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February 23, 1917 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1917-02-23

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Alumni from All Over Country Ex-
press Desire to See Wolverines
Back in Big Nine
Messages Slow Hopes for Speedy and
t nqualified Return to Form-
er Relations
Robert H. Cook, '06L, secretary, Sag-
inaw alumni association: "Michigan's
place is in the conference. I heartily
endorse an honorable return."
Andrew Lenderink, '06E, secretary,
Kalamazoo alumni association: "Did
not favor return. Hope that return
will replace Michigan as leader of
the West."
J. R. Rogers, '90, secretary Grand
Rapids Alumni association - "We
heartily approve if Michigan with dig-
nity can re-enter the conference whose
components are our natural rivals."
G. L. Harmon, '06L, secretary Bay
City Alumni association-"Michigan's
return to the conference is a desir-
able move provided it does not mean
the entire elimination of one or more
eastern games."
X. D. Bensley, '13E, secretary Buf-
falo, N. Y., Alumni association-"Con-
ference satisfactory but do not throw;
out eastern games."
Thousands of Michigan graduates
from all over the United States have
expressed their desire to see the Wol-
verines back in the western confer-I
ence through actions of the variousI
alumni associations. From East, West,
North, and South, the messages have
poured in, telling of the discontenti
of the alumni at the present state of+
athletic affairs at Michigan and put-+
ting forth their hopes for a speedy and
unqualified return to competition with+
its ancient rivals. Votes have been
taken in the associations, and the re-1
sult has always been overwhelmingly
in favor of a return to the western
Detroit for Return, 6 to 1
Just one week ago, the question was
brought before the Detroit alumni
body, and the result showed 358 in fav-
or of an unqualified return, 58 de-
finitely against, and 16 who would fav-
or such a move if the conference
would accede to certain conditiofis.
The graduate associations of other
Michigan cities have been just as
strongly in favor.
It is popularly supposed that ath-
letes of the post-conference era were
among the strongest opposers of a re-
turn; but the Saginaw alumni associ-
ation, a body controlled by such men
as Heinie Lichtner, Frank Picard,
Clem and Cy Quinn, and Emil Tessin,
ai1 of whom have battled for the Maize
a:d Blue on the gridiron, has voted
o:erwhelmingly for a return.
San Francisco Unanmous
A telegram received by The Daily
from Inman Sealby, vice-president of
the San Francisco association, states
that that body voted unanimously for
an immediate and unqualified return
to the conference. Norman Hill, cap-
tain of the 1910 baseball team, and at
present managing editor of the Sault
Ste.- Marie Evening News, in a letter
gives it as his opinion, formed by a
careful review of newspaper comment
and alumni sentiment throughout the
Upper Peninslua, that the Michigan
men in the north of the state are
strongly in favor of re-establishing
western competition, attributing all of
Michigan's present athletic ills to the

present unsatisfactory schedules.
Chicago Unanimous
Chicago alumni have always been
among the strongest exponents of the
"Back to the Conference" move. It
was through their influence that the
game was arranged last fall between
the All-fresh football team and Evans-
ton academy. In a communication to
The Daily, Roger Sherman, '94, presi-
cent of the alumni association of that
city, says:
"The great majority of the alumniI
in and about Chicago, not only favor;
the resumption of athletic relations
with the conference colleges, but they
are most enthusiastically in favor of
it. The general feeling is that the past
should be forgotten. The alumni are
convinced that the conference colleges
are willing to meet us in a spirit of
generosity and with no thonght of go-
ing back to old contentions. They will
meet us as one business man meets
another-with the paramount desire
(Continued on rage Six.)
For results advertise in the Mich-
gan Daily.

Conference Return Mleans Setter
Schedules in Athletics for 19181

* * * * * * * * * * **

* * * * * * * * * 1


Oct. 3--University of Detroit.
Oct. 6-Case Scientific School.
Oct. 10-Western State Normal Col-
Oct. 17-Mt. Union College.
Oct. 20-Michigan Agricultural Col-
Oct. 27-University of Nebraska.
Nov. 3-Kalamazoo College.
Nov. 10-Cornell University.
Nov. 17-University of Pennsylvan-
ia, at Philadelphia.

Oct. 5-University of Indiana.
Oct. 12-Ohio State University.-
Oct. 19-Michigan Agricultural
Oct. 26-University of Wisconsin.
Nov. 2-Cornell University.
Nov. 9-University of Pennsyl-
Nov. 16-University of Minnesota.


