,Sunday Campaign!
Dean Victor C. Vaughan Urges City
Council to Foster Better Health
Considerable progress has been
made in the extensive health survey'
which is being undertaken by the city
of Ann Arbor, and already the results
achieved by the health officers en-.
gaged in the work are being noted.
The survey is the result of agita-
tion caused by the outbreak of typhoid
fever during the past summer. At a
meeting of the common council on
September 18, Dean V. C. Vaughan, of
the medical school, and Dr. A. S.
Warthin, professor of pathology, vig-
orously urged the need of better health
organizations and pointed out the
value of a health survey. The council
voted to appropriate $1,000 for the
Dr. Wessinger in Charge.
The money was turned over to Di.
J. A. Wessinger, the local health of-
ficer, who is in charge of the survey.
Dean Vaughan, who is president of the
state board of health, offered the aid
of the state board in making the sur-
vey, and through his .efforts the state
has sent Mr. E. D. Rich, state sanitary
engineer and formerly professor in
the engineering department, and Mr. J.
W. Follin, '13E, assistant sanitary e-
gineer of the state board of health, to
direct the work.
Mr. Rich is particularly interested
in the work of the survey because the
general health conditions of Ann Ar-
bor directly affect the health of over
7,000 students who come here from
every state in the United States and
most of the foreign countries. Ann
Arbor thus could become the distrib-
uting center for an appalling epidemic
of disease, should an infection break
out here and continue unchecked.
Survey of Broad Nature.
"The work includes the survey of
everything that has a bearing on the
health of the community," said Mr.
Follin yesterday, "not only on the
source of the trouble last summer,
which was caused by a contaminated
milk supply, but also of any other
possible source of infection.
"There has been an inspection made
of every restaurant, boarding house
and hotel in Ann Arbor and recom-
mendations have been made for im-
proving the sanitary conditions of
these food establishments. Bakeries,
groceries and meat markets have also
been included and there will be a re-
inspection from time to time.
Official Orders Made.
"Every well, privy and barn where
animals are kept and inclosures for
fowls or domesticated animals have
or are being located by four inspec-
tors. Nearly 500 official orders have
been issued by Doctor Wessinger to
order sewer connections where such
are possible, to cause removal of out-
side privies where there is a sewer
connection, to provide covered re-
ceptacles for manure, or to clean
premises where nuisances exist.
"Work is still under way, but al-
ready much good has been accom-
plished. However, it will probably re-
quire several weeks more to finish
the survey."
Dr. Emerson Prepares Report.
Dr. Herbert W. Emerson, of the
medical school, is preparing a report
on the typhoid outbreak during the
past summer, while the city bacteriol-
ogist is preparing a report on the milk
situation during the time he has held
his present position.
The following students are assisting
in the survey: R. W. Watson, '18M;
H. B. Spaulding, '18M; .H. L. Clark,
'18M; W. K. McCandliss, '18M; H. A.
Judson, '18M; R. E. Brown, '18M, and
Mr. Richards, grad.
"Dairy farms," said Mr. Follin,
"have been inspected by Doctor Wes-
singer, and he is now devoting all his
time to the city health work. The
hope is that provision will be made
permanently for a full-time health of-
ficer with sufficient assistance to carry
on the various activities in public
health work.
Boiled Water Reuired.
"The effort is being made for a
cleaner, better Ann Arbor. It is not
because Ann Arbor is a particularly
dark spot upon the sanitary map that
this survey is being made, but so that
it may be the best place in 'the state
from a health standpoint."
Notices have been served on all
boarding houses and restaurants
where students are fed to serve only
boiled water or water which is known
to be absolutely safe.
Choir Leader Makes Hit With Boys
and Girls in Object
No small part of "Billy" Sunday's
success may be attributed to the work
of his popular choir leader, William
Rodheaver, or "Body" as he is better
known. Possessed of an excellent solo
voice, ability to play the trombone, and
skill in handling the large choruses of
hundreds of voices which are gathered
for the Sunday revivals, "Rody" is al-
most as big a drawing card as is the
revivalist himself.
