DlllllllllllllllllilllllilllllillIlllZllINGill ll ill IlIILI 11111 DEMORALIZING ?USSING CHIGAN STUDENT BODY? trtmutrrtnttrrtnrrtl urttrrnnnrttrittrrni rrnrunurunnrnntrurtrtrtrtru-otnltlrrnlt utrr nrnttntnnttrnrnrnrnrttrti 1~~~~ ~;; F 7 / WANY GIVE IDEAS ON MOST RECENT CAMPUSPROBLEM Prominent faculty members and stu- ents expressed their opinions on the .uestion "Is there too much fussing t Michigan?" yesterday when inter- oewed by representatives of The wily. Oomen Raise Scholarship Standards "Women of the University certainly aise the standard of scholarship at fichlgan," said Dean John R. Effing- r of the literary college yesterday fternoon when interviewed on the co- ducation question. "Although the romen comprise only one-third of the tudents in the Uiversity, they have aore than a third higher scholarship han the male students. Take, for in- tance, the last semester. There were 7 A students, nine of whom were wo- nen. The same proportion holds early every year. A majority of the tudents who make Phi Beta Kappa ,re women.' Co-education a Good Thing. "I am heartily in favor of co-educa- ion," said Prof. Louis A. Strauss. "I hink it is a good thing for Michigan. ersonally, I do not believe that it as any effect on football, and it cer- ainly raises the scholarship standing. do not think that fussing is indulged n to such an entent as to have a armful effect for Michigan. Of course he boys are better able to answer his phase of the question than I Do Not Hurt Athletics "On the women proposition, I am ertainly in favor of co-education," aid Dean Alfred H. Lloyd of the xraduate school, yesterday afternoon, particularly for a state university uch as this at Michigan. As to the inportance of the women in the Uni- ersity, to touch on the course of dis- usson, I do not think they have done he least harm to Michigan athletics. 'he trouble with our athletics lies lsewhere. In matters of scholarship, le women have made a record that peaks for itself." Dean Jordan Maintains Silence Dean Myra B. Jordan-"I'cannot ee that anything is to be gained in his matter through the re-entering of lie women of the University in this Iscussion." Women Did Not Prevent Victories. "It is too bad that there are a few ien on the campus who think that he women of the University come ere merely for a good time and for satrimonial reasons, and therefore efuse to associate with them," said . S. Hart, '17, president of the Stu- ent council. "Conceit and snobbery re no words for it. There is nio rea- an to believe that the sons and daugh- ers of the people of the state are on different intellectual, social, and Loral level, and they should be given gually good opportunities of educa- on. "The main object of the University advancement of education, and the igher the scholastic standards the etter the University. Women help to xise these standards. "The idea that women in the Uni- ersity cause poor athletic teams is a Istaken one. There were women in ie University during the years when ichigan was 'Champion of the rest.'" Other Influences Hurt Football. Glenn M. Coulter, '18L, president of e Michigan Union, when interviewed esterday, expressed himself as fol- ws: "It seems to me that there are her more powerful influences than a-education at work in the present otball situation. At present a great- number of students are coming to ichigan to study, to the exclusion of 1 outside activities. As a result, otball suffers. Also, we now lack e stimulus in football. If we had >mething more to work for, as the iampionship of the conference. I ink the football situation would be; enefited." Dancing classes and private lessons t the Packard Academy. tf Ann Arbor's progressive merchants is the Michigan Daily as their adver- "I do not think that 'fussing' is indulged in to such an extent as to have a harmful effect for Michigan."-Prof. Louis A. Strauss. "Although the women comprise only one-third of the students in the University, they have more than a third higher scholarship stand- ard than the male students."-Dean John R. Effinger. "The trouble with our athletics lies elsewhere"-Dean Alfred H. Lloyd. "There are other more powerful influences than co-education at work in the present football situation.'-Glenn M. Coulter, '18L. "There were women in the University during the years when Michi- gan was 'Champion of the West."-A. S. Hart, '17. "I cannot see anything is to be gained in this matter through the re-entering of the women of the University in the discussion."-Dean Myra B. Jordan. Two Communicants Come to Defense of Women Students ( . - TIA . A\1 IBI, DOA\LD RIANX, NND JOSEPH SANDERSON IN "S\ IL, " AT THE WHITNEY THEATRE, TONIGHT. Editor, The Michigan Daily: "Petticoat influence" is a great re- proach, Which even those who obey would fain be thought To fly from, as from hungry pikes a roach; But since beneath it upon earth we're brought By various joltings of life's hackney coach, I for one venerate a petticoat- A garment of mystical sublimity, No matter whether russet, silk, or dimity. -Byron. Since the recent obloquy, relative to the balloting upon the honor system in the Law school has been inter- rupted, another of our number has precipitated himself into the calcium with such force and violence that it would seem to eclipse, "pro tem,'" all other public interest. The "Arraignment of Co-education" Is his vehicle. The purpose of this epistle is not to laud indoor athletics nor to criticize the spirit in which Mr. Dunne's article was written, but rather to analyze the reasoning by which he arrived at his conclusions that Michigan was about to be run down by the despicable tea-ball. Takes Lits for Example. To prove the major premis of his syllogism he has taken the literary college as a glowing example of the "co-ed's" deleterious effect upon the brawn of Michigan, for we are told that within the confines of that col- lege the feminine abounds in the larg- est numbers. To use his figures it would