._ ,....._ i OUR EXHIBIT Spring and Summer Sultings nerican and Foreign Sources in Artistic and Striking Designs YOUR INSPECTION- INVITED G. H. Wild Company Merchant Tailors STATE STREET MWA Grade TOOLS for WOOD and FORGE SHOPS H. L. SWITZ E R CO. ARE 301 State St. SPORTING GOODS Official newspaper at the University of Mi'-igan. Published every morning except Ii a-nday during the university year. Entered at the post-office at Ann Arbor as second-class matter. tffces: Ann Arbor Press Building. Sub- scriptions: by carrier $2-So; by mail, $3.00. Want ad. stations: uarry's; Students' Sup- P t The Delta, cor. State and Packard. Pones: Business, 960; Editorial, 2414. Communications not to exceed 300 words in length, or notices of events will be pub- lished in The Daily, at the discretion of the Editor, if left at the office in the Ann Arbor Press Bldg., or in the notice box in the west corridor of the general library, where the notices are collected at 7:30 o'clock each evening. John C. B. Parker..........Managing Editor Clarence T. Fishleigh......Business Manager Conrad N. Church....-.......News Editor Lee E. Joslyn...................City Editor Harold A. Fitzgerald..........Sports Editor Harold C. L. Jackson...... Telegraph Editor Marian Wilson.............Women's Editor Carleton W. Reade.........Statistical Editot J. E. Campbell.. .Assistant Business Manager C. Philip Emery. .Assistant Business Manager Albert F. Horne..Assistant Business Manager Roscoe R. Rau...Assistant Business Manager Fred M. Sutter. ..Assistant Business Manager Night Editors J. L.StadkerE. L. Zeigler C. M. Jickling H. M. Carey B. A. Swaney L. W. Nieter L. S. Thompson E. A. Baumgarth H. C. Garrison Reporters C. L. Roeser R aken. L. Rose C. S. Clark D. S. Rood R. H. Fricken G. 0. Brophy B. I. Millar F. A. Taber D. II. Cruttenden Mildred C. Mighell K. L. Wehmeyer J. P. Hart Annetta L. Wood J. C. Martin T. F. McAllister Allan Shoenfield Business Staff Bernard Wohl J. E. Robinson Paul . Cholette Harry R. Louis Harold Makinson Earl F. Ganschow Walter R. Payne Jackson W. Smart Harold R. Smith Seymour B .Wilson WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1917. Night Editor-IL C. Garrison " Women Promlilnent in Will Address vention Church Con Michigan's return to the conference would almost inevitably mean a sev- erance of athletic relations with Kala- mazoo Normal. CONFRENCE SECURES EXCELLENT SPEAKERSi ;dlfliillIIIIIIIIIIlill I111111111111111111111111111ItIt1111111111111111111111111111111111111IP-iliil MICHIGAN STVDENTS We have what you want and the kind of service you desire. Text B'ooks - - Loose Leaf Note Books-Lab Outfits, Aprons, Shop Tools, etc., etc. a -- WAHR~ UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORES -1i1EE11E11EIE1111E111E11111E11IEIEE1E111111111EIIIl1i Work m Univerity TEXT BOOKS Now nd S. condhaend Slater Book Shop r ... w shoes are stitched with Goodyear Welt machines e same machines for repair work. We believe we he most modern equipped shoe repair shop in Ann You'll get high class work and courteous treatment shop and we think you'll find us worthy of patron- )ur call and deliver service is at your disposal. Use it. imous Shoe Repairing Co. NE 807 301 S. State St. f1 "RIGHT OBLIQUE" I ANNOUNCEMENT M BURCHFIELD & CO. Gives you the best Tailoring service to be obtained anywhere in the coun- try, coupled with a wonderful line of Woolens. E. Huron Street Opposite Court House SAM BURCHFIELD & CO. We Offer You ' - - SERVICE - - LOCATION sources $3,800,000 dhor Savings Dack Incorporated 1869 fice-- est Corner Main and Huron' )ffiee- - North University Ave. ers & Meebncs Bank hie Best in Modern Banking ITY - - * EFFICIENCY nd Pleasant Quarters. You Will 'ith Our Serviee. Two Offices ain St. : : 330'S. State St. PLA I N DETROIT UNITED MINES etween Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson Cars run ;on pastern time, one hour faster than local time. Detroit Limited and Express Cars-7:35 a. m., 8:o 'a. m. and hourly to 7:10 p. m., 9:ro p. M. Kalamazoo Limited Cars-8:48 a. tr. and every two hours to 6:48 p. m.; to Lansing, 8:48 p. im Jacson Express Cars-(Local stotps west of Ann Arbor)-9 :48 a. m. and every two