h-class work is a natural sequence to having our workrooms on emises. With our workrooms all under one roof-all under con- ated personal supervision, we are able to produce those finished rpieces of tailors' art, so utterly impossible for the great bulk of is. our dress suit for the J-Hop should be ordered of us, thus insur- ou the best materials, workmanship, and a knowledge of thirty ' experience in manufacturing evening clothes. III G. H. Merchant Tailors Wild Company State Street -A Now SspplY of Laundry Cwses, e Slator Book Shop STOP AT U T TLE'S 338 S. STATE >r sodas and lunches ORGE BISCHOFF rLO R IST ce Cut Flowess and Plants hapin St. Ann Arbor, Mich. PHONE 809 M Rowe City Laundry 406 Detroit St Cash cards save you money PHONE 457-M FIRST NATL BANK OF ANN ARBOR, MICH. Capital $roo,ooo Surplus and Profit $65,000 DIRECTORS Wirt Cornwell Waldo M. Abbott Geo. W. Patterson Harry M. Hawley S. W. Clarkson Harrison Soule Fred Schmid D. B. Sutton E. D. Kinnie qr ie mptgart mati Officia. newspaper at the University of Mi'- igan. Published every mornin' except Mlnday during the university year. Entered at the post-office at Ann Arbor as second-class matter. Offees: Ann Arbor Press Building. Sub- scriptions: by carrier $2.50; by mail, $3.oo. Want ad. stations: 6uarry'; Students' Sup- ply Store; The Delta, cor. State and Packard. Phones: Business, 96o; Editorial, 2414. Communications not to exceed 30o words in length, or notices of events will be pub- lished in The Daily, at the discretion of the Editor, if left at the office in the Ann Arbor Press Bldg., or in the notice box in the west corridor of the general library, where the notices are collected at 7:30 o'clock each evening. John C. B. Parker.........Managing Editor Clarence T. Fishleigh......Business Manager Conrad N. Church...........News Editor Lee E. Joslyn ..... .......... .City Editor Harold A. Fitzgerald ......... Sports Editor Harold C. L. Jackson......Telegraph Editor Verne X. Burnett.........Associate Editor Golda Ginsburg...........Women's Editor Carleton W. Reade.......Statistical Editor Marian Wilson............. Literary Editor S .Cam bell....Assistant Business Manager C.Philipmey..Assistant Business Manager Albert S. Horn..Assistant Business Manager Roscoe R. Ra... .Assistant Business Manager Fred M. Sutter... .Assistant Business Manager L. Stadeker Night Editors J. L. tadeke. L. Zeigler C. M. tickling H.. M. Carey B. A. Swaney L. W. Nieter L. S. Thompson E. A. Baumgarth Reporters W. A. tlas.Allen Shoenfield H. C. Garrison C. L. Roeser C. S. Clark D. S. Rood R. H. Fricken G. O. Brophy B. I. Millar F. A. Taber D. H. Cruttenden Mildred C. ighell K. L. Wehneyer . J. l Hart Annetta L. Wood J. C. Martin T. F. McAllister Business Staff Bernard Wohl J. E. Robinson Paul E. Cholette Harry R. Louis Harold Makinson Earl F. Gansehow Walter R. Payne Jackson W.Smart Harold R. Smithr Seymour B. Wilson TUESDAY, JANUARY 23, 1917. Night Editor-B. A. Swaney EIGHT O'CLOCKS Harry Lauder sings a plaintive little song dealing with the amenities of Exchange will be open between Semesters "Y" B0 AOK VNIVERSITY BOOKSTORES Little I.C. rrrrnrrnrnrrnrurrrrrrrrurrrrrrrrnrrrrnr rrrnrrannrrrrnrrrnrrnrrrrrr'rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrra " Ila] Watch this space for de- tailed announcements. 4 q f . W 9 k ' _ VP : 1 .. ;;i } . -a"\ . --._. l - =^. t s_ : rlL Handbooks of Practical Information for Scientifi ens 22 Books in the Set -- 50 cents each Ask to see them at .. .... -d i re Carry a Large Assortment of Candies DEFENDS HONESTY OF LAWS J-LAW SAYS DEPARTMENTS' VOTE SHOULDD E PRAISED INSTEAD OF 1BLA01ED Editor, The Michigan Daily: In reading The Daily Saturday morning, attention was attracted by an amusing attempt of a freshman law to impeach the honesty and integ- rity of the men enrolled in the law school. Grantingtnat, as he alleges, some men in the law school were guilty of stuffing