A CALLS CONVENTION Who' v F W cm A -QT vau r A I v-r VW V Named' Huron---and Why? II UUL I WAL\ I JHLW tANS FOR FESTIVL IRVED SEATS TO BE SOLD IN [ILL AUDITORIUM, BEGIN- NING MARCH 10 e annual sale of reserved seats lie May Festival will take place .g the month of March in accord- with the following schedule I has been adopted by the board rectors of the University School Isic. All public sales will begin 'clock in the morning. Saturday, March 10, and Satur- March 17, the sale will be con- d at the box office in Hill au- lum and on intervening and fol- xg days at the School of Music, Lard street. Not more than six is will sold to any person at one First Four Rows Unavailable e first four rows on the main floor be unavailable on account of the ged stage. er the selection of a limited num- of tickets for specially invited s, and for subscribers of record Atrons' tickets as provided for in Pre-festival concert announce- tickets for the 1917 May Fes- will- be offered for sale as fo- Mail Orders l orders: Orders received by with remittance to cover, will be In the order of receipt, from odd numbered seats (right-hand s of all sections as the auditor- is entered), and will be mailed at patrons' risk on or about the .announced for the public sale seats in the respective blocks. ld the mail order section in any t become exhausted the right is ved to fill the remaining orders the next following block. Public Sales blic sales: Saturday, March 10, ts for block "A" will go on sale. includes all seats remaining in ons 2, 3, and 4 on the main floor the first six rows of the first bal- and they will be offered at $6.50 ($3.50 each if pre-festival cover on is returned). On Monday, h 12, all remaining seats in block will be reduced 50 cents, to $6.00 .00 respectively. urday, March 17-block "B"-all remaining in sections 1 and 5 side sections) main floor, the last rows of the first balcony and the eight rows of the second balcony be offered at $5.50 each ($2.50 if pre-festival cove coupon is ned). On Monday, March 19, all ining seats in block "M" will be ced 50 cents, to $5.00 and $2.00 actively. t urday, March 24-block "C'-all remaining in the second balcony will be offered at $4.50 each .($1.50 e-festival cover coupon is return- On Monday, March 26, all remain- eats in block "C" will be reduced nts, to $4.00 and $1.00 respective- Course Tickets urse tickets at $6.00, $5.00, and (or $3.00, $2.00, and $1.00 if cover :n is returned) will remain on until .atbrday April 21, or as long .ey may last. ividual concerts: On Monday, 123, all unsold course tickets will oken up and offered for sale for idual concerts as follows: in floor, $2.00; first balcony and Ld balcony front, $1.50; second ny rear, $1.00. E. MORITZ LEVI TALKS ON . ENCH ROMANTICISM" FEB. 20 >f. Moritz Levi of the French de- aent will deliver an address on Lch Romanticism" in Tappan hall o'clock Tuesday, Feb. 20. The re, which will be in French, is a of the year's program of the a Francais. All members and iate members of the cercle are . to be present. Those who have et purchased the associate mem- ip tickets may do so at the door. Cercle Francais will hold the meeting since the holidays on ay evening. It will be called at o'clock in the cercle room. kar Talks to Student Society N. S. Hardikar of the medical , will give a talk to the members e Students' society of the Uni- t church at 6:30 o'clock tomor- evening. His subject will be TV ETAlS DAL1I1 VEhI LEN34NT .; El Paso, Tex., Feb. 16.-Fiancisco When the frost is in the air and the wind sweeps over the snow-man- Villa, bandit leader, has called a con- thedwind sweepshovHr theasnoy-man vention of his chiefs to be held next tled hills of the Huron valley,-when week at San Andies to farm a settled the hunter trudges over the white government and elect officials. In the plains, and the winter sportsman proclamation calling the convention, fights his way through blizzards of icy hurricanes, thoughts then turn to the Villa annouIed that only civilians early days when the curling smoke of who have remained in Mexico will be wigwams was the sign of welcome or eligible for places in the new govern- of terror, in the frozen winters of the ment. bleak northwest. Among scholars of Indian lore, it Pn has been a matter of speculation as to why the Huron rver was so called. While the Hurons were one of the most powerful tribes between the B SUDYU U LANU