-_.... ponderating armaments are henceforth to continue here and there to be built up and maintained. The statesmen of' the world must plan for peace and nations must adjust and accommodate' their policy to it as they have planned' for war and made ready for pitiless' conquest and rivalry. "The question of armaments, wheth- er on land or sea, is the most im- mediate and intensely practical ques- tion connected with the future fortunes' of nations of mankind. "I have spoken upon these great matters without reserve and with the' utmost explicitness because it has' seemed to me to be necessary if the world's yearning desire for peace was anywhere to find free voice and utter- ance. Perhaps I am the only person in high authority amongst all the peo- ples of the world who is at liberty to speak and hold nothing back. I amI speaking as an individual and yet It am speaking also, of course, as the re- sponsible head of a great government, and I feel confident that I have said what the people of the United States would wisn me to say. Speaks for Humanity. "May I not add that I hope and be-I lieve that I am in effect speaking for liberals and friends of humanity in1 every nation and of every program of1 liberty? I would fain believe that I1 am speaking for the silent mass ofI mankind everywhere who have as yet had no place or opportunity to speak1 their real hearts out concerning the death and ruin they see to have come already upon the persons and the homes they hold most dear. "And in holding out the expectation that the people and government of the United States will join the other civil- ized nations of the world in guaran- teeing the permanence of peace uponi such terms as I have named, I speak with the greatest boldness and confi- dence, because it is clear to every man who can think that there is in this promise no breach in either our1 traditions or our policy as a nation, but a fulfillment rather of all that we have professed or striven for. "I am proposing, as it were, that the nations should with one accord adopt the doctrine of President Monroe as, the doctrine of the world; that no na- tion should seek to extend its polity over any other nation or people, but that every people should be left free to determine its own polity, its ownI way of development, unhindered, un- threatened, unafraid, the little along, with the great and powerful. Govern by Consent. "I am proposing that all nations henceforth avoid entangling alliances which would draw them into com- petitions of power, catch them in a net of intrigue and selfish rivalry, and disturb their own affairs with influ- ences intruded from without. There3 is no entangling alliance in a concert of power. When all unite to act in the same sense and with the same pur- pose, all act in the common interest and are free to live their own lives under a common protection.I "I am proposing government by the consent of the governed; tiat free- dom of the seas, which in international conference after conference, repre- sentatives of the United States have urged with the eloquence of those who are the convinced disciples of liberty; that in moderation of armaments' which makes of armies and navies a power for order merely, not an instru- ment of aggression or of selfish vio- lence. "These are American principles, American policies. We could stand for no others. And they are also prin- ciples and policies of forward-looking men and women everywhere and of every modern nation, and of every en- lightened community. They are the principles of mankind and must pre- vail." 12,000 STUDENTS ENROLL IN UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Berkeley, Cal., Jan. 22.-More than 12,000 students are to be enrolled in the University of California this next semester. largely through the corre- spondence courses in the extension di- vision. The number of persons who are taking the extension courses num- ber just twice the students who are residents. Grammar is one of the studies which appears on the curriculum, and there are many writing courses, giving a knowledge of letter writing, business English, and reports. Elementary rhetoric will also be offered to those who have not finished the high school work. Manhattan Shirt Sale. Reule-Coulin- Fiegel Co. , 200-202 Main St. Dance records, 12 inches double disc with just the right swing, only $1. Allmendinger's Music Shop, 122 'E. Liberty St. 20-tf For results advertise in The Mich- igan. Daily. * * * * * * * * * * * AT THE THEATERS TODAY Majestic-Vaudeville. Orpheum-Douglas Fairbanks in "American Aristocracy." Also Triangle Comedy. Arcade-Mary Pickford in "The Pride of the Clan." * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * AT THE MAJESTIC. Mack Keller and Anna Earl in their act of original songs and patter are the leading attraction in a rather mediocre performance at the Majestic this week. They received the hearty applause of the audience. A comedy sketch entitled "Sally's Visit" was also well received, aided no doubt, by the attractiveness of Miss Grace Inman playing the part of Sally. Billy