the ballot, such does not justify an indictment of the entire law school. The count itself discloses the impossibility of there having been many repeaters; more, while the bal- loting in the law school was conducted in such a manner as to tend to cause all of its members .to vote, the num- her of votes cast was less than the enrollment of the department. In all D t C ROUBLES and mosquitos are a lot alike. Neither D one stays 'round a place whar tar's plentyo' good pipe smoke. VELVET is a good pipe smoke .77 '7 tav- w ', , We can Satisfy Your Taste A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE YOU The Fountain of Youth State Street Cor. Liberty ... FL A N D E R S F LANDWER S FLOWERS PHONE 294 213 E. Liberty St. Member of Florists' Telegraph D elivery Service We Offer You IRITY - - SERVICE - LOCATION Resources $ , >ooo n Arbor Savings Bank Incorporated 1869 a Office-- rthwest Corner Main and Huron ch Office-- 707 North University Ave. irmers & Mechanics Bank ers the Best in Modern Banking OURITY . - - EFFICIENCY "t and Pleasant Quarters. You Will ed with Our Service. Two offices S Main St. : 330 S. State St E SUGAR BOWL 109 S. Main St. ow DBTROIT UNITED LINES twcn Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson run on Eastbru time, one hour faster tha loWa ~. Detroit Limited and Express Cars--7:35 a. i., 8:io a. m. and hourly to 7:10 p. m., 9:10 p. m. lg~a p Limited Cars--8:48 a. mn and every twohoureto 6:48 p. In.; to Lansing, 8:4 A. Jacksuonexpress Cars-Local stops west of AnA Arbo)-+4:48 a. m. and every two hours to 7143 p. w. Local Cars Eastbound--5:35a. In., 6:40 a. m,, y :o5 a. m. and every two hours to 7:o5 p. nm., 9:a5 p. m., 1o:So p. M. to Ypsla oiil, 9:20 A. M.0.9:50 a. M., 2:o5 p. EZ.* 6:0 p i, t1r:48 P. in., x : z s a. in., 1:202 a. n. oSai ne, change at Ypsilanti. Lacel Cars Westbound-6:os a. n.., 7:50 a. Mn., 9 s:70 . im.. 12:20 . Sin. Takes rictures Develops films ,W 11 makes Prints and Enlarge- 's i meats. 7I3 W. VNIVECRSITY MICHIGAN LOSES OLD GRADUATE AT DEATH OF C. I). LYON,. '6031 With the death of Charles Dan Lyon, '60M, last Wednesday, Michigan has lost one of her oldest graduates. Mr. Lyon was the first man from Grand Rapids to attend the University, and . at that time the total enrollment numbered 480, 32 of these being seniors. After three years of college, he was appointed as a cadet to West Point, and at the breaking out of the Civil war, he served as second lieutenant of the Third Michigan Volunteer In- fantry. He later received appoint- ments to first lieutenant and captain, and served throughout the entire struggle, being mustered out in 1865. He was a member of Sigma Phi frat- ernity. PROGRAM INNOVATION PLANNED FOR THIRD FRESHMAN ASSEMBLI An innovation is announced for the, third Freshman literary assembly to be held at 4 o'clock Wednesday after- noon, in the auditorium of the Na-; tural Science building. There will be SPECIAL SUNDAES LIGHT LUNCHES )ur candies are made in ur own sanitary shop. early rising, but with the last line we get the observation that, after all, "it's nicer to lie in bed." There is nothing in the lilting charm of the lines that we would quarrel with, and if by any chance you have missed this partfof the famous Scotch- man's repertoire, then let this spur you on to investigation. What we wish to pour the vitriol of criticism upon is the philosophy involved and its possible reaction upon students. The chronic hater of 8 o'clock class- es cannot be reached in time to secure his conversion for the coming semest- er. His schedule, well guarded against any intrusions before the hour of ten, is formed for the rest of the year. And there is reason to fear that even this attack will have little effect on his way of life. For those who are still undecided as to the attitude to take toward educa- tion in the early hours may we say that nothing ever had more reason for existence than the 