UHudson river and the Great Lakes, they seem to have been the eternal R. A. FRANCK, LECTURER, SPE- enemies of all the warriors that lived CIALIZED IN FRENCH AND in the southern part of Michigan, and SPANISH along the Straits of Mackinac. The tribes that inhabited this part Harry A. Franck, '03, who will de- of the state were for the most part liver his lecture, "Afoot Through Wyandottes, though the friendly Pot- South America," on the evening of Feb. towatomies were continually making 21, in Hill auditorium, unconsciously peaceful excursions through the val- prepared himself for his travels y leys to trade their furs and skins at pecially iterstin hims el in an-Detroit. specially interesting himself in lan- Tribes on Friendly Terms guage study while a student in the These tribes were on friendly terms, University of Michigan. in fact, they were the allies of the In a recent number of The Michi- great tribe of Ojibways or as they are gander he speaks of his having taken often called, the Chippewas, whose French under "Bobby" Effinger, and hunting grounds lay along the shores while an undergraduate was elected of Grand Traverse bay and at Petos- treasurer of Cercle Francais. He also key, and from there all the way be took Spanish and became proficient yond Michilimackinac to the Soo and in his use of the generally used tongue Lake Superior. of South America, which fitted him for When Pontiac, the great chief of the his travels in that country. Ottawas laid his mighty plans to drive In the December, 1915, number of the Alumnus, he tells of his journey on the continent of South America, a ENI trip that lasted for 1,561 days, or four I UI NEING NEWS years to an hour, starting from Mil- waukee and ending there. During that All third semester engineers must time he kept a diary, carefully record- receive special permission from Prof. ing every adventure and all the de- J. R. Allen in order to enroll in sopho- tails of his trip, and took hundreds of more assembly. Otherwise they are pictures. During these 1,461 days he required to attend the freshman as- says that he slept in 571 different sembly. According to the athletic of- places, changing his place of lodging fice these men will enter the spring con- approximately every two and one-half tests with the class of 1919, but be- days. ginning the first semester in October, 1917, they will enter the fall contests B GERM SOLDIERS TO with the class of 1920, The civil engineers are planning on FIGHIT IN F RNCHARMYa record attendance at Camp Davis li thIE i s summer and many have already signed up to go. The instructors at Teutons from Alsace-Lorraine Captur- the camp will be Prof. C. T. Johnstof, ed by Japanese, on Way to Prof. H. B. Merrick, Prof. H. E. Brodie, Marseilles Prof. H. G. Raschbacher, Prof. H. W. King and Mr. C. 0. Wisler of the civil Tokio, Feb. 16.-Eight German war engineering department. Prof. C. 0. Carey of the civil engineering depart- prisoners, released from the Japanese ment will remain here and will teach prison camp at Nagoya, near here, surveying 4 in the summer session. because they were of French descent Prof. H. Atwell has obtained a and former residents of Alsace- leave of absence and so will conduct Lorraine, are today on their way ton.s Marseilles to join the French army __ssu . and fight the country which claims them as subjects. The men left Yoko- The second annual "Wheel and Axle hama secretly. Ball" of the 1918 engineering class Their families are still in German will be held next Wednesday night. territory and the ex-prisoners fear Feb. 21, in Barbour gymnasium. Danc- they will suffer mistreatment from ing will begin at 8 o'clock. Admission the Germans if the latter hear of the is $1.00 and the tickets may be obtain- release in Japan. The eight prison- ed from members of the class social ers were captured when Tsingtao fell committee. to the Japanese. There are 14 others in the Nagoya camp who claim to be State Department to Demand Release of French descent. They, too, are ex- Washington, Feb. 16.-The state de- pected to apply for release. partment said officially this afternoon that it will formally demand the re- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * lease of the Yarrowdale prisoners. * FOOTBALL TRIP BRINGS * The document containing the demand * EXCELLENT RESULTS * is said to be partly complete, and will * _ * contain assurances that Germans in * Philadelphia, Feb. 16.