-- i Few Day While The Cold' O Suits and STEIN-BLOCK andl 1-4 Off CLOT Entire stock fancy and mixed Suits and Overcoats AT 1-4 OFF All trousers over $4.00 AT 209b OFF Linde sclhmitt, rs Longer Weather Lasts c Overcoats MICHAEL-STERN HES 1-4 Off Entire stock blue and black Suits and Overcoats AT 20% OFF Our entire stock MACKINAWS AT 20% OFF Apfel V4 Co. - I111111111111IIIIIIIlll I IIIIIi F Calkins We carry in stock I Old Hampshire Bond Drug You men who must be "The Stationery of a Gentleman" economical Co 324 S. State St. or 1123 S. University Ave. a At Fourth Ave. and Liberty St. Laboratory Supplies Chemicals - trugs - Toilet Articles and Drug Sundries The Eberbach & Son Co. - Mid=Winter Clearance Sale STILL ON AT Campus Bootery 308 S. State 5t. OR,- C. F.,KEO TO TAL ON AFTERHH RSULSI Noted Preacher Appears in Presby. terian Church Tomorrow Evening Dr. Charles F. Aked, who is to talk tomorrow at the First Presbyterian church, is known throughout the country as a powerful preacher and as a crusader against social evils. He has been touring the United States as a lecturer since 1893, when he first trip met with such success that there was a demand for a repetition of his preaching. He has had experience as a pastor at Liverpool, England, where he spent 16 years as a minister, New York city, where he was for four years, and San Francisco, where he made a name for himself by his abil- ity to draw and hold the attention of large crowds in a "downtown" church. "America and the World State," has been selected as the topic on which he will talk tomorrow evening. The lecture is a discourse on the questio of what are to be the relations and capacities of the civilized world after the present war has terminated. When but a young man Doctor Aked enlisted in the war against war and has since been one of the foremost advocates of the abolition of all strife between nations and the setlement of international disputes in amicable ways. He was one of those who made up Ford's peace party in its trip to Europe in 1915, and has written many articles and pamphlets on the subject of war, while his other works include writing on numerous social, political. and religious questions. XE CT LG NUMER AT STUENTCONVENTION 17 COLLEGES BESIDES MICHIGAN TO BE REPRESENTED AT MEETINGS Reports from colleges and normal schools throughout the state show that large delegations to the state student volunteer convention may be expected from some of the so-called small school's. Adrian is working for a dele- gation of 25 and Albion is also plan- ning to send 25. In all, 17 colleges beside Ann Arbor will be represented. M. A. C. hopes to send 45 representas tives, and Ypsilanti Normal, 40 or 50. Registration for University students and any others who care to attend the sessions as regular delegates; is open, and those interested may leave their names with Miss Marsden at the reg- istrar's office, Miss Wood at Lane hall, Miss Bancroft at Newberry hall, or Dr. Iden at the Bible Chair house. All sessions of the conference are open to the public, but it is hoped that a large number of students will sign up as delegates and attend the sessions regularly, as the meetings are ar- ranged in sequence and to miss one means to lose the effect of the rest. The conference begins Friday even- ing, Feb. 23, and ends with the Sunday evening meeting on Feb. 25. The lo- cal committee consists of Herbert A. Judson, '18M, general chairman; Amelia T. Wood, '18M, program chair- man; Hope H. Nichoson, '17, Robert E. Brown, '18M, and William K. Mc-, Candliss, '18M. Protect your feet and starve the doctor. Davis shoes protect. Davis, at 119 Main. 13-17-18 Our alarm clocks are good clocks. Chapman, Jeweler, 113 South Main St. tues-eod Shirts made to measure. G. H. Wild Co., Leading Merchant Tailors. State St, tf J -HOP COMMITTEEMEN MAKE FINAL REPORTS Articles Lost at Party May be Secured at the Barbour Gymnasium At their final meeting, held at the Union Thursday evening, all the com mittees for this year's J-hop made their last reports, to general chair- man, Waldo M. McKee, 'SE. Although no complete report on finances can be made until all the bills have been turned in, yet according to the state- ments of the finance committee, this year's party will just about break even. If there is any surplus, it will be given to the Michigan Union for the use of their room for committee