SECTION I I I IW AV E aitxj AUTOMOB IL SECTION . ANN ARBOR, \ICHIG\N, SUNDAY. JANUAR\tY 21, 1917 I DETROIT AUTO SHOW FEATURES NEW CARS AND BOD.Y DESI6NS DOUBLE COWL AND INDIVIDUAL FRONT SEAT SEEN IN 1917 MODEL After the Wr Paris sins in N1otor Crs to be Nade in Agy xerica America is coming into her own in The development of the 12-cylinder the matter of auto design. No longer motor illustrates this. Europeans had is she allowing Europeans to dictate mane them, but only for the novelty o her just what manner of motor car of the matter, and it remained for Q)nstruction she shall follow. The war American manufacturers to so make is the first reason for this shifting of them that they were practicable for LARGEST EXHIBIT YET STAGED IN DETROIT the style center. But even before the present conflict forced the European manufacturers to forsake the motor- car industry for others more valuable to the direct prosecution of the war, there was a tendency in this country to break away from the dictates of the continental countries and to perfect new designs that were more strictly American. commercial purposes. The use of aluminum is another phase of produc- tion in which the Americans have forged ahead, and many prominent writers are making confident predic- tions that in time the Europeans will be following the fashion set by Amer- ican producers in the use of this light and durable material. YEAR OF 1816 SETS NEW, RECORDS AUTOMOBILE PRODUCTION PASSES MILLI-ON MRKIN UNITED , STATI Domestic Factories' Output Shows Increase -of 80 Per Cent Over 11 According to Annual Statistics 0-- TOTAL VALUE OF CARS BUILT LAST YEAR COMES TO MORE THAN BILLION DOLLAI 0- Look to Gasoline Cars to Stop Movement of Farmers' Sons and Daught( to Cities by Increasing Rural Advantages 0 From the first, without a lapse in a single year since the beginningtwen- reaching out and knitting into ty-one years ago, the automobile has great active part of the world isola been a maker of new records. Not all areas where life was cramped and c of these records as a matter of course and resources undeveloped. have been of equal significance; some Keeps Farmers in Country have marked gains within but one The automobile is to forward to period of development; others, fewer lution problems which have remai in number, have signalized entry into unsolved in spite of all the railro: new periods of development in the telephones, telegraphs, rural de making and distribution of motor ve- eries and lecture bureaus in exister hicles. One of these, fundamental to natic In the year just closed two new well-being and progress, is to stay Elaborate Decorations and Music Motor Company Bands Make Show Attractive by With more than 200 cars on exhibi- tion, 20 of which have never been seen in the Middle West before, the six- teenth annual Detroit Automobile show opened in all its splendor last evening at the old "Billy" Sunday tab- ernacle. Even though the structure covers 65,000 square feet of ground, every inch of the floor space was utilized last evening to take care of the enormous crowds that thronged the aisles. It was estimated last week by one of the members of the Board of Directors of the Automobile Dealers association, who have charge of the show, that 20,000 more feet of space could have been used by different automobile manufacturers who were refused exhibition privileges because of the scarcity of floor space. Taking into consideration the fact that the tabernacle covers much more ground than the Wayne Gardens, the Palace, and other places where former auto- mobile shows were held, it looks as though the present show would sur- pass all others. Japanese architecture forms the key- note of the decorations. There are decorated arches along the way from the corner of Woodward and Cass avengies to the huge structure that held the thousands of interested auto- mobilists. Festoons of lights on posts covered with banners and flags lead to the entrance. The interior of the building is carried out in the same Japanese style. Hundreds of Japanese lanterns were used to carry out the beautiful decorative scheme from the orient. More than 10,000 yards of white cotton fabric and the same amount of denim were used to put on the ceiling so that the inverted lights would prop- erly illuminate the whole building without any glare. More than $7,000 was spent on electrical equipment. In the 1917 models that are on ex- hibition are found some of the pret- tiest color lines that have been put into cars this year. All of the booths in which the cars are kept are highly decorated. First Exhibition of New Steam Car Among the cars that attracted special attention was the Doble steam car. That this new car, might revo- lutionize the motor industry is shown by its easy running engine with en- tirely new principles incorporated in its construction. Saginaw swung into the motor world with its new Yale 8. Sunlight six, the