"Rody's" special Work is with the
school children, for whom he delivers
William Rodheaver, "Billy" Sunday's
Choir Leader.
two or three object lessons during the
campaign. In these speeches he shows
a broad knowledge of human nature
and an ability to place himself in close
harmony with his audience of little
Rodheaver has made a careful
study of the standard tabernacle un-
til he is able to utilize to wonderful
effect the acoustics of the buildings.,
The song "Brighten the Corner Where
You Are" has made him famous, be-
cause of the marvelous manner in
which he presents it, having each line
sung by a group in a different corner
thus bringing out a quality not other-
.se secured.
"Rody" will be popular with the stu-
dents when they see and hear him.
Dand In spires
Leads Scribe to Verse Glorifying Mu-
sicians of the Maize
and Blue.
Talk of operatic chorus, sounds
melodious, sonorous; of musical selec-
tions that are awe-inspiring, grand-
but there's that for pep and fire
throws in shade the Orphic lyre; that's
the uniformed collection that is known
as the band!
Did you notice at the Case game,
how each bar and breve and brace
came, to warm the hearts of M-men
in the stand? Cornets that went blar-
ing, shrill or loud and flaring, while
the leader twirled his baton as a sig-
nal to the band!
The ukelele's mellow twanging isn't
in it with the banging of the drums
that wake the echos from this land.
Why you've got the stuff that fires
'em, your "Victors' March" inspires
'em! Go to ithwe are for you, glor-
ious members of The Band.
Foreign Noble Lives in Jungle Until
Found by U. S. Marines.
Managua, Nicaragua, Oct. 7.-Too
proud to beg, and finding himself on
the verge of starvation because of
the impoverishment of his noble fam-
ily in Europe, Count Franz Lazarinni,
a remittance man well known in Cen-
tral America, went to a jungle near
here and kept himself alive for five
months by eating monkey flesh and
roots and berries.
A party of United States marines
while on a big game hunting expedi-
tion discovered the titled foreigner
and brought him back to the capital.
The court, half starved and nearly
mad because of the privations he had
suffered, fought his rescuers and
begged them to let him remain in the
jungle. The marines overpowered him
however, and are now attempting to
nurse him back to health and reason
at their commodious barracks in the
American legation.
Yale Gets Solid Revenge Against iv-
ginia for 1915 De-t
Several surprises were eprung inI
intercollegiate football circles yester-t
day, early season upsets being ap-
parently the rule.
Tufts' defeat of Harvard was prob-
ably the biggest surprise to be foundi
in the scores, although those who have1
been following conditions in eastern
football closely may not have beenc
taken completely by surprise. .
Yale took 'revenge on Virginia for
that 10-to-0 defeat of last year, and
the Eli eleven is taking a good laugh
at its Cambridge rival. Things ath-
letic have not been going especiallyc
well at Yale for several years, and
when a Harvard team strikes a snag1
of the nature of yesterday's set-to with
Tufts on the same day that Yale is
drubbing Virginia, the followers of Old
Eli wax joyful.
Both the Army and Navy had hard
battles on their hands, but their vic-
tories were expected. The Army de-
feated Washington and Lee by a 14
to 7 count, while the Navy eleven led
Georgetown, 13 to 7.
Pennsylvania handed Franklin and
Marshall a 27 to 0 beating on Frank-
lin field, a score which seems to in-
dicate that Bob Folwell's eleven is go-
ing to prove a tough nut for the Wol-
verines later on in the season. The
Quaker victory was not unexpected,
however, for everyone has been pick-
ing them for a come-back this fall.
Columbia's defeat at the hands of
Hamilton must be regarded in the light
of another upset, although football at
Columbia is in such anuncertain posi-
tion that an early season defeat is
hardly so disastrous as at Cornell or
Dartmouth was the only other big
eastern school to run up a score in
any way surprising yesterday. The
Green eleven smothered Lebanon Val-
ley, 47 to 0, and while this score was
mnade against an easy team, it indi
cates that Dartmouth has another
strong squad this year.