8 o'clock. The brain that isn't keen at that hour is likely to lack an edge the rest of the day. By the time the robins are with us again afternoon classes will have be- come endurance tests. Why waste the best hour of the day? When the time for changing elections comes schedul' some 8 o'clocks and find out what a sunrise in Ann Arbor looks like. Henry Vaughan, seventeenth century poet, must have been one of those shark freshmen. He says, "Happy those early days, when I shined in my angel-infancy." - "Bethlehem steel falls from $30 per share to $400," said a Daily headline the other day. That's the direction we want to fall in next week." Mrs. John T. McCutcheon will havel to be good to her husband or he'll put her in a cartoon. The fans who will do the real suf- fering if there is a baseball strike don't sit in the grand-stand.Theylook through holes in the fence and from telephone poles. typewriter from D. MORRILL 322 South State Street I furnish you an instruction me of oharge. You will be a efore you know it. events, if there were repeaters, it is as reasonable to presume that they favored one side as to presume that they were allied with the other. The stand taken by the law students may merit praise rather than to in- voke the criticism to which one of its members has endeavored to subject it. We who voted against the so-call- ed honor system feel that we had rea- son. I had experience with an honor sys- tem before I entered the University of Michigan. I attended a college where the students were permitted to write their examinations wherever they pleased. The only requirement was that they append to their examin- ation paper a written certificate, sign- ed by the party taking the examina- tion, testifying that they received no aid or assistance on the examination from any source. Please observe, Mr. Law, '19, that this was not a luke- warm, but a real, honest-to-goodness honor system. If examinations are in. all cases a reliable means of gauging one's mental ability, I marvel yet that so many geniuses happened'to be as- sembled in that one small school. Likewise I am at loss to know why the same young men encountered such an obstacle when they were confronted with a fairly easy bar examination, taken under supervision. I again had occasion to observe the honor system at work when taking -A history examination in the University of Michigan. While I was trying hard to record the events in the reign of Alfred, or to answer some other ill- conceived question, I was disturbed by a humming noise. I glanced around to ascertain the cause. Young men, ordinarily laconical, had become quite loquacious; and my natural curiosity still causes me to wonder what topic of discussion could have been so inter- esting to them. But the humming noise was nOt entirely engendered by the conversation of the young men. The sweet voices of charming young ladies were audiable in spite of the course sounds emanating from the throats of their male associates. What were they talking about? The old adage "women are puzzles" still holds good. So why try to account for their conduct? I merely ask: Is the evidence cited favorable to the honor system? The recent honor system agitation has aroused a great deal of discussion. Some have remarked that in no case would they report another discovered cheating; others have said that if it was absolutely necessary in order to pass an examination, they would cheat tnder any system. How is it proposed to deal with these classes under the But the advocates of the honor sys- tem exclaim it shocks their finer senses to have to take an examina- tion under supervision. It follows that' it must pain them much to be amenable to the regulations of so- ciety. A. J. ROGOSKI, '18L. "LEGAL EDUCATION" BULLETIN IS WORK OF DEAN K. M. BATES The United States Commissioner of Education circulated during the latter part of the week a bulletin on "Legal Education," which was written by Dean He school, at nry M. Bates, t the request of of the Law the education department. The bulletin is included in the com- missioner's yearly report. It points out the present trend of the shifting of preparation for the bar, from the law office to the law school, and then shows the growth of law schools over the country and their curriculum problems. It also points out the raising of standards prevalent over the country for entrance to the bar. Try a Michigan Daily Want Ad. El I l - HOP 1917 ry , Flowers by Wire to Alf the World. 