IIILII IflULL TRADE PAPER runsion and frot. Riggs Classmates FOOTBALL SMOKER T E SUPPLANTED By DINNER Civil GERMAN BREAK CREATES STIR IN PANAMA ZONE LOCKS iL', 1E i I UNDER DOUBLE GUARI) AND DEADLINE ESTABLISHED Engineer Head and General Both Attended University of Kansas Sees Little Hope fning out U-boat Tangle of LACK OF AVAILABLE SPACE REASON FOR CHANGE OF PLANS Is ON ON THE AMERICAN )ADS BECOMING ACUTE nded Cars in East; West Is rt 60,000; Elevators Overflowing wing the week's develop- e German submarine crisis, Review draws the rather conclusion that war is al- table. It asserts that the tes should throw her entire e on the side of the allies, at we have little efficient orce at, our command at t says that the one physical ow possess is our enormous tore of money and credit. Lew states that our reasons pture with Germany are the .ose for which the allies en- war-"murderous violations lonal law in which Germany ed humanity." Because of :n interests, we should aid >y an immediate loan of sev- is of dollars, which, it says, amply secured by the com- Ith of the allies, amounting 00,000,000,000. a it is asserted that our mili- lure must be in concert with as we alone have no means ermany to alter her policy. d naval preparations will be celerated at the outbreak es. In one respect we are pared than ever before. The years have given American makers opportunity to de- ndustry and greatly improve . The present program of in Congress is a step in the tion, and the Review assails gressmen who have oppos- Maj.-Gen. Frederick Funston, whose sudden death in Sad Antonio, Tex., Monday night, brought sorrow to the entire nation, was a classmate of Prof. H. E. Riggs, head of the civil engineer- ing department, in the University of Kansas during the late eighties. They were very close friends during their college days, and the news of General Funston's death recalled to Professor Rigg's mind many of the early events in the life of the military hero. They were members of a hunting party to Colorado in the summer of 1889. Former Governor Hadley of Missouri, William Allen White, and Prof. W. S. Franklin, of Lehigh univer- sity, were also in. the party. Prof. Riggs states that Funston was one of the best camping companions he ever met. He was a good. story teller, a good cook, and a handy man in the forest. - Gen. Funston at that time was rath- er short and heavy set, and of a retir- ing disposition. The fact that he was the son of a congressman attracted much attention to him in the univer- sity, and he always resented such at- tention. After leaving college, Funston join- ed an expedition ti survey Death val- ley, in California. From there he went to Alaska, where he was in charge of a party doing government research work. He was the only white man in the expedition. Later he drifted into Central America, and took part in the Cuban revolution. When war was de- clared between the United States and Spain, Funston became colonel of the first Kansas volunteers and went to the Phillippines. It was in the Philippine Islands that he first became famous, by the capture Instead of the regular football smoker given every fall by the Michi- gan Union, a general football dinner to be held in Waterman gymnasium will be< an innovation of the coming season. The change was decided upon yes- terday by the board of directors of the Union and is deemed advisable because of the fact that the new gym- nasium is no longer available for smokers, while Weinberg's coliseum, the scene of the big affair last fall, proved too cold. The dinner will be served by the col- legiate alumni, whose dinners served to more than 1,000 guests during Commencement week, prove very suc- cessful. Years ago when football din- ners were given in the gymnasium they were attended by from 1,200 to 1,500 students, and it is expected that the awarding of the M certificates will be a larger event than ever next fall. At the meeting of the board, the fi- nancial report of the Union was ac- cepted, and the Union opera itinerary approved. The opera budget sub- mitted by Homer Heath was approved after consultation with the chairmen of the various opera committees. The constitutional committee was give' authority to arrange for neces- sary changes in the Union's constitu- tion preparatory to moving into the new building. The present house com- mittee was authorized to draw up house rules for the new Union and to give them publicity in The Michigan Daily. LOCAL RED CROSS IS MADE CHAPTER OF NATIONAL BODY ** * * * * * * * * * This is the first of it series of articles written by a Iichi- * gai alumnus and former mem- * ber of The Daily staff, who is now enlisted in the army and * stationed in the Panama canal zone. The articles will describe points along the canal zone with * particular reference to their * strategical value, and will give interesting accounts of life in the army. * The present article describes * military precautions taken to guard the canal following the diplomatic break with Germany. -* .4 * i. * * * * * *k 3, *k t lmness Prevails Through U. S. 