ti UIIU11 U IMLLL III SNAPPYSLU-"FEST Men Give Promise for Real Old-Time Iiamond Aggregation; Squad Shows Big Improvement YESTERDAY'S ROLL CALL SHOWS LET-UP IN NUMBERS Shorty Miller Fails to Sign Up; Cap Brandell Pulls Big-league Stuff In Work-out Yesterday was another off day for Varsity baseball attendance. About 40 men appeared for work, out of a total list of 55 plus some few who have not yet signed their names to the register. Classes are probably more to blame than anything else for the temporary lapse. as most of the candidates are taking their greatest number of class- es Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. The practice period coming at the early part of the afternoon also interferes, to some extent, with chances for get- ting out. Practice yesterday was probably the snappiest yet held. The men are work- ing hard and showing more ability per capita than for several seasons past. The coach divided the squad into in- fielders and outfielders during the lat- ter part of the period and took over the infielders personaaly, with the re- sult that all the prospective first, sec- ond, and third sackers, pitchers and the two lonely candidates for short stop received a regular day's work. The work of most of the men is showing marked improvement, and those who are not showing any en- couraging signs may be unofficially dropped from time to time in the near future, although there is nothing au- thoritative in the statement. Both Lar- son and Dancer, who are ostensibly battling for the position at short, are looking extraordinarily good under fire from the coach's willow, scooping most of the hard ones in after the Honus Wagner school theory. Captain Brandell worked with the infielders yesterday and covered the floor In great style after probably the hardest ones the coach could deliver without loos- ening some of the plaster from the Do You Enjoy Outdoor Sports? If so, you like skating, and to thoroughly enjoy this healthful exercise you must be correctly corsetted. =k *k * ~ * * * * ** * * * ** * * * NICHIGAN VILL HAVE BIG NINE ALL HER VERY OWN Catchers Eager, Keen, Mattson, Under- wood, Morrison, Marcinkiewicz, Fraser, Haidler, Payne, Dunne. First Base Wehmeyer, McAllister, Coop-, er, Charpiot, Gardner, Newell. Seconid Base Guardia, Sallwasser, Middle- ditch, Labadie. Third Base King, Horwitz. Short Stop Larson, Dancer. Pitchers Parks, Pettigrew, Cutting, Hild- ner, Crockett, Saunders, Birming- ham, Van Cleef, McAllister, Cart- wright, Petts, Gariepy, Lush, Payette, Stuart, W. A. Niemann, Martin, Bailey, Gotfredsen,Brand, Dwyer, Ohlnmacher, H-ibbard. Outfield Trost, Van Cleef, Kirchgess- ner, W. K. Niemann, Ferguson, Harris, Garrett, Reem, Gracey, Smith. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * INJURY MAY CO ST ENTRY IN RELAYS' Le Scofield Slowed Down by Charley- horse; Must Regain Condition by End of Week} MAY NOT ENTER TEAMS IN LONGER FOUR-MEN EVENTS Cec Cross Expected to Give Mucks of Wisconsin Race of Life in Weight Events Le Scofield may set the best laid plans of Coach Farrell all to naught this week. Le yesterday was so much off form that the fastest man among the quar- ter milers to date may be useless for the western conference intercollegiates at Urbana Saturday. A Charleyhorse has such a grip on the sprinter that his attempts to get up speed yester- day were useless. The failure of Scofield to get back into shape before the last of the week may cause Farrell to abandon his plans in sending a mile relay team, since Chicago and two other schools are known to possess fast teams in this event. I I i I' , i 3 Steve is also uncertain whether he 1. Every absence should be E will send a two or four-mile relay plained within one week. team to the big carnival. It Is just 2. Every absence not explain possible that neither one will be sent. within two weeks will be marked u Trials will be held tomorrow after- excused. noon to determine the final outcome. 3. Each absence on the day ii In case neither of the longer relay mediately preceding or following a v teams are sent, the tracksters may be cation or holiday is counted as threE minus Captain Carroll, since no mile The recent practice of sending a ' * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * wall. King, Horwitz' understudy of COP GAME BY 46 McGinnis' 1916 All-fresh, from present appearances, looks like a strong bid- der for that position on the Varsity Wolverine Pin Spillers Head this year. Intercollegiate Classic Birmingham, twirler, took his work- with the infielders. Rumor has it that Having bowled three matche Birmy may perhaps be shifted to the intercollegiate league, Mi squad of candidates for first base, team at present heads the li and that, once over in that division. latest victory was scored & is likely to make things warm for all when the Wolverine team took concerned. of three games from our agri Shorty Miller was observed in the neighbors. The marks set b gym at work but as yet has failed to C., as received by CaptainS make his mark on the Varsity regis- yesterday, show the Farmers1 ter. Glenn also is evasive. Reports gotten the jump in the firs are that when some of the hurling and copped by 29 pins. Thi squad attempted to sign their names first game the Michigan rep the pencil curved all the way round tives have lost since their de the sheet. the league. Word has finally been receiv RIFLE CLUB COMES Ithaca explaining the delinqu sending the scores of two e mTL7Tr!T TfU T7[T TLT 1 PINS List in run will be held. Cec Cross may be expected to give+ Arlie Mucks, the giant Wisconsin shot1 heaver, a run for his life in the leadI ball contest unless Mucks shows much] better prowess than he did against Notre Dame last Saturday. In thisf meet Mucks was beaten