man that did the business, tearing all the way to the 2-yard line almost at once, and Hanish went over for the touchdown. The last counter of the day came just before Coach Yost called a halt. "Maulie" sprinted all the way from the middle of- the field to the 15-yard line and Sparks lugged the leathe down to within a few feet of the goal. After two unsuccessful attempts' to carry it over, the ball was passed to the captain and six more points were immediately added. Willard was playing center last night, but the chances are that "Wal- lie" Niemann will get into the game on the morrow. "Wallie's" face was somewhat mussed up in the Case game and the coach gave him a day off to help let his features heal. If Sharpe is in condition it would not be surprising to see him start at right half. Sparks will be at quarter and Maulbetsch and Smith are certain to complete the backfield. In yesterday's scrimmage, Hanish and Brazell filled out the backfield with the captain and Sparks, while McCallam was used in "Jimmy" Wha- len's place at tackle. Whalen will un- doubtedly be back in the lineup when Michigan faces Carroll. FALL TENNIS TOURNEY BEGINS Red Sox Again Win in Big Battle (By H. C. Hamilton, United Press Staff Correspondent.) Braves Field, Boston, Oct. 9.-Bos- ton's Red Sox took the second game of the world's series from the Brook- lyn Dodgers here this afternoon, in the longest and one of the most sen- sational struggles of the historic title tilt. For fourteen innings the teams battled tooth and nail. In the stands more than 41,000 men and women alternately sat breathless expecting to see the winning run brought over any minute. Brooklyn's only run was scored by Hy Myers on a terrific four-base smash in the first inning. For Boston another long distance smash counted for their first run when Scott cracked a triple to left in the third inning. Cutshaw then made a costly boot and Scott scored on Ruth's infield out. It was growing dusk when the is- sue was finally settled after two hours and 39 minutes of bitter fighting. Hob- litzel started the fourteenth inning rally when he was given a base on halls, his fourth of the afternoon. Lewis sacrified him to second and Carrigan then sent in Gainer to pinch hit for Gardner, while the fleet footed McNally went in to run for Hoblitzel. The count was 1 and 1 on Gainer as the crowd sat breathless awaiting for the turn. Slherrod Smith, who had pitched peerless ball throughout the afternoon, sent one of his fast ones cutting through the gloom for the plate. Gainer was set for it. He swung. There was a crash and the ball sped over Olson's head. McNally rounded third and scored before the ball could be returned to the plate. The Dodgers lived up to the reputation they made in Saturday's stirring ninth inning. They fought as few teams have the courage to fight. They were never licked until the final run trickled over the plate. The game set a record for a world's series contest. The longest previous game was in 1912 when the Red Sox and the Giants battled for 11 innings. All-Fresh Will Hit Scrubs Today Make Shift in Temporary Lineup of Team; Lambert goes in at Center. As a feature of the work for today the all-fresh will scrimmage the Var- sity scrubs. With the Ypsi Normal game coming next Saturday, Coach McGinnis is put- ting in extra licks toward pointing the yearling team for that contest. To- gether with Assistant Coach Bob Wat- son, he is working with 30 of the mem- bers of the squad, while "Red" John- son is watching the rest of the total of 50 men who are out for the team. Ypsi is reputed to be rather strong this year, but, according to past per- formances of Michigan's yearling elevens, the Normalites cannot be very confident. Lambert, who played with the West Virginia eleven last year, is now play- ing at center and Culver has been brought back to the backfield, a move that is calculated to strengthen the team materially. Friedmyer, Chapman and Fortune are the likely candidates for the guard positions while Hamils at right end is looking particularly good. Cress and Knox are giving a good account of themselves at the other extremity. "Turk" Turner, pitcher on the 1916 All-Fresh baseball team, will report for work today. Turner will add to the competition for an end berth. Leave your film at Sugden's. RIDING LESSONS-- I wish to announce the opening of a riding school with the aim of instruction in the essential points of good horesmanship. NEWPORT SOCIETY WOMEN OPEN' HOMES TO SUBMARINE VICTIMS Newport, R. I., Oct. 9.