'ing the present crisis the coun- is gone about its daily business ual, not because of ignorance of act that the nation is passing gh a period surcharged with ntous possibilities but because of haracteristic calmness of the sh-speaking races. In the Middle the sentiment is becoming less able to pacifism, due to the fact he effects of the German block- being felt there very strongly. Review states that "we are y suffering commercially from any's edict." The congestion of erce has become acute. Thirty a.ds are reported to have shut off und shipments almost altogeth- il the large quantities of merch- at the piers awaiting shipment been cleared away. There are cars waiting to be unloaded East, and the West is short 60,- ars. Thirty million bushels of are tied up in Chicago. The ors at Minneapolis are literally ng over, and will have to close situation is not relieved. only relief for the congestion, eview points out, is to follow the of England and France in arm- .erchant ships or providing con- for them, adding that "the de- on the arming of American may now be delayed until the problem of hostility is settled." e meantime, commerce and ship- will suffer. leserve Banks Storing Gold the event of war, the Federal ve bank will be a factor in pro! for all financial exigencies. The .1 of $25,000,00 in gold from Rus- arks the entry of the bank into pen market for gold. War possi- s make it all the more desirable rery large gold holdings be ac- lated by the American reserve n. The Review states that "the :e taken by the Banking board ling foreign loans, if it was in- I by any excessive neutral feel- nay now be reversed, as we are nger neutral. The banking sys- nust be ranged with the army, avy, and the railroads to help he war, if the crisis comes." the stock market large amounts pital have been withheld from ment pending developments. s have been reduced to bargain , in spite of the prospects for ally large profits. For instance, I States Steel common, which ses to earn $50.00 per share this is selling at 105. r and County Offices to Close office of the city and county offices in the city and county ngs will be closed all day to- w because of Washington's of Aguinaldo. After that he was trans- ferred to the regular army, where hist rise was rapid. He was in San Fran- cisco at the time of the earthquake, and he helped to relieve the thousandsE of refugees. His part as commander of the American forces in Mexico is well known. It is a curious fact aboutE his career that he always seemed tot be on the spot when big things brokef loose. SPECIAL DANCES TO PROVIDE t ENTERTAINMENT AT COTILLION, Physical Education Department Func-, tion to Begin at Eight o'clock The cotillion which the department of physical education for women willj give at Barbour gymnasium, Friday, evening will be opened at 8 o'clock with a feature dance by eight college girls. The figures will be led by Missi Alice Evans, physical director, with the assistance of Miss Marian Dawley and Miss Marian Wood, instructors in the department.' Simple ,white dresses Worn by the guests will add greatly to the beauty of the favor dances in which the hol- iday of the week will not be forgotten.; A so-called "couple dance" will put in, its appearance later in the evening.; Those taking part in the first dance; are: Eilene Lamb, '18, Carrie Baxter, '17, Margaret Bright, '19, Helen Pratt, '17, Ruth Butler, '17, Helen G. Davis, '17, Julia Van Leevwen, '17, and Milda Josenhaus, '18. Spectators may secure cards'of ad- mission by application at Barbour gymnasium and the tickets for the co- tillion are being given out there also. The annual athletic banquet of the Women's league will take place be- fore the party and tickets for it may be purchased at the office of the Dean. of Women or from th athletic com- mittee. MORE THAN 50 WOMEN ENROLL IN RED CROSS WORK CLASSES Registration for the Red Cross clas- ses has been going on rapidly at the office of Miss Alice Evans, director of Barbour gymnasium, and at the pres- ent time more than fifty have enrolled in the courses offered. Several prominent members of the medical faculty have offered their ser- vices in taking charge of the courses, of which there will be three. Fifteen lessons of an hour and a half each in simple hygiene and home nursing will be given at a maximum cost of $5.00, ten lessons in first aid will be given for $4.00, and a combination of the courses for $8.00. Sometime next week there will be a mass meeting of all those interested in the work, when groups will be or- ganized and the names of the instruc- tors announced. 0. G. Andres for shoe repairing. 