0 r++R' N' i &.rLomen I LII 'verin will meet at 7:30 oclock this ing at the Gamma Phi Beta house. ee club will hold its regular re- sal at 5 o'clock this afternoon, in hi Caswell Angell hall. ere will be an odd-even basket game at 4:50 o'clock Wednesday aoon. rls who are taking required gym- .m work must have si.gned up for ire examinations by 6 9'clock to- or credit will be forfeited. an Myra B. Jordan will be at to college women from 3 to 6 k this afternoon, at 1215 Hill Elsie Seelye Pratt will be at to college women from 4 to 6 k this afternoon, at 311% South street. ssors Give Extension Lecturesl f. J. S. Reeves will speak in+ nseh tonight on the "Commission of Government." uth American Relations" was the1 ct of a lecture given by Prof. W. tiurz at the Y. W. C. A. in De- .ast night.t ruary's new records are now onI at Allmendinger's Music Shop.e . Liberty St. - 20-tfX Brandegee -Kincaid Clothes "Inky Worsted" and "Snowy Linen" a variation from the usual having a half hour address plan of by one man, and instead there will be two 15 minute talks on the same subject, "A Sound Mind in a Sound Body." Dean Effinger will ' speak on "A Sound Mind," while Dr. Cummings, of the health service, will have for his subject, "A Sound Body." The entire class is expected to attend the as- sembly. Menorah Society Elects New Officers At their last meeting of this semes- ter held Sunday evening in Newberry hall, members of the Michigan Men- orah society elected the following ofil- cers for the second semester: Presi- dent, Charles L. Kaufman, '19L; vice- president, Rebecca Greenburg, '19;' secretary, Irwin I. Cohn, '17L; treas- urer, Earl Wiener, '18L; members of the administrative board, Abraham J. Gornetzky, '17-'19L, and Jacob M. Braude, '18; librarian, Ida Mines, '20; and local editor to the Menorah Jour- nal, Abraham J. Levin, '16-'19L.. We carry every big and little needful of Correct Evening Dress, from our "College Chap Eton" Link Button Swallow- tail Suit to Link Sleeve Buttons for your White Pique Shirt. White Waistcoats, Silk Hats, Silk Hose, Dress Neckwear, Silk Mufflers, Dress Gloves, Dress Shirts-Pique and Fancy Stripe, Pique, and Jewel sets. We can fit you out complete for The Hop, a pleasure to show you our complete line from Suit to Hose. "What would become of the work- ing man? He'd be sent out to work some place," said a hurried Chicago debater Friday night. That's the hor- rible fate we all want to avoid. Paper is scarce, but the Germans will find a "scrap" of it if they decide to go through Switzerland. to go through Switerland. Cheering hot chocolate that will please the most critical, served with whipped cream and wafers. Bloom- fields. N. University. 21-23-13-14 The Greatest Shirt in the World- the Manhattan-at Sale Prices.. Reule. Conlin-Fiegel Co.. 200-202 Main St. honor system? - Society finds it necessary to police large cities and small hamlets alike. It would be an ideal society in which this was not required. So would the honor system be ideal if there would be no infraction of its rules. But ideal it must remain. For the same reason that centers of population are policed, examinations ought to be supervised. Tinker Company Clothes, Furnishings and Hats FOR PARTICULAR PRESSERS 342 S. State St., Cor. S. State and William Sts. We make a specialty of new Dress Suits for Rental