Come to Rescue of Preparedness, by 12efuting 'Brown Bear 'Letter Editor, The Michigan Daily: Editor, The Michigan Daily: "To be prepared for war is one of It is good to see a quotation from the most effectual means of preserving such a paper as the New York Times peace. A free people ought not only to be armed, but disciplined; to which on your editorial page. I hope there end a uniform and well digested plan will be more from the same source. is requisite." You are right about the cleverness General Washington's speech to of the communication signed "Tom P. both houses of Congress, Jan. Knockafellow," and his second one is 8,1790. even more clever than the first. In fact, his arguments are logically cor- "I wish to call Mr John B. Robinson's rect; the only trouble with them is attention to the above statement made that they are based on false premises; by one to whom we may be thankful for instance, he alleges that the best for the liberties and wonderful op- way to avoid war is to be as unpre- portunities that we enjoy as a result pared as possible, and that the least of his part in making our nation what prepared nation would fare the best it is today. Little thought, Mr. Rob- in the event of war in case she were inson, do you give to the hardships attacked. This is not proved true in egdured by our ancestors to help make the case of Belgium. Perhaps he our nation what it is today. They means to imply that an unprepared gave their lives for liberties which nation would not be attacked. This they could never enjoy. supposition, however, will hardly hold I think preparedness has already water in the light of recent events. been proved to be more efficient than And as for not resenting an attack, pacifism, by abler men than I. There- that admits of no answer. fore I do not care to make this article He says, "The experience of ages a review of material already familiar E has proved war futile," but is this a to you. If you glance back over his- true statement? There is always the tory, I doubt if you can find a period question of justice which must be of more than 10 years during which taken into consideration. Was the there was not war somewhere in the American revolution a futile war? It world. If I may quote Mr. Roose- gave us liberty. Was the Civil War velt's statement, which so ably brings futile? It gave freedom to the slaves. out the cause for preparedness, Is the present war futile? Not if it "There can be no better cause for leads to greater freedom for mankind. which to work than the peace of right- The cost is terrific, of course, but that eousness. The surest of all ways to is all the more reason that we should invite disaster is to be opulent, aggres- resolve that it shall not have been in sive, and unarmed." vain, and that the fruit of all this sac- As for the good of having military rifice shall be a higher liberty for, all training in universities, I would like humanity. to quote a few words of John Andrews, This is the sentiment that is felt in provost of the University of Pennsyl- the east of our country, and not the vania from 1810 to 1813. "To be ex- alleged craven fear that somebody is posed to some hardships is good for coming with bombs and torpedoes to young men. It overcomes that soft- blow us up. ness and indolence and that senseless Tom P. Knockafellow asks, "Would pride which in the course of an indul- peace cost more than war?" Perhaps gent education they are apt to con- it would. It might be bought at the tract, and gives them a greater manli- price of honor, and though honor is ness and energy of character." perhaps an old-fashioned notion, it is Mr. Robinson, if you answer this a notion that is still in vogue with communication, I wish that you would some people,-..with the majority of please make clear to me your analogy Americans, I trust and believe. of the "brown bear." As I under- E. D. A. ORDER COSTUMES FROM VAN HORN CO. Director Morgan to Select Attire for This Year's Opera Person- aly Costumes for "Fools' Paradise" will be made by the Van Horn and Son Co. of Philadelphia, the largest concern of this nature in the east. The com- plete plot, consisting of 153 complete sets, has been made out under the supervision of Director Morgan, who will be in Philadelphia on Feb. 26, to personally select the various designs for the cast and chorus parts. Costumes were sent on by the Van Horn and Son company last week and several of the cast had their pictures taken in them. In the estimation of the committee in charge they greatly surpass the costumes of last year's Opera. Already plans are being made by the Chicago alumni for a mammoth ban- quet and seat sale to be given by them in the near future. A special issue of the Michigan Bulletin, the official or- gan of the Chicago alumni association, will be issued soon and will deal ex- clusively with "Fools' Paradise." According to the Chicago alumni as- sociation, a motion picture producer will be at the performance to judge the talent of the cast with the idea of signing a man to work in the films as a principal in his production. A general meeting for all those in- terested in writing the book for next year's Opera has been called for next Tuesday, Feb. 27, at which time the nature of the book and its require- ments will be explained. This will be a general meeting and it is hoped that a goodly number will respond to this call. Members of the cast and chorus are urged to watch the bulletin board at the Union for announcements of re- hearsals. SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA APPARS ERUARY 26 DATE CHANGED TO MONDAY BE- CAUSE OF CONFLICT WITH OTHER EVENT The University Symphony orchestra will appear in the regular faculty con- cert series in Hill auditorium at 4:15 o'clock Feb. 26. Mr. Albert Lockwood, pianist, will be the soloist. The attention of the public is called particularly to the fact that this con- cert will take place on Monday, in- stead of Wednesday, as is usual, the change being due to the fact that the Bauer-Casals concert will be given on Wednesday evening of that week. The following program will be of- fered: Marche Gauloise......... ...Wekerlin Symphony, B minor (unfinished)-... .................. Schubert Andante Spianato and Polonaise.