Biddle, and the Olympia, are only a few of the new cars that the spectators seemed to be specially in- terested in out of the 20 cars that were on exhibition for the first time. Last night, the Ford motor car com- pany band, composed of more than 60 pieces, furnished the music for the evening. The men with their clean- cut uniforms, made quite an impres- sion on the crowd. Tomorrow, the Buick band, of Flint, will give a con- cert. The general type of the cars that were supposed to represent the latest style in autodom seemed as a whole to represent the following character- istics. An individual front seat, with a back that folds over out lof the way to facilitate entrance and exit; double cowl and slanting windshield; wide doors that swing level when open; curtains opening with the doors; the front seats tipped at a slight angle and when the door is openek], a light illuminating the running board at night; little pockets for toilet requis- ites conveniently arranged; and many other little comforts and modern lux- uries. A number of the limousines and town cars had little telephones to , communicate with the chauffeur with- ' out knocking on the window. Although the cost of bright-colored paint is very high, there were a num- ber of ultra fastidiously colored cars on exhibition, yellow, red, blue and (Continued on Page Six) 1916 Was Years Ago PROF. W. T. FISilLEIGi, Head of the Automobile Engineering Department of the University of Michigan STANDRD ATO TESTS tPRESENT UDAY NECESSITY Special Apparatus Designed in Engi- neering Laboratory at University With the growth of the automobile industry which has had so large a place in Michigan's industrial history these last few years, certain problems have arisen which were not thought of when automobile manufacturing was in its infancy. Modern conditions have lead to tests for consideration of the performance of different cars, designed to form a scientific basis for claim of these cars. The auto-buying public has heretofore had no means of judging between dif- ferent makes of cars. Such tests as were made could form no real basis for comparison, nor do they reveal a great deal as to ordinary every-day wearing qualities of a car. This question came inevitably to the attention of the engineer. All matters of fuel economy, acceleration, speed range, and general efficiency, as well as riding comfort, demand some sort of standard test for car performance. Special apparatus had to be devised for this work, and, special methods for plotting curves had to be devised so as to make tests possible for an aver- age engineering department. In devel- oping and constructing this. apparatus the automobile laboratory of the Uni-- versity has taken a leading part, and some of the work has been carried out. at the University by a. section of qtu- dents taking advanced work in auto- mobile engineering. One complete ap- paratus for these tests was made at the University. This work promises to be of tre- mendous benefit to the automobile buy- ing public as well as to engineers who wish authoritative comparisons of cars. There is no question but that such a practical and standardized method of making comparisons between cars will be welcome. The committee of the S. A. E. has been keenly alive to this fact, and hopes to have regulations and apparatus for making the tests in' final form before the models for next fall come on the market. The stand- ards committee has approved the rules already, and their application only' awaits the devising of suitable test- ing apparatus. It is upon this prob- lem that the automobile laboratory of the University is working at present. Those slop'/In w~r. /sfhie/rs d',e cr/I ,right ___ &,7A) \ -Yo u 1 'It 4 7T'Ae jlono7eat. 1g7s-a 'Ievv ecat r 77Ae hew ccrs w,// look df 73~y-ere'- A7 fhey wont ~e so. _, ,3.. ,,, o , __,_ -., Mtw'" 1%/7 fleper- - we find such /?7e55e cis Cg //Sfi/rsanal' hall- T/ere wI/I be more ,&cssehgeft Veel) Space "~ (II k ~.LiL Ijilili ii ~ _____ 54II~i.j Ii Iij 1 ~ Il/u"' !L4'ilii~;~ ~k1~ rur- .,~ / GAS ENGINES GIVE LOW HEAT BALNCE TESTS Automobile Laboratory Here Obtains Interesting Results from Work on Motor Efficiency Some startling discoveries along the line of the high cost of running an automobile "have recently been made by Professors Fishleigh and Lay of the engineering school. These were presented to the Society of Automobile Engineers at its last meeting and have created quite a stir in the automobile world. The discoveries are in the nature of heat balance or the distri- bution of the power derived from gasoline. In careful tests it was discovered- that 40 per cent of the heat value of gasoline was absorbed by the water cooling system, 25 per cent by the air surrounding the engine, and 25 per cent more by the exhaust gases, leav- ing but 10 per cent brake horse-power. Although it has long been known that. an automobile has a low thermal effi-{ ciency, the