-If noth- * this country have not been improperly * ing else, the recent trip of the * treated. the whites from the continent in 1740, it was the Indians about Detroit and Ann Arbor, in whom he reposed his greatest hope and confidence. And when all the frontier forts along the Mississippi fell into the hands of the redmen on the fatal day of the con- spiracy, the old fort at Mackinac was taken, and the entire garrison mas- sacred, it was the failure of these same tribes in their plot against the post at Detroit that caused the event- ual failing of the bloody and amazing camipaign, lca ig the white man in osscssiOn of t1e preav northwest. Pontiac, himself, w as born eight miles from Detroit, up on an island in the river, where the Saes and Foxes had set up their tepees. Lincoln in Michigain It was a hundred years later, during the vain attempt of the Indian to stay the advancing frontiersmen, that Ab- raham Lincoln led a company of back- woods)an soldiers into the southwest corner of Michigan. It is not known whether he came as far as Ann Arbor but it was the only time that the great president ever touched foot on the Wolverine state. In the legends associated with the Huron riger, however, no trace re- raiCs o; how ihe stream won its name. heth it stands as a monu- ment to some tr--nendous attack made upon the Wyandottes by this people, or as monument to the ignorance of the whites who first found the Indians along the stream, and ihought them Hurons, is a conjecture which has as yet found no adequate answer. iduality-"A living, breathing, throb- bing common life that finds self-ex- pression in every part as each part finds self-expression in the life of the whole, this is democracy." Miss Gulliver's discussion of de- mocracy is at times interesting, but she gives the impression of bringing herself with an effort down to the level of her listeners. This may be explained by the purpose for which the essays were written. The three essays are no doubt admirable for this purpose and as such are worthy of commendation. PRESIDENT TO SPEAK AT ALUMNI MEETINGS WILL ADDRESS ANNUAL GATHER- INGS IN DETROIT AND EAST President Harry B. Hutchins has been invited to speak at various alumni and alumnae association meet- ings during the latter part of this month and the first part of March. The president and Mrs. Hutchins have been asked to attend the annual meeting of the Detroit Alumnae as- sociation and banquet in Detroit on the afternoon of Feb. 24. On Wednesday, Feb. 28, the presi- dent will attend the annual meeting and banquet of the Rochester, N. Y., district association of University of Michigan alumni, and on the evening of March 10 he will attend the annual banquet of the Michigan University club of New England, to be held at the Genesee Valley club in Boston, Mass.. I1. JEAN A. PICARD TALKS ON SUBJECT OF FRENCH IDEALS M. Jean A. Picard of Paris delivered a lecture yesterday afternoon in Me- morial hAll on the subject of "French Ideals." M. Picard dealt with the re- markable spirit which has animated France since the beginning of the war and which has caused so much com- ment. M. Picard brought with him a num- ber of French papers printed in the trenches, and books, posters, and pic- tures illustrating present-day intel-, lectual life in France. He has been lecturing in all parts of the country E[STABLISH FIRST-AID CLASSES FOR GIRLS SORORITES, LE GUE RHOUSES, AND DORM ITMORY (ROUPS E TER ITO MOEMENT In order to train the girls of the Un- iversity of Michigan as well as the women of Ann Arbor so that in case of actual warfare with Germany the most efficient service may be given with- out any loss of time, first-aid classes will be begun here shortly and a cer- tificate awarded on completion, ad- mitting to first-aid service. The committee in charge of the local branch announce a satisfactory registration up to the present time, and it is expected that several more sororities, league houses, and dorm- itory groups will make definite ar- rangements for entering these classes within a few days. Upon the completion of the courses, examinations are sent out from na- tional headquarters at Washington and if they are successfully passed, a certificate admitting to first-aid ser- vice is awarded. This, however, does not incur any obligation to the govern- ment. The charges for the course in hygiene and home-nursing will be $5.00, and