hours to 7-48 P. m. Local Cars Eastbound-5 :35 a. m,, 6:40 a i.,7 :o a. m. and every two hours to 7:o5 p. ., $ :5 p m., 9:05 p. m., 0:5a p. m. to 'Ypsi anti only, 9:2o a. mn., 9:50 a. mn., 2:05 p a. m. To Saline, change at Ypsilanti. Local Cars Westbound-6:o5 a. m., 7:50 a. in., :20 p. M.. 12:2o a. m. I Takes Pictures Develops Films' makes Prints, and Enlarge- EWELERS Alarm Clocks NAND SfR $1.00 up F Pountain Pens- Waterman and Conklin U. of M. Jewelry Schlanderer & Seyfried MODERN BARER SHOP 332 State St. A Particular Place for Particular People. FRANK C, BOLICH Prop, Efforts made during the last week to arouse interest on the campus in military training have aroused a great deal of metaphysical discussion with regard to the ethics of war, who wants war between the United States and some other power and what are the best methods of prevention of such a war. As it has been said in these col- umns and in columns of countless other publications, war is still in ex- istence and doubtless will be for some time to come. It has also been said that the United States of America is very near to war. It is useless to dilate upon the necessity or non-ne- cessity of our position. The fact re- mains that we are nearer.to a serious conflict than we have been for many years. And then there is the bromidic but disheartening fact that the condi- tion of our military and naval forces is such that an upstart brigand at the head of a gang of roustabouts can raid our border towns and kill our citizens with impunity. Inasmuch as the country is waiting hourly for news of the "overt act" which will have but one result, how can one consistently juggle with ab- stractions which have no bearing on the point at issue? Michigan students are once more urged to begin to prepare themselves for a tragic situation which may be nearer than we realize. A group of public-spirited students and faculty members are sacrificing time and patience to give of the mili- tary experience which they possess. They have received a small response, but one that does no credit to the University of Michigan. It is our duty to show the same spirit that is so ap- parent in the eastern institutions. This is not jingoism. It is what we believe to be unadorned, common sense. Our country may momentarily be precipitated into the most terrible struggle the world has ever known. Right or wrong, sensible or insane, necessary or unnecessary, that is the situation, ethics and metaphysics not- withstanding. Why shouldn't we do something to meet the situation? Michigan men can do their share by reporting every Wednesday night at Waterman gymnasium for two hours of drill. Let's stop arguing and learn the meaning of "right oblique." Senior Girls to Entertain Sophomore Women -Headline. According to this the Graduate school must be the fountain of youth. Mr. Franck says that Professor Cooley made him a vagabond. We now have the famous quartet of vices' -wine, women, song, and sociology.' Signing up for the course in mili-! tary training doesn't necessarily mean that one has lost interest in life. Prospective writers for the Comedyt club are ordered to have their plots ready for early inspection. It would be interesting to know just how thicki such plots should be., Among the speakers at the State student volunteer convention to be held here Feb. 23 to 25, are three women widely known as platform speakers. Mrs. Helen Barratt Montgomery, of Rochester, N. Y, is a particularly gift- ed woman, has traveled all over the world, and is prominent as an author and Christian stateswoman. Mrs. Reed R. McClure, of New York, is one of the traveling secretaries of the stu- dent volunteer movement. She is call- ed the "Prayer Woman of India," hav- ing spent many years in that country, where her strong personality and radi- ant spirit exerted great influence. Mrs. Mary Carr Curtis, of Malaysia, now student secretary of the Metho- dist church, will be remembered by Michigan women who attended the Lake Geneva conference last summer as one of those who gave much of her time to personal conference with the delegates. J. Lovell Murray, educational secre- tary of the volunteer movement, told the local committee that inMrs. Mont- gomery and Mrs. McClure they had enough strong leaders for any confer- ence. Mr. Murray may be unable to be in Ann Arbor for the convention, but his place will be filled by one of the other national secretaries, probably Mr. Fennel P. Turner. Students, faculty members, and townspeople who expect to attend the meetings of the conference are asked to sign at Lane hall between 3 and 6 o'clock Friday afternoon, and receive delegates' badges. The first session of the conference is scheduled for 7 o'clock Friday evening. 