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February 16, 1917 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1917-02-16

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Dean Cooley Says Michigan
feirly All Work Given at
West Point


By L. S. T.
With an enrollment of men esti-
mated to be nearly 5,200, the Univer-
sity of Michigan has produced just 152
men who are willing to elect a course
In military science which the national
government has proposed to install in'
a number of the larger universities.'
Cards for the purpose were distributed1
about the campus in the offices of the
various colleges before the Christmas
holidays and up to the present time
only this surprisingly small number
have turned in their names.
Professor Sargent of Harvard esti-
mates ,that 50 per cent of the male'
population of the country is physical
fit for military service. Doctor George
May, director of Waterman gymnas-
ium, said in a statement made last
night that he would reduce that to 40
per cent for college students. This
means that more than 2,000 Michigan
men can be counted upon for active
military service in the event of war,
which seems so imminent at present.
The value of instruction in military
science to these physically fit students
is obvious, and the need In which the
country stands of such men is now
becoming an old story. Michigan will
only get action out of the federal gov-
ernment with regard to the immediate
installation of this training by show-
ing a real interest. It is the duty of
this great student body to insist that
they be allowed to get the basic train-'
ing which a military course will pro-'
Although the order of the war de-
partment providing for a professor of
military science only calls for 100'
students, the present international sit-
uation calling for hurried preparations
in the army and navy may make it im-
possible for Michigan to get attention
without a loud and insistent demand
on the part of the students. An en-
rollment of 152 is not enough.
Dean Mortimer E. Cooley of the en-
gineering college says that 90 per cent
of the work given in West Point is
now given in this University. It is
safe to estimate that with the intro-
duction of work in military science
that this would be Increased to ap-
proximately 95 per cent. The remain-
ing work which Michigan would lack
to bring its curriculum up to the
standard of West Point would be only
the practical drilling.
The agitation for military instruc-
tion In Michigan began one year ago
when the University senate recom-
mended to the regents ,that compul-
sory military training be installed for
freshmen and sophomores. The reg-
ents were unwilling to make the train-
ing compulsory, but they offered to do
everything possible to help a move-
ment for voluntary military drills and
instruction. Major Clyde E. Wilson of
the engineering college organized a
company of men who drilled during
the months of May and June.
When the regents were asked to
grant credit for a course in military
instruction and the use of the gymnas-
ium, the latter was given. The recent
action of the federal government has
made it possible for students to re-
ceive credit. This act applies to uni-
versities not affected by the Morel act
requiring compulsory military in-
struction in all institutions holding
land grants from the government.
Michigan was not affected by this act.
"General order number 48 as amend-
ed" is the title of the war department
order which will give Michigan a pro-
fessor of military scieice. It calls
first for 100 physically fit students who
are willing to take one college year
of instruction. Three hours per week
is the minimum of class room work
required. The university must bond
itself for all equipment furnished by
the government. Actual drilling may
be done on the campus or at military

Senior Laws to
Dance Thursday
Annual Washington's Birthday Party
to Be Held at Union in
Unless later conflictions in the date
arise the traditional Washington's
birthday party of the senior law class
will be given next Thursday afternoon
from 2 to 5:30 o'clock at the Union.
This is one of the largest social
events in the Law school and is looked
forward to as second only to the an-
nual Crease dance. Fisher's banjorine
saxaphone orchestra has been en-
gaged to furnish the music. The hall
will be decorated with appropriate
emblems, including hatchets, cherry
trees, flags and other articles.
Although this is given by the senior
law class it will be open to the entire
Law school and also to the campus.I
The price of the tickets has been set
at 75 cents. They will go on sale Sat-
urday morning at the Union. The pur-
chase of tickets will be limited untilI
Monday noon to members of the Law
school and after that it will be opent
to all students.
Dean Henry M. Bates and Mrs. Bates1
and Professor Robert E. Bunker and
Mrs. Bunker will act as chaperones.I
The committee in charge of the dance
is made up of N. B. Kelly, chairman;i
H. E. Johnson, H. N. Pritzer, and C.
R. Lokker, '17L.1
Only Man Who Ever Traveled on Foot
Through South America to Talk
on That Country
Harry A. Franck, ex-'97L, self-
styled the only Michigan man who
ever became a professional vagabond,
and author of "A Vagabond Journey;
Around the World," will deliver a
lecture on his recent travels in Southa
America Wednesday evening, Feb. 21,
in Hill auditorium.
Mr. Franck is perhaps the only man
who has ever traveled alone and on
foot through South America, visiting
not only every country on the con-
tinent, but practically every state in1
those countries. During his travels,
Mr. Franck walked a distance of at
least 5,000 miles, besides graveling
many miles by canoe.
Carrying only a light camping out-
fit, and his camera. Mr. Franck un-
dertook and carried to completion
travels that would have made the or-
linary tourist quail before beginning
them. He has never been content to
acquaint himself only with the super-
ficial knowledge of the country, but
has always attempted to familiarize
'imself with the strangeness, and the
oeculiarities of the people and their
land. In Cairo he lived with profes-
;ional beggars and in Brazil he be-
-ame an itinerant showman.
)Ionthly Magazine Contains Articles
Dealing with Financial
The February number of the Mich-
igan Alumnus has come from the press
and is almost entirely devoted to the
University hospitals. According to an
editorial, the two hospitals are in dire
need of financial aid and the regents,