meetings during the past semester. Announcement was also made at the meeting that there were a large num- ber of articles found in the gymna- sium after the night of the Hop, an that these may be obtained by calling at Barbour gym and asking for Mrs Blackburn. Waldo M. McKee, '18E, stated last night: "I wish to thank all the mem- bers of the different committees for their hearty and untiring support in making this year's J-hop the success that it sems to have attained." LETS BE ASOLDIER BOY? DAILY READER DOTES ON SPLEN. DID OPPORTUNITY FOR VALOR AND WONDERFUL DEEDS! Editor, The Michigan Daily: It grieves me much that there should be so few of the students of the Uni- versity who have responded to the call for volunteers for military training. I had confidently expected that, instead of a paltry 152 enlistments, there would have been ten times that num- ber-enough for a whole regiment, and a troop of horse or artillery be- sides! Think how glorious it would be to march through the streets of Ann Ar- bor, with flags flying and drums beat- ing, on your way to the front, when the next war is declared! Think of the joy of the return of the 200 or 300 surviviors, decorated with medals "For Valor," adored by women, adul- ated by the whole population; only less happy than their comrades, who have nobly yielded up their lives for their country in the trenches! Consider, too, the prestige that such a regiment would bring to your be- loved University-the reputation that it would foster in the Legislature, and the number of new buildings that the legislature would grant in return! But these, after all, are mostly only sentimental considerations, gratifying though such lofty sentiments are to every truly patriotic soul! There are also very material advantages to be taken into account. Bear in mind the vast additions to the material wealth of the country that would accrue as the result of your self denial and heroism-the profits that some patriotic citizens would obtain from manufacturing ships and guns and ammunition! Mil- lions,-I tell you, my dear friends,- there are millions in it! And besides these, the innumerable other things required- the coats and shoes and food-ah, yes, canned food-you've no idea how profitable it is! All this would come as the result of your heroic self sacrifice! Yet even this is not all. With your aid we should be able to get the labor required for all this work at the cheapest possible price. I should like to see any crowd of workingmen dare to strike, when you-my brave boys! -got after them with your gatling guns! Finally it would be through your another Cordovans We have just received this popular shoe in BLACK and TAN. Special Agency Nettleton shoes Reule Conlin, Fiegel Co. WAHKS Shoe Stores Malim St. State St. Have you considered next winter's overcoat prob- lem or are you putting it off? You know you will have to have one and we assure you that prices will be higher next fall. Isn't it good business to buy one now while you can get the pick of our stock for 4 off? Home of Hart Schaffner and Marx clothing devoted services, offered to a grateful and appreciative Fatherland that we should be able to invest our profits to advantage. The debt of the country now is less than a billion dollars. It ought to be ten billions! Our adored country would sell bonds to us to that amount, or perhaps even more! That would be wealth and prosperity for you! That would be a country that you could be proud of! So think it over carefully, and let us see a great change after these ump- lifting reflections have sunk in. Let us see crowds of students pressing for the honor of enlisting to serve their beloved country! Let all who hang back be forever branded and blasted as COWARDS! TOM P. KNOCKAFELLOW. bop BirdSkins Added to JMuseum ..err "It pays to come dawntorn" Southwest corner of Liberty and Main Sts. shipment of I The only signs of spring in this cold sea- son, are the fashion suggestions at the clothing establishments. MARQUARDT has ex- tensive varieties in styles and textures. Early orders mean best service and guaran- teed satisfaction. City Y to Conduct $30,000 Campaign The five day campaign for $30,000 to be conducted Feb. 26 to March 2,,by the city Y. M. C. A., will be in charge of an executive committee consisting of T. A. Lowty, chairman, Jas. A. Rose, Wm. Schultz, H. J. Abbott, Chas. L. Brooks, J. Karl