seem that four-tenths of the students attending the University are "lits." Then to prove the inefficiency of that departmentin developing Mich- igan men, he has taken the number of captains .of the three major sports, editors of the Michiganensian, general chairmen of the opera, and presidents of the Michigan Union for the past 12 years to see if they have furnished their quota of perfect men. To examine his statistics one finds that the literary collegehas had more than its requisite four-tenths percent- um of each of these honors in all of the activities mentioned save two, football and presidents of the Union, In the case of the former, it is con- ceded generally that the captain of a football team must be physically su- perior to his team mates as well as possessing that indefinable something which is necessary to qualify one as a leader on the gridiron. The literary college quite naturally might possess men with the latter re- quisite, but it is only natural that the man with the superior physical stamina would feel more at home con- ducting steam tests and analyzing con- crete than would he studying meta- physics or classifying verbs. In the case of the presidents of the Union it will suffice to say that it Is a condition precedent to the holding of that office that all candidates be fifth year profession boud men. Forgets Rest of Teams. This test then proves his argument fallacious by his own statistics. He has forgotten that it takes 10 men be- sides the captain to make up a foot- ball team, eight men besides the cap- taif' to play baseball, while the same is true in respect to all the other ac- tivities. He has forgotten that many of the captains were once lits before entering other departments. He has eliminated statistics In the cases of non-athletic activities e.g., debating, dramatics, oratory, glee club and many other representative organizations which if known might be rather start- ling to Mr. Dunne and his line of argument. To class an occasional call upon a young lady with drinking beer or do- (Continued on Pafe Six.) Editor, The Michigan Daily: Now that the co-educational con- troversy has been opened by one of Michigan's prominent students, espe- cially in its relationship to athletics, there is bound to be much freedom of speech. Words untempered and ill- befitting Michigan men have already been heard along State street and on the campus. There is no need of all this, because Michigan's athletic decadence and loss of prestige is in no way traceable to the proximity of Michigan's male species to rouge and talcum powder. To be frank,.Michigan's present meth- od of athletic development is obsolete and partisan; and while it is true that many men available for strenuous physical competition have no desire whatever to win ensignia, it is also true that the cruel system of caste is hanging heavily over Ann Arbor.- There is no need to elucidate, we all known the basic cause. We know further that many athletes fail to keep the faith, and do those things con- tradictary to physical fitness. Doubtless there are cases where good athletes are snared and bound by peroxide "hanks of hair," but these instances are isolated, and these one or two men could not put Michigan back on the competitive map. Michi- gan does not need stars, she ne'eds, in track, men to take second, third, and fourth places. She does not need so much of that sensational forward pass- ing game, she needs to develop a fast, hard, and dependable running attack, which she has not had for three years; and this in spite of the fact that she had Maulbetsch, Smith, Catlett, and Sparks, all peerless burden-bearers, behind the line. Sympathetic teams, working in unison, is what we want. One cannot help but think of the Lansing eleven-of two years ago. It was so admirably built around Jerry DePrato, and so ably kept together by Hubel, Miller, and Smith, all working to win for M. A. C. Then look at Syracuse's team of the past season, with its wealth of good material, yet failing because of internal friction. Co-education has never constituted a menace to the athletics of any school. Especially is this true of Michigan where it may be safely said that the girls are more loyal support- ers of the teams than are the men, from the standpoint of numerical com- parison. It is amitted that it is the more ambitious type of girl who seeks university training; and moreover women as a class are zealously earn- est concerning the wellfare of any- thing with which, they are connected. It seems fair, then, and only just to say that they would never knowingly stand in the path of Michigan's glory. 'Of course there are some girls who consider Michigan as an unusually de- sirable place to make a worthwhile life-contract, and come here solely for that purpose. But sensible lads side- step this type and as a result they only get the pikers, who would be of no use in the makeup of our athletic fabric. But for the most part, com- radeship with nice girls, who by the way, do not permit the life-sapping pastimes mentioned by another writer, is an inspiration, not only in the class room, and in social service, but also on the field of physical competition. If some of Michigan's recent heroes in baseball, track, and on the grid, were to tell the truth, they would tell of winning, not because of the howling stands, but because someone else was watching and cheering. And now, Michigan women, you have been indicted; charged with being a detriment to Michigan athletics. Evi- dently some of our athletes are poor sportsmen, seeking to place the bur-' den of defeat at your door. They have charged you with having produced the plot of that monotonous, and continu- ous performance entitled " Michigajni Defeats." But you are not guilty. Some intimate that by some curious process you sap the athletic ambition and life of men who would otherwise be wear- ers of the "M." We don't believe it, and those men who allow themselves