In the west there were few real up-
sets, although some of the games
brought out closer contests than had
been anticipated. This was especially
true of Chicago, Stagg's eleven just
nosing out Carleton by a single touch-
The most interesting contest for
Michigan was the M. A. C. victory over
Carroll college. The Aggies won by
a 20 to 0 count, scarcely so impressive
a showing as they made against Olivet
on the preceding Saturday. Michigan
plays Carroll on Wednesday after-
noon, and this game will give the fans
a line on the respective strength of
the Aggies and Yost-men.
Notre Dame continued her' point-a-
minute work yesterday, running up
48 points against Western Reserve in
a short game at South Bend. The
Catholics appear to have the strongest
team in the middle west this fall,and
they will be closely watched in their
later games.
Crimson Team Puzzled by Shift Plays
of Medford Men.
Woodward repairs typewriters. 8-9
A. A. Say. Bnk. Bldg. Tel. 866-Pl.
Call 600 for expert typewriting.
oct3 to 29
See Schaeberle & Son, 110 South
Main street, for Ukeleles, Martin Gui-
tars, Mandolins and all Musical Instru-
ments. oct3tf
We guarantee personally all our
fountain pens. Complete stock of L.
E. Waterman, Conklin, Swan and Bos-
ton Safety pens. Haller & Fuller,
State St. Jewelers. oct4,5,6,7,8
When you are out looking at the
new fall model suits and overcoats,
be sure and see our line. We save
you five to ten dollars on a suit or
overcoat. Chucks Clothes Shop, 618
E. Liberty St. oct4,5,6,7,8
Inasmuch as typhoid fever is un-
usually prevalent this season through-
out the whole of the Northwest, citi-
zens and students are strongly urged
to drink only boiled water both in Ann
Arbor and on visits elsewhere.
oct3,4,5,6,7,8 Health Officer.
to learn ogygniting t
requires close appliatio
A typewriter and fre,
instruotion book from
4OD.Dorrill. 322 S. State,
will do the rest.
618 E. Liberty St.
All $20-$22-$25 Values
The New Fall Styles have arriv-
ed. Pinch Backs, Belters, and
Conservative Models.
We have them all.
Phone 2 73
200 E. Washington St.
Students electrical supplies
Study lamps, shades, extension cords, heating de-
vices and everything electrical.
Repair Work Given Prompt Attention
Washtenaw Electric Shop
If it is not right, we make it right
te at the
Stadium, Cambridge, Oct. 7.-One of
the first surprises of the football sea-
son came in the big horseshoe this
afternoon when Tufts beat Harvard,
7-3., Shift plays coupled with a foxy
forward pass that was turned into a
double pass until the siezer was
tackled, put the Tufts team in the lead
after Harvard had had things its own
way in the first two periods.
One real tense moment was given
the fans when Tufts drove Harvard
back to the Crimson one-yard line, but
failed to get over the line for a second
touchdown. This was the one time
that Harvard showed real class in de-
fense. The offense was very weak.
Coach Yost Announces Names of Union
Eaters; Others Not Dropped
Following yesterday's game Coach
Fielding H. Yost announced that the
following men would continue at the
training table:
Maulbetsch, Smith, Sparks, Peach,
Weimann, Dunne, Dunn, Raymond,
Bathrick, Brazell, Goodsell, Whalen,
Niemann, Zeiger, Willard, Martens,
Grace, McCallum, Sharpe, Rehor, Boyd
and Weske.
The coach did not cut the squad, but
the 22 men listed above will be the
only ones to eat at the training table
for the present.
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* * * * * * * * * * * *
Gross receipts-$76,489.
National Commission's share-
Players' share-$41,304.
Balance to clubs-$27,536.
Each club's share-$13,768.
* ? * * * * * * * * * *