222 S. State. 'Phone 1718-J. tues-od Miss Winona M. Saunders, secre- tary of the Ann Arbor chapter of the American Red Cross society, has re- ceived a letter from Mr. E. H. Wells, of Washington, D. C., assistant gener- al chairman of the central committee of the organization, to the effect that the local chapter has been established as a regular chapter of the national society and is entitled to its rights and privileges. The executive com- mittee met with the chairman of the various committees Monday afternoon at which Dr. J. A. Wessinger was ad- ded to the board of directors for one year, Miss Annie Condon for two years, and Mr. M. A. Ives for 'three years. Mrs. Flora Ward was appoint- ed chairman of the co-operation com- mittee. The publicity and member- ship committees will meet at 2:30 o'clock tomorrow afternoon in the physiological laboratory of Dr. W. P. Lombard in the pharmacology build- ing. Dr. Lombard wishes the com- mitteemen to enter the door directly opposite the flag pole on the campus. The following members who have been appointed on the publicity committee are asked to be present tomorrow: Dr. W. P. Lombard, Mr. H. H. Johnson, Miss Bertha Person, Mrs. S. W. Cram- er, Miss Cowden, Mrs. S. W. Clarkson, Rev. Lloyd Douglas. On the member- ship committee are the following: Rev. G. W. Knepper, Rev. Lloyd Doug- las, Mr. W. E. Underdown, Mr. E. A. Schaeberle, Mr. S. W. Clarkson, Mr. Charles Kyer, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Boynton, Mr. L. D. Wines, Mr. L. D. Wines, Mr. H. M. Slauson, Dr. E. K. Herdman, Mr. Fremont D. Ward. APPLICATIONS FOR CITY BANK SCHOLARSHIPS DUE MARCH 5 All candidates for the National City bank scholarship must hand in their applications to Prof. G. '. Dowrie, of the economics department, on or be- fore March 5. The faculty of the economics de- partment will select from these appli- cants three sophomores and three seniors. Those selected will meet with a representative of the National City bank who picks one or more of the candidates from each group. Information regarding qualifications necessary and the nature of the ap- plication may be obtained at the desk or on the bulletin board in the economics library. "Dollar a Month" Club Meets The committee for the relief of suf- fering children in Belgium, known as the "Dollar a Month" club will meet in Dr. Kelsey's office in the basement of Alumni Memorial hall this after- noon at 4:30 o'clock. Dr. Kelsey will bring before the committee several matters of importance relating to com- munications which he has just re- ceived from Mr. Herbert C. Hoover of the Hoover commission, New York. Patronize Daily Advertisers, In Camp at Gatun, C. Z., Feb. 5, 1917.E -(By mail).--- Members of "A" Co.,j 33rd. U. S., infantry, had just receiv-f ed their monthly pay from the quarter-I master, and were preparing to spend iti in the quickest manner possible int either Colon or Panama City, when the news was received that the German1 ambassador, Count von Bernstorrf, had been handed his passports, and order-1 ed to leave the United States, and that the United States ambassador to Ger-Y many, had been recalled. At first noi one believed that such a thing could be possible, and there were many hotI arguments over the veracity of the re- port. These were finally settled by ant order of the company commander toI the effect that no man should leave the1 barracks until further orders and thatI each man should draw 20 rounds of1 service ammunition and be prepared1 to "fall in" at any time. In five min- utes every rifle was free from oil andr kosmoline, cartridge belts were parti- ally filled with ball ammunition, and7 olive drab shirts had replaced the khaki coats. Fifteen minutes later the entire company marched to the locks to strengthen the guard that was already1 there. Along the locks two sentriesI walked side by side. Upon the gianti spillway five men were placed, two sentries at each end, and a non-com- missioned officer patrolling the bridge. The countersign was decided upon by the officer of the day, and orders1 were to challenge every one, and to advance no one who was un-1 familiar with the countersign. Per-; sons seen tampering with certain; parts of the spillway were to be shot without warning, and all boats1 approaching the spillway from Gatun1 lake were to be halted. Patrols roam- ed the grounds on both sides of the canal, and government launches pa- trolled both the locks and Gatun lake. On Sunday morning, war with the central powers seemed a certainty. A detachment from H company was sent to Colon to disperse a crowd of ex- cited Germans, who were discussing the situation, and shortly after that came the report that the German ships interned in Christobal harbor had been seized and manned by sailors from the "Charleston." Many rumors, emanat- ing from unknown sources, have been