to be devitalized in the pursuit of1 "parlor pastimes" belong to that typel who could not in any probability be useful to the teams except from the stands. But Michigan has slumped badly, and though you have done your share, join with us in our greater ef- forts to make good. "Can" the slack- er, lionize the fighter and give them both your campus and parlor prefer- ence, incessantly praise them, includ- ing those who try and fail. And by so doing, you will constitute a still more tremendous driving force that will send "The Victors" back upon the field of honorable and glorious athleUc achievement. ' 1S. TE JAiPANESE CONQUEST OF OINION. Montaville Flowers. Georie HI. Dloran, N. Y. There is a Japanese problem in this country because Japan resents exclu- sion of her citizens as aliens from holding land and becoming citizens. There is a Japanese problem in this country because of the hold which he ;paneso have gained upon the ent imenta1 opinion in this country. It is due to the active work of the Japan Society of New York which Mr. Flowers described as "a menace to the United States," an organized, powerful, half-disguised agency to change American opinion, to open our lOUS t'o Japanese immigrants, to grant them the rights of citizenship a d inter-marriage. In order that the Japanese ques- tion may be more intelligently con- sidered, Mr. Flowers has given a de- tailed analysis of the problem itself and of the ways in which the Japanese conuest of opinion has been made, and the basis of fact which old and new opinion possesses. He describes the work of the Japanese societies and press bureaus and the legislation of our government in the case. Mr. Flowers is a Californian, and seems to feel very strongly upon the subject of the Japanese question for th; reason that he has come in inti- mate contact with the problem in his state. Like many people with an axe to grind, he allows himself to be car- ried away by the force of his feeling into a series of bitter personal at- tacks. That the future generation in' y b educated to understand the importance of the problem, he dedi- cates his book to "the boys and girls of our high schools, the young men and women of our colleges upon whose American spirit and whose knowledge of the great world - problems of our time depends the preservation of the precious inheritance of the founders and builders of the republic." WASHINGITON lAN DECLARES ELECTRIC HEATING PRACTICAL Price is Higher Than Coal Heat but Authorities Say Lower Rate May Be Possible "Henry, turn on some more elec- tricity. I am cold," may be a com- mon household expression in the near future, according to Dr. Frederick A. Osborn of the University of Washing- ton. Dr. Osborn has determined, aft- er a series of experiments in his home, that electric heating is practical. He declares the cost to be about three and one-half times as much as heating by coal, for which reason it is not ex- pected that the ordinary man will take to the system with any great haste. If electricity ever sinks as low as one-half cent a kilowatt-hour it is possible that electric heating will sup- ercede all other systems as it is much more efficient and convenient. The de- velopment of the water power re- sources of the country may bring this about, authorities declare, and if it does they predict that electricity will be performing most of the household duties now left to other agencies. The "Standard" Loose Leaf Note Book. All sizes at Wahr's University Bookstore. 13-18 Michigan Daily advertising is per- sonal appeal to students, faculty, and residences of Ann Arbor. * * * x * $:," : :: e ;t 4.:k AT THE THEATERS TODAY Whitney-ISybiL" Majestic--"Tie Crisis" in Mo- tion Pictures. Arcade-Harold Lockw 1 aiod, May Allison in "Pidgin is- land." A iso lDrew C tmedy 3~ Orplheumn--Lon Tellegen in "The Victoria Cross." Also Bray Cartous. Raec-Mary Pickford ella," * * * * * * * in "Ciider. AT TILE WIIITN EY I Julia Sanderson, Donald Brian, and Joseph Cawthorn who will be seen in "Sybil" tonight at the Whitney the1tre, composed the trio which made su a success of "The Girl from Utah." The new work is considered even Letter than its predecessor, and was one oo' the most substantial successes of the past season in New York. Attractive as "Sybil" is in itself with its good music and scenery, the combination of such well known per- sonalities as the three stars has adde I greatly to the success of the piece. The scenes are laid in Russia, and the plot centers around an opera singer, l Sanderson. Mr. Brian takes the part of a grand duke, and Mr. Cawthorn plays the part of a German impres- sario. 'd r Fod robleml AT THlE MAEST7I "The Crisis," a photoplay which rivals "The Birth of a Nation" in its wonderful battle scenes and contrast- ing pathetic passages, is being ex- hibited at the Majestic theater this week. Winston Churchill's thrilling story of the South gripped in the bloody jaws of war, loses none of its power in this great picture. The picture portrays the love of a southern girl for her Yankee soldier and her struggle against this affection, The figure of Abraham Lincoln play- ed by Sam D. Drane reflects the be- nign demeanor and simple democracy of the Great Emancipator. Bessie Eyton as Virginia Carvel presents a picture of the typical southern beauty AT THE ARCADE The Arcade offers today Harold Lockwood and May Allison in "Pidgir Island," a play by Harold McGrath. This picture contains some wonderful scenes of 'the surf. There are also the two stars-Har- old Lockwood and May Allison, who are great favorites in the moving pic- ture field. The food question is a vital o e. Poor tood-badly prepared rhealth and pre- vent elCIcient mental work. Let us solve your food pro- blem. THE GRILL ROOM under o-serves only the best food -STEAM COOKED. eare open at all hours - and lyve prompt service. Our meals allow wide choIce-are well-balanced-and are eeallentl prepared. I Y US TODAY Gr'il Room UNDER HUSTON'S