Sunday has a rival in Lew Hunting who seems to be able to take any kind of fall in any sort of place. Bonnie Gaylord and Iva Lancton, known as the "corking girls," and the Beni Zoug Zoug troupe of Arabs com- pleted the program. PORTMANTEAU THEATRE TO PRESENT FOURTEEN DRAMAS Stuart Walker Brings Back Spirit of Play Believed Lost in Modern Theater Stuart Walker, former stage director for David Belasco, will present a reper- toire consisting of 14 dramatic repre- sentations, in Ypsilanti, tomorrow night in his Portmanteau Theater which will be set up in the Pease audi- torium under the auspices of the Ypsi- lanti Players. Mr. Walker has endeavored to bring back the spirit of play which he be- lieves to have been lost in the modern theater. In order to do this he has selected a company of 23 young men and women of considerable experience, who would rather work on his ideal than take part in the average Broad- way farce. The plays to be given in Ypsilanti include an adoption of Oscar Wilde's, The Birthday of the Infanta," "Voices,' an interlude in which Hortense Flex- ner applies the Joan of Arc legend to the present war in Europe, and "The Gods of the Mountain," by Lord Dun- say, the Irish soldier-dramatist. Adelphil to Hold Elections Tonight Members of the Adelphi house of representatives will meet tonight at 7:30 o'clock in the Adelphi rooms on the fourth floor of University hall to elect officers for the coming semester. Final reports of the chairmen of the various standing committees of the house will be given at this time. Cobb and Speaker Disagree Upon Golf Cleveland, 0., Jan. 22.--Tris Speaker, champion batter of the American league, says that he owes no little of his increased form last season to the fact that he played golf at every op- portunity. On the contrary, Ty Cobb, his closest rival, passed up the game entirely as he believed it was injuring him. Take your choice. CRAFTSMEN CLUB WILL CONFER THIRD DEGREE ON FRIDAY Rehearsals for Masonic Play Have Been Postponed Until After Examinations Three third degrees will be confer- ed by the Craftsmen club, student masonic order, Friday. A large at- tendance is expected. Those who are unable to attend are requested to notify Coons at 2459-W. Rehearsals for the Masonic play, "An Eighteenth Century Lodge," have been postponed until after examina- tions. It was also announced that negotiations for dates will soon be closed and a tentative schedule will be announced immediately after the ex- aminations. The first presentation of the play will be given either in Detroit or Ann Arbor on Feb. 23. The following of- ficers and craft team will work next Friday: P. E. Gibson, '17P, A. D. Wickett, '17M, L. W. Lisle, '17L, H. C. Hoyt, '17, L. L. Matthews; '19, G. W. Miller, '19, H. D. Shields, '19P, and H. C. Coons, grad. The craft team will be composed of the following members: Montigel, Nevue, Crawford, Lisle, Newton, Eld- ridge, Shields, Richardson, Inglehart, Mansfield, Sprague, Bathhurst, Ellis, Mooney, McCrimmon, Gries, Tuck, Goddard, Cross and E. C. Payne, vocal- ist. BOIES PENROSE'S POWER IN PENN, LEGISLATURE NOW IN BALANCE Harrisburg, Pa., Jan. 22.-Pennsyl- vania's legislature reassembled today with the power of the so-called boss, United States Senator Boies Penrose, leader of the Republican organization since Matthew Stanley Quay died in 1904, in the balance. By electing Richard J. Baldwin speaker of the House three weeks ago Penrose men defeated the opposition led by Gov- erner Martin G. Brumbaugh and the Vares. The speakership was only incidental to the battle. The real struggle was for control of the state organization and control of next year's primaries, when candidates are to be nominated for governor, congress, the legislature. Armed with the veto power, Governor Brumbaugh may spoil enemy plans. Penrose must get a two-thirds vote to over-ride a veto. Penrose lieutenants have been talk- ing "investigation" and "impeachment" of the governor. Declarations that he will be "Sulzerized" have been made more or less openly. Assemblyman Isadore Stern, of Philadelphia, has re- peatedly declared he will introduce impeachment proceedings. 84,296 SOLDIERS GET KITS FROM THE LAFAYETTE FUND More than 84,296 French soldiers have received Lafayette kits from the Lafayette fund organization which has its headquarters at the Vanderbilt hotel, room 122, New York City. The kits consist of one pair of fleece lined drawers and shirt, a pair of wool- en socks, handkerchief, cake of soap, pipe, note paper, pencil, an can of cretol ointment and an army poncho. The total cost of the kit is $2.00. For results advertise in the Mich- gan Daily. When You Get Up Late U. OF M. RESTAURANT 60 LIBERTY STREET OUR COMBINATION BREAKFASTS WILL SURPRISE YOU SA Real Pipe for College den These are two of the 24 popular shapes in which you can get the Stratford 75c and up WD C Hand Made $1.00 and up Each a fine pipe, with sterling silver ring ,and vulcanite bit. Leading dealers in town carry a full as- sortment., Select your favorite style. WM. DEMUTH &CO. New York Genuine French Briar