prevalent for the past twenty-four hours. At the Y. M. C. A. at Gatun an order issued by the superintendent of the locks caused a great deal of ex- citement among the civilian employees on the canal. It stated that a dead- line had been established, and that no one, be he white or black, could cross that line. Sentries on duty had orders to shoot any one violating this order and there would have been no hesit- ancy in carrying out the orders. A cablegram, announcing the capture of the "Deutschland" caused a ripple of interest. On Saturday morning the sight of the barnacle-encrusted Ger- man ships being towed through the locks to their tenative harbor in Gatun lake removed all shadow of doubt that may have existed regarding the reality of the break with Germany and her allies. The camp has regained its normal conditions. With the excep- tion of the doubled guard there is but little difference in the appearance of the key to the canal, Gatun, and the soldier takes his siesta in the after- noon little knowing or caring if he is to be awakened by the coast defense gun of Forts Randolph and Sherman, just six miles away. Senior Lits Dance Next Week Senior lits will hold their first dance of the semester on Friday, March 2, at the Armory. Ike Fisher's orchestra is to play for the party, which will continue from 9 to 1 o'clock. Tickets for the affair will go on sale the first "of next week, and are to be $1.00 each.' H. A. Fitzgerald, chairman of the social committee, of the senior literary class, is in charge of the ar- rangements. BROWN BEAR Is BACK J. B. ROBINSON ANSWERS COM- MUNICATIONS OF PUBLIUS CRO- ESUS, N. H. S. AND E. D. A. ? Editor, The Michigan Daily: So now I have three to answer, Pub- lius Croesus, N. H. S. and E. D. A. Let me take thengn order. Reflect, Publius Croesus, when you say that war would be to the disad- vantage of the rich as well as the poor, that war has always been waged and led by the aristocracy; that untilA the last century there was no aristo- cracy but a war aristocracy; that even yet in Germany the war aristocracy rules, although the money aristocracy has taken its place elsewhere. Reflect that no war is carried on without the assent of the bankers; and realize that bankers are not in business for their health. Notice, too, the little things that show the desire of the rich for war, as, just recently, in The Michigan Daily for Feb. 15, a paragraph about the American Rights League, which is go- ing to urge "immediate vigorous ac- tion,"-that means war,-through ad- vertisements in "all the leading news- papers of the country." It cost a lot money to put advertisements in all the leading newspapers. Notice how the Central Labor Union men refused to walk in the prepared- ness parades, and how the marchers were trolley car, electric lighting, de- partment store and other employees, who could be and were ordered by their masters to march. Notice, too, how Anne Morgan and a select com- pany of many millioned women went the rounds /to aid the preparedness parades, until they found out that their presence gave color to the statement, which I now repeat, that the rich, as a class, want war. They want it becuase they make money out of it in various ways. Re- member that the great evil in time of peace is stagnation of business-what they call overproduction, which means not that people don't want overcoats, but that they haven't the money to pay for them. "Hooray!" cry the overcoat owners, "We can't sell to the people, because they're so darned poor. We'll sell to the government all the over- coats it wants for its soldiers, and the more soldiers, the more overcoats will be needed. Hooray, for the Old Flag!" Then in payment they are glad to take government bonds, which will en- sure them and their children and grandchildren an income, not only for life, but to all eternity! Talk of treasures in heaven! Government bonds have got them skinned alive! And Publius Croesus really must read up his e'onomics a little before he says again that the rich pay the taxes. It is true that they are largely paid through the rich, so that the rich seem to pay them; but the basis of economics is that labor produces all wealth, and, ultimately, all payments come out of labor. Now for N. H. S.! N. H. S. don't ever talk about "abler men than my- self" in that please-step-on-me tone. There isn't a better man in the. uni- verse than yourself, as far as your in- terests are concerned. Think for your- self. If you bow down to people and adore them, they will use you, and suck you dry, and throw you on the ash heap. If you really enjoy sticking people with a bayonet, or being stuck yourself, by all means practice for it, so that you can get all the fun possible out of it when the time comes. Try a cat and a carving knife first. But if you don't enjoy that sort of thing, don't let them