I 1 I" VV A..JA 1 **1L1\ FAIR AND WYARMER"I TCODAY I IWe I 'NJA A6F Aw lg*v 4F & arm it 4:3 titg UNITED PRES DAY AND NIGHT WIRE SERVICE VOL. XXVII. No. 84. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TJESDAY, JANUARY 23, 1917. PRICE FIVE - _ V CDVNGIL TO STAGE 'MINIATURE -HOP' FOR DISAPPOINTED DANCE WILL BE PATTERNED AFTER BWIGAFFAIR IN GY 100 MEN MUST SIGN UP AT UNION TODAY Attendance Will le Limited to 100 Coples; Tickets Will Go on Sale Friday In order to take care of those dis- appointed students who failed to se- cure tickets for the big J-hop, the student council is planning to stage a formal party that is to be termed "The Miniature J-Hop," at the Union, on the same night as the regular ar- ranged party. There is one provision, however, to these proposed plans. At least 70 men must sign up at the Union today, sig- nifying their desire to attend the party, or it will not be given. From start to finish, in every detail, the "Miniature J-Hop" will be pat- terned after the big dance. Elaborate decorations will be contracted for, and Fisher's six-piece orchestra will play. Dancing will begin at 9 o'clock and last until 3 o'clock, while the pro- grams will be of the hop variety. Re- freshments will be served during the course of the evening. Attendance will be limited to 100 couples. The tickets are to sell at $4.00 each, and will go on sale Fri- day morning, providing the necessary number sign up. Sales will be made in the order of the names on the list, until the specified 100 have been dis- posed of. Because of the great disappointment evinced by many students on account of their inability to get the regular hop pasteboards, the committee de- cided that the above plans would be the only possible solution for the dif- fculty. At its meeting on Sunday morning, the matter was gone over with Prof. Louis A. Strauss, head of the commit- tee on non-athletic student affairs, and it was then formally decided that ab- solutely no more tickets could be sold for-the big party. To put any more than 1,000 people into the one gym- nasium would mean, the committee thought, to over crowd and thus spoil the affair. It was then decided to put toe matter of giving a "miniature hop" up to the student council. The general hop committee will meet at 9:30 o'clock tomorrow even- ing at the Union. PLAN PROTECTION FOR ALLIED SHIPS Project Includes Parts of Refuge In Europe and South America By H. I). Robertson (United Press Staff Correspondent) Riq de Janiero, Jan. 22.--Allied steamship agents today were discuss- ing plans for a convoy of the allied merchantmen across the seas. The project contemplates "ports of ren- devouz" in Europe and South America. Under such a scheme allied mer- chantmen would assemble probably at Lisbon and Pernambuco and on cer- tain specified dates sail under pro- tection of allied warships all the way across the Atlantic. British, French and Norwegian con- sular officials today completed ar- rangements for transfer back home of the citizens of those nations included in the prisoners landed from the Hud- son Maru at Pernambuco. Many will start the return trip on the next out going steamer. The Brazilian govern- ment is taking no chances of violation of its territorial waters. A big fleet of Brazilian vessels is patrolling the coast line. Shakespeare Class to Give Reading Professor T. C. Trueblood's clss in Shakespearean reading will give a public recital of "The Comedy of Er- rors" Wednesday, Jan. 24, at 8 o'clock in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. Pro- fessor Trueblood will personally su- Cheap Paper Goal of Experimenters Tests Are Conducted by Chemists in Attempt to Find Substitute for Pulp EASTMAN FLOUTS OLD DOCTRINES Noted Lecturer Says Teaches Individual Feminism Life Experiments that may cause consid- erable comment and perhaps an en- tirely new process in the paper mak- ing industry are being made at pres- ent in the chemical engineering de- partment. Various tests are being made with wheat straw and Yogrumo, a Porto Rican plant, in an effort to find a substitute for the expensive ma- terials now used in the industry. Six large paper manufacturing companies have combined and established a fel- lowship in this University of $600 a year for investigation along this line. F. Edwin Ford, '7$E, M. E. S., '16, of Eillsdale, held this fellowship last year] and he devoted most of his time to the problem of studying some of the fac- tors influencing the retention of fillers in paper pulp. This investigation in- volved the determination'of the par-1 ticular properties of different finely divided mineral :substances, such as1 china clay tales, barium sulphate, calcium sulphate, when mixed with the paper making fibers. China and Clay Similar. Ford first demonstrated that china clay and talcs show approximately the same retention, but that size and alum materially increase this retention in tales and asbestine. This investiga- tion is being continued by C. W. Halla- han,. who is also attempting to estab- lish a relationship between the prop- erties of the different pulps on the one hand and the properties of the filler on the other, and the different reten- tion values. This is the first time that these problems have been scientifically1 studied. Would Find Substitute for Wood Pulp. One of the most important phases of the subject concerns the finding of a substitute for the present form of wood pulp. B. S. Vetter, grad., is studying straw as a possible substitute for pop- lar wood, and several others are in- vestigatingathe possibilities of yo- grumo, a Porto Rican plant, for this purpose. This plant is similar to the bamboo, but it lacks the hard outer crust of this plant and the woody fibers are less compact. Yogrumo is found in large quantities in Porto Rico within easy reach of water power. One of the most interesting pieces of work is being carried on by R. W. Jen- nings, '17E, who is investigating the re-utilization of waste paper. The Uni- versity possesses a complete pulp and paper making outfit in small form and the manufacturing is carried on through the making of the pulp to the finished paper sheet. PORTER DISCOVERS "SCARE BOMB" IN MANHATTAN SUBWAY New York, Jan. 22.