at their December meeting, passed a
resolution asking for an appropriation
of $1,050,000 for hospital purposes, the
payment to be distributed over a per-
iod of six years.
A brief history of the medical school
since its foundation in 1850 is con-
tained in the magazine, and very in-
teresting statistics are presented re-
garding the work done by the Univer-
sity health service. A series of ar-
ticles by Dr. C. G. Darling, Dr. U. J.
Wile, Dr. Reuben Peterson, and sev-
eral others also appear, and Miss
Elizabeth Harcourt has contributed
an account of the social service work
which is being carried on in the hos-
pitals. R. E. Atchison, superintendent
of the Homoeopathic hospital, presents
the needs of that hospital.
The recently developed honor sys-
tem is discussed at length, and the
1917 Commencement program and re-
union plans for the different classes

Alexander Berkman Tells of Life in
Cell, Describing Tortures
"Outsiders are more responsible for
crime than the criminals themaelves,
because the outsiders uphold the con-
ditions that make criminals," said
Alexander Berkman, anarchist, last
night in the hall of the new trade
union. "The labor criminal is a higher
type of man than the stupid law-abid-
ing citizen who would rather see his
family starve than break a man-made
law in order to sustain his children."
Mr. Berkman stated that 99 per cent
of the criminals in the penitentiary
were labor prisoners, those who were
guilty of strike-breaking and of rob-
bing individuals to obtain food. The
professional criminals are not found
in the prisons. According to Mr.
Berkman they have enough money set
aside either to bribe the officials or to
supply a prominent criminal lawyer.
In speaking of the torture adminis-
tered in prisons, the anarchist re-
marked: "The first thing they do is
to destroy your self-respect by forcing
you into a different kind of clothing;
from that worn in the outside world.;
They curb your will power so that you
become nothing more than a cog in a
wheel. The man is made ,degraded
physically, mentally, and morally
when he leaves the prisons than when
he enters them.
"The dungeon where some prison-
ers are kept is usually 15 feet below
the ground and three or four feet
wide. The keeper takes your shoes
when you go into the dungeon, and
you are made to stand on the bare
ground, sometimes covered with wa-
ter for days. Many times the cells
are infestedywith river rats and thse
add horribly to your punishment."
As a closing statement the speaker
added, "The people who support these
penitentiaries ought to know how they
are governed, but they don't."
Sikes, Church, Hamilton, and Schafer
Engaged for Summer
Vocal Work
Several students of the University
School of Music have recently secured
attractive positions in different parts
of the country. Chase B. Sikes, '17,
has been engaged as soloist in the
Jefferson Avenue Presbyterian church
of Detroit.
Fiske S. Church, '17, also a student
in the vocal department, recently was
selected as a member of the Cathedral
choir under the auspices of the Dun-
bar Concert company of New York
for a tour of 12 weeks, starting June 1.
James Hamilton of Chicago, who has
been doing special work under Theo-
dore Harrison, has also been engaged
for a tour of 17 weeks of chautauqua
work through the cities of the middle
Roland Schafer has been engaged
for a 20-week tour by the Mikado
Opera company. He will start for
Jacksonville, Fla., about the first of

Clarissa Vyn, '18, Chairman, Seeks
Over One Hundred for Cast
and Chorus
. Junior girls are urged to try out
for the annual Junior Girls' play be-
tween 2 and 4 o'clock this afternoon
or between 9 o'clock and noon tomor-
Clarissa Vyn, '18, chairman of the
play committee, announces that ten or
fifteen girls are needed for the princi-
pal parts, and that the choruses will
bring the total number needed to one
hundred or one hundred and fifty.
Tryouts are asked to come prepared
to recite a selection before the com-
Prof. T. C. Trueblood will lecture
in room 302 Mason hall at 7 o'clock'
tonight on "Wendell Philips, the Ora-
tor or the Emancipation."

