* the famous London story in life with- * out any cuts and is well acted by a * competent cast. * STRIAN TRENCH 1* De Russo, Former Cab Driver, * atters Small Company of * Frightened Enemies TODAY Orpheum -- Pauline Frederick in "The Woman in the Case." Holmes Travels. Majestic-"The Sea Wolf.'' * * * * * * * * * * * * Our * * * * LOTHES SELF IN PHOSPHORUS (By United Press) On the Trentino Front, Colletto Pass,' ct. 7.-(By Mail.)-"Ghosts" some- mes haunt the Austrian trenches. If ' - ; - 4 ar :nt ni n MAJESTIC THEATER ' Vaudeville will take the place of the musical comedy at the Majestic The- ater starting tomorrow night. It is a good bill and all of the acts are direct from the Keith and Orpheum circuits making their first tour of Michigan you dont believe it, ask iAntonio e houses. Russo. In broken English he says that he The headliner is Imhof, Conn and has driven many Americans to St. Coreene, who are perhaps the best Peter's. For in times of pea'e An- known of all the laugh-making trios, tonio is a cab driver in Rome. How- They have a new comedy entitled "The ever, he has ' developed now into a Pest House." Laughter succeeds laugh- everhe hs devlope nowrnton plucky Alpine warrior. The Austrians ter in such quick succession as to be al- have been forced out of this immediate most continuous, resulting mainly from ic yrac- the efforts of Roger Imhoff as Michael vicinity. They have given back pr Casy- eae ede ooti tically all the Italian territory, gained nasey, a belated peddler to obtain a in thir sringoffesiv' night's rest in "A Before the War in their spring offensive. Htl"Teohr epi h ovl Close to the enemy frontier the new Hotel." The others help in the convul- battlefield is located. Antonio is right sions. in the midst of it He is giving a good The Kaufman Brothers are come- account of himself in the fighting, but dians and singers. Both of them have he doesn't like the lulls. excellent voices and a happy-go-lucky "An allied victory, as soon as pos- blend of comedy, which make their sible," is his motto. He thinks he can conversation, songs and darky imper- hasten"it along by constant action. So sonations irresistably funny. They are he is always on the move. When he what they call in vaudeville a riot. isn't gunning for the Austrian, he is A special attraction for ladies and setting traps 'to capture him. This is children is Mile. LaToy's Models. A his latest performance: quartet of beautiful canines appear in Adopts New Methods an offering that is different from the There was a lull in the mountain usual animal acts. Some of the -pic- fighting one night. The cannons tem- tures reproduced by these dogs are porarily had closed their noisy mouths. masterpieces. Apparently, not a creature nor a thing Mortimer Mac Rae and Gertrude was stirring. The sky was wrapped Clegg have a novel bicycle act that is in great blankets of thick clouds. Only called "The Intruder and the Queen a sickly star shone through with a of the Wheel." This is a most attract- feeble light. There was no moon. The ive and at the same time sensational trenches were as black as pitch. act, and Miss Clegg on the wheel is Down in the valley a bell in some old a picture. She is also a good trick tower sounded. Antonio counted the rider. strokes--one, two, three, all the way Quite the classiest pair of entertain- up to twelve. Through the shadows, ers who have come to the Majestic this he looked at the watch upon his wrist, season is Wilbert Embs and Helen The two hands pointed to 12:00. Alton, who while the moments away A sly laugh rippled through his with infectious tunes and humorous trench. Apparently Antonio was amused chatter. Miss Alton's frocks are a at some sudden thought. "What dev- delight to the eye and there is an air iltry are you up to now, De Russo?" of general refinement about this of- his fellows shouted. He only smiled fering, which commends itself to every "ALONE AT LAST" AT GARRICK "Alone at Last," Messrs. Shubert's production of the latest musical work by Franz Lehar, composer of "The Merry Widow," with its much-adver- tised mountain-climbing scene in which a party of tourists, starting at the foot of the Jungfrau ascend the famous peak to its summit, is the attraction at the Garrick Theatre, Detroit, all this week. It comes there with a large cast, special symphony orchestra, and after a long and prosperous engage- ment at the Shubert Theater, New York. The cast includes Harry Conor, who is the chief comedian; Forrest Huff, Fritzi von Busing, Stella Norelle, the prima donna; Elizabeth Goodall, Miriam Folger, Robinson Newbold, Harold Everts, John E. Wheeler, Harry T. Hanlin and 80 others. A feature of the production is the large and vell trained chorus. Much has been heard of the Jung- . frau scene which is truly remarkable, both from a pictorial standpoint and the way in which the scenes seem to melt into one another. There are three scenes in the second act and these show the foot aid peak of the mountain and a point in between. Student Dances To V eRegulated All Mid-Week Dances Discouraged by University Senate; Other Nights Restricted According to a resolution passed by the University Senate, strict