-A "scare bomb" -a two-quart tin containing seven or eight pounds of powder, some excelsior and a collection of bolts and scrap iron -was placed on the stairway of the Manhattan street station of the Broad- way subway. It was discovered by a porter just as the fuse was burning down to the powder. Experts, after examining the bomb, said it was not powerful enough to blow away much of the station, but that it certainly would have started a fire and made a big noise. The bomb had been placed close to the head of the west stairway to the station platform. The porter, after preventing its explosion, fell down the flight of stairs, fracturing his left shoulder. Cotton Exchange Under Investigation Washington, Jan. 22.-An investiga- tion by the department of justice, of transactions on the cotton exchange in New York, was hinted at by Senators Smith of Georgia, and Smith of South Carolina today. Complaints have reached both senators from farmers, bankers, and other business organiza- tions that the cotton exchange of New Orleans is selling and buying contracts below what actual cotton caif be bought for in the stock markets of Texas and other southern states. French Stays Two German Sallies Paris, Jan. 22.-Two German attacks on trenches north of Courieres Woods yesterday evening were stopped by artillery and infantry fire, today's of- ficial statement related. A number of patrol combats in Alsace were also re- for Woman "WOMEN NO LONGER CONTENT TO DISPLAY FASHION ON HIGHWAY" Points Out Necessity for Throwing, Barbaric Theology Into Discard "Feminism is that new and highly original fact that it is as important for woman to be happy as it is for man," said Max Eastman last night in his lecture on "Feminism" in the high+ school auditorium. Mr. Eastman said that woman like man has her own special individual problem to solve, and to help her do it is the aim of this new movement, however, not replacing old dogmas by new, but by truths.; A large audience received with de- light the statement that the chivalry of man says, "When you want what I want, you may have anything that you desire." The absurdity of a woman being the custodian of the community's virtue but not its conduct, was also pointed out. Whether the woman be of the laboring class of society or of the wealthy class, the aim of feminism is to help her to effective living, for after all that is the main business of life, that it be greatly lived. Women Not Content With Fashion. "Women are no longer content to have for their main business in life' the presentation of the extreme bu- foonry of conteporary'fashion on the public highways," said Mr. Eastman. "Whatever womanddoes in the world,. let her be assigned her proper pe- cupiary reward for the same, for then1 and then only, will she have true free- dom. No one can be free and be economically dependent on some one else." In closing Mr. Eastman suggests that we throw off the remnants of a barbarous system of theology. When mothers have as their chief asset a broad understanding of life, a solution for the tottering families of today will be reached. Then there will be no children with their naive conception of the world in which they live, pushed over the threshold of the world wvith only the exhortation to be good chil- dren. Late News Briefs Washington, Jan. 22. - 1916 was Uncle Sam's greatest year in foreign trade. Exports reached the unpre- cedented total of $5,481,000,000 accord- ing to a department of commerce statement today. This exceeds by $1,- 926,000,000 the total for 1915. Washington, Jan. 22. - The house committee on banking and currency today struck an amendment to the fed- eral reserve act which would have per- mitted state mutual savings banks and associations to become. under cer- tain conditions, members of the fed- eral reserve bank in the district in which they were located. South Bend, Jan. 22-Fire caused $100,000 damage to a three-story build- ing in the business district early to- day. The blaze was discovered in the Colonial theater which was destroyed. The Bayer Floral company suffered a loss of $20,000. Washington, Jan. 22.- Republicans are so sure that they will control the next house that they announced this afternoon that they will hold a caucus Wednesday night to "consider a gen- eral legislative program" for the com- ing session. Berlin, Jan. 22.