-Society lead- ers in this city, led by Mrs. Robert L. Beekman, wife of Gov. Beekman, and Mrs. French Vanderbilt, opened their cottages to shipwrecked passengers and crews as fast as they arrived here. Rear Admiral Knight announced that all those picked up from the sunken British steamers would be per- mitted to remain on the warship i this morning. He said every e would be made by the officers men to make comfortable these vivors as well as those rescued f ships of other nationalities. Lessons can Be taken either in classes or privately. Richard Haller For information call 1526-R I 11 ROY P. HENRY MAKES EACH tt I SUIT SUIT i YOUR 11 ntercoilcfegate Wisconsin: Reports from the Uni- versity of Wisconsin seem to indi- cate that, the 200 student cops who were onaduty at thetclass rush didn't inspire a very great amount of awe in the minds of the sophomores. Syracuse: Unless the subscription list? of the Syracuse Daily Orange can be raised considerably above theI present 500 mark it will be discon- tinued. Dartmouth: The enrollment of nearly 1,500 students at Dartmouth this year breaks all previous records. Kansas: Chancellor Frank Strong of the University of Kansas has re- quested all students and faculty members to cease using tobacco upon the campus. Oregon: A plan has been devised at the University of Oregon for having a weekly rooters' practice. Harvard: The 100th anniversary of the founding of the divinity school at Harvard as a separate institution has just been celebrated. J-LITS ALREADY AT WORK Third Year Football Squad Steals March on Other Rivals; Look Good. If practice makes perfect the J. Lits are in line for the campus cham- pionship. School has been in session scarcely a week, yet they have stolen a march on the other class teams and have already put in a week's hard practice. Managers of the various class teams would do well to consult James Chenot, intercollege manager, phone 1855, at once and make arrangements for putting their teams in the field. If this is attended to today, a schedule will be formulated at once and inter- class gridiron warriors will be given a chance to show some fight in the near future. (Additional Sports on Page Four.) Velox prints at Sugderis. oct3-29 GIRLS, ATTENTION! AN IDEAL STUDENT'S SWEATER JACKET Most admirably adopted for study jack- et and class sweater. Made of special quality worsted, in Navy Blue, Gray, Black or Maroon. Has two pockets, and pearl buttons. No. lOCP Jersey - Five Dollars Catalogue showing our complete line of Jerseys and Sweaters mailed on re- quest. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. Inc. 121 Woodward Ave. Detroit, Mich. NEEDS "Every man has his olvn style, like his o vn nose" i Our clothes will please your taste, fit you, and wear well. I CLARION 2j in. LENOX 21 in., Two heights in the new COLLAR Isc Each GEO. P. iDE a Co., makers, TROY, N. Y. ~Also ~ Makers of Ide Shirt~sA NICKELS ARCADE TAILOR I I Over One Hundred Men Entered Race for Comstock Trophy; Pairings Given Why do students send their soft wash home when our prices for soft wash are very little more than your Parcel Post charges? We darn your socks, sew on buttons, and do any -reasonable mending FREE in' Michigan's annual fall tennis tour- nament for the Comstock trophy be- gins this afternoon with by far the largest list ever entered. Last fall 65 men began the tourney, that being the greatest number up to that time. As a result, Director Rowe, Dr. Lee, and Captain Codd are rejoic- ing this morning, for last night 106 racquet wielders decided to go into the race for the cup. Paul Steketee, '18, manager of the tourney, said last night that the first round must be finished by Wednesday night unless rain postpones the play- ing. Participants are urged to get in touch with their opponents by phone, t number of which is given with the (Continued on Page Four.) Pianos for rent; terms right. Schae- berle & Son, 110 South Main St. oct3tf Davis will block a hat to fit any head and guarantee the hat for a year. Davis at 119 Main. oct5,7,10,14 BUY A CASH CARD AND SAVE 10% ON YOUR LAUNDRY BILLS Phone 2076 or 2077 and our wagon will call promptly '