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February 14, 1917 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1917-02-14

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Michigan's Annual Musie Classic Will
Take Place This Year on
May2,8,4,and5 -



Maud Fay, Christine Miller, and Ethel
Leginska Other Stars New
to Ann Arbor
Galli-Curci, Martinelli, Matzenauer,
Homer, Fay, Leginska, .Hinshaw,
Holmquist, Miller, Biggs, and Kings-
ton, all musicians of distinction, will
make up the role of artists who will
appear at the next May Festival, May
2, 3, 4, and 5, according to an an-
nouncement made by Dr. Albert A.
Stanley, director of the Univtersity
School of Music. The list includes
a number of former favorites and sev-
eral distinguished musicians who will
make their Ann Arbor debuts at this
Amelita Galli-Curci, the famous
Spanish-Italian coloratura soprano,
who has made such a pronounced
sensation in the musical world, and
who is heralded as the greatest mu-
sical attraction since New York went
wild with enthusiasm at the appear-
ance of Jennie Lind. She will be the
attraction Friday evening.
Maud Fay, soprano of the Metro-
politan Opera company, whose splen-
did work there and with the Munich
Royal Opera company is familiar to
all, will take the part of Aida at the
Saturday, evening performance.
Christine Miller, an American con-
tralto of recognized merit, will make
her Ann Arbor debut in the "Dream
of Gerontius" Thursday evening. Her
record is enviable and she ranks as
one of the leading oratorio artists.
Woman Pianist Plays Friday.
Ethel Laginska, pianist, who is
known as the "Paderewski among
women," will be heard in the Friday
afternoon program in which the chil-
dren's chorus will also take part. Miss
Leginska is an English girl who
adopted a Russian name. Her career
has been spectacular and in a short
time she has been able to attain the
very front rank of the world's great
piano virtuosos.
Mme. Louise Homer, contralto,'
whose artistic performances, both in
concert and at the Metropolitan opera
house, are familiar to all, will be
heard in a miscellaneous program at
the first concert Wednesday after-
noon. She will sing several arias.
Margarete Matzenauer, contralto,
who made such a profound impression
at the festival last year and whose
brilliant record at the Metropolitan
and in Europe is unexcelled, will sing
the role of Amneris Saturday evening.
Morgan Kingston, tenor, whose ad-
miral work' as Samson at last year's
festival will long be remembered, will
be heard in "The Dream of Gerontius"
Thursday evening. His work both in
opera and in concert has been such
as to place him among the first.
Martinelli, Tenor, on Saturday.
Giovonni Martinelli, tenor, appeared
at the Friday evening concert of the
festival two years ago on short notice,
taking the place made vacant by the
inability of John McCormack to ap-
pear. He made a sensation and de-
lighted the audience which packed
Hill auditorium. At the Metropolitan
opera house he is second only to the
great Caruso. As Rhadames, Satur-
day evening, he will be heard to ad-
vantage in a role particularly suited
to him.
William Wade Hinshaw, late of the
Metropolitan Opera company, will
take the part of Ramphis. Mr. Hin-
shaw is a brilliant artist, as will be
recalled by those who were able to
hear him' at his appearance in Ann
Arbor several years ago. His work
is always of a high order and his
operatic career fits him particularly
well for the difficult role allotted to
Gustaf Holmquist, bass, will be
heard on two occasions, in the "Dream

of Gerontius," Thursday evening, and
in "Aida" Saturday evening. His
splendid work last year was such as
to make his re-engagement a fore-
gone conclusion. He is a real bass of
(Continued on Page Six)

Seniors Lead Literary College With
Five Perfect Cards; Fresh-
men Second
Sixteen students in the College of
Literature, Science, and the Arts
made all A records during the se-
mester just ended. The perfect rec-
ords were divided among the various
classes as follows: Seniors, 5; fresh-
men, 4; juniors, 3; sophomores, 3;
special, 1.
The individuals who received all
A's are: James P. Adams, '19, Carsonl
City; Gladys M. Blair, '20, Pontiac;
Chesser M. Campbell, Sault Ste.
Marie; Blanche Goodell, '19, Ecorse;
Olive Hagen, '18, Lake Linden; Ken-
neth Koch, '20, Traverse City; Ber-
nice Krueger, '17, Toledo, O.; Helen
L. Krueger, '17, Toledo, O.; Howard
Liddell, '17, Erie, Pa.; G. P. Overton,
'20, Martinsville, Ind.;'Hester M. Reed,
'19, Ann Arbor; Cecil A. Ross, '18,
Kalamazoo; May Sanders, '18, Salt
Lake City, Utah; Gladys Vinter, '20,
Detroit; W. S. Westerman, '17, Ann
Arbor; Alice °Y. Wieber, '17, Ann Ar-
Will Not Play in Ann Arbor This
Week Buie May Appear
in Spring
Sarah Bernhardt, who, according to
an early report, was to have ap-
peared in Ann Arbor this week under
the combined auspices of the Wom-
en's league and the Ann Arbor Wom-
en's club, has been unable to com-
plete her trip through the south in
time to fill an engagement here dur-
ing the winter. Her manager was in
Ann Arbor last week and inspected
Hill auditorium, so there is a good
prospect that she will give a recital in
April. The date will probably be def-
initely fixed as soon as her Chicago
engagement has been finally arranged.
Hazel Giddings, '17, chairman of
the dramatic committee of the Wom-
on's league, and Mrs. Edward Croark-
in of the Women's club are in charge
of the effort to bring "the divine
Sarah" to Ann Arbor.
University War Instructor Expected
to Arrive in Few Days;
Corps to Meet

Largest Appropriation for Naval De-
fense in History of Country
Passed by Big Majority
Republican Amendment Reaffirms De-
termination of U. S. to Mediate,
Washington, Feb. 13.-Carrying a
total of more than $369,000,000, the
largest appropriation for naval de-
fense in the history of the country,
the navy bill passed the house this
afternoon by a vote of 353 to 23.
Amendments carried authorize the
president to commandeer private ship
yards and munitions plant "if a na-
tional emergency arises prior to
March 1, 1918," and provides $1,000,-
000 for the purchase of basic aero-
plane patents.
Construction Authorizations.
The bill authorizes the construction
of three battleships for a total. of
more than $84,000,000, one battle
cruiser at more than $26,000,000, three
scout cruisers for a total of $20,000,-
000, 15 destroyers for a total of $26,-
000,000, one destroyer tender for $2,-
800,000, one submarine tender at $2,-
200,000, and 18 coast submarines at a
total of $25,000,000. "Little navy"
men, unmoved by the present interna-
tional crisis, rallied in opposition to
the measures.
The navy bill was passed virtually
as reported by the committee and en-
dorsed by Secretary Daniels. The
house, however, refused to adopt
Daniel's recommendations that ship
yard employees must be subject to
draft in case of national emergency,
and that any person who induces an
employee engaged on government
work in time of national emergency
to leave his work, should be punished.
An amendment by Chairman Padgett'
asking $150,000,000 for immediate
completion of ships under construc-
tion was thrown out on a point of or-
Mann Reads Amendment.
An amendment by the Republican
floor leader, Mann, which was adopted
"It is hereby reaffirmed to be the
policy of the United States to adjust
and settle its international disputes
through mediation and arbitration to
the end that war may be honorably
The army appropriaion bill carry-
ing $247,000,000 is expected to come
up Thursday.
Adelphi :house of representatives
held its initial meeting of the semester
last night and outlined its plans of
activity for the balance of the year.
The campaign being carried on to
obtain funds for the redecoration of
the Adelphi rooms is now in full
swing, and a completely furnished
assembly place is anticipated as a re-
The date for the annual Adelphi
banquet was set for Tuesday even-
ing, Feb. 27, while the following
Tuesday, March 6, was selected as the
time for the cup debate tryouts.
Y. W. C. A. to Entertain Junior Girls
Women who have entered the junior
class of the University during the
past semester and at the beginning
of the present one will be the guests
of honor at a "Get-Acquainted" party
from 3 to 6 o'clock Thursday after-
noon at Newberry hall. This is -one
of the series of social gatherings

which the Y. W. C. A. has been giving
this year for the incoming members of
the various classes. -__.
The intercollegiate committee, of
which Hazel Giddings, '17, is chair-,
man, will be assisted in entertaining
by Wyvern, honorary society for jun-
ior girls.
Professor Brumm Speaks at Detroit
Prof. John R. Brumm of the rhetoric
faculty, will deliver the Education Day
lecture before the Federated Women's,
club of Detroit, at 2 o'clock this aft-9
ernoon. Professor Brumm has chosen
for his subject, "The-Educational Con-I


.Pick This Year 's
Comedy Club Play
Jerome K. Jerome's Comedy, "Miss
Hobbs," Selected for Annual
Jerome K. Jerome's English comedy
"Miss Hobbs," has been chosen by the
Comedy club for its annual produc-
tion. Tryouts for the cast will be held
held either the last part of this week
or the first part of next. According
to present plans the play will be pre-
sented about the middle of the sem-
"Miss Hobbs" is a lively comedy
bordering on a farce and deals with a
type of "emancipated" woman -who an-
nounces her views in an assembly
which met at the home of a friend.
In the audience is a young man, a
friend of the family, who wages an-
other gentleman that he will kiss the
"new" type of young woman ere a
month has passed. He makes a note
of the bet in a pocket' note book, which
he loses. Later Miss Hobbs finds it.
A surprising number of complications
grow out of this incident and end up
with a reciprocated love affair in
which the betting gentleman wins both
the wager and Miss Hobbs.
:Panama Builder
Will Speak Here
Col. G. W. Goethals, Constructor of
Isthmain Canal, to Lecture
March 14
This is the first visit of Col. Goethals
of the Panama Canal, will speak in
Hill auditorium on the evening of
March 14, illustrating his lectures on
the building of the canal by means of
motion pictures.
This is the first visit of Col. Gotehals
to Ann Arbor, and he is making the
address as a result of a special invit-
ation extended to him by the Oratori-
cal association of the University.
Ccl. Goethals has been prominent
in political circles since his comple-
tion of the canal, and especially since
1914 to the civil governorship of
his appointment on the first of April,
Panama. His speech will deal to a
considerable extent with the value of
the canal in the event of the United
States becoming engulfed in a war,,
and the possibilities of its defense.
Information concerning a number of
fellowships offered by several univer-
sities and colleges to graduate stu-
dents in good standing may be obtain-
ed frog Dean Alfred Lloyd of the=
Graduate School.
Wellesley college of Wellesley,4
Mass., offers two fellowships valued at
$350, open to any student. The Biel
fellowship for scientific research will
be awarded July 3 at South Kensing-
ton, London, S. W., England. Applica-
tions must be in by April 16. Sarah
Berliner has a resident fellowship
amounting to $1,000 for women with
the degree of doctor of philosophy.
The University of Kansas offers 17
fellowships each year yielding about
$280. They are to all students uponF
a competitive basis. Bryn Mawr has a
wide range of fellowships including a
traveling fellowship and 12 for women
residents of this country but of dif-
ferent nationality. The University of]
California offers the largest number,
including all departments.
In addition, -the Ellen Richards re-

search prize is open to women for the
best theses embodying new observa-
tions or conclusions based upon in-
dependent laboratory research.l
Catholi Students Give Dance 7
The third dance of the school year
under the auspices of the Catholic
Students' club will be given Saturday
afternoon from 2:30 to 5:30 o'clock
at Packard academy. Prof. T. J. Mac-9
Kavanagh and Mrs. MacKavanagh will1
chaperone the affair.]

London, Feb. 13.-Five per-
sons were killed when a sub-
marine sunk the 11,999 ton
White Star liner Afric. Seven-
teen of the crew are said to be
missing. The Afric was on gov-
ernment service.
Washington, Feb. 13. - The
smallest tonnage noted in any
one day since Germanystarted
U-boat blockade was reported
by Consul General Skinner at
London to the state department
today in Lloyd's reports which
showed only 6,808 tons sunk.
The report was made before the
White Star liner Afric was sunk.
Seven Ships Arrive from English
Ports Reporting Protection
During Atlantic Trip
New York, Feb. 13.--Seven steam-
ers from various British ports
reached New York harbor today
within a few hours of each other.
This immediately suggested to ship-
ping men thit the vessels had been
convoyed across the Atlantic in a
body, and when passengers were in-
terviewed, they confirmed the convic-
tion that the admiralty had evolved
such a scheme for overcoming the
submarine menace.
When the Cunard liner Ascana,
which was among today's arrivals,
left Liverpool, 50 merchantmen were
concentrated near by awaiting their
convoy. As warships arrived the
steamers were escorted off on their
voyages in groups of three and four.
While traversing waters about Eng-
land, trawlers went ahead of the
ships with heavy steel nets stretched
between them to sweep up mines, and
guard against torpedoes, the pas-
sengers said.
For two days the convoy remained
constantly in sight of the liners and
merchant vessels. After that time
warships could just be distinguished
on the horizon.
Gargoyle Takes Exception to Article
Against Co-education
Darts of sarcasm are directed to-
ward the article on co-education
which appeared in a recent issue of
The Inlander, in the February issue
of The Gargoyle, which went on sa
yesterday. Two pages of the maga-
zine have been usd to illustrate the
The Gargoyle business department
reports a large demand for the J-hop'
number. A number of copies are
still to be had at the bookstores, but
the edition that was put on sale on
the campus was immediately sold out.
The management announces that
any one desiring to send a copy to
any of the J-hop guests or persons
out of town, can get wrapped copies
at The Gargoyle office in the Press
Dean J. 0. Schlotterbeck, of the

College of Pharmacy, who has been
confined to St. Joseph's Hospital for
several weeks, was removed to his
home last Saturday, and it is reported
that his condition is greatly improved.
Dean Schlotterbeck is now able to be
up and about his home.
Dr. Case Speaks on Man's Origin
Dr. E. C. Case, professor of histor-
ical geology and paleontology in the
University, will deliver an illustrated
lecture at 7 o'clock on "The Origin
of Man," in the Church of Christ.
Admission is free. Dr. Case is an in-
teresting speaker and has delivered
several lectures on this subject be-
fore large audiences.-,
Potatoes Go Up in Smoke
Presque Isle, Me., Feb. 13.-Eigh-
teen thousand barrels of potatoes
awaiting shipment in six warehouses
were destroyed by fire today. The
loss is estimated at $160,000.

Guesses Are Rife Concerning Reason
for President's Activity in
Washington, Feb. 13.-The subject
of the Yarrowdale prisoners detained
in Germany shared in importance
with the issue as to the arming of
American merchant ships, in today's
cabinet meeting. This developed a
longer session even than that at
which the president and his advisers
formulated plans for breaking off re-
lations with. Germany. It was in ses-
sion about two hours and 20 minutes.
There was strong indication that some
difference of opinion developed in the
meeting over the question of arming
Secretary Daniels, always slow to
take any belligerent step, came out of
the cabinet room looking very grave,
with his face slightly flushed. He re-
fused absolutely to discuss any ques-
tion. Secretary Lansing was equally
short in dismissing the situation. He
said no decision had been reached, no
announcement would be made today,
and none in the near future so'far as
he knew. Other members of the cab-
inet when approached would say only
"not a word today."
Cabinet Takes Birdseye View.
It was learned in other quarters
that the cabinet canvassed every fea-
ture of the international situation.
Belief that this government may be
about to make another step bearing
on the situation grew when, after
working in his study until after mid-
night, President Wilson gave up his
usual morning golf game and spent
his entire time in seclusion in his
study. No word was forthcoming
from the White House as to what the
president was working on.
Among the "guesses" as to what
might be in the air were:
A communication to Austria with
whom negotiations have been going
on for 10 days following the official
report of the German U-boat decree;
a possible communication to neutrals;
or a possible address to congress re-
garding the arming of merchant
Carranza Stand Rouses Concern.
Four matters of tremendous im-
portance are awaiting decision by the
government. The mostimportant of
these is the grave possibility behind
General Carranza's move to stop ship-
ments of food, oil and munitions from
Mexico to belligerents. Carranza of-
ficials have frequently boasted of
their friendship for the German and
Japanese governments, and it was ad-
mitted that developments in Mexico
were being watched carefully.
Grade cards for students In the
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts will be distributed from the
registrar's office today and tomor-
row. The grades are all recorded,

and all that remains now is to mail
the records to the students.
Part of the cards were ready for
mailing last night, and the rest will
be mailed today, so that all students
should have their marks by tomor-
row, or at the latest Friday morning.
Tryouts for the Junior. Girls' play
will be held from 2 to 4 o'clock Friday
and from 9 to 12 o'clock Saturday, in
Sarah Caswell Angell hall. Clarissa
Vyn, '18, chairman of the play commit-
tee, and Prof. John R.Brumm, direct-
or, are to be the judges, and each girl
trying out is asked to come prepared
to recite a selection.
Big Advance in Canada Trade
Ottawa, Canada, Feb. 13.-The ag-
gregate trade of Canada is now well
over the $2,000,000,000 mark. For the
year ending Nov. 30 last it reached the
total of $2,060,501,658.

President Harry B. Hutchins has
received word from Captain William
Bryden of the U. S. field artillery
that an army officer has been detailed
by the government as instructor in
military training for the University.
The officer will arrive within a few
days to inspect and report upon con-
ditions prevailing here. After the in-
spection definite arrangements will
be made as to the amount of credit
to be awarded for the proposed
courses of instruction.
At the present time there are 140
students enrolled, but it is desired
that at least 500 sign the list in order
to form a battalion and make an ex-
cellent showing when the officer ar-
rives. The course is open to anyone
and carries no obligations to the gov-
ernment. One night a week is devoted
to practical training and drilling in
Waterman gymnasium.
All men who have signed the roll,
those desiring to join, and those wha
are in the least way interested are
urged to bring tennis shoes to Water-
man gymnasium this evening.
About two hundred dollars worth of
text books were sold yesterday at
the "Y" book exchange, according to
R. F. Wuensch, '17, employment sec-
retary. The office where the books
are sold was crowded throughout the
morning and afternoon. The princi-
pal aim of the exchange is to secure
fair prices for the students who place
booksfor sale, while therpurchaser
can buy the books cheaper than he
could otherwise.
Illinois Passes State Wide Bill
Springfield, Ill., Feb. 13.-The state
wide prohibition bill passed the sen-
ate- today by a vote of 31 to 18. It
now goes to the house.

' Saxonian Survivors Landed
London, Feb. 13.-Survivors of the
steamer Saxonian landed today re-
ported that when that vessel was
sunk Feb. 7 by a submarine, she did
not attempt to escape, or to use her
wireless. There were three Americans
in the Saxonian's crew, but until the
remainder of the survivors land to-
morrow it is not known whether any
of these lost their lives.

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