Malcolm, and Gen- eral Secretary Harold L. Westerman. The ten captains chosen for the posi- tions of team leadership are: H. J. Abbott, J. K. Malcolm, Earl B. Stewart, Dr. D. W. Myers, Wm. E. Underdown, Fred C. Weinberg, Chas. Schroen, Chas. L. Brooks, Wm. Pur- field, and W. F. Letts. The captains met at noon yesterday to select names from which to recruit their teams. It is expected to have about 80 men on the various teams. GOOD shoes on your feet, GOOD shirt on your back, GOOD hat on your head,-GOOD SENSE within. Davis, at 119 Main. 13-17-18 ORM Titform Clothes Tirst Showing Specimen of Passenger Pigeon Collection Given by Former Graduate jn Of Sp ring Clothes "Pray for the Lights to Go Out," the most popular song of the day. Colum- bia record No. 2143 at Ailmendinger's Music Shop. 122 E. Liberty St. tf Leave Cpypy at at Quarry's and Students' the DeltaDVERTISING Supply Store WANTED WANTED-Man of good standing in; his community to take orders for trees, shrubs, roses, vines, bulbs, old fashioned flowers. Permanent. High commission paid promptly. No delivering or collecting. Write today. First National Nurseries, Rochester, N.Y. 17 WANTED-Student. Part time em- ployment during school. Full time during vacation. Pays all or part University expenses. Salary if ac- cepted. Box L, Michigan Daily. 17-18 WANTED-Children to care for after- noons. Call 1123-R. LOST LOST- Heavy gold ring, set with three garnets, between the Delta and Campus. Finder return to 807 S. State and get substantial reward. 17 LOST-Glasses in case on which is Anspach Bros., Newark, N. J. Re- turn to 814 S. University. Reward. HoR SALE FOR SALE-Banjo, professional style Friedrich make, cost $20.00, will sell for $12.00 cash. Inquire Mrs. K. M. Webster, 133 Waverly Ave., S. E., Grand Rapids, Mich. 13-18 incl. FOR SALE-Property one block from campus, near Michigan Union. De- sirable location for fraternity, home club or apartment house. Lot 82/x 170. Phone 839-M. 17-18-19 FOR SALES-The best and least ex- pensive way of buying, is to let The Michigan Daily be your medium. 701 RENT FOR RENT- Immediately. 10 room modern house, good locality, steam heat, part furnished if desired. Call 2161-J after 6 P. M. 13-17 incl. FOR RENT - Well furnished front suite, fine light, steam heat. 514 Forest Ave. 17-18 FOR RENT-Single room, $2.00 per week. 908 Monroe Ave. Phone 1549-R. 17-18 Six hundred bird skins, forming part of the collection of Bradshaw H. Swales Grosse Ile, have just been re- ceived at the University museum. In this collection is a specimen of the passenger pigeon, now extinct, which was taken in Delta county, Michigan, in the year 1880. Mr. Swales is donating his entire collection of bird-skins to this- institu- tion. Twelve hundred have been stored in the cases on the second floor and the remainder of his collection is to be sent soon. The recent install- ment of 600 skins contains specimens from all parts of the United States. Mr. Swales is a. graduate of the clas- of 1896, receiving the degree of LL.M in 1897. He is at present connected with the Museurn staff, in the position of associate in ornithology. 2000 PENNSY STATE STUDENTS OFFER SERVICES TO UNCLE SAM State College, Pa., Feb. 16.-More than 2000 students of Pennsylvania state college have volunteered their services to the country in case of'war with Germany. Resolutions have beer adopted which offer the students' as- sistance in whatever capacity they can be used by the government. All of the students have had miliary train- ing ranging from four months for the freshmen, to three and a half years for senior officers in the regiment. K. of P. Students' Notice All K. of P. students are asked to call on Roy P. Henry, P. C.., Nickels Arcade, or Mark Sudgen, C. C., State St. druggist; at earliest convenience. IMPORTANT. 15-16-17 Regular assembly at Armory, Satu'- day night. 16-17 in the city. We are showing th no bbiest line of 3PRING SUITS and TOP COATS Also a big line of the New Spring Hats, Caps,-and Furnish- ings. Grinnell Bros.' Music House See us for anything in the Realm of Music TRY OUR VICTOR RECORD APPROVAL SERVICE 116 S. Main St. Phone 1787 TOM CORBETT 116 'E. Liberty . "ieYou ng teen 's Shwf" Professor to Sn eak in Milan, M Pr of. A. A. S ;anley will speal Milan, Mich.,. to. morrow on "H) Community May . Become Musical. For results- adi rtise in The M igan Daily