--.-" with all of the conference teams and yet- need not be hampered by any of the conference rules except those re- lating to eligibility, thus enabling her to maintain a training table and to play an unlimited number of games in each football season. It was to meet this situation that the conference adopted the so-called "boycott rule" which provided that no member of the conference should en- gage in athletic competition with any college which had previously been a member of the conference but had withdrawn. The suggestion was ef- fective and Minnesota, perceiving that' her athletics would be hopeless with- out the conference competition, re- mained in the fold. Students Begin to Doubt In the meantime, all was not easy sailing with Michigan athletics. In- stead of the expected series of tri- umphs over Yale, Harvard, and Prince- ton, the Wolverines had games with Pennsylvania and Syracuse and met defeats instead of victories. The great success of the Minnesota games in 1909 and 1910 turned the eyes of the students in the game toward the west, and many of the students began to doubt whether or not the withdrawal from the conference had been wise. The same doubt seemed to be grow- ing in the minds of the alumni. The faculty still maintained their opinion that Michigan should be a member of the conference. The question was debated pro and con for several years. In the mean- time, the board of control had again been reorganized by the board of re- gents. The new board consisted of four faculty representatives, three alumni, three students, and the di- rector of outdoor athletics. Board Cpp;ses (onference This board was at first almost un- animousl anti-conference in sentiment so much so that when in 1912 a peti- tion from the captains of the football, baseball, and track teams was pre- sented to it, asking the board to take steps looking toward a resumption of athletic relations with the conference colleges, they adopted a resolution that "we have no intention of return- ing to the present conference, and wish this fact be remembered and un- derstood by all." Sentiment was, however, apparently turning decidedly toward readmission to the conference. The student members of the board elected in 1912 were not, as theretofore, unanimously opposed; other members of the board had also decided that a return was advisable and on "March 22, 1913, the board in control by vote of 6 to 5, resolved: "In favor of return to the conference with a board in con- trol re-constituted so as to includ a majority of faculty members, with a veto power over the actions of the board residing in the president of the University." Two days later the University sen- ate als > adopted a resolution favoring a return to the conference. Numerous alumni associations also adopted reso- lutions to the same effect. It was, of course, necessary that some of the faculty control of athletics be adopt- ed before Michigan could be eligible for membership in the conference, but no action toward re-constituting the board in control so as to secure such control was taken. Daily Starts Campaign In the fall of 1913 the newly elected student members of the board in con- trol demanded that some action be taken by the board to secure results. The Daily started a campaign looking to the same end, and the board in con- trol finally referred the whole matter to the board of regents asking for c- tion on its part. In the meantime The Daily conducted a vote of the students on the question. In the campaign preceding this vote' it appeared that there was, contrary to the general impression, consider- able opposition to their return. This opposition was well organized and well supported by some influential alumni, and undertook a campaign which suc- ceeded in overturning the apparent majority in favor of a return to the conference, and resulted in an over- whelming student vote against a re- turn. This vote was taken on November 6. At the November meeting of the board of regents held a few days later the board, with one dissenting vote, adopted a resolution in which it. "deems inexpedient under existing conditions, a return of the University of Michigan to the western. conference and deems undesirable a continued agitation of the subject on the cam- pus." Trend Toward Conference No further agitation of the subject has been made public until the action taken yesterday by the board in con, trol of athletics, but the growing real- ization of Michigan's unfortunate situ- ation in athletic matters seems again to have resulted in a pretty general feeling on the part of students, facul- ty and alumni that Michigan should return to the conference. The final decision lies with the re gents, who alone have the power to alter Michigan's plan of regulating and conducting athletics so as to make it comply with the conference's re- quirements of membership, full and complete faculty control. STUDENT COUNCIL WILL SEND DELEGATES TO BIG 9 MEETING A. S. hart, 117, and 31. F. Dunne, '17L, Chosen to Attend Conference at Purdue Indicating that the members of the western conference are anxious to af- filiate with Michigan along non-ath- letic lines, a letter has been received by the Student council inviting repre- sentatives from that organization to attend the annual conference of the Big Nine student council delegates to be held March 1, 2, and 3. "We would like in particular to hear the views of the representative from the University of Michigan on the honor system as it now exists at Mich- igan, and the attitude of that Univer- sity, among students and faculty, to- ward the resumption of athletic rela- tions with the Big Nine," says the Purdue student council in its letter. A.S. Hart, '17, and M. F. Dunne, '17L, were chosen by the council last night to represent Michigan in the confer- ence at Purdue. By a unanimous vote the Student council went on record as being in favor of the return to the conference by the University of Michigan. Lawrence Heustis, '17P, and W. B. Steele, '17D, were appointed as a com- mittee to decide upon a suitable date for the annual spring games. Choose Union Dance Committee Students chosen to serve on the Union dance committee for the regu- lar Union Saturday night dance this week are: Clarence T. Fishleigh, '17E, chairman: Henry L. Caulkins, '19, Sterling Parks, '19, and Howard N. Collins, '20E. Try The Daily for service. I I To the Men Who Look Ahead A spring suit or overcoat, in fact you must have one. THE QUESTION is simply whether you want to wait and pay advanced prices later or whether you will take advantage of the Ward old price now. I HAVE MADE GOOD in the estimation of the many customers for whom I already made garments, because every one of our gar- ments is made to fit and to satisfy. Made on the pre- mises right here in Ann Arbor. In order to increase the number of satisfied customers I will, beginning Saturday, 24th give for a short period only A Double Texture Guaranteed, Waterproof Raincoat F R E E with every suit or overcoat. COME IN NOW The selection is very good, because of the new spring woolens we receive daily. The prices are the same as last season in spite of all war conditions and besides we give you a guaranteed raincoat that is worth no less than $8.00 F R E E. Yes, Please dont' forget the story about the early bird. Ward's Klassy Kut Klothes 118 E. Huron