distribution of the heat' value has never before been so care- fully worked out, nor has such a large part of it been known to be diverted into waste channels. Test Gasoline It is interesting to know how these{ results have been accomplished. The heat energy contained in the gasoline was determined and close watch kept of the amount used. Then the amount of heat absorbed in the water cooling' system was watched by thermometers placed at the inlet and outlet of the' engine. A mixing tank took the place of the radiator and a constant temper- GOOD ROADS DELIGHT PROPCTV UTOISTS Condition of America's Highways May Set New Mark for Vacation Touring Due to the potent and popular slogan of "See America First," the high water mark of automobile tour- ing was reached in this country in 1916. Indications point that 1917 will see even a greater number of motorists spending their vacations speeding over the wonderful highways of the United States. Last year thousands of motorists who formerly toured Europe were forced by the war to motor in this country, they found that it wasn't such a bad place after all. Miles upon miles of white macadamized roads, concrete highways, gravel trails, or dirt roads kept in perfect condition with king drags, made traveling a pleasure. For- ests, mountains, plains, picturesque places, and the measureless vastness of the states pleasantly surprised the majority of the motorists who had been accustomed to a vacation diet of thatched houses and aged ruins. Cloverland Trail Good In Michigan the motorist was espe- cially delighted with the Cloverland Trail in the Upper Peninsula running from Sault Ste. Marie to Ironwood, with branches to Menominee and Man- istique. The Great Lake tour from Chicago through Milwaukee, Green Bay and Escanaba, across the Straits of Mackinaw and to Detroit is becom- ing popular. New York with her already compre- hensive system of highways, finished the New York-Monticello-Binghamton- Elmira-Buffalo route and will probably enjoy a large increase in travel. Japanese Architecture at Atlanta Show The Atlanta, Ga., show will be held Feb. 24-March 4 at the auditorium. Sign posts at. each exhibit will have roofs similar to those of the Japanese houses and will be decorated with Japanese characters. Red and white. colors will be used. goals of this deeper significance were reached. For the first time the million mark in motor vehicle production in the United States was passed, and for the first time the value of passenger vehicles and motor trucks manufac- tured in this country went above the billion dollar mark. Rccording to the figures given out recently by the National Automobile Chamber of Commerce, which repre- sents the motor vehicle manufacturers of the country, the total production of all classes of cars was 1,617,708, of which 1,525,578 were passenger auto- mobiles and 92,130 were trucks or com- mercial vehicles.- The total value of this output based on the retail price, was $1,088,028,273, represented by $921,378,000 in passenger cars and $166,650,273 in trucks. Output Shows Gain of 80 Per Cent In 1915 the total output of cars was 892,618, the gain in p roduction over the preceding year is, therefore, 80 per cent, and this increase is twice as much as the average annual gain since the foundation of the industry. At the beginning of 1916 the National Cham- ber of Commerce estimated that the production for that year would be 1,- 200,000. The prophets of the automo- bile industry have never been lacking in boldness and imagination; but those prophets worth heeding fell short of the actual output in 1916 by more than 600,000. What is the dominant note of the new period on which the automobile has just entered? In the opinion bf the manufacturers the automobile has justly won its right to a place among the great public utilities, comparable with the railroads, the telegraph and the telephone. Each of these -estab- lished a new system of communica- tion; they united the United States. The gain was vast but in sweeping aside old ways of communication there was one great loss. The building and the extention of the railroads laid a deadening hand on the development of highways and roads. The old traffic that went by way of the four-horse freighter over highway and turnpike from one state to another was loaded into railway freight cars. The freight- er with the stage coach disappeared. Public attention was taken from con- sideration of highway maintenance. Highways, generally speaking, became merely local. New Vehicle Needed A new kind of vehicle was required to put life into the highways again and it was up to the automobile with its speed and economy to do it. Here is the great part it is to play in thd na- tional development which in the end will compare favorably with the prog- ress promoted by any of the other great public utilities. Systems of country-wide highways are to be built which were not dreamed