Conservation of Foodstuffs Urged by
Belgian Relief Commission
Washington, Feb. 15.-One of the{
biggest problems for the United
States to consider in connection withz
any preparations for war is the like-
lihood that the United States must be-
come the chief source of food suppliest
for the world, Frederick C. Hoover of1
the Belgian relief commission told the
council of national defense.1
Mr. Hoover urged that every effortE
be made to conserve the food reserves
of the nation, and to stimulate extrar
production. Food production in all
European countries is almost at a
standstill. Mr. Hoover said, becauset
practically all able-bodied men have
been sent to the front. There is also
a great shortage in the normal sup-
ply in Canada, Australia and every
colony from which large numbers of
men have been drawn for the allied
armies. Mr. Hoover declared it to be<
his belief that the biggest service the
United States can render in the pres-
ent war is not to furnish enough sol-
diers, but food for the armies already
at the front, and for the non-combat-
ants now starving in the captured
territory of Europe.<
The police department has issuedI
a warning to all owners of property
in the city and on the campus that all
sidewalks must be cleaned off or ar-
rests will be made. A number of fra-
ternities and sororities have refused
to comply with the requests and the
police officials have determined to
make arrests.
No~ Coal Famine
Here Say Dealers
Little Coal in Bunkers But Contracts
Will Protect Ann Arbor; No
Cause for Fear
"There is absolutely no cause for
fear," said the different coal dealers
when interviewed yesterday afternoon
regarding the danger of a local coal
famine. "If the people will not be-
come excited we can supply them with
fuel of some sort. Coke and anthra-
cite are out of the question. All we
dealers have coal between Ann Arbor
and the mines and fuel is arriving
here daily. One great trouble is that
people who have enough coal in their
bins to last a month or longer insist
upon immediate delivery of more
14here is little coal in the bunkers of
th- local fuel companies and they are
unloading practically all that arrives
into delivery wagons for immediate
delivery. The dealers have protected
themselves with contracts, and, ac-
cording to these, should have plenty
of 'coal. The blame for the shortage
is laid upon the inability of the trans-
portation companies to make deliv-
Although there Is a shortage, there
is no danger of a famine. People who
absolutely need fuel are being
promptly supplied, although some-
times the particular kind they desire
can not be procured.

Scenario Writers
Will fleet Today
Men Interested in Writing 1918 Opera
Book Will Meet at Union
This Afternoon
Everyone interested in the writing
of the scenario for next year's opera
book is urged to be present at the
meeting to be held at 4 o'clock this
afternoon at the Union. Director Mor-
gan will be present and will outline
the plans for the scenarios, which will
be due some time in the latter part
of March. In form and content it will
be similar to this year's book. Any
student is eligible to write the
scenario and it is hoped that a large
number will be present at the meet-
ing this afternoon.
The successful scenario will be
turned over to the dialogue writers
sometime later in the spring. By this
arrangement the writers will be given
a much longer time to complete their
work and a better book will result.
In view of the showing made so far
by both the cast and the chorus, the
committee in charge feels that "Fools'
Paradise" will more than uphold the
high standard set by operas in the
past. The cast rehearsals are run-
ning smoothly and the men are work-
ing into their parts in excellent style.
Chorus rehearsals are being held daily
and with the final cut announced ac-
tual work on the chorus has started.
"Medicine and the American Indian"
Is Subject of Address of
New York Man
"Medicine and the American Indan"
will be the subject of the .'.s ti
Dr. Henry Harlow Brooks, '95M, who
is the speaker for the fourteenth an-
nual "Founder's day" celebration to
be held at 8 o'clock Thursday night in
Sarah Caswell Angell hall.
"Founder's day" is an annual affair
given by the students and faculty of
the medical school. Dr. A. M. Bar-
rett, who is in charge of the celebra-
tion, is making extensivetpreparations
to accommodate those attending.
Dean Victor C. Vaughan of the med-
ical school will entertain Dr. Brooks
as his guest at a dinner Wednesday
evening. Dr. A. S. Warthin, director
of the pathological laboratory in the
medical school, will tender Dr. Brooks
a luncheon Thursday noon.
Following the evening's program
Thursday evening a reception and a
dance will be held at Barbour gym-
nasium for the students of t a med-
ical school, members of the faculty,
and their wives.
To Illustrate Talk With Collection of
French Periodicals and
"French Ideals" is the title of a
lecture to be given in English by M.
Jean A. Picard of Paris, France, at
4:15 o'clock this afternoon in room A
of the Memorial building. The lecture
is being given under the auspices of
the department of romance languages.
M. Picard, who was in the French