* * * * * * * * * * * * *I
In re-entering the western confer-
ence what will Michigan get in return
through athletics?
It takes no great stretch of the im-
agination to picture a far better foot-
fall schedule for the Yostmen in 1918
than the 1917 bookings show.
The conference allows its members
to play but seven gridiron clashes per
season. Michigan has been accus-
tomed to the eight or nine card.
Whether this is an advantage or dis-
advantage to the footballers them-
selves might be argued to the end of
time without reaching any sort of
agreement. Certain it is that it will
not be a serious financial depression,
as the mid-week games draw but few
outsiders at best.
Picture MIchigan vs. Minnesota
Conference for the Wolverines
means the return of the annual Min-
nesota-Michigan classics. When the
Big Nine compelled the Gopher to abol-
ish the Wolverine from its bookings,
it took away the biggest card of west-
ern football. They may talk of Wis-
consin and Minnesota clashing before
the assembled multitudes, or of Chi-
cago and Illinois putting on their an-
nual struggle, but they never have
been mentioned alongside of the Wol-
verine-Gopher match.
The Yostmen can play practically
any of the other nine teams in the
conference, and can maintain bookings
with Cornell and Pennsylvania as well.
Michigan will undoubtedly desire to
play three and possibly four games
in the conference. Two big games,
and the remainder early season
Indiana, Purdue, Iowa, Ohio State,
and Northwestern will be capable
teams to meet the Wolverine in the
first few games. Wisconsin, Minnesota,
Chicago, and Illinois can furnish a
30,000 crowd plenty of thrillers during
the closing part of the season.

,* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Daseball and Basketball Not Harmed
Conference rulings expressly stipu-
late that no more than 12 baseball and
basketball clashes may be held with
other teams in the Big Nine. There
is no ruling on the total number of
games which may be played with out-
siders, and no lower limit as to the
number of conference games. This is,
of course, no hardship of any sort.
Twelve games in each of the two
branches allows each member to play
every other member at least once, an(
allows a team to play two or more
games. with teams in the conference
which are in its class.
Basketball will witness its first sea-
son at Michigan next winter. The
strength of the team compared to the
conference is naturally a matter to-
tally for conjecture. It is safe to say
that within three years the Wolver-
ines will be represented by a very
capable quintet of basket tossers.
Possibly Three Baseball Trips
Whether Michigan will make its
customary eastern and southern trips
in baseball after joining the confer-
ence is a matter for the future. There
is nothing in conference rulings which
will prohibit them from doing so, and
making a tour of the conference cir-
cuit if the authorities desire it. Some
other feasible plan may be worked out,
whereby Michigan will take a western
trip every other season.
Coach Farrell would not be at all
hampered in his workings with track
athletes. Nothing in the Big Nine
agreement can be construed as involv-
ing track. The number of meets is
unlimited, while the opponents may
be picked with as much freedom as
Michigan has always possessed.
Dual meets with Wisconsin, Illinois,
and Minnesota, as well as the usual
Wolverine track program, and the
western intercollegiates, will look well
in the 1918 track schedule.

University Body Has Been Invariably
in Favor of Conference
Question Remains Dead Issue Until
1913 When. Resolutions Are
Although the control of athletics
passed out of the hands of the Uni-
versity senate with the withdrawal
from the conference in 1908, the gen-
era] sentiment of the senate has been
in favor of Michigan's return to the
Big Nine. Even before the sever-
ence of athletic relations with the
western teams, a motion made at a
meeting of the senate to the effect that
formal steps be taken to withdraw
from the conference failed to receive4
a support.
Despite outside influences, the sen-
ate has invariably leaned toward the
conference. Both the board in con-
trol of athletics and the Student coun-
cil referred the question of withdrawal
to the senate at its meeting of Feb.
19, 1907. The Senate, however, de-
sired to retain the regulation of ath-
letics and in that respect sent the fol-
lowing resolutions to the .board of
Resolved, that this body, while
recognizing the plenary power and
ultimate authority of the board
of regents, express the hope that
the Regents will deem it wise to
leave the regulation of student
athletics with the senate or its 4
representatives; that, as regards l
the particular question now un-

der discussion, this body has con nominate Senate members of the board
fidence in the judgment of the in control of athletics to the board
board in control of athletics. l of regents for their approval." Pre-
Disregard New Rules vious to this time, the deans of the
At the meeting of June 10, 1907, an- schools and colleges had nominated
other report was received from the the Senate members.
board in control of athletics. With
the conference adoption of five-game DEVOTION TO COUNTRY
schedules and limiting the players to IS PATRIOTISM-HAVILL
three years' Varsity experience, con-
siderable opposition arose at Michi- (Continued from Page One.)
gan. Although the board of regents vidual citizen. This is true of our gov-
became interested in the issue, no ac-
tion was taken at this time. ernment in its relations to its own
The board in control arranged a citizens and it stands also in its rela-
seven-game schedule and permitted tions to other nations.
four-year men to play. This action "For two years and a half now,"
on the part of Michigan culminated he said, "the world has been con-
in a special session of the conference, vulsed with the most stupendous war
where it was decided that Michigan of all history. This country is the
had surpassed her liberty in such mat- only first rate power in the world not
ters. Although Michigan did not play at present involved. Now, because
any conference teams in the fall of one of the combatants has run amuck,
1907, she maintained her relationship and has not only ceased to regard it-
in the conference. self as a member of the world's vigil-
Question Becomes Dead ence committee, but has itself become
During the period from 1908 to 1913, a marauder, we have found it neces-
the conference question was a dead sary to sever diplomatic relations with
issue in the Senate. But on March 24, her, and, I take it, this is but the serv-
1913, a pro-conference resolution was ice of notice that if the present threat
presented and adopted. The Senate be fulfilled, we shall organize or join
urged the control of athletics by the a vigilence committee. No patriot can
Senate and the return of Michigan to hold his peace if he thinks his coun-
the conference. try is, from cowardice or from moral
As a part of this resolution, the Sen- indifference, refraining from taking its
ate said, "Should Michigan apply for part in maintaining the . world's or-
readmission, instead of stipulating the der."


