1 1£1L' lJtlt.Al 11S3fl A C' 1L.1 BELGIAN RELIEF lEENT IS SUCCESS "DOLLAR-A-MONTH CLIJB" IS OR. GANIZED AT MICHIGAN FOR RELIEF OF ORPHANS A great movement is under way to make the recently organized local Dollar-a-Month club for the relief of starving children in Belgium state- wide in scope. - Five committees have been appoint- ed to take charge of the following parts of the movement: (1) To appeal to campus organizations. (2) To ap- peal to local clubs. (3) To make a house-to-house canvass. (4) To in- . fluence local business men into in- cluding the club's circular letter of appeal in their business correspond- ence. (5) To influence the press throughout the state. The University School of Music will send out this week 30,000 May festival announcements which will also con- tain the club's circular letters. Ten thousand of these announcements are for Ann Arbor, while the remaining 20,000 will be sent throughout the United States, so that contributions to the Dollar-a-Month club will not be confined within even the limits of the state. Mr. Charles A. Sink of the Univer- sity School of Music, secretary-treas- urer of the club, estimates that the state of Michigan will contribute $150,- 000 a month. The Dollar-a-Month club originated in Ann Arbor. It sends its receipts to the commission for relief in Belgium, the headquarters of which are in New York City. The commission is an in- ternational one and has collected 250 million dollars since the beginning of the war. Of this amount the people of the United States have contributed but 10 million dollars. The chairman of the committee in charge of the club is Prof. Francis W. Kelsey. The secretary-treasurer is Mr. Charles A. Sink of the University School of Music. Among the members of the committee, which includes some of those most prominent in University and local affairs, are President Harry B. Hutchins, Dean John R. Effinger, Dean Mortimer E. Cooley, Dean Henry M. Bates, Dean Victor C. Vaughan, and, Mayor Ernest M. Wurster.; HOLD FIRST MEETING OF CAST SELECTED FOR JUNIOR PLAY1 The first meeting of the entire cast, of the Junior Girls' play was held at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. A list of all those taking part in the play has, been posted in the Women's league room in University hall, and the dates for rehearsals will be posted in thei same place. Professor John R. Brumm, directori of the Junior Girls' plays for the last six years, announced to members of, the cast at yesterday's meeting thatt he felt confident this year's play wouldi be the best Junior play ever given. f Rope's and Bricks Used in Argument Citizens of Cicero, Ill., to Plea with Embarrassing and Weighty Persuasion Cicero,'I11., Feb. 26.-With brickbats and hemp ropes, one for each member of the city council to back up their protest, a hundred citizens of Cicero; threaten to attend the meeting of the municipal fathers tonight to voice their disapproval of a contemplated sale of the municipal light plant to the Public Service company of north- ern Illinois. Several weeks ago the citizens' com- mittee met at the Hawthorne audi- torium to devise ways and means of bringing the recalucitrant council to their way of thinking. An invitation to the members was accepted by but one alderman, Joseph Laska. Miss Margaret Haley, president of: the Chicago Teachers' federation, spoke at the gathering and recom- mendedthehrope as a convincing and- persuasive argument. "A few years ago there was a fight in Toledo, O., similar to this one," she said. "The citizens met in a body and went to the council chamber balcony. They dangled ropes in the faces of the council members and the traction com- pany was not sold as planned. "You citizens take ropes and do the same thing. Let them know that you are in earnest." Frank E. Klimes, a prominent citi- zen, urged that all voters and property owners attend-armed with a plentiful supply of brickbats. The plan was unanimously approved and leading citizens say they intend to carry ot their coup tonight. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR WORK IN CLASSES OF NIGHT SCHOOL Also Includes Hospital Visitations and Meeting With Factory Workingmen Volunteers are wanted for "Y" so- cial service work. The work consists of teaching at night school classes, holding mid-day meetings with the workingmen in the factories, and hos- pital visitations. Owing to the con- fusion necessitated by moving in the new "Y" building the work of the so- cial service department has been cut short for a month. Another field of the work consists in correspondence with prisoners. The University "Y" has permission from several prisons, including Columbus, O.; Joliet, Ill.; Jackson, Mich., and Marquette, Mich.,' for men irterested in this field of work to write to the prisoners. Some of the men in the prisons receive only one letter a year and the opportunity. to give some of the prisoners through this means a broader outlook on life is very ample. Deputation work, which has suffered in the moving to the new building,; will also be resumed this semester. All men interested in this work should call this week at Lane hall, between the