service in Alsace, has as his object
the introduction to American people
of present day intellectual life in
France. He will illustrate his lecture
with a collection of French books,
magazines, periodicals and posters.
Mr. Lyman Bryson of the rhetoric
department spoke to the class ir inter-
national relations last night on the
subject, "The Influence of the Press in
International Relations." He told of
the progress of the newspaper since
its origin in England in 1622, and ex-
plained how the control of a newspa-
per is obtained.
"The newspaper is always in ac-
cord with the ruling class," said Mr.
Bryson. "If the ruling class is con-
stituted by one king, a group of nobles
or a large body of men, the newspaper
expresses the idea maintained by that
influential set."

Minnesota Passes Similar Bills in Col
currence with National
Washington, Feb. 15.- Prohibitic
states, including those where partia
prohibition only is in effect, and wher
liquor is imported for personal use i
limited quantites, will be made bone
dry through a rider to the postoffic
bill adopted today by the senate. Th
amendment reads, "Whoever sha
order, purchase, or cause to be trans
ported, in interstate commerce, in1
any state or territory, the laws c
which prohibit the manufacture o
sale therein of intoxicating liquor
shall be 'punished as aforesaid."
The adoption of the amendment wa
the first action by the senate since ti
passage of the District of Columbi
bill in the direction of nation wid
Washington, Feb. 15. -- The sex
ate late today unanimously adopte
the Jones amendment to the postoffic
bill denying the mails to newspape:
and other publications containin
liquor advei Lng when destined fI
prohibition territory. A fine of on
thousand dollars or two years' in
prisornment, or both, is provided fo
St. Paul, Feb. 15.-The Minneso
state senate this afternoon passed tl
Minnesota bone-dry bill, 49 to 16. Th
senate ameded and postponed the da
of its effectiveness until Jan. 1, 192
and, for that reason, it must be se
back to the house which passed
several weeks ago. The house w:
concur in the amendment.



Semester Grades May Not Be Sent Oi
for Several Days
According to the clerk of the La
school no special day can as yet 1
set for the sending out of the grad
of that department. There are st
two professors who have not sent
their grades and as soon as these a
in the envelopes containing the s
mester's reports will be mailed out.
The Student council at its meeti
last night decided that the junior
councilman is to be chosen at the meE
ing of that class to be held at 4 o'clo
next Wednesday afternoon in room 1
of the economics building. The con
cil has received a letter from Purd
inviting it to send representatives
the conference of big nine stude
council delegates to be held
Purdue in March. At that meeti
problems of student government frc
the standpoint of the student will
discussed, among them the efficacy a
advisability of the use of the hon
system in examinations.
It was also decided to drop for t
time being the weekly dances bei
held at Barbour gymnasium.
Offers Plant to U. S. In Case of W
Toledo, 0., Feb. 15.-John M. Will:
president of the Willys-Overland Au
company, today sent a telegram
President Wilson offering him the t
of the Willys-Overland company a
all its allied and subsidiary plants
case of war. More than 38,000 m
are employed in all these factories.
Find Dynam.e in Coal on Vess(
Norfolk, Va., Feb. 15.-Dynamite w
:eported to have been found mix
with coal on an American naval vE
:el here, and in shipments intend
for merchant vessels due to sail I
Europe. Confirrnation of the repc
was not available at piers where me
of the allied merchant men are lyir

Main Floor of New Building Is
for Occupancy


After using temporary rooms for
the past few months, the offices of the
student "Y" will move into the head-
quarters on the main floor of Lane
hall today. Construction work and in-
terior decorating in the building has
been practically completed and but
few minor additions remain to be
Carpenters are putting their finish-
ing touches on the model auditorium.
Furniture and fixtures for the build-
ing are being received almost dail:
and desks and chairs will be in place
Cuban Minister Thanks U. S. for Stand
Washington, Feb. 15.-The Cuban
minister today presented to the state
department a note thanking the United
States for its stand against Cuban

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