in the shot by , Bachman, and the Badgers lost the dual to the Catholics by 10 points. IfC Mucks is right, no one will concede7 Cec even a fair chance of defeatingj the big boy who was practically un- beatable last season.t HAL EXPLAINS SYSTEM REGISTRAR TELLS METHOD TO BE USED BY ATTENDANCE COM- MITTEE IN FUTURE Editor, The Michigan Daily:I In the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, the rules governing at- tendance are as follows:f notices or summonses when a number of absences have accumulated ha given rise to the supposition that the responsibility for prompt attention rests on the committee on attendance instead of the student, ."who alone should bear it. The committee wil therefore henceforth discontinue the sending of such notices and will un- derstand that students will present within the two weeks all excuses which they deem satisfactory. Strici record will be kept and at the end of the semester excessive absence will be appropriately penalized by warning, sc as to bar participation in activities, or by reduction of credit. ARTHUR G. HALL, Registrar. Prof. Hegner to Speak in South Haven "Michigan Bird Life and Its Obser- vation' is the subject of a lecture to be given by Prof. R. W. Hegner tomor- row night in South Haven. e es in the chigan's st. The aturday two out cultural y M. A. Schopfle to have t game S is the resenta- but into ed from ency in eks ago. Let us for you. plan a unique Delta Cafe. dinner danc 27-8, 1-2-- Delta Cafe. I Announcement I T HRKUUGHi WITH11836 Bateman Claims High-man Title with Accumulation of 176 points; Nicholson Second with 169 In a match held in the range of the Rifle club last week, the Wolverine sharpshooters turned out a team total of 836. Bateman was high man for the Michiganders, puncturing the target for a 176 count. Nicholson, of last year's aggregation, pulled in sec- ond with a tally of 169. The average for the other three men who repre- sented Michigan were as follows : Waterbury, 166; Warren, 165, and Cut- ting, 160. The poor showing of the Michigan aggregation this year is due in large part to the delay in completion of the rifle range, as well as to the change in the rules governing the teams in Delta Cafe can accommodate twenty couples. See Mr. Konold. 27-8,1-2-3-4 Get your shoes fixed at Paul's Place, 611 E. William St. 5tf The Cornell faculty seem to have prov- ed themselves primarily the offenders and on account of some trouble be- tween aforementioned faculty and the Ithacan bowling squad, the eastern end of the match was not played. Ac- cording to the rules it is entirely in the hands of Michigan as to whethe or not the Cornellians may roll them, games and not be accredited with a forfeit. The scores of the M. A. C. match are as follows: / new Postal WING to the fact that our business has increased to suc/ an extent since our opening, we have been forced to move to larger quarters, and are now occupying the store on the corner of the Nickel Arcade and Maynard Street (opposite the I a Sub. Station.) We extend another invitation to our customers and all others to visit our New Store. Michigan M. A. C. Team First Second ThirL Game Game Game ......851 850 842 ......880 798 819 average-Michigan.....2543 M. A. C......2497 Kodak Florist Phone 600 Corner Arcade and Maynard Dent Hockeyists Default to Lit Team Because thew were unable to corral the seven necessary puck-chasers for their scheduled game yesterday, the Dent aggregation was forced to for- feit to the junior-senior hockey ag- gregation. Try a Michigan Daily Want Ad. Ii ESTABLISHED 1818 MADISON AVENUE COR. FORTY-FOURTH STREET NEW YORK Telephone Murray Hill 8800 Our Representative, Mr. D. L. Gray, will be at the HOTEL PONTCHARTRAIN, Detroit Tomorrow and Thursday February 28th and March ist with Samples of Ready-made Clothing Furnishings, Hats and Shoes for Spring A copy of our New Illustrated Catalogue containing more than One Hundred Photographic plates will be mailed to anyone mentioning The MIC0HIGAN DAILY To the Men Who Look Ahead YOU NEED A spring suit or overcoat, in fact you must have one. THE QUESTION is simply whether you want to wait and pay advanced prices later or whether you will take advantage of the Ward old price now. I HAVE MADE GOOD in the estimation of the many customers for whom I already made garments, because every one of our gar- ments is made to fit and to satisfy. Made on the pre- mises right here in Ann Arbor. In order to increase the number of satisfied customers I will, beginning Today give for a short period only A Double Texture Guaranteed, Waterproof Raincoat F R E E with every suit or overcoat. COME IN NOW The selection is very good, because of the new spring woolens we receive daily. The prices are the same as last seas n in spite of all war condition- and besideswe give you a guaranteed raincoat that is worth no less than $8.00 F R E E. Yes, Please dont' forget the story about the early bird. Ward's Klassy Kut Klothes F. W. Allen, Mgr. Phone 244-R 118 E. Huron I I I You must be comfortable, and still you want your figure to be trim. meet all these requirements. There are models distinctly made for "sports" wear, and each model is a fashionable shaping corset. Be fitted to your Redfern Comet. BOSTON SALES-OFFICES TRMEONT COR. BOYLSTON sTREET NEWPORT SALES-OFFICES 220 BELLEVUE AVENUE 1'' i A eA, i. . e for College hen These are two of the 24 popular shapes in which you can get the Stratford 75c and up W D C Hand Made $1.00 and up Each a fine pipe, with sterling silver ring And vulcanite bit. Leading dealers in town carry a full as- sortment. Select your favorite style. WM. DEMUTH & CO. New York $3 and up For Sale by Genuine French Br iar 9 - . 121 East Washington Street Michigan men have long apptr