condition of her return, she should
leave any changes she may desire in
the present rules to the natural course
of business after her readmission."
These resolutions were reported to
the board of regents, but no further
action was taken on them.
A change was made during the
spring of 1915 in the nomination of
Senate members of the board in con-
trol of athletics. The board of reg-
ents cpmmunicated to the Senate on
May 24, 1915, the fBllowing resolution:
"Resolved, That the University Senate

In conclusion he held up the Unit
States as an example to the world
how separate communities surrende
ingk a part of their sovereignty to
larger organization could still devel
and pursue their individual aims wit
out interfering with those of the
Vermont house Defeats Suffrage
Montpelier, Vt., Feb. 22.-The V
mont house of representatives toda
defeated a bill providing for woma

Your Last Ch-nce


Modern collegiate athletics are tend-
ing more and more towards combina-
tion for purposes of conference upon
questions arising relative to matters
-arising between institutions. Most of
these conferences are themselves ad-
ministrative bodies, with correspond-
ing powers.
There are probably as many as a
score of these so-calleddconferences,
generally embracing a distinct geo-
graphical area. The one of most in-
terest to Michigan at the present time
is the WesternIntercollegiate confer-
ence, embracing Minnesota, Chicago,
Illinois, Wisconsin, Northwestern,
Ohio State, Indiana, Purdue, and Iowa.
Among other conferences in the west
are: Kansas College Athletic confer-
ence, Iowa Athletic conference, Rocky
Mountain Athletic conference, embrac-
ing the colleges of Colorado, Illinois
Intercollegiate Athletic conference,
Southwestern Intercollegiate Athletic
conference, Pacific Northwestern Ath-
letic conference in the far west, Ohio
conference, Michigan Intercollegiate
Athletic conference. These associa-
tions for the most part as indicated by
their names are confined to the small-
er colleges of the states.
The Southern Intercollegiate Ath-
letic conference embraces all the im-
portant institutions south of the Mas-
on and Dixon line. Vanderbilt, Georg-
ia Tech, Tennessee, Chattanooga, Ken-
tucky State, and Sewanee are all rep-
resented at the conference.
New Englanxd has one. The Asso.
ciation of New Enland colleges for
conference on Athletics embraces
nearly all the smaller, but athletically

important institutions. Brown, Am-
herst, Colby, Rutgers, Maine, Vermont.
and others are members.
Nebraska, the newcomer on Michi-
gan's 1917 football schedule is a mem-
ber of the Missouri Valley confer-
The famous eastern triumvirate.
Yale, Harvard, and Princeton have
formed a sort of quasi-conference for
their mutual benefit and protection.
Practically all the important schools
of the country are subject to the gen-
eral supervision of I. C. A. A. A. A
which regulates the general conduct
of amateur athletics.
Austin, Tex., Feb. 22.-The legis-
lature today passed a bill which per-
mits the re-entry to Texas of the
Standard Oil company, the Waters-
Pierce Oil company, which is now the
Pierce Oil corporation; the Magnolia
Petroleum company, the International
Harvester company, and other cor-
porations which were convicted of vio-
lating the anti-trust laws and per-
petually enjoinedfrom again doing
business in this state. The new law
provides that any corporation hereto-
fore convicted of violating the anti-
trust laws may againsengage in busi-
ness in Texas upon showing that they
have not violated the laws in question
since judgment was ordered against
them in the courts of this state.
Vaudeville Circuit Goes Bankrupt
Seattle, Wash., Feb. 22.-The Sulli-
van & Considine corporation, which
formerly operated a chain of vaude-
ville theaters extending from coast to
coast and into Canada, has filed a vol-
untary petition of bankruptcy in the
United States district court here. Lia-
bilities are scheduled at $204,000, as-
sets at $582,000. Most of the indebt-
edness is due to the estate of the late
Timothy D. Sullivan of New York.


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"That Young Men's Shot


Made at this time of the year

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