regula- tions will be placed on all student dances of the University during the college year of 1916-1917. No mid- week dances will be allowed unless held by special permission. This rule was passed after the Senate had re- ceived a petition to its effect from both the Student Council and the Wo- men's Judiciary Council. All Friday night dances must close at 1:00 o'clock a. m., unless special permission is -given for an extension of time. Sat- urday night dances must be over by 12:00 o'clock. PACKARD ACADEMY Dancing classes every Monday and Thursday evening at 7:00 o'clock, be- ginning October 9. Private lessons by appointment. Children's class every Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock. oct5,6,7,8 Find Our ERVICE S 4, l Depositor Un surpassce It is the outgrowth forty-seven years' bi mess experience a: Success. co The excellence of this SERVICE is proven by the ' tinuous growth of our resources. The SERVICE is always available to you. No Savings Account too large; none to small. Ann r Saving Ban INCORPORATED 1869 Main office, Northwest cor ner Main and Huron Branch office, 707 N. Univ. A RESOURCES $3,800,000.00 in reply. discriminating vaudeville patron. Some seconds later a figure crept out 'A special attraction for today at from the cover of the Italian defense. 3:00, 7:00, and 8:30 o'clock will be a It climbed slowly and monkey-like up photo-play of Jack London's famous the ragged side of a rock toward the play, "The Sea Wolf." This is a great Austrian positions. It was the Ro- motion picture appealing to all and man cab-dri r, turned soldriken one that is well worth seeing. It tells A little company of Austrians napped wearily in a tree-and-rock-screened gallery. One happening to awake gazed out through the slit in the moun- nave You See. taro into. the night. He shrieked. in. e uiu terror and aroused his 'comrades. They looked and through the branch-Am eri es screening their shelter, saw a "ghost." The position was abandoned in a rush.- A signal hurried several Italians to the spot. They discovered It will be a pleasur Antonio, single-handedly "holding" the fort. He was shimmery with phos- YOU. phorus. i Meanwhile he removed a wrist watch a How this watchi from either eye. The hands and nu- \ your pocket like a si merals showed "greenish" in the black- ness of the night. They were made of a composition of radium, enabling the soldier to tell the time in the dark. The time piece is the latest military fashion in the Italian trenches. NOTICE THE SATURDAY EVENING POST or Ladies' Home Journal, $1.00 for the school YEAR. 'Phone your order now. Stofflet's News stand, 110 E. Washing- ton. 'Phone 364. oct3,4,5,6,7,8 Estimates given on painting, paper- ing, or decorating of any kind. C. H. Major & Co. 'Phone 237. oct3,4,5,6,7,8 Get your shoes fixed at Paul's Place, 611 E. William St. oct3,4,5,6,7,8 J. S. GIRLS, ATTENTION! For rainwater shampoos call f R. Trojanowski, side entranc University. 'Phone 696-W.i Leavle your film at Sugden's. I- . n the Most hatch in Bracelet Watches Cigarette Cases 1 I' e to show it to is made to fit lver dollar. p. . 1 "@, , .. .\1 i Let us convert your watch into a wrist watch with Gold or Silver Bracelet. Leather Wrist Watch Holders in Black, Tan, White and Gray Brass Ash Trays with Match Holder, 50c F{.: vNr" IITY CONCERTS TO START First Entertainment to be Given In Hill Auditorium on Wednesday A series of faculty concerts has' been arranged by the management of the University School of Music which will begin next Wednesday afternoon and continuethroughoutrthe year. TIhese concerts, which are given in Hill auditorium, will be offered about every two weeks and are compliment- ary to the general public. Members of the piano, vocal, violin, organ, cello and harp departments will appear from time to time. The initial concert of this series will take place Wednesday afternoon at 4:15 o'clock, at which time the follow- ing artists will be heard: Albert Lock- wood, pianist; Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Lock- wood, violinists; A. J. Whitmire, viola player; Lee N. Parker, cellist, and Miss Lucile Johnson, harpist. CITY "Y" OFFERS STUDENTS SPECIAL BATH MEMBERSHIPS To accommodate students desiring the use of showers, and who are barred from this privilege pending the completion of the gymnasium, the Y. M. C. A. has instituted a special "bath membership," and anyone desiring to avail themselves of the plan are ad- vised to see the secretary of the or- We also carry the Hamilton Howard Waltham South Bend Elgin MICHIGAN JEWELRY Pins Fobs Brooches We carry a complete line of Solid Gold and Filled Jewelry Illinois Diamonds Remounted Fountain Pens We personally guarantee all our Fountain Pens Swan, Conklin, Boston Safety Jewelry Repaired, Fine Special Order Work in Gold and Silver Fraternity Jewelry Engraved Stationer Watches Repaired ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 upwards Fully guaranteed 4- ps GORHAM SILVERWARE GROUND LENSES We have installed a complete lense grinding plant, and are prepared to give prompt and efficient service. H A LLR & F risit us. Become acquainted State Street Jewelers ULLER Come in and v Telephone N.