- Wireless distress signals were heard last night in the English channel from an English transport with. 1800 soldiers on board,, which had struck a mine, Rotterdam reports, says the semi-official news agency today. Brown Home Suffers from Small Fire Fire broke out at the home of E. N. Brown, 237 South Ingalls street, at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon. The damage was slight. PRESENT IBSEN'S FLAY THURSDAY Oratorical Associationi to Give "Pillars of Society"; Taet in Pro- duction "Pillars of Society," a powerful so- cial drama by Henric Ibsen, will be presented at 8 o'clock in University Hall, under the auspices of the Ora- toricalJassociation, next Thursday night, Jan. 25. The play has been under preparation since the middle of November and has enlisted some of the best dramatic talent on the campus. The. leading part is taken by one new to campus dramatics, J. C. Cary, '19, playing the role of Karsten Ber- nick, the wealthy shipbuilder whose; reputation for goodness and morality has been built upon a lie. E. Louise1 Robson, grad., and a former member of the Comedy club fills the role of Mrs. Bernick. Lena M. Sacket, '18, is the boy of the play, and is cast as Olaf, the four- teen year old son of the Bernick's. R. C. Hunter, '17, takes the part of Johan Tonnesen, the brother of Mrs. Ber- nick, while Miriam Toles, '17, appears' as the half-sister of Mrs. Bernick. H. L. Haag, '17, carries the part of Hilmar Tonnesen, cousin of Bernick's (Continued on Page Six.) FORMER GERM CONSUL VIOLATS NEUTHRITY FRAN Z BOPP, SENTENCED TO TWO YEARS IMPRISONMENT AND $10,000 FINE San Francisco, Jan. 22.-Franz Bopp, former German consul-general, must serve two years imprisonment and pay $10,000 fine for violation of American neutrality. This sentence was proiounced on him this afternoon by United States District Judge Hunt, after the court 'had overruled a motion for a new trial for Bopp. Bopp was found guilty on two counts of the indictments. On the first he was sentenced to two years imprisonment and $5,000 fine, and on the second to one year imprisonment and $5,000 fine. It was stated, how- ever, that his actual sentence would be two years and $10,000 fine, as the prison terms run concurrently. Bopp's attorneys announced they would ap- peal immediately. Eckhardt van Schaack, former vice- consul, and Lieutenant Baron Wilhelm von Hincken, military attache, were sentenced to the same terms as Bopp. A similar sentence was pronounced on Charles C. Crowley, a secret serv- ice agent of the German consulate, while Mrs. Margaret Cornell, Crow- k'y's assistant, was sentenced to a krlson term of one year and one day. Ton (C. Reid, '16, Buried Yesterday Funeral services for Tom C. Reid, '16, were held yesterday morning at St. Mark's in Detroit. Burial took place in Mt. Elliot cemetery. The pall-bearers were J. C. B. Park- er, '17, Harold Charles Le Baron Jack- I son, '18, Harold M. Donaldson, '20E, and Jerome Bosley, Walter Haller and George Lyons of Detroit. The three young men from Detroit were mem- bers of the high school fraternity of which Reid was a member. Alpha Nu Initiates 17 New Members Alpha Nu Debating society initiated 17 new members into the organization last Saturday night. Nominations of officers were made at the regular business meeting which followed the initiation ceremonies. Officers for the coming semester will be elected at the next meeting to be held next Friday, Jan. 26. A ttend Pe?,tal Teachers' Institute Dean M. L. Ward of the Dental col- lege, together with Dr. L. P. Hall, Dr. KL. Lyons and Dr. R: W. Bunting left yesterday for Philadelphia to at- rend the annual meeting of the Ameri- can Institute of Dental Teachers. Dr. Ward will also visit the Caulk dental laboratories at Milford, Delaware, be- fore returning to Ann Arbor. Postzffice Quarantined for .Smallpox Munsing, Mich., Jan.. 22.-The post- office at Au Train is quarantined for smallpox. *Mail for that village is be- ing sent and forwarded from Onota. A lumberjack developed the case which tied up the mail facilities. SENATORS OF BOTH PARTIES LAUD TALK Expect Germany to Receive Speech in Favorable Light; May Reply Washington, Jan. 22.-Senator Till-1 man discussing the president's address to the senate today said: "I look upon the president's address to the senate this afternoon as the most startling and noblest utterance that has fallen from human lips since the declaration of independence, because it is basedc on justice and liberty, the true bedt rock principles of modern civilization. The program he maps out for our country is a giant stride ih interna- tional comity and it took a giant to make it. It is the very quintescence of free self-government distilled and double distilled." Republicans Make Comments. 1 Only a few Republicans would com- ment. Senator Cummins said: "The< president's message is a startling thing that affords food for reflection." Senator Shafroth: "The greatest1 message of the century."a Senator Newlands: "The message of1 the president was a remarkable pro- duction as startling to its application to international life as was the declar- ation of independence regarding na- tional life. It applies the principles of freedom and democracy to interna-E tional problems of the highest gravity at a time when they will arrest the attention of the world and do much to advancespopular rights and free in- Senator Stone, chairman of the for- eign relations committee, said: "It is1 a great state paper, the greatest of1 this generation. It must have a far-1 reaching effect. Just after the presi- dent finished his message, he said to1 me: 'I hope the people of the United1 States and Europe