hours of 3 and 4 o'clock and see the social director. * * AT THE THEATERS TODAY Majestic-Vaudeville. Orpheum - Douglas Fairbanks in "The Matrimaniac.' * * * * * * * * $ * * * * * * __* * Arcade - Emily Stevens in * * "The Wager." * * ___* * Rae-Robt. Warwick in "Heart * * of a Hero" and Fourth Epi- sode of "Pearl of the Army." * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * AT THE GARRICK, DETROIT Manager Richard Lawrence of the Garrick theater, Detroit, is preparing for one of the biggest weeks in the history of the house when the New York Winter Garden musical ex- travagance and sensation, "Robinson Crusoe Jr.," featuring Al Johnson and a far famed beauty chorus, enters upon its week's engagement commencing next Monday. A personnel of over two hundred and a spectacular amount of scenery will be brought into De- troit Sunday and considerable work will have to be done to put things in order for the first performance. The extravaganza, which is in two big acts and 10 scenes, follows the familiar story of Robinson Crusoe in so far that it depicts the dream of a world-worn New York millionaire who yearns for the simplicity Robin- son Crusoe scorned. The attraction is claimed to have an unusual appeal to women and chil- dren and it is predicted that it will be one of the biggest successes ever shown in Detroit. Its successful show- ing at the Winter Garden stamps it as the senation of the season. AT THE MAJESTIC Bessie Browing is the headliner in the vaudeville bill for the first part of this week. She is an impersonator of rare ability. Her impersonations are original, individual, and keenly humorous. June Janin in "Petticoats creates a humorous situation for Kenneth Loane, who as Dr. Wilson gets around it most unusually. McGoods and Tate company render an exhibition of acrobatic strength and skill of rare ability. Holland, Dorsey, Schwartz, and Pel- tier are truly an exceptional quartet with good harmony and original songs. Schwartz gives a good reading and the quartet close their number with a patriotic song in representative cos- tumes. Nelson and Elsie Story open the bill in rendering some clever songs and music. County Board of Auditors Reports The report of the board of county auditors for January shows that the expense to which Washtenaw county was put during that period was $7,- 582.42. The expenses are distributed as follows: County, $2,186.71; county officer fund, $2,643.16; contagious fund, for medical care and supplies and other details, $2,546.06. The remaind- er of the amount comes from the cost of fuel, light, and other matters con- nected with the courthouse here and the county jail. LOCKWOOD AS SOLOIST AROUSESAMIRATION RENDITION OF SEVERAL VARIED NUMBERS DELIGHTS LARGE AUDIENCE AT CONCERT Mr. Albert Lockwood, head of the piano department of the University School of Music, appeared as soloist with the University Symphony orches- tra in Hill auditorium yesterday after- noon and his faultless playing aroused much admiration. Mr. Lockwood played Chopin's "Andante Spianato and Polonaise, Op. 22" and Liszt's "Todtentanz" with the orchestra and great pleasure was derived from these numbers. The Todtentanz, which is decidedly gruesome and melancholy in its color effects, is, nevertheless, very elaborate in its construction and the many cadenzas afford the soloist ample opportunity to display his abil- ity. This number, as played by Mr. Lockwood with the orchestra, was an unusually effective one. The orchestra opened the program with Wekerlin's "Marche Gaul oise," which was followed by Schubert's "Symphony in B minor." These num- bers were well played and the per- formances were a credit to the organ- ization. Although usually somewhat unsteady when accompanying a solo- ist, the work of the orchestra yester- day in accompanying Mr. Lockwood's numbers was splendid and made good substantial background for the solos. The last number of the pre-festival series of concerts will be given in Hill auditorium tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock, when two distinguished in- strumentalists will appear in a joint recital: Harold Bauer, who is known as the master pianist and who has be- come a favorite in Ann Arbor, and Pablo Casals, the Spanish 'cellist, who is credited with being the world's greatest performer on this instrument. The program will afford an oppor- tunity to hear them together in two numbers, Beethoven's Sonata in A ma- jor, with which the program will be opened, and Grieg's Sonata in A minor, Op. 36, which will close the program. The second number will be given by Mr. Bauer and will consist of "Scenes from Childhood" by Schumann, in which various scenes from child life will be presented, such as "From For- eign Lands," "Funny Story," "Blind Man's Buff," "Entreating Child," "Per- fect Contentment," "Important Event," "Dreaming," "At the Fireside," "The Rocking Horse," "Almost Too Seri- ous," "Frightening," "Child Falling "Asleep," "The Poet Speaks," while Mr. Casals will be heard in Bach's Suite in G major. Mr. May Speaks to '19 Engineers Dr. G. A. May will deliver his health. talk before the sophomore assembly at 8 o'clock Thursday