fool you into it with their fine phrases. If E. D. A. will look over what I wrote, he will find that he is mis- taken in saying that I said things I didn't say. I didn't say that '"the best way to avoid war is to be as unprepared as possible," nor did I say nor imply that "an unprepared nation would not be attacked." I merely "put it up" to the preparedness people to invent something a little more origin- al-something different-that had not been discredited by repeated failure. As for the American Revolution, the democracy which was established at its close was brought about more by the speculations of the French philos- ophers of the eighteenth century upon liberty, than by the war. The war merely gave the opportunity. If the present war ends in the establishment of some new and happier social ar- rangement, such as thinkers of many varieties have been preaching for fifty years past, it would be a parallel case. The war would break up the present regime, and give a chance fora new and different crystallization to start. And that is just what may happen. But be assured that neither prepar- edness nor unpreparedness, nor Leagues to Enforce Peace, nor any [other trivial stopgap is going to put « * Arcade - Harold Lockwood and* * May Allison in "Big Tremaine." * * * Rae-Lew Fields in "The Man * * Who Stood Still." « * AT THE WHITNEY Lyman Howe's film representation of Sir Douglas VNlawson's antarctic expedition which comes to the Whit- ney theater Saturday afternoon and evening, Feb. 24, presents not only a record of that perilous journey, but it has preserved living records of the animals found in 'those regions, in- cluding sea lions, penguins, and sea petrels. The penguins with their immaculate white and satiny black feathers look not unlike stout old men waddling along and they are given to many amusing antics. Views of Yosemite national park, the recent automobile race at Wilkes- Barre, and animate cartoons complete the program. AT THE MAJESTIC For the first time in the history of the Majestic theater, according to the manager, motion picture.stars will ap- pear on the stage and on the screen at the same performance. The occa- sion will be next Sunday when King Baggot will deliver a monologue in addition to the showing of the five reel feature film, "Absinthe," in which he stars. In the monologue he explains that no unneutral reasons led the produc- ers to stage the picture in Paris since the present great war had not been declared at that time. In the company are also Leah Baird, Mlle. Courbois, and Mlle. Mea of the Theater de Sarah Bernhardt of Paris. Herbert Bren- non, who is also responsible for "A Daughter of the Gods," "War Brides," and "Neptune's Daughter," directed the picture. NOTICE At its March meeting, the Board in Control of Student Publications will choose, a business manager and man- aging editor for the Wolverine, and a business manager for the Athletic Program. It is the policy of the board in filling the positions on the publi- cations under its control, to award them -'on the basis of merit to those who have served in minor positions on the pubications to which the posi- tions pertain. It sometimes happens, however, that no one who has served on the publica- tions during the year is eligible or capable of filling one of the leading positions for the ensuing year. When such circumstances arise, the board finds it necessary to consider out- side candidates. This notice should not be considered as an intimation that these circumstances will arise this year. All applications for these positions should be in the hands of Professor F. N. Scott, on or before February 28, in order to be considered. Each appli- cation should contain a statement of the experience of the applicant and should be accompanied by the appli- cant's eligibility card and any letters of recommendation which he may have. BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS. OHIO CLUB SMOKER WILL BE HELD AT UNIONNEXT TUESDAY Members of the Ohio club, organized last year, will hold their first smoker of the year at the -Michigan Union next Tuesday evening. The commit- tee is under the direction of C. Ruben Bloomer, '17E. A special Buckeye orchestra will furnish music for the occasion. Prof. R. W. Aigler, of the law school will be the principal speaker. Admission to the smoker will be 25 cents, and those students from Ohio who are not members .of the organiza- tion are cordially invited to attend. The committee has arranged for an abundance of eats and smokes. Use The Michigan Daily Want Ada for results. AnI eU LU war. r o UoWaRy WILn War, we must seek out and understand and remove the causes of war, of all of which I may tell you some day. JOHN BEVERLEY ROBINSON. 4 * * * * * * * * * * * * AT THE THEATERS TODAY * * * * Majestic-Vaudeville. * Orpheum-Mae Marsh in * Wharf Rat." "The * *