-.. .......... .............Chopin Todtentanz.................... Liszt The Todtentanz, which will be played by Mr. Lockwood together with the orchestra, is an extraordinarily effective composition and very dra- matic in character. The Eight. Sym- phony in B minor is the best known of Schubert's orchestral works, and one of the best loved in the realm of symphonic music. Why the composer should have abandoned a work so full; of beauty in content and form is a, mystery; but the two movements that we have are the spontaneous expres- sion of a great genius. Ships Detroit Autos Under Own Power Detroit, Mich., Feb. 19. -- Hedged about by embargoes, Detroit automo- bile manufacturers have devised new means for combating the railroad con- gestion which has threatened serious- ly to curtail local industries. Nearly 5,000 automombiles, it is es- timated, have been shipped from De- troit during the last week under their own power. Daily caravans of high and low priced cars leave the city for points all over the central west and in New York and Pennsylvania. MOVE SUB-STATION TO NICKELS ARCADE MAR. I NEW POSTOFFICE BRANCH WILL PROVIDE BETTER EQUIP- MENT The sub-station of the local post- office now located at the Andres shoe repair shop on State street will be moved March 1 to a more modern lo- cation in the west end of Nickels arcade. The need for such a move is evident when it is known that this sub-station did $14,760 worth of business last year and handled 193,000 packages. This amount of business makes this sub- station equivalent to a first class post- office. During the past year this sta- tion has done over 37 per cent of the business done by the entire postoffice at Ann Arbor. E. C. Beal and Karl Kern, who are in charge of the present station, will be in the new office and anottier clerk will be added. There will be two men at the parcel post window as soon as the third man is added, and this will prevent much of the present delay. Several necessary fixtures have not yet arrived, but will be here before the end of the month. These fixtures con- sist of a large fireproof safe with a money chest, a bag rack, and a large desk built especially to fit in one cor- ner of the lobby. All the fixtures are of pressed steel and of fireproof construction. The in- terior of the counter and all the fur- niture behind it will be finished in an olive green, while the exterior and the lobby desks will be finished in an imitation mahogany. The room is ex- ceptionally well lighted. The men have been forced at the present loca- tion to work entirely by artificial light of poor quality. ENGINEERING NEWS The civil branen of the Engineering society will hold a meeting tonight in room 311 of the engineering building at 7:30 o'clock. At this time Dr. H. W. Emerson will talk on "Bacteriology and the Public Health." The lists of seniors whose pictures are not yet at the Michiganensian of- fice have been posted on the bulletin boards of , the engineering building. All whose names appear are requested to attend to the matter at once. Mr. W. H. Boston of the Westing- house Machine company of East Pitts- burg, Pa., will be in room 223 of the engineering building at 2 o'clock to- day and would like to see any gradu- ating engineers who would be inter- ested in the technical apprentice course offered by his company. The "Wheel and Axle Ball" of the junior engineering class will be held tomorrow evening at Barbour gym- asium. The music will start at 8 o'clock and last till midnight. The tickets sell for $1.00 and the commit- tee promises a good time to all who attend. The Engineering society is making elaborate plans for its Washington's birthday party to be given Friday night at the Union. The tickets will cost members of the society 60 cents and outsiders 75 cents. They may be obtained at the Technic desk. The sophomore engineering class president has appointed the following committee for the class directory: C. W. Porter, P. E. Carrick, and D. G. Bovee. The directory is to be made up on the order of the senior and junior classes. The next assembly of the sophomore class will be held. March 1, and it is required that all members be present. The Technic will move the first part of next week into its new quarters, rooms 269-271, engineering building. The present location is not adequate for both the engineering society and Technic. f' Carpets Arrive for New "Y" Building The new carpets for Lane hall, the new "Y" building, are now in place. Carpets for the main floor are brown, those for the lower floor which will be used for social purposes are red in color. A number of new davenports and double chairs haAie arrived, and the auditorium is completely finished. giggling of Katie. If an efficiency ex- pert can show Katie where she can put one more little squeak of laughter into her act, he is an efficiency ex- pert indeed. Cooper and Smith in "Hotel Gossip" have quite an original little offering, utilizing several good coon songs in recounting of the ordinary scandal that hangs about the hotel lobby. AT THE GARRICK Richard Walton Tully's spectacular drama, "The Flame," will commence a week's4engagement at the Garrick theater, Detroit, next Monday. The play is said to be superiod to Tully's other successes, "Omar, the Tent- maker" and "The Bird of Paradise." The scene is Mexico and concerns the fortunes of a group of sturdy Ameri- cans. The interest focuses on Wayne Put- nam, a young college graduate, and Pamela Cabot, the Boston society girl who leaves her life of ease to marry him and help him in his work. The final climax revolves around the stead- fastness of their love in the maelstrom of Mexican uprisings and revolutions. The stage effects are unusually spec- tacular and the music is rendered by a special orchestra of Cubans. Alarm clocks, $1.00 up. Chapman, Jeweler, 113 South Main St. tues-eod Featuring hot soda for zero weather.' Bloomfields. N. University. p PRE-HOLIDAY DANCE At Armory, Wednesday, Feb. 21, 1917 DANCING 9 to 1 Fischer's First Nine-Piece Orchestra Matron in Attendance Limited 125 Tickets for Sale at Busy Bee 1