7ard Is HeP to Weather 's Anties I did not think because the walks were filled with melting slush, and the boulevard , was occupied by people talking mush, and just because the sun was out and all the sky was clear, that winter now was over and the gladsome spring was here.d Let me tell you gentle readers, that there's cold enough in store. There's icy sheets and frost-bit ears which you may yet deplore. I'm glad I didn't sell my skates, nor smash my trusty bob, nor buy the latest book- let on the newest serve and lob. And I will wear my heavy coat, as I am loath to do, nor dream of sun-lit Huron and the gliding green canoe, nor call a number on the phone to speak of Sunday walks, but make the parlor fire-side the scene of further talks. For February is only half-way spent, as you will quickly find, and March is marching on its way with cold and bit- ter wind. Then follows longed-for April precursor of May's flowers. (And I shall rhyme this latter line, of course, with ancient "showers.") So do not think the southern wind which blew so soft and sweet, was going to be insurance 'gainst a pair of tingling feet. The Robin and the Violet and Bock must yet appear, ere you can bring me to believe that gladsome spring is here. SENIOR LAWS TO GIVE PARTY ON WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY The second largest social event of the year in the Law school will take place tomorrow afternoon from 2 to 5:30 o'clock at the Union in the event of the Washington's birthday party, given by the senior law class. It will be second only to the annual Crease dance. Fisher's banjorine-saxaphone or- chestra has been engaged to furnish the music and extensive decorations have been made with emblems which are usually associated with the oc- casion. The chaperones are Professor Rob- ert E. Bunker and Mrs. Bunker, Pro- fessor Willis G. Stoner and Mrs. Stoner, and Professor John B. Waite and Mrs. Waite. All other members of the law faculty and their wives are especially invited to attend. Speaks on. Roses and Rose Gardens Mr. Robert Pyle, president of one of the largest rose growing concerns in the country will deliver an illus- trated lecture at 4:15 o'clock this aft- ernoon in the auditorium of the natural science building on the sub- ject "Roses and Rose Gardens." The lecture will be open to the public. Take your Amateur Finishing hL i QUARRY DRUG CO'S. Prescription Store Co. State & N. University Chemistry Notes Alchemists and Web and Flange will unite to give an informal dance at the Washtenaw County Country club tonight. The interurban carry- ing the members and their guests will leave Ann Arbor at 8 o'clock. Ike Fisher's orchestra will furnish the music. This dance will take the place of a sleighride planned for this date. The increased enrollment in the chemistry 2E class has necessitated the division of the 10 o'clock quiz sec- tion into two sections, both of which will meet at the same time. Last year's enrollment was 170, but the number for this semester jumped to 209. Mr. Jenkins is to have charge of the new section, meeting at 10 o'clock Mon- days and Fridays, the laboratory periods being Wednesday afternoons and Saturday mornings. A shortage of platinum wire is being felt in the chemical engineering classes and some of the tests for metals have had to be dropped. Manganese and copper solutions can no longer be tested by the use of plati- num wire and borax beads are now ancient history in the laboratory. Practically all of the marketable platinum was imported from Russia and during this stage of the war it is impossible to ship any to the United States. The price has tripled