of before the days of the automobile. These high- ways are to bear a traffic, in passenger automobiles and motor trucks, never imagined in the d'ays of the horse. The railroad with all its capacity for service has its limitations. It is rigid transportation bound to steel rails. The automobile is elastic transporta- tion, free to go wherever the highway leads. To have a home or a farm at any considerable distance from a rail- road or trolley line was to be out of the world. The automobile is bringing these places into the world. It is movement from the country to the cit to keep the farmer on the farm. Thi problem first entered the stage of a. tive discussion about two decades ag and the interest it aroused was th father of the "Back to the Land Move ment." Farm life was pictured in allurin colors by lecturers, and thousands c city people were induced to go "for ward to the land"; thence, later, mo of them retreated to the city in thor ough sympathy with the farmer wh would not stay on the land. Even wit the heralded conveniences of the telE phone, the rural mail delivery and th near-by railroad, the farm was a du place to most people. Just what wa the matter no one could tell when th reverse movement began. Now it at pears that the chief trouble was th lack of adequate transportation. The automobile is supplying thi transportation. The motor car is trans forming farm life. With the horse drawn vehicle the farmer moved bac and forth from country to town at th rate of about three miles an hour. Wit the automobile the rate of travel i probably about 15 miles an hour. ] is at once seen how such rapid trans portation increases the ,scope and a tivities of farm life. The trip to tow or city for an evening's entertainmen is quickly made. The farm neighbor hood is much extended. Twenty mile is no distance to go-more than a hal day's trip with a horse. Aids Good Roads In bringing about the economic an social gains which the automobile i capable of, good roads are necessar Automobile production is ahead of roa production and the automobile man facturers realize that the future dis tribution of motor vehicles depends o the construction of highways capabl of standing up under heavy automc bile traffic. They have just started movement aimed to increase the num ber of schools and college department for the training of highway engineers having found that there are not enoug properly qualified men for the roa work now going on. To build the rig kind of roads rightly trained men ar a primary essential. While road building is behind aut mobile building, this year will see th greatest road construction ever under taken in this country. It is estimate that $250,000,000 will be spent in th United States. There is hardly a stat that does not realize the importance c connecting up by solidly built road ways with the main highways the enter it from other states. Otherwis the ever increasing stream of moto vehicle traffic will pass it by. Th Federal government has joined in th work of providing main highway route adequate for present-day traffic. Eight million dollars was voted by the las Congress to be distributed among th states for this work, with the require ment that each state double the amour of its apportionment. What will the production be thi year? It will be larger than in 191 in the opinion of the manufacturer: It is recognized that the last year wa a phenomenal year, and while the a tomobile has been treated to one phe nomenal year after another, 100 pe cent is not to be looked for. On ma in touch with the industry predict that the increase of 1917 over 191 will be more than 20 per cent. Wiscopsin Buys Cars for Officials Fifteen of the eighteen cities of the first, second and third classes in Wis- consin now provide city officials with motor cars for official business, ac- cording to the state municipal refer- ence library of the University of Wis- consin. This means that all but three towns in the state having 10,000 popu- lation or more, own one or more cars, I : - * or pay the cost of upkeep on others. ature was maintained in it. Statistics were compiled for Wisconsin Test Under Road Cond municipalities to show how far a city The air surrounding the e itions ngine was should go in supplying officials with cars and how the service should be supplied. The tendency in Wisconsin seems to be to purchase and maintain machines and to grant additions to salaries for upkeep of cars owned by, officials and used part-time for offi- cial business. The reference library is drafting a model ordinance for the creation of municipal garages. determined as to temperature and quantity by means of standard labora- tory devices, the one feature being that a sirocco blower was used to sup- ply the air and the velocity was care- fully figured out in order to give the ordinary road conditions. Finally the exhaust was analyzed as to heat and as to its constituent gases: