A Few Days Longer ** While The Cold Weather Lasts OF FI Calkins MARTHA WASHINGTON CANDIES Here it is Men YSuits and Overcoats I STEIN-BLOCK and MICHAEL-STERN 1-4 Off CLOTHES 1-4 Off Entire stock fancy and mixed Entire stock blue and black 2 Suits and Overcoats Suits and Overcoats AT 1-4 OFF AT 20% OFF Our entire stock All trousers over $4.00 MACKINAWS AT 20% OFF _ linduBSChmitt, A~fl& 0. Pfe& Co. 1J1JJ~~r1J U1J11J111111J111 lilC1J111JJJJJ111JJli illilJl1111I 11fJ11111J111JU1J1J[111U1Jrll I Djer Kiss - Mary Garden Houbigants-Pivers Drug Carried in stock at our Co. South University Ave. Store Cor. Church St. Now is the time for Action on your part, the final clean- up prices are now in effect and that is the equal for you to come straight to Reule- - _ RED CROSS CHAPTER IS ORGANIZED IN ANN ARBOR MRS. L. P. HALL DESCRIBES WORK IN FRENCH HOSPITALS; SO- CIETY ELECTS OFFICERS With the arrival of information out- lining a definite working schedule which will be received here within a few days from the American Red Cross headquarters, an active campaign will be waged by the newly formed local chapter which was organized at an enthusiastic mass meeting Friday aft- ernoon in Harris hall. Prof. Louis H. Boynton, who was in charge of the meeting, outlined the purposes of the society and described some of the work which has already been accomplished along this line un- der the direction of the national so- ciety, of which there are 265 chapters. Mrs. Louis P. Hall, recently an aux- iliary nurse in the American ambu- lance hospital on the French front, tamed several specific requirements for giving the greatest relief in the French bospitals. She also made a number of suggestions for the differ- ent kinds of relief work to be under- LAST DAY CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG In Thomas Dixon's "THE FOOLISH VIRGIN" ARCADE THEATRE 25 CENTS MONDAY BLAZE MAKES I7 STUDENTS HOMELESS FLAMES CAUSE $1,000 DAMAGE TO HOUSE ON SOUTH INGALLS STREET YESTERDAY With the thermometer hovering be- low zero mark, 17 University students were driven out in the cold whe fire broke out in a rooming house at 220 South Ingalls street yesterday after- noon. Shortly after 1o'clock yesterday aft- ernoon, Duke Dunbar, '17L, discover- ed smoke in one of the rooms on the third floor and immediately sent in an alarm to the fire department. It is thought that the fire started from a defective chimney. The flames spread to the adjoining rooms and to the roof. It was estimat- ed by Mrs. H. S. Leslie, the present tenant of the house, that $1,000 dam- age was done. The owner of the build- Conlin, Feigei Co. and choose one of these fine Winter Suits or Overcoats at this BIG REDUCTION SALE Reule Conhin, Feigel Co. Ii - and Other Good Perfumes at The Eberbach & Son Co. 200-204 E. Liberty St. k&m Cordovan s We have just received another shipment of this popular shoe in BLACK and TAN. Special Agency Nettleton shoes Mid= Winter Clearance Sale STILL ON AT Campus Bootery taken by the local chapter. The directors of the local society met last Sunday afternoon with the ex-officio members of the organization, consisting of Mayor E. M. Wurster, President Harry B. Hutchins, Mr. H. W. Douglas, president of the Ann Ar- bor Civic association; Mrs. H. M. Bates, president of the Visiting Nurses' association, and Mrs. F. P. Ward, presi- dent of the Federation of Charities of the city. At this meeting the offer of the city Y. M. C. A., to let the society have the use of the whole sec- ond floor of their building for Red Cross work, was accepted. Owing to the fact that the work would be a training for Red Cross work in case of war, it is expected that many university students will co- operate in the movement. MICHIGAN LAW REVIEW GOES ON SALE TOMORROW February Nuihber to Contain Articles by Edward S. Corwin and W. H. Sanford, '17L 308 S. State St. Oe ouf Our Dihnners ing is Mrs. city, who is. wn burg, Florida. "EM AKE ME A CHILD AGAIN, JUST FOR TONIGHT" Austin, Tex., Feb. 12.-Sedate col- lege professors and husky foot ball warriors will join pretty women stu- dents tonight in playing "ring-around- a-rosy," "pussy-wants-a-corner," and other more or less interesting games as part of the program of home econ- omics week. The games will be staged by the wo- man's physical training department of the University of Texas as a compli- ment to the State Canning club agents, who are meeting here. These agents and many rural school teachers com- plain that one of the hardest things they are up against in training chil- dren is cooperative playing. They say they fear modern children are los- ing the "art of playing." The professors, foot ballists, and women are going to show 'em how. A. F. WENDLER, '18E, VICTIM OF ACCIDENT WHILE COASTING Gertrude Beierlein, '19, is at the University hospital with a broken ankle and a dislocated foot and A. F. Wendler, 18E, is confined to his home with a fracture as a result of a coast- ing accident on the observatory hill at 9:30 o'clock last Tuesday evening. No matter what course you're taking you need this famous pencil! Mary E. Adams of this at present in St. Peters- WAHR'S Shoe Stores Main. St. State St. i B ECAUSE of the superla- tive quality of material and workmanship, VEN1US is the finest pencil it is possible to make. If you like a thick, soft lead that marks so that you can read the writing half-way across the room, choose the soft degrees 6B--5B--4B. _ -___.__ I Served from 11to 7 Regu ar Dinner 35c consists choice of meals; mashed or boiled potatoes; one vegetable; choice of pie or pudding; tea, coffee, orrmilk. SPECIALS, as served Soup .10 with meat order .05 Roast or Fricassee of chicken .25 Roami Prime Ribs of Beef .25 Roast Leg of Veal with Dressing .25 Pork Sausage with Sweet Potatoes .25 Pork Chops Breaded. Extra Special .25 Small Steak with Onions. Ex. Spec'l .25 Bread and Mashed Potatoes included with above meat orders. Side Orders Extra Potatoes mashed .05 Stewed tomatoes .05 Potatoes boiled .05 Stewed corn .05 Potatoes fried .05 Stewed peas .05 Potatoes german fried .05 I The only signs of spring in this cold sea- son, are the fashion suggestions at the clothing establishments. MARQUARDT has ex- tensive varieties in styles and textures. Early orders mean best service and guaran- teed satisfaction. For short-hand notes or easy writing 3B-21- (medium soft) are popular. For sketching, general writing purposes, Titform Clothes Home made pies per cut .05 tard .o5, with cream o. Coffee .05 Tea .05 Milk per bottle .05 Rice cus- Chocolate .50 Cocoa .1 LAST DAY CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG in Thomas Dixon's "THE FOOLISH VIRGIN" ARCADE THEATRE 25 CENTS AiEEt Open All Night LUNCH J. A. QUACKENBUSH, Mgr. Second-hand Text Books-Cords of Our alarm clocks are good clocks. them at Wahr's University Bookstore. Chapman, Jeweler, 113 South Main 13-18 incl. St. tues-eod Dancing classes and private lessons Featuring hot soda for zero weather. at the Packard Academy. tf Bloomfields. N. University. According to present plans the Feb- ruary number of the Michigan Law Review will be off the press and ready for circulation tomorrow. This issue contains two articles of unusual interest, one entitled "The De- velopment of Judicial Review in New York," by Edward S. Corwin, and the other "The Carmack Amendment in the State Courts," by Wayland H. San- ford. Professor Corwin graduated from Michigan in 1900, and received his Doctor's degree from the Univer- sity of Pennsylvania four years later. The following 'year he succeeded' Woodrow Wilson as Preceptor of Princeton university where he is still engaged. Mr. Sanford is a member of the present senior class of the Law school. The issue will also contain the usual notes and comments, recent important decisions and book reviews. Glasgow, '13E, Marries Miss Given Mrs. Josephine Given, 878 Second avenue, Detroit, Mich., announces the marriage of her daughter, Lillian A., to Mr. George L. Glasgow, Thursday morning, Feb. 8, at Holy Rosary rec- tory. Miss Given is a musician. Mr. Glasgow is a University of Michigan graduate of the engineering class of 1913. The