and is still rising so there is little possibil- ity of the University securing a new supply. More pharmic students will finish in mid-year this term than ever be- fore, according to a statement made by the secretary of the College of Pharmacy yesterday. There is no evi- dent reason for this increase and the matter can be attributed only to the supposition that more self-supporting students are taking the work than in. former years. Also many have en- tered between semesters and they, of course, finish in the middle of the year. The general chemistry students may now secure the Smith and Hale lab- oratory manuals which have been so long delayed. The instructors state that the books are procurable at. Wahr's book store and all students must be provided with them im- mediately. The Michigan state board of pharm- acy will meet in the chemistry build- ing on June 19, 20, and 21, to give examinations to candidates for reg- istration in pharmacy. A meeting will also be held at Lansing within the next two weeks. That Cough will cease its Nagging Way when you allow PINE BALSOM MENTHOL -- and - EUCALYPTUS a closer intimacy E Warren SUEY I DAINE~S If You Seek For unvarying quality in Men's Wear you will find satisfaction at THE Varsity Toggery SHOP 1107 S. University St. CHOP off a few minutes and eat some of GEORGE'S S VEY WAI KING LOO 314 S. State St. Phone 1$44-M TO } - 25c AFTER 2-30c Special steaks & chops tds American Style short orders open 11 a. m. to 1 a. m. in Inn 611 E. Liberty Telephone 948-R pewriter from .MORRILL 22 South State Street rnish you an instruction )# Charge. You will be a re you know it. pairing Is Neatly Done Sanitary ing and Pressing Co. Phone 2225 sors to F. L. Hall 4 E. WILLIAM ST. de to measure. G. H. Wild g Merchant Tailors. State tf Y. W. C. A. cabinet meets 'today at 5:30 o'clock at Newberry hall. The supper for the advisory board will be held at 6:15 o'clock sharp. Registration in the classes in Red Cross methods will close tonight. Ap- plication should be made to Miss Alice Evans, Barbour gymnasium. All members of the swimming clas- ses who are unable to take their work this semester at the same time as last should report immediately. Tickets for the annual luncheon of women of the University, to be held in Detroit .Saturday, may be obtained at Wahr's book store or from Ruth Brown at $1.50 each. All tickets must be purchased before Wednesday evening. Hospital Notes Paul O. Strawhecker, '19, was con- fined Saturday evening to the con- tagious hospital where he will be treated for German measles. George Louckel, who was severely burned in the chemistry laboratory Saturday afternoon, is confined to the otology department of the hospital, where an attempt will be made to save his left eye. Extension Lectures Prof. R. M. Wenley will lecture in Monroe tomorrow night on "Changing America." Mr. R. K. Immel will give a read- ing of "The Servant in the House" in McDane tomorrow night. Mock Trial at League Party A mock trial, "Peck vs. Peck," will be given by the Mortarboard society on Friday, March 2, at the Women's league party in the Barbour gymnas- ium. Mr. and Mrs. Peck will appear before the judge, Olga Shinkman, '17, Anita Kelley, '17, and Olive Hartsig, '17, will be the lawyers, and Ethel Vail, '17, the court clerk. Women Give Washington Party The women of the senior class will be the hostesses at a Washington's birthday party to be given to the sophomores from 3 to 5 o'clock on Thursday, Feb. 22, in Newberry hall. All sophomore women are invited to come and dance, play cards and see the George Washington tableau. Professors in "Deestrick Skule" The "Dgestrick Skule," with an all- star cast of University professors and prominent Ann Arbor people, will make its initial appearance at 8 o'clock Thursday evening in the high school auditorium. Ty Cobb, Teddy Roosevelt, and Pa and Ma Caesar are the headliners on the bill. The play will be fea- tured by dances, specialties, and songs by the "greatest of the world's artists." The members of the committee are Mrs. A. D. Tinker, Mrs. Norman Wood, and Mrs. Arthur Smith. Mrs. E. Sar- gent is the accompanist. For results advertise in The Mich- igan Daily