will take it in the1 spirit in which it is given. I tried to' express by exact thoughts in simple' English'." Washington, Jan. 22. - President Wilson's address to the senate today will without doubt be favorably re- ceived by the German government and all German liberals, it was stated at the German embassy today. Chancel- lor Bethmann-Hollweg it is thought will very likely make some indirect re- ply to the president's speech in an ad- dress of his own in the near future. They interpreted into the president's remarks two points in favor of Ger- many. These points were th'at the United States would not be willing to enter a peace enforcement league at the conclusion of the war unless peacetterms decided upon are liberal; that the United States would be in- terested in establishing "freedom of the seas." HOLD NEGROES ON SUSPICION OF ATTACK ON WHITE MAN Three men are now in the county jail held on suspicion of an attack on John Sweigert Saturday night. Swei- gart was attacked about 9:15 o'clock, while he was walking between the two bridges on Broadway. The names of the men held on sus- picion are Dave Carter, Harrison How- ard and "Bill" Rideout, all colored. In the encounter with his enemy, Swei- gart was clashed across the left side of the throat with a knife. HIs wound is regarded as dangerous. At noon yesterday Swelgert failed to indentify the negroes as his assaiI- ants. Prosecutor Lehman says he will have to discharge the men unless some new development arises. U. of P. Men Study Chinese Art in East s Philadelphia, Jan. 22.-Officials of the University of Pennsylvania an- nounced today that the university mu- seum will send a new expedition to the far east next month to study ancient Chinese art. The expedition will be under the leadership of Dr. Carl W. Bishop, curator of the section of Oriental art at the museum. Three years will be spent in China and Ja- pan. PRESIDENT STATES PROPOSALS FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF TRUCE NATIONS MUST MAKE GREAT SACRIFICES Declares Only Peace Without Victory Will Be Lasting; Equality Is Watchword By ROBERT J. BENDER (United Press Staff Correspondent) Washington, Jan. 22.-For the sec- ond time in history the president of the United States today addressed a session of the senate. Declaring that implication from statements of the warring powers con- vinced him a "victorious peace" was impossible in the European war, President Wilson, outlined to the United States senate and to the world, his ideas of the terms upon which the conflict might be ended. He recommended that the principle of the Monore Doctrine be adopted as the doctrine of the world and enum- erated proposals as follows: A unit'ed independent and autonomous Poland; freedom of the seas; limitation of naval and military armament; equality of rights; denial that right exists te hand people about from sovreignty t sovreignty contrary to their political and religious ideals; so far as is prac- ticable, freedom of all nations for full development of resources to direct outlet to the sea. Hints at Near East Question. Although the president did not men- tion the near east by direct reference. the statement as to "direct outlet tc the sea" for all nations, was believed to refer to the neutralization of Con- stantinople and the Dardenelles. Tc back up a peace reached on such basis the president declared that a greate force than any nation must be formed, This would be a league of nations This government must decide upo what conditions it would enter such league. "Pegoe cannot be had without con- cessions and sacrifice," the presiden said, in discussing necessity for limi tation of armament. "The statesmer of the world," he added, "must pla for peace, and nations must adjust an accommodate their policy to it asthey ,have planned for war and made ready for pitiless conquest and rivalry." Lasting Peace Reans Equality. Explaining his interpretation of th intimations from statesmen of th belligerent countries that it must b peace without victory the presiden said: "Victory would mean peac forced upon the loser-victor's term imposed on the vanquished. It woul be accepted in humiliatio after dures as an intolerable sacrifice and woul leave a sting, a resentment, a bitte memory upon which terms of peac would rest, not permanently, but onl as upon quicksand. Only a peace be tween equals can last. Only a pead (Continued on Page Four.) Germans Repulse Russ in Carpathian Berlin, Jan. 22.-Successful forefiel engagements in the eastern Carpathi ans was reported in today's offici statement. West of Friedrichstadt th statement reported that Russian a tacks by raiding detachments, were re pulsed. North of Oitoz valley, th statement reported only isolated clash es on the Macedonian front, durn reconnoitering operations. Bandits Kill Marine in Battle Washington, Jan. 22.-G. R. Olso: 50th United States marines, was in- stantly killed and Corporal Georg Wilson, 52nd company, was slightl wounded in an engagement Saturda between marines and Santo Dominga: bandits in Macoris, according to navy department message today. Submarine Sinks Ship Off Queenslan -Halifax, Jan. 22.-According to dispatch received here today th steamship Lilliah H., 375 tons, of th Fox River, Cumberland and Novi Scotia line, has been sunk off Queens land, by a submarine. WILSON URGES MONROE DOCTRINE AS MODEL FOR WORLD WIDE PEACE IN STRONG SPEECH TO US SNAT