young couple have left for an extended wedding trip, after which they will reside at Hampshire road, Protect your feet and starve the doctor. Davis shoes protect. Davis, at 119 Main. 13-17-18 The Michigan Daily for service. c etc., HB-F-H-2H (med- iufi) will prove desirable. For drafting, a medium hard pencil gives the best results and you'll like 3H- 4H-5H-6H. For very thin, narrow lines for extremely accurate graphical charts, maps, de- tails, etc., 7H-8H-9H are available. Number Treated at Health Service. The University health service has just issued a monthly report for Jan- uary. There were 3,120 office calls and 151 new patients registered. In January, there were 286 throat infec- tions, 145 head colds, 1 small pox, 1 scarlet fever and 4 vaccinations among the students. The department's aver- age number of office calls and stu- dents treated is 20 per cent larger than those for the same month last year. Students' Society Attend Meeting The members of the Students' soci- ety of the local Unitarian church at- tended the meeting of the Young Peo- ple's society of the Woodward Avenue church of Detroit last Sunday after- noon. Warden Osborne, of Sing Sing prison, and H. D. Moses, '18, gave talks. University Men Lecture in State Mr. R. K. Immel will give a lecture this evening in Hartford, Mich., on the "Power of Habit." Mr. Earl V. Moore will give an organ recital tomorrow evening in Muskeg- on. Look for the distinctive water mark finish on each of the 17 black degrees and hard and medium copying. Your professors will confirm these statements as to the merits of VENUS pencils. For sale at the college book store. Fre el This box of VENUS, samples f ree. State the course you are taking. American Lead Pencil Co. 215 Fifth Ave., Dept. D. D., New York Hospital Notes W. A. Richards, '17E, was confinod to the contagious hospital for diph- theria. P. A. Hadsell, '17L, was sent to the contagious hospital Sunday to be treated for scarlet fever. Miss Rubie Johnson was operated on for appendicitis Friday at the Homoe- opathic hospital. H. P. Chaney, '20, was confined yes- terday for the Homoeopathic hospital. Dennis Smith, '20, was sent to the contagious hospittal Saturday morn- ing: Fred Blyer, the only student being treated for smallpox, was released from the contagious hospital Satu rday. Garbage Disposal Subject of "Talks Prof. H. G. Raschbacher, of the sur- veying department and Prof. W. C. Hoad, of the engineering college, spoke to the members of the city council and the board of public works last night on garbage disposal. We are showing tf nobbiest line of SPRING SUITS _/:1 1f I.1 First Showi Spring Cloth and TOP COATS in the city. I I Also a New Caps, ings. a big line of the Sprin g ats, and Furnish- WANTED WANTED-Competent stenographer to work for The Michigan Daily for two hours each day. Apply to Jackson, at The Daily office between 1 and 2 o'clock Tuesday or Wednesday. 13 WANTED- Female help. Freshman or Sophomore: Oppotunity for young lady to earn all or part Uni- versity expenses. Box L, Michigan Daily. 13 WANTED-Children to care for after- noons. Call 1123-R. LOST LOST-Heavy gold ring set with three garnets, between the Delta and cam- pus. Finder return to 807 S. State and get substantial reward. FOR SALE FOR SALE-Banjo, professional style Friedrich make, cost $20.00, will sell for $12.00 cash. Inquire Mrs. K. M. Webster, 133 Waverly Ave., S. E., Grand Rapids, Mich. 13-18 incl. FOR SALE-The best and least ex- pensive way of buying, is to let The Michigan Daily be your medium. FO.R ENT FOR RENT- Immediately. 10 room modern house, good locality, steam heat, part furnished if desired. Call 2161-J after 6 P. M. 13-17 incl. FOR RENT- Single room on second floor. $2.25 per week. 908 Monroe Ave. Phone 1549-R. 13-14 Grinnell Bros.' Music House See us for anything in the Realm of Music TOM CORBETT 116 E. Liberty St. 'g/he Young .Men 's Shd LAST DAY CLARA KIMBALL YOUN In Thomas. Dixon's "THE FOOLISH V IRGI ARCADE THEATRE 25 CENTS TRY OUR VICTOR RECORD APPROVAL SERVICE 116 S. Main St. Phone 1707 'UL 1