for the first-aid class, $4.00; or $8.00 for the combined courses. This includes membership in the Red Cross society. Full information will be given on registration, and i.t is an- nounced that anyone desiring to enter these classes should register by send- ing a post-card to Miss Alice Evans, Barbour gymnasium, before Feb. 22. BOOKS WORTH READING1- STUDIES IN DEMOCRACY, by Julia H. Gulliver. G. P. Putnam's Sons, N. Y., $1.00 net. These studies in democracy consist of three addresses given by the presi- dent of Rockwood college for women, two of them baccalaureate addresses and the other one given herore the State Federation of Women's clubs. The first, "The Essence of Democracy," discusses the effects which the pres- ent war will have upon our concep- tion of democracy. The essence of democracy is defined as "the attitude of mind and heart and soul," as contained in the speech of Abraham Lincoln at Independence hall, Philadelphia, Feb. 23, 1861. "It was that which gave promise that in due time the weights would be lifted from .the shoulders of all menand that all should have an equal chance." With this in view the European war is conceived as constructive, not de- structive." "The Twentieth Century Search for the Holy Grail," depicts the actual constructive work which women are doing in civic and municipal reform. They are responsible for the social settlement which have acted as a leav- en in our modern social conditions. The work of the women's clubs has been of increasing importance. "In thus incarnating the spirit of democ- racy and the spirit of social service in our commonwealth, American wom- en are participating in the great world movement toward a new incarnation of the deity." In "The Efficiency of Democracy" the political and economic efficiency of Germany and America are compared. The efficiency of this country is, in the long run, estimated higher than the efficiency of the other country because it limits the development of indiv- * * * * i~ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * AT THE THEATERS TODAY Majestic-"The Crisis" in Mo- tion Pictures. Orpheum- Wm. Desmond and Clara Williams in "The Crim- inal." Arcade - Peggy Hyland, Evart Overton, and Chas. Kent in "The Enemy.' Rae-Zoe Rae in "Glorinna." Also Loko comedy. * * * * * * * * * * * * during the past few months. * * * * * * * T * * * * * Ann Arbor's progressive merchants Use the advertising columns of the use The Michigan Daily as their ad- Michigan Daily in order to reach the vertising medium. best of Ann Arbor's buyers. - - - ar e- - -- clean _ .p. I - * Pennsylvania football team to * Pasadena, Cal., promises to obtain * for the Red and Blue one of the * Pacific coast football stars, George * W. Conn, said -to be one of the * best half backs in the Far West. * During the past season he played * with the Oregon Agricultural col- * lege. He made one of the long- * est runs on record, 101 yards, after * recovering a fumble behind his * own goal line. Conn's home is in' * Pasadena and during the time that' * the Pennsylvanians were there he' * fraternized with them, expressing' * much admiration for Coach Fol-' * well. He assured Folwell -that' * after his course at Oregon was fin-' * ished next June that he would go' * to Pennsylvania. Featuring hot soda for zero weathe Bloomfields. N. University. ! ' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * r. n, d _. _ .._. ,_ ... _ __ . . _. .._. _ _ ._ . . f v Z ' JUDGE FOR YOURSELF Get posted on the various systems of eye examinations-the methods employed and facilities used-the reasons why-then use your own good judgment. Our system is built to give you the best service-the best glasses-at the low- est price consistent with service. I fledcite en ou miss ithe .est ifyou ms ALL METRO PICTURES HAVE FIaS & it, AT- THE ARCADE THEATRE I No drops Eyes Examined No clinic No extravagance Glasses made EMIL H. ARNOLD OPTOMETRIST --OPTICIAN Alarm clocks, $1.00 up. Chapman tues-eo With Arnold & Co., Jewelers 220 South Main Street a.tion in India." Jeweler, 113 South Main St. WHY ARE SO MANY SHOES RUINED WHEN BEING REPAIRED? Tor the simple reason that so many so-called Shoe Repairers never learned the business. Not only have I one of the finest shoe shops in the state but i know the business and give you Quality and Service. VAN'S J. A. VANDERVEST, Prop. QUALITY SHOE PHONE 699-W REPAIR 1114 S. UNIVERSIVY AVE.