morning. Dr, May has numerous slides on this sub- ject which he will show at this time. Attendance will be taken and it is very urgent that all members of the class be present. During the past week F. T. Schutt, R. L. Storer, and L. W. Page were appointed on the committee for the collection of late class dues. Initiation Banquets, Dinner Dances, Dancing parties. Delta Cafe. 27-8, 1-2-3-4 WHEN 'LAW'_MEETS 'LAW' BROTHER IN PROFESSION CHIDES WRITER OF CAUSTIC ATTACK ON MEN OF THE BOILERS Editor, The Michigan Daily: The uncalled for and unreasonable attack of Mr. A of our Law school, was indeed amusing, and was thought by many to be just what the answering engineers characterised it as, a 'hasty generalization, based on illogical rea- soning. I was glad to see that the articles of the engineers were a per- sonal indictment, rather than an in- dictment of the school in which Mr. A claims to register. It shows that the engineers realize that the law men do not feel as the article indicated. The unjust accusation against the en- gineers has already been ably ans- wered, let us now consider the cause for this seeming animosity. Ever since arriving on the campus, I have heard the slams pass between the two schools at the opposite ends of the diagonal walk. These have usually been of a friendly nature, brought on by the natural rivalry of the various colleges on a large cam- pus such as ours. This rivalry is a good thing as long as it does not go to far; it tends toward pride of col- lege and it makes a man desirous of so acting as to well represent the school in which he is enrolled. But when this rivalry breaks out into unjust and ill-advised attacks, a halt should be called and time given to consider. Such petty grievances as our brother law has mentioned should find no place in a daily which circu- I r1 I j * r k . . . r r' . " ~ r i '''" / I , 1 i t i Y t c f lates throughout the country, it gives men the wrong idea of Michigan. Such is not the stand of a Michigan man, but of a high school boy who has a grouch; and let us be quick in assur- ing all who have read the articles that this is not the real spirit at the Maize and Blue school. Friendly rivalry tending toward a greater University--yes; but uncalled for and kiddish attack-decidedly no. So let this real, true spirit of rivalry continue, but let us have no more fallacious indictments promolgated. C. E. HUTTOR, '17-'19L. STARVE PREACHER, YET KNOCK Sehermerhorn Criticises System of Underpaying Clergymen James Schermerhorn, president and general manager of the Detroit Times, delivered the second of the Wesleyan Guild lectures of the semester before a large audience in the First M. E. church Sunday night. This was Mr. Schermerhorn's first appearance in Ann Arbor as a Wesley- an Guild lecturer. In his address on "Answer to Advertisement: The Plaint of a Pewholder," he emphasized the fact that the calls of the church are not answered freely enough. The church is the advertisement of the kingdom of God and man may benefit by answering it, the speaker said. The pewholder often criticises the man in the pulpit, yet practically every clergyman is underpaid. Lucia Ames Mead of Boston, secre- tary of the women's peace party will appear next Sunday night, March 4, as the next lecturer in the Wesleyan Guild series. Little Glimpses Into Your Telephone-No. I THE HIGH JUMPER is a spectacular performer on the field, but the fellow who can walk through the Iliads of Homer from Sep- tember to June without flunking is the fellow who can walk through life undaunted by any of its problems. A long and steady pull wins in the end, and this comes from the right food combined with rational exercise. The right food is Shredded Wheat -the favorite food of men who do things in the class- room and on the athletic field. It contains all the muscle-building, brain-making material in the whole wheat grain made digestible by steam-cooking, shred- ding and baking. It puts gimp and ginger into the tired brain and worn-out body. It is on the training table of nearly every college and university in the United States and Canada. Some of the most promi- nent coaches in foot-ball, and other forms of athletic games have given it preference over all other foods. Made only by The Shredded Wheat Company, Niagara Falls, N.Y. HEAR Pablo Casals in your own home any time. We have a full ,line of Casals records. AlniendingerMusIC S hop 122 E. Liberty St. The Mouthpiece SCIENCE and the experience of years have combined to determine the size and shape and the material used in the Bell telephone mouthpiece. This part of the telephone is designed to gather the sound waves .of the voice, and will do this when the -lips of the person speaking are about half an inch from, and directly in front of it. When speech is directed to the mouthpiece at an angle, or from a distance of from six inches to a foot away, the person at the other end of the line cannot hear your voice distinctly. The best results will be obtained, when telephoning, by speaking close to the transmitter, and in a clear, not-too-loud tone of